Good evening Nesters,
Checking in while we still have power on - lost it for about 4 hrs last evening. We had about 6" of snow, not the 16" that was predicted, thank goodness!!!
Ava, your kids keep you hopping, that's for sure. I wish your girl a speedy recovery

I hope things settle down for you at work, there's never a need for that kind of drama.
Crusader, I think I was the queen of age related, adult onset anxiety. I absolutely used massive amounts of wine to self-medicate 7 we all know how that turns out

You have been through so much but I am happy to hear that you have survived & are here to tell the story. Looking forward to spring & summer with the possibility of tending to your garden is a step in the right direction. I am right there with you. My 'chicken project' was my attempt 14 years ago to drag myself out of a pretty serious bout of anxiety/depression. I had a number of major things happen that just knocked my socks off & left me a real mess. We have both survived & our presence here is proof

G, goodness, you don't look a day over 189, HA HA!!! Keep up the good work!!
Hellos to Pav, Kensho, Pauly, LC, Byrdie & anyone I've missed.
Congrats on your 3 AF weeks mywayin :welldone:
Have a safe night in the one & all.