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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hola nesters near and not so far,

    Good job on 19 days Crusader. Love labs Kensho!

    My mantra - Do what you love. Off to do just that. Get some self lovin in today friends, K? K.


    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Moose tracks, MMMmmmmmmmm!
      Great job on the 19 days, Crus! Ive got your hat warming up in the prize closet!
      Busy day here, full of ups and downs. What a roller coaster job.
      Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        My #1 reason for getting sober in the first place was the arrival of my first grandson. Today, he & his little brother needed to be picked up at the school bus stop & brought here for dinner & care for a few hours. Grateful to be clear headed & ready to roll on a minute's notice
        I did my storm shopping earler this afternoon so i'm ready for whatever falls from the sky tomorrow!!!

        Byrdie, can you take a snow day tomorrow? Ha ha!! I know all the schools will be closed.

        Hi there G, Crusader, Pav , kensho & everyone checking in.
        The chicks are eating & growing & eating & eating, LOL No wonder they grow to full adult size in n6 months or less
        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          evening nesters

          Well a busy week for me. the prof's PA is a control freak who is passive aggressive and has a few bullying tendencies thrown in for fun. she decided to do this on me but lucky i had a meeting with the prof and informed him of her behaviour. why he has her as his PA is beyond me when he is a highly intelligent man and not stupid by any means. time will tell if she stays around or not but as i told the prof, i want to do my job without hitting a brick wall by a person who i have waited on for 3 months to get something up and running and who finally handed me one piece of paper on Tuesday of which i could have done in two hours. Give me strength.

          My daughter ended up in hospital early this morning and had to have emergency surgery to remove her appendix. That is now three of my children who have been in hospital since August/September last year. I told my fourth to pack her bags in preparation as they all seem to do things as a group bless them.

          Im trying to get to work tomorrow so i can work from home as she has to have an ultrasound before discharge and then i may get to look after her if she doesnt want to go home to hers. No one told me i would still be mothering 30 year olds lol but i know they are grateful i am completely and utterly there for them now.

          Vets on Friday for more acupuncture for my fur baby and i cant believe the change in her already and then i hopefully can catch up with the SO as it is a long weekend.

          glad everyone is doing well

          take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters!

            Having a quiet and thoughtful Wednesday morning... we managed to overstaff at work so I am taking one more day free..:happy2: I'll be cooking a healing root veg and chicken soup for my good friend who is now sick as a dog. It sure is going around here..
            Crusader, I may turn into a germaphobe as well! I never used to worry but after this illness I will take more care.. glad you were able to get some better sleep. It's so essential to our well being/mental health. Great idea to start an herb garden! I find that herbal tinctures/teas really help me to calm down and relax.. especially when I drink them in place of alcohol... so they've become a relaxation Tool based on association as well. Just wondering, but are you "unplugging" at least an hour before getting ready for bed? I notice quite a difference when I do..
            Kensho, I had to laugh at the image of your doggie licking your feet during pilates! I have a big fat cat who likes to lay on my hair/snuggle up against my head and face as I do downward dog.. nothing better than loving pets!
            Nar, how exciting that you're heading to Mexico! Which part? Do you speak some Spanish?
            Lav, sounds like a nice time with the kids.. hope the storm doesn't hit you too hard.. but at least you're prepared.
            Good work, Belle.. you're so right about Hope. Important to have, but definitely not enough on its own..

            Though speaking of, here's a little quote I like a lot.. I've probably posted it before.. but seeing that Spring is around the corner.
            ""The miracle that a tiny, unassuming seed becomes an ear of corn, a bean, a radish, or a carrot is all the evidence we need to believe that our own tiny seed of hope can also mature and feed us in ways we hadn't imagined..""

            ok. Off to do a bit of shopping.. wishing everyone a good hump day.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              X-Post Ava.. my, what a time you're having.. Thank goodness your daughter was able to get that emergency surgery, poor thing. I had the same thing a couple years later than she and it was quite scary to be "rushed in" for an operation.. so glad you can be there for her.:hug: Yes, I think we're Mums for life! And you're an amazing one, you are.. with your 4 kids and 2 furry loved ones. Glad to hear the acupuncture is working so well.. love to you..
              Last edited by lifechange; March 7, 2018, 04:09 AM.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Wishing your daughter swift healing Ava!
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Nest:

                  Great to hear of sobriety through sickness and in health!

                  Ava - so many babies, furry and not, to take care of! I hope you get some time for yourself this weekend, and I hope your daughter heals quickly.

                  Lav - I was telling my kids that I want grandchildren - but given they're still teenagers I had to tell them not QUITE yet. How great that you live close and have that relationship. My parents live close, and my mom was instrumental in helping to care for my kids - now they have great relationships.

                  Kensho - have you seen the videos on yoga with goats? Maybe pilates with dogs has a future in YouTube?

                  I can't shake this anxiety I have - practicing all my tools, but it is still around. Thinking it is the anxiety of women of a certain age (plug your ears fellas)? I'll keep on focusing on what I can do for myself. And of course, I won't drink because I don't drink.

                  I now have two friends here who have quit drinking using me for an example. One just hit a year, and the other two plus months. Feels good to help others...



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Ava, awesome that you were there to help your daughter. I’ve been seeing older people getting appendicitis lately; I thought it was mostly a condition of youth? Strange. I’m sure that sucked! My husband asked if I felt acupuncture was a good option for pain. I told him I know of pets that get it and have relief, so there must be something to it!! Of course, I was referring to your Poppy.

                    Hi LC. Glad to see you here regularly and doing well! Hugs to you today.

                    I did a short yoga/meditation thing this morning and it is already putting things into perspective. I may not be working as quickly as my clients want, but I AM doing the best I can. I can completely wear myself out, or I can just do my best and take care of myself along the way - which is what I intend to do. I am working on taxes today, so God help me - you all know how much I love crunching numbers!

                    I want to send good thoughts to anyone struggling or starting - this journey is worth every second of pain. It hurts and it's hard. Surrender to the discomfort, and after a bit, it starts getting easier and easier. And as has been said so many times before - the real freedom comes when we finally accept that alcohol does not equal a rich, fulfilling, balanced life with depth and appreciation - leave it behind and don't look back! (or just start with today, if that is what you need...). Hugs to all - we can do this!!!!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; March 7, 2018, 09:51 AM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone! Busy nest this morning. I'm still hanging in, Day 5. Got to read a little here last night, but posting on my phone is a pain.

                      Ava...Hope your daughter is on the mend soon! True, I guess the mothering never ends, but as someone else is so good that you can be there for her.

                      Pav...I can't shake my anxiety either. The physical symptoms are so real, but even though I know where they are coming from...I can't help it. I have had episodes like this all my adult life, but this is the first time since my kids were in the picture. My daughter (almost 15yo) saw a therapist yesterday about her anxiety. A couple of months ago, she asked if she could talk to someone. We told her that was very brave of her to admit she needed help. I think the session went well but time will tell. I cannot pin her anxiety to my genetics as she was adopted as a tiny baby. I do worry that my anxiety rubbed off on her somehow though. Yes another thought to be anxious about. :egad:

                      Trying to take it easy today, as I'm off from work. Getting a few small tasks done will help me I think, but perhaps some meditation and maybe yoga.

                      I've been down this AF path before. Had nearly 5 years AF. I know how easily it can come back and how hard it is to go through it all over again. However, I do know how worth it it is. I must stay vigilant and not give up my quit "no way, no how" (thanks, Byrdie!)

                      Take care everyone...

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - wow, sounds like a lot you've been dealing with these past few days. Good thing you don't drink s that you could handle it all with aplomb! I hope Poppy continues to have good results from the acupuncture, that your daughter heals quickly, that the brick wall at work takes a hike, and (most importantly) that you get to relax and enjoy your time with SO this weekend.

                        Belle, Pav, and others dealing with anxiety - I'm sorry to hear of your struggles with this. I've only experienced it maybe twice and I believe those instances were mild, but they gave me great empathy for folks who have a more chronic (or repeated) challenge. Hugs to you both, and I hope you're able to implement some strategies to get some relief.

                        Kensho - love that you referenced Poppy when your husband asked about acupuncture for pain! Great job being consistent with your yoga, pilates, etc.

                        LC - love the reminders about the wonders that spring ushers in. I always feel this time of year (in N hemisphere) as a time for new starts, changes, etc. I guess that's not too unique as a lot of people do spring cleaning or whatnot. We're seeing and feeling spring here as well, and I am appreciating and savoring every moment!

                        Waves and hellos to Lav, Byrdie, G-man, Crusader, pauly, and everyone else stopping by the nest today. Happy hump day/eve!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Wednesday All! Day 20...almost three weeks. Yay!

                          I woke up ending a happy dream and feeling rested and peaceful. That is certainly a first for me in a long long long time. Food for the journey forward.

                          Thank you, G and Bryd. I'm walking behind you with a smile today. It's a bit chilly here, so I want that hat.

                          There is talk of anxiety here which many of us do or have struggled with, but drinking never helps. It only increases the damage to the brain synapses, and increases it in the long term. That short term grab for a fix of alcohol and we ruin any chance to get back to a stable state of mind. Look up some herbal teas that have relaxing qualities, learn to breathe through those moments and pay close attention to your triggers and thoughts. I had one of those moments yesterday, and I realized right away it was my trained reaction to a frustration I was feeling at the moment. It really wasn't a big deal either. (For bryd, I had a small cup of Moose Tracks...I just heard your brain ping. lol) I see clearly I have work to do on how I address and cope with those moments. Right now, I have developed bad habits that have a knee jerk or habitual reaction. That's going into the change section of my journey. It takes some time, but we often are creating these anxious moments ourselves. It may not be on a conscious level, but we can start working on awareness and put it into a conscious level and work to change the reaction and thoughts.:heartbeat:

                          Lav, I can see how that would be a motivation. For me, all my quits for others didn't work. This one is really for me. I've lost two very important people I loved with every piece of my heart, so now it is really about learning to live for me. The fear of losing those two people has materialized. I thought I was done with life, I am finding now, I am not. Losing your mom and your child will gut you like nothing else. I am amazed I am coming back out of it. We are stronger than we think, but the thread between life and death was so worn and thin, it about snapped for me. I have your loving soul for your fur babies. I will protect almost anything. I forgot to protect me.

                          Ava, hugs to you as you endure your challenges. You have a lot on your plate. Yes, the mom responsibility keeps going. I remember saying no one told me we weren't finished at X age. Our offspring stay deep within our being. It is our culture and humanity. I have insight into the other side of the coin now. I will continue to learn in that journey of healing. Adversity changes us. I picked up a line from a show I'm currently watching. "Who are we when everything is stripped away?" I've had quite a bit of who I thought I was stripped away. I'm finding myself again. More to come in that quest. Back to the surgery...I had mine removed maybe nine years ago. I went into to surgery for internal bleeding and had emergency surgery. They took it out as a routine measure while in there for other things. Had someone not found me on the floor in my home, I would not have made it. Think of the blessing through this that she will be alright. Be sure to take some time even short moments to breathe and center yourself. I often went into high stress anxiety, and that was such a big drinking trigger as well. We all do it. I admire your sobriety through it all. Another hug for you.

                          Lifechange...yes, the sleep is essential for me. Some people can go with less sleep, but I still need a good amount to really function well. I am getting excited about spring and the growing season. This is another important piece of keeping the sobriety going. We have to have some passions and purpose to keep us productive and happy. Something that floats our boats. Mine are growing again. I lost that in my life, and I'm happy to see it coming back. Now, I'm getting too many passions. lol Balance, Crusador, balance...

                          Hello to Pav, Pauly, Kensho, Bellegirl (Good for your daughter. Many kids don't ask), wagmor and anyone else I missed.

                          To all a good day and to all a good night.
                          Last edited by Crusader; March 7, 2018, 12:30 PM.
                          The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            3 weeks today!
                            I've had a difficult day with some "throw in the towel and have a glass of wine" thoughts. Wondering if this is a 3 week thing...?
                            So thankful to be able to connect here find the resources to reinforce my quit.
                            Go as far as you can see.
                            When you get there, you'll see further.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Those are just thoughts MYWAY! Let them pass. If you were to throw in the towel, you would just have to start over again, and you would lose all the work you have done! And you WOULD be back at the beginning. Keep going - it WILL get easier!!

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by Crusader View Post

                                Thank you, G and Bryd. I'm walking behind you with a smile today.
                                Does my bum look big in this? Good work Crusader.

                                Hola nesters!

                                Ava, how's your daughter? Sheesh, that must've been scary. I haven't had my tonsils OR appendix out yet!

                                My way in. 3 weeks is super. Yes, for me it's a natural occurance for such thoughts at 3 weeks. Know that time works it's magic behind the scenes as long as we keep taking daily action on a self care path we can handle. C'est bon friend!

                                Pavi, you raaaawk far and beyond and above any anxiety hangin around my friend. Hope you're feeling better real soon.

                                Starting my day here with much appl, i say aplomb Wags and Ava style. Looking the world in the eye and leaving the old boozing life behind. It's just dust in my tracks i tells ya.

                                Good to hear of your med/yoga practice Kensho, not to mention your self care attitude in the face of client demands.

                                Big waves to the rest of you.

                                Holy pickpocketin prophets, it's day 190! Do what you love i say. Go git it!
                                Last edited by Guitarista; March 7, 2018, 04:30 PM.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

