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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hola nesters,

    I'll tell you what i'm grateful for LC. I'm grateful for all of you of course, but aside from that, grateful for having ideas and little projects to do even if i sometimes dont know where to damn well start! hehe. A workmate pointed that out when we were talking the other day. She said 'hey, you've got ideas and a little ambition.....that's really cool, so dont complain and just go git it doodyhead!' Indeed. Starting where i am will do me.

    Hope you're good there Belle girl.

    Sheesh Myway in. I hope you can get warm at least. Thinking of you, hubby and family. Take care of yourself.

    L8tr g8trs.
    Last edited by Guitarista; March 5, 2018, 05:16 AM.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Lavande View Post
      I dragged the box of chicks right into the living room & kept them in front of the fireplace so they were fine!
      I LOVE this!!! :heartbeat: You're not only a good grandma Lav, you're a good chick-mama too!
      Last edited by wagmor; March 5, 2018, 08:05 AM.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - can't wait to celebrate 9 years with you later this month!

        Ava - glad to hear that Mads is doing so well. I hope your other little one responds well to the acupuncture treatments.

        LC - Isn't it funny (and sad) how we used to think that the one thing that would help us "get through" the negative aftermath of drinking was more drinking??? Glad to hear you're starting to feel a bit better, and that you're able to enjoy and appreciate being un-hung!

        Mywayin, Crusader, BelleGirl - really glad you're all here and protecting your quits. :hug:

        G-man - your workmate was right - go git it!!! You're in new territory with your quit now, so every day is a milestone and an adventure.

        Nar - hope the heavy snow year pays off with a gorgeous amazing spring and summer for you!

        Waves and hellos to everyone else stopping by the nest today or this eve.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy Monday!

          Lots going on for everyone - MyWayIn, you said it all. Good think you're not drinking so you're able to deal with all of that with a clear head. I really am so grateful that I am able to deal with things.

          G - I'll put that on a list of unexpected things I got from quitting alcohol - more task completion. My house looks better now, those little things are done. Not ALL of them, mind you, but I do have more time to finish things. I agree - go forth and conquer!

          We've had cold winter weather here, too, but it is welcome as we needed the rain. And by cold, I mean CA Coastal "cold." Down to 45F at night? I'm a wimp.

          Hi, Everyone. Stay warm and connected!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Nest. 83 days AF here and I am behind in my participation!! I made it though my 2 impossible weeks and am here to tell about it - sober as well. A couple drinking thoughts hit me - but nothing that didn’t flee once I allowed the thought to come and then go. I understand that alcohol is not part of my life any more, and the roots of that belief are deepening now with social interactions, discussions with those close to me, watching friends go through similar addictions. I feel validated and supported (for the most part), and glad that I don’t drink.

            I have finally read back a bit - some of my comments may refer to older posts.

            WAGS & CRUSADER, so sorry about the pancreatic cancer and pain you and your mothers faced For some reason I thought pancreas things were related to alcohol, but whatever causes it, cancer is terrible in any form. I admire the strength you both have shown.

CRUSADER, congratulations on day 18! Ice cream saved me many times! Definitely do whatever it takes to stop drinking; you will have time later to focus on diet. And…. You are definitely NOT alone. :hug:

            WAGS, great list on the things that help craving times - all three are great reminders.

            LAV, glad your power is back on, and NARILY, hang in there with your snow too! We are having sunshine and wind - I hate wind.

            Hi BELLE! Keep it up - it will get easier. You are doing great! I hear you about the whirlwind of events… we also have track, orchestra, basketball… my son plays cello. What is your child’s instrument?

            Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
            whatever pain you have initially will be rewarded manyfold if you hang in. Byrdie
            Byrdie, I think this applies to many things in life. I was just talking with my son about getting in shape. He's a couch potato but wants to go out for track. We talked about how it is hard at first, but if you hang in there, the rewards of feeling strong and fit FAR outweigh the pain, and the pain lessens anyway after a few weeks! I think the same applies to quitting alcohol. When are you going to retire from the road trips and become a pastry chef?

            AVA, I am amazed by your wisdom sometimes. Great advice to put the really hard stuff away for a bit and focus on the task at hand - not drinking. I have made some great progress on personal issues during my strings of alcohol-free time - but not at the beginning of them. Glad your Poppy (love that name) allowed the acupuncture and has some relief. The things we do for our furry friends. Sometimes I think they are even better friends than the human variety.

            LC, sounds like you had quite the bout with the flu stuff. Hope you’re on the up and up! Great job taking care of yourself! You will miss the down time once things busy up again. And I will never get over how great mornings are without hangovers…

            PAV, looking forward to un-busying myself this week - at least enough to stay a little more in balance. Glad you made it through your hard week! Hope this one is easier. We are visiting your coast later this month, but more south I think. Looking forward to the water and sand

            MYWayIn, no guilt and thanks for sharing. Sorry things are hard for you now. :hug: One day at a time, ok? 19 is fabulous!!

            G! Sounding positively positive and strong! Keep rockin’ that attitude please, it is contagious and you wear it well my friend.

            SHEESH! Glad to read everyone’s words. Some of us are in positive places and some of us struggling, but we are ALL on a common page - alcohol doesn’t belong in our lives any more. Once I accepted that truth, it all became SO much easier. It took so much of my energy to find and defend arguments for keeping it in my life - that part of my brain is mostly quiet now and I focus on the things that really give my life meaning: raising resilient & kind children, creating and thriving in my field, giving something back to our world community, and listening to myself. Chasing a buzz seems like such a waste of time now!

            Glad to be back - don’t let me leave for that long again!
            Last edited by KENSHO; March 5, 2018, 12:32 PM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Monday to all!

              Day 18 and I’m having major breakthroughs. Wow, was my journaling lengthy today. I slept well last night. YAY!!!! I woke and had a short cry, but this cry was a good one. I may share some insights from my journal pages when I have time. Today, I have an appointment for my jaw checkup and adjustments. When I return to town, hopefully, my car will be repaired and ready for pickup. Dodged a $1,000 repair down to $200. Good news on that front, so I have several things to be grateful for today. I’m feeling good for the first time. Some of those demons are being put down. I know we go through biochemical changes in this process affecting our moods, so I’ll let these big advancements simmer into the coming days, but feed them as well. This is the first quit where I now WANT to stop vs. needing to stop. That’s big! So, yes, Byrd, I’m in this! Seeing some discomfort and attitude coming out of one of the other members in the house, though. I think he likes the company of another drunk. There I said it. A drunk...that’s what we become. It isn’t palatable to our self-esteem when we are self abusing, but it is the truth.

              Pondering that truth, this is today’s thought one of many. “Become the person you want to be, not the one you think you are.” That takes action and steps one at a time. I do think timing is a factor in our readiness as well. Some of my pain and struggles are now becoming big learning lessons about myself. I’m facing things, but it took getting those first weeks of sobriety done in order to process what is going on. That’s a good sign. I believe my brain chemistry is beginning to heal. Today is the first day I’ve felt happiness and a tiny bit of inner peace in a long time. All of this is in my long journal pages with some deeper details, but I wanted to share it in a quicker fashion due to my schedule today.

              Lifechanges, we clarify and record our growth in those pages. I find them very helpful in putting things into words that are really tangible to me. It imprints those moments of clarity and growth into our brains more than just letting them come and float away. I grab hold of them as quickly as I can at this stage because they are brewing or purculating along until they become an epiphany moment. I love it when that happens.

              Lav, thumbs up to those thoughts. You, too, Bryd and all of you here standing in my projected future in this AF life choice. For us early birds...fight the good fight. I will return when time permits to address some other posters who I haven’t had time to read or time to comment on yet.

              Have a great AF day!!!! I'll be back. :heartbeat::heartbeat:
              The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Crusader, well done on the 18 days
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello Lil Pink Cat. Hope things are going well for you.
                  Crusader, I am glad things are going so well for you. There is nothing like a good sleep and then to wake up Un Hung, it is amazing!

                  I will be going out of town this weekend and then to Mexico for 10 days after that. I am really looking forward to some hot weather. It is -20C here right now.
                  Holidays were always a trigger for me (everything was a trigger) and I would have such a hard time trying not to drink. So many vacations spent hungover, what a waste. Not this time though, I am really going to enjoy my vacation Sober. I remember a co worker who went to the Dominican telling me that a girl on the trip got so drunk she was hung over for 2 days. My co worker just couldn't believe that someone would ruin their vacation by drinking that much. I remember looking at her thinking 'I do that'. and wishing I didn't. Well, NOW I DON'T!! YEAH!!!

                  Have a great Monday everyone. p.s. Lav, I am envious of your warm chicks sitting in front of the fireplace
                  Don't drink today.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good to see everyone, special waves to Lil Pink! Hope all is well with you!
                    A busy but good day here. Narilly, I screwed up more than one vacation by drinking myself stupid. It is a relief NOT to have to do that anymore!
                    Crusader,I'm so glad you had a little joy today. May that continue!!

                    I have the hardest time typing on my laptop on MWO, it's as if the keys stick...nowhere else does that happen, its maddening! Anyone else have this issue?
                    Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,
                      Checking in before making this is usually the "bewitching hour". I thought drinking would help me relax and cook a better meal...did I mention when I poured the homemade chicken soup all over the floor and my foot? Ouch. Yeah...great cook.

                      BTW I love my Instant Pot pressure cooker! it is my go-to kitchen appliance. Does anyone else have one? if so we could share recipes.

                      Trying to stay accountable mostly to myself, of course. I slept nearly through the night last night. Didn't have to wake up with the...I can't remember the exact name, perhaps Byrdie will? The Regret brothers...Regret, Remorse and wasn't there another one??? Shame? Ugh. I hated those guys, and 3am was their favorite hour. I really don't want to see them again.

                      [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION] daughter plays the violin. The orchestra is going on a cruise in a few weeks. 8 days/7 nights during spring break. She really wanted to go...I wouldn't have had the guts to do that when I was her age. They will play on board the ship and have 3 ports of call. Lots of chaperones. The orchestra teacher has run this trip a few times before, so he knows what he is getting into.

                      Enough chat out of me. Let's all stay safe and AL free tonight. (I almost said "I hope we all". but "hope" doesn't do the trick). I just have to make it through dinner and I am home free.

                      Take care, all
                      Last edited by BelleGirl; March 5, 2018, 06:13 PM.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Belle, it’s the GSR Brothers, (Guilt, Shame, and Remorse). Waking up with then is the pits! Hugs!
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Monday evening Nesters,

                          I have a tendency to spoil animals & small children, ha ha! Everyone stays warm & well fed around here. I even moved my chicks into a larger container today, they're still in my laundry room because ot's too cold outside. Speaking of cold, we are being told to expect 6-18 inches of snow Wednesday!!!!! Holy cow, I don't want that I want spring!

                          Belle, I just got my IP as a Christmas gift & I am having a ball with it so far
                          So is your daughter going on that cruise with the orchestra? That sounds like an awesome experience.

                          Crusader, our self esteem improves when we begin to treat ourselves with loving kindness, we deserve that :hug:

                          Hi there littlepinkcat, narilly, Byrdie, LC, Pav, kensho, G & everyone!

                          Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest


                            I'm good. DH and son up early and fighting already, so I'm going to make this a quick one.

                            Happy SOBER Tuesday!



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good morning! [MENTION=16180]BelleGirl[/MENTION] That's awesome she's doing a orchestra cruise... what a cool thing. Good for her!

                              I woke up out of a solid REM dream... still feel half asleep and I've had a cup and a half of coffee and did my pilates, with my lab licking my feet the whole time. If a spit bath doesn't wake me up, I'm worried for the day! Ug! Hope everyone is hanging in there. Some days, that's all we can do. Have a good one!
                              Last edited by KENSHO; March 6, 2018, 09:59 AM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning All. Day 19...typing a higher number each day feels good! I had a decent sleep last night. I was up a bit early to light a fire...brrr...I woke shivering. We use a wood stove and keep the furnace set only to keep it from going too low in the house. The bedroom is in the back of the house and sometimes it’s a little chilly, even for me. After reading mywayin’s post, I am grateful for the heat. I see some had good suggestions for that situation. Bundle up in warm layers; I like the warm water bottle idea. The positive in your situation is you ‘have’ a roof over your head. There are people homeless out in these conditions. I’m not downplaying your situation, but if you want to reach for a positive to help with sobriety, you have some. I know we all can get sucked down in the hopeless feeling. I have definitely felt that way.

                                Lav, my plan includes ways to develop myself. I love to learn, read, research, etc., so that one won’t present me with challenges like some other things do. Without the alcohol damaging effects, I’m excited about it. Educating yourself is a great way to build your self-esteem back up along with putting some of those demons down that have held onto your psyche for dear life. Life experiences can leave deep issues that we react to instead of challenging properly when we’ve made alcohol as a coping mechanism. I have a quote I’ve always liked, and I’ve been pulling it up more again. ‘Chance favors the prepared mind.’ It certainly does.

                                Thank you, Bryd. It felt really nice for a change. My energy is starting to spring as well. I’m still lacking, but there is improvement.

                                Thank you, Narily. Eliminating that awful sick feeling from alcohol abuse is an amazing feeling. Now that I’ve had two nights of sleep vs. having a hangover from lack of sleep, I am feeling much better.

                                Thank you, Pink. Hello to you!

                                Lifechange, so glad you are feeling better. Now you can pass out some more hugs. I normally stay ill for at least two weeks when I catch a nasty bug. Last year after a Christmas dinner, I caught something that kept me down for three weeks. I work to avoid illness as much as possible. I must look like a germaphobe or errr...I guess I am one a bit because of my bodies response to nasty bugs.

                                I haven’t hit the ice cream again since the second cup I had. I have both Moose Tracks (YUM!) and Vanilla in the freezer, though.

                                Have a great day all! (Hang in there Belle. Drinking never solves the issues.)
                                Last edited by Crusader; March 6, 2018, 10:18 AM.
                                The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...

