How do ya crochet a frisbee LC? Do you mean like knitting a warm cover for the thing? Ah, what do i know?! Will check out that vid later. Right now, it's 6: 23 A.M. thursday morning and i've got work today. Gotta save for me travel adventure. It's looking solid as in - actually happening. Today i'm calling the travel agent i've been talking with and buying the ticket. In fine print at bottom of their terms and conditions it says - 'sorry, but we do not sell tickets to boozeville'. So i went with this mob. :happy2: It's a good thing too. Strumming my guitar in venues, bars, streets in Sth america is a recipe for PARTY! And it will be a party. A happy, joyous, fully present booze free one. I'll even channel Rahul if i have to!
Hope you had/are having a lovely day there Lav!
Big waves to everyone. Keep it going Crusader. Congrats on 41 days.