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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Hey G, I may be even more psychic than anyone realizes. I heard on the news today that’s there is an outbreak of yellow fever in Brazil right now. Geez, do your research carefully fella!

    Pav, sorry you got sick, feel better soon.

    Crusader, we don’t quibble over a few days around here, ha ha! Happy for uou

    Kensho, nice mom magic!!!

    Narilly, enjoy that AF vacation, nice!

    Hi there Belle, Byrdie & everyone.
    Still have winter around these parts & I am hearing about the possibility of snow next week

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone,
      Sealing up Day 14, here in Belle Ville. Had a small shake of the AL brain when I was out in the garage and knew the gin was in the freezer out there. But then I said to myself " how is that going to help anything??". I then got what I went to the garage for and back into the house I went. Felt no other pull that way.

      Congrats on the 30 Crusader. And Hey, 28 ain't bad either. Keep the momentum going. You will never regret it.

      Your vacation sounds great, Narilly. Great job staying AF.

      Pav, sorry you are under the weather, but stress can do that to us. KENSHO, kids will always throw that last minute stuff at us, but sometimes that is when our momtastic ways come out of nowhere, and we get the job done!

      G-man. There is a vaccination for yellow fever, and I would definitely suggest it before traveling to Brazil. I have been to South America (Colombia) 3 times. I did get the yellow fever shot and that is the only one that I had a reaction to...i.e. I was sick for a day or 2 with fever...but fortunately I did not turn yellow.:haha::haha: You should consider consulting a travel health specialist to see what you would need for Brazil, knowing that some vaccinations need to be given a certain amount of time in advance of your trip. Need to plan ahead! But do go on an adventure...good for the soul.

      Good night to all. Fido is crying to go out on her evening walk and it has been a long day here with teens filming a movie. I'm starting to get used to them around and they are stressing me less, at the moment. Someday it will be all too quiet around here.

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        G-dude - I love that you're thinking of a trip to Brazil. I've worked with a bunch of Brazilians and they all been some of the warmest and friendliest people I've ever met. I second Belle's suggestion re a travel health clinic. I've been to 5 countries in S. Am and got a handful of shots for the Bolivia/Brazil trip (was just in Brazil a couple of days). Some areas have safety issues as well, but by and large a lovely country!

        Pav - so sorry to hear you've been so sick. Yep, it sounds like your stressful personnel issue probably did lower your resistance. I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

        Byrdie - nice rhyming skills!

        Nar - have a fantastic AF time in Mexico. Whereabouts are you? Another wonderful country with warm friendly people.

        Things are plugging along in Wagland. My work load is starting to ramp up again, and I'm ready for it! I made it through the slow month, which might have tempted me to drink in the past. Now it's full speed ahead.

        Happy weekend everyone!!!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters,

          am happy to have made it through a diffcult week emotionally.. and to be here Un-hung on a sunny but very cold and windy Saturday morning, coffee in hand. At some point, on Thursday I think, I got it in my mind to do some exercise, dragged my body to the yoga mat and set up a Jillian Michaels video on youtube. I've never done that before and I had to close all the curtains 'cause I felt kind of stupid.. but it did help. My job is so physically straining, a whirlwind packed into 6 hours, and I'm usually so exhausted afterwards that I can't seem to push myself to do extra exercise.. but it is different and always improves my mood.

          Crusader! Big congratulations on 30 days of freedom.. I've appreciated so much your thoughtful posts and everything you have shared with all of us.. your support as well. You are really on your way.:love:
          Pav, so sorry to hear the bug got you.. and I hope you'll be feeling better very soon. I hear you with the empathy.. it's so much better to be that kind of a manager, though. We've all seen the kind that don't have empathy.. scary.:hug:
          Nar, great post.. Mexico is such a beautiful and exciting country.. are you eating your share of delicious food? What a nice break from the Winter you've had..
          Kensho, yes, you're right, and I know that MWO should never be the place where I "save" time by not coming. I sure didn't have a thing to say, though. It's like there was no connection between my brain and my fingertips. Great job with the Dr. Seuss rescue.. and I'm with you on cutting back on the coffee. Just one in the morning and it's like heaven! Wishng you a very relaxing weekend.
          Wags, yes, I'm with you on being here every day again.. I was thinking I hadn't seen you around as much either. Glad you made it through your slow month.. and hope you even enjoyed it. I know sometimes I take the slow times for granted, worrying about this and that, and then kick myself in the butt later. I never asked if you have a piano now at home? I have still been enjoying practicing.. need another book though.. I'm afraid I might be driving my neighbors mad.. I think their bedroom is on the other side of my living room wall!
          Lav, that was very nice of you to accompany your husband to the doctor.. seems like I've never been with a man who's been great about going to the doctor when needed.? One, but he was a hypochondriac which drove me crazy as well!:happy2: Looking forward to seeing more chicken pictures soon.. I'd love to see one at some point when they're outside.. you must have such a nice yard.
          G-man, Exciting!! If I were on my own, I would do the same thing.. travel to South America. We'll be able to live vicariously through your adventures! Well done on your continued af success.
          Ava, Happy belated 15th to Mads! and I'm so glad that Poppy is getting some relief with the acupunture. I'll keep that in mind for when my cats begin to suffer.. I can see it coming. It must be such a joy to see her feeling frisky again.

          ok. I can't remember what else I wanted to say.. and have run out of time. Pancakes are on the menu for brekkie.
          Wishing everyone stopping and flying by a wonderful and relaxing weekend.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters!

  's day 30! LOL! Wardrobe about a camouflage hat with my warm clothes for today's snowy chill. Wood stove firing hot and coffee by my side. I woke early with my lower back pain still chipping at my nerves. Have any of you had back issues using memory foam on your beds? I think I'll have to remove it for a bit and see if that is part of my problem. Although this is more of a pull, since I put this foam on the bed, my back has been on a steady stream of ache in the mornings. It may be weakening my spine and made it easy for this pull to occur.

            Bryd, the 'us alkies love to start the party early' cracked me up. Rhyme away as i do believe timing is everything...well part of it anyway.

            Lav, I see you were talking about your husband as well my boyfriend on the doctor issue I'll see how that plays out. At least he took a couple of my suggestions since the incident, minor ones, but any is progress. We've had road closings with all this snow, so time will tell whether he takes the trip to the doctor. Best wishes for a clean bill of health for your husband. You mentioned an allergy test kit you took. Years ago, I took one through my doctors office with a blood draw. It was an Elisa Allergy Test. Your mention of it was perfect. I started drinking a new herbal tea mix daily. The last few days, I've had a headache. I wasn't sure exactly what was causing it because I've added in a few things. Your mention of your test brought to mind my old allergy test. I took a look at it out of my files, and sure enough, I'm allergic to Rose Hips which are in the tea. It took a bit for it to show up in a symptom because I haven't had anything with Rose Hips in it for along time and can't remember the last time. So hopefully, the mystery is solved. I stopped drinking my tea yesterday afternoon.

            G, I took a look at the online news about Yellow Fever and Brazil last night. Looks like it's been around for the last year as a CDC warning, but took a turn for the worse lately. They are telling everyone to get the vaccine and have a link to get one. Monkeys dying in the parks, some deaths, etc. You know the drill.

            Hello to everyone and always appreciate the nice comments.

            Hugs and love.
            The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Haha... I've been looking forward to my 600-day milestone for the past several weeks - maybe ever since passing the 18-month mark. And then I started to get busy with work, missed a week or so on roll call, and woke this morning to realize I'm on day 602! I'm usually such a day counter - the milestones are one of many things that help me stay on track with my quit - so maybe this is a sign that I've moved into a new phase with my quit.

              Anyway, happy 600 to me, and congrats on 90+ Kensho (missed that too!)


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Yay! Way to go, Wagmor. Congrats!

                Good for you, too, Kensho. I'm walking behind you, so keep the brush cleared for me.
                Last edited by Crusader; March 17, 2018, 09:09 AM.
                The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Belle, that pull is strong sometimes. Good job avoiding it.

                  Byrdie Seuss, hope you have a day with a moose. (there aren’t many words that rhyme with Seuss).

                  Wags, I hear ya on the workload being directly linked to alcohol consumption in the past. Fortunately, I have learned to recognize this as a trap, just like you. Self care Missy!

                  PAV, sorry you’ve been sick. Hope you feel better soon.

                  LC, I’ve been telling my son that not once, ever - not once - have I ever regretted exercising. Now, if I could only take my own advice….. great job getting it done

                  Crusader, the path has been cleared by all the lovely people ahead of me - just cleaning up a little overgrowth. Keep headed this way, I can tell you that the view is grand.

                  I have to clean up some glitter all over my kitchen - and green food coloring (2 substances that no one under 12 should ever have access to). Have a playful day Everyone!
                  Last edited by KENSHO; March 17, 2018, 11:27 AM.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy 600 days, Wags!!
                    and big Congrats on 90, Kensho..:sohappy:


                      What a difference 15 days make

                      First of all congrats to Wags and KENSHO. Those are both awesome milestones.

                      I was reflecting on my day 1, 15 days ago. Lordy did I feel like crap. Was in bed most of the day with a "sinus headache". Wonder if I fooled anyone??? Took a bath, which was a good thing, but honestly I felt like a slug all that weekend. The following week was filled with anxiety. I do have some klonopin of which I take a 1/2 a pill when I need it, but am needing it less and less. And I have gotten a whole lot done lately. I was falling behind on bills, taxes had to be done, and tons of other things. I now have the energy, drive and desire to get things done. and I am proud of that.

                      Not that the stress is any less these days. Just got a text from 17 yr old son asking if his girlfriend can sleep over here tonight. Yeah...NO. I told him that we don't do boy/girl sleepovers here. She claims she does not want to sleep at her Dad's house tonight. Both her mom and dad (divorced) live not too far away. And if I allow that, I am setting a precedent for my daughter and believe me she will remember and hold it against me when the time comes.

                      Any insight/advice from any of you that survived teen years on this one? I do not believe that there are any inherent problems with her dad. I know she does not like her stepmother, but I guess few teens do.

                      Anybody out there lurking who is thinking about going AF...just want you to know that it is definitely worth it. There is never a "good time", so just do it Today.

                      Have a great day, Nesters...over and out.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hey Belle..your life does sound so much better than it did 15 days ago.:love: Difficult situation with the teens.. first thing that popped into my head.. is it possible that the GF spends the night but not in his bed? Maybe make up a bed on the floor? or on the sofa? Talking openly about the reasons you're uncomfortable.? It's so tricky, I know.. I have a 16 year old daughter and she is very close to an older boy.. they spend a lot of time together (as friends?) here and at his place. Today she told me she was spending the night at a girlfriends house.. I had a bit of a funny feeling and asked her later if this was really the case.. not to offend her, but I explained (again) how important it is that I know where she is.. and that I hoped she would always be honest with me.. even if she wanted to do something I might not agree with.. I promised to be open to listening. I know that I snuck around like crazy, always lying to my parents because I was afraid to tell the truth. I think I would rather have my kids here and safe.. with open communication.. But that's just my 2 cents.. I hope you're all able to find a good solution.:hug:
                        Last edited by lifechange; March 17, 2018, 03:08 PM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Wags, Holy Crow! 600 day is magnificient! :black:
                          We are so proud of you! Thank you for all you do around here! I always look forward to your posts! Rock on! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters

                            Pav, i hope you feel better soon. maybe a bit run down perhaps? Ive been sleeping in on the weekend until 8am, most unlike me but as the SO says i need it and yes i do. I'm not superwoman much to my disappointment.

                            Been super busy at work, moved offices and my old office manager walked in on Friday thinking the office was empty and there i was. it was very gratifying to see his chin hit the floor. im feeling a bit claustrophobic with no windows but i will work on that next week. My 3 month review comes up on Wednesday and the alkie Ava thinks this is it, i am going to get a thanks for your help and goodbye but the sober Ava knows i am excellent in what i do and maybe i should ask for a pay rise! I do love this job and i can see myself growing each and every day and situation i am in.

                            Belle, oh teenagers, i dont want those days back again. They will do what they want in front of us or behind our backs thinking we are dumb and dont know a single thing about life or what they are going through. I wanted to sell my girls and the boys, well grunting was the new norm for years. You do what you think is right, they will hate you or love you. I tried to think of what i was like as a teenager and understand where they were coming from. if you dont feel comfortable then dont, if you think your son will respect your wishes then respect his, i suppose. dont let her sleep on the floor in your sons room. my daughter did that with her boyfriend and.......................... now i just have a chuckle. teenagers will go to all extremes to do what they want. i preferred to know that they were in my home and safe than anywhere else that could be dangerous. its a hard line to go with them but sometimes being the worst in the world for a few days is easier. my children are all in their mid 20's to early 30's and they dont hate me and have grown up to be beautiful adults. great work on 2 weeks +.

                            Crusader happy 30 days, keep up the great work.

                            G, not sure about Brazil by all the comments though the only thing i can offer is to be safe, its a crazy world out there.

                            Today is an easy day, have conjunctivitis which is driving my eye nuts, have work to do from home, going to visit SO's aunt who is finally out of hospital and out for breakfast. SO is hassling me to get ready but i have told him i am on my drinking site and its my ME time. Its his mums 1 year anniversary of her death tomorrow and hes a tad unsettled today. now we are having breaky at home and going out, its going to be a day of patience.

                            Take care x
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Ava and y'all re travel tips and vaccination reminders. I have vacs for Asia, as i was only going there initially, but now brazil is on the cards so i'm going to the doc next week for all relevant shots for that region. The world sure is crazy out there. I'll be careful to keep in balance the reality of new places with my crazy gringo no fear swagger.

                              Sounds like a big day there Ava. I couldn't think of anyone else better equipped for the SO to have in his corner. Take care of yourself today.

                              Wags! Holy Russell Crowes! Congrats on 600! 200 days here today meself.

                              Gotta shake my arse. have a great weekend evabody. Jvo, where u at?

                              L8tr g8trs.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                WOW. CONGRATS to Wags,, Kensho, G & everyone celebrating those wonderful AF days in big numbers or small. Just so we all keep moving forward together

                                About memory foam mattresses - I vote Nay
                                In my experience they turn a minor backache into something much bigger. Keeping my vertebrae in good alignment on a firm mattress is much better for me!

                                About teenagers & sleepovers - I also vote Nay. Belle, don't you think the girlfriend has plenty of girlfriends to stay with if she doesn't want to stay with a parent? She really would be much better off at a girlfriend's house & so would you

                                Ava, you are super busy but you have a good grip on things, as usual. Gosh, even after 30 years I still have a hard time with the anniversary of my mom's passing. These are the things we just have to learn to deal with but they are hard.

                                LC, you sound good!
                                My chicks are now 3 weeks old, all feathered out except for their heads - looks funny with baby fuzz on their heads. I'm just waiting for the weather to warm up a bit so I can move them outside. It's just too cold right now.

                                G, I know you will be careful & plan for your trip so you can have fun & stay safe.

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

