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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Awesome Life! Good on ya. I know sticking around here helps me and I too like hearing about everyone's adventures.

    Mywayin- Morrocco? Oh yeah, that sounds like a great trip. I would love to go there sometime. It is great that you got through that trip without drinking. Trips were always my downfall but now I just don't drink.

    G- South America sounds fab also. I went to Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Had hangovers in each country of course. Good that you are checking in here- I know you won't drink because you don't!

    How can you tell I don't have a job? I have way more time to check in here. Its better that drinking my days away that is for sure.

    Have a good one.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      WOW, looks like almost everyone has checked in today, nice to see

      LC, glad NS got to you, if she hadn't I would have been hunting for you myself
      Think of the Nest as your online journal of sorts, anything that helps, right?

      Mywayin, your trip must have been fabulous, glad you enjoyed yourselves! If you get a chance, take a look at the chicken cake JC put in the party thread in General - awesome!

      Glad to say I passed my B/P check today so I seem to be holding up OK, yay! I'd love to make about 20 pounds disappear but that's another story haha!!
      Wishing everyone continued success & a safe night in the nest!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Late Evening 48.

        It's been a long busy day, but I wanted to check in. I'll add more when time allows. Looks like the nest has been busy.

        Night all.
        The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nestlings,
          Quick check in before work. I see lots going on here, and it looks like G-Man has a great trip planned. BTW don't be afraid of Colombia if you have the opportunity to go there. Beautiful country beautiful people. And now it is not as dangerous as it once was, though I would stay out of the jungle for various reasons. I have been there 3 times..2000, 2003 and 2012 and have seen such a change take place since 2000. Bogota is a great metropolitan city. Sometimes I daydream of retiring there. Make sure you get all your necessary shots, etc. before going to south america.

          Still trying to get my pup back to 100%. The biggest problem now is that she is having a lot of intestinal gas. When she does, she does not want to walk, etc. Vet put her on new dog food yesterday that should be easier on her GI tract.

          Hi to everyone else! I got long winded about I had better get going to work.

          Losing track of days already...Day 34 I think. they all seem to go so fast...

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good morning! I’m running out the door today, though I’m trying really hard to keep my adrenaline in check. If it’s not truly an emergency, I’m not going to treat it like one. It’s sunny and turning green and the birds are chirping!

            G you’d better check in on your travels!!

            Have a good one everyone.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              LC - I used to feel like that - I needed to always read everything and comment on everything. I would if I had infinite time, but I don't. Sometimes I just read the two or three at the end, and write a sentence. We all know you can't reply to us all. It doesn't have to take long here. Great to see you!

              Speaking of no time to answer everyone...Dashing out the door.

              Have great, sober days.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by lifechange View Post
                I love hearing about how everyone is doing, how problems are being solved, life issues dealt with, new pups, vacation plans, dealing with health issues, family meetings and finding balance, relationship issues, etc... all of these things help me so much.. so I just won't write so much until Sunday.. but I will come and read and like and thank each day. Thank you for the support.. thanks for calling me out. It means so much.. xx
                Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                I used to feel like that - I needed to always read everything and comment on everything. I would if I had infinite time, but I don't. Sometimes I just read the two or three at the end, and write a sentence. We all know you can't reply to us all. It doesn't have to take long here. Great to see you!
                At first I was afraid I was being rude if I mentioned some people but not others (and I know I loved to see someone mention NoSugar), so I tried to do like you guys and not leave anyone out. But it became a chore and some of what I wrote was polite but meaningless and it occurred to me that I was only perpetuating my people-pleasing tendencies to the benefit of no one, including me! I realized that if posting became a negative thing in my life, the forum wouldn't continue to be a benefit and I knew I needed it!

                We each need to use an online forum in the way that works for us personally. I'm always impressed and amazed by the people who post only in roll call or the Sunday shout out thread and keep racking up the days (and in some cases, years!). I'm sometimes envious of the threads that are smallish communities of people who really know and care about one another, sharing so much of their daily lives with one another over the weeks and years (I miss our Ladies on a Mission thread!!!). At the beginning I had this forum open and read periodically all day long and posted about 7 times per day (Lunatic Linda Levels!). Apparently, that is what I needed. I still read daily and post most days, either here in the nest or one of the individual threads that pops up. Like LC, I enjoy seeing what y'all are up to and adding my thoughts when it seems appropriate. I appreciate it when people share their struggles --- they are essentially the same as mine were and I don't want to forget where I was and where I never want to be again.

                One of the AA-type beliefs that I agree with for this or any other group or institution that has helped us in any way is that it is good to pay back by paying forward. I can't compensate Lav or Byrdie for all they gave me but I can try to offer the same kind of support to others who may need it now as much as I did then. And as always, by helping others, we help ourselves. For an online forum it is particularly important that people at all stages continue to participate. Can you imagine what the Nest would be like if there were only true Newbies there??? Thank goodness for the momma birds that have stuck around :hug:.

                Participating here should enrich our lives and help us grow up and out of addiction - the trick is to identify what works for you and do that without pressure or guilt. xx, NS
                (PS unless the pressure to get back here comes from a stalker friend :wink
                Last edited by NoSugar; April 5, 2018, 10:12 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning 49 = 7 weeks.:welldone:

                  I'm patting myself on the back. lol I had my blood work done yesterday and my ultrasound is scheduled tomorrow morning. I had a good amount of uncomfortable pain again this morning, so it will be nice to get to the bottom of what is causing these symptoms whether good or bad. It's hard to make complete life decisions moving forward without having that knowledge. I will see the doctor next week to talk about the results.

                  Glad to hear your BP results were good Lav, and I'm not a fan of invasive testing either.

                  Byrd, I've had a few colonoscopies many years ago. The test itself doesn't bother me, but the prep sure does or did. I haven't looked up how that may have changed because I don't know if I'll need one yet. It depends on what these current results reveal. Wow, a yearly colonoscopy would not be a highlight. It's very good you don't drink with your health issues. That's a strong motivator itself.

                  Wags, we can relate to one another. Ten years is quite a stretch of time, but that bond is like superglue. We sound very similar, and Marley is getting a bit more comfortable. As she does, she is such a sweetie with a bit of stubborn, but very manageable. She is six years old, after all; she gets that right. I have really enjoyed our walks and she LOVES them. As soon as I get the leash, she starts talking and getting all excited. It gives my heart joy. I understand your meaning...all we have is now. I've been listening to some emotional mastery videos on and off for some time before I stopped drinking. I was using them along with others in January, but I didn't make it to two weeks without a relapse. I'm growing and really hope I don't have serious issues because I want to be fully present in my life and have that opportunity.

                  Myway, the last dog we had was a thoroughbred, but it's amazing how much Marley acts like her. Both dogs are well behaved. The last one was my boyfriend's dog, but I took care of her alone while he was out of town. She came to love me. I choose Marley, but we are both happy with her. He didn't want her at first, but now likes her a lot. He has bad knees which he is going to the VA tomorrow to get help with. YAY, finally! So, I do most of the care which is fine with me. Walking her is a pleasure. Your vacation sounds wonderful and you will remember it fully. What a gift to yourself.

                  Pav, nice setup for you both. The dogs are lucky to have so many caregivers to get everything they need.

                  Narily, four dogs at once...yikes! I definitely don't have the energy for that. After watching the Westminster Dog Show, I thought I was going to have a yard full. lol

                  LC and NS, I relate to your posts. This is why I didn't allow contact privately in my account. I don't want to offend anyone, but I know I can trip up if I overload myself with more than I can handle, so I'm being careful not to make the same mistakes I have made in past slips. I appreciated some attempts to contact me, and I will reach out if I need some extra help. :love:

                  Hello to everyone else. Let's all enjoy something today in our AF reality.
                  Last edited by Crusader; April 5, 2018, 12:02 PM.
                  The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Aside from the fact that Pav always ignores me and never addresses my posts (), things are good and busy here.

                    Things are hotting up on the travel arrangements and romance fronts. As in, a lot still up in the air. Damn visa photo's, accom bookings........if i was boozing, nothing, i say nuthin would get done and i would've easily just baulked at the first hurdle (e.g. sir, pls upload a proper photo with white background.....i did already u eeedjits!!) and given up. Negotiating with designer and printer and band over our album cover art and CD pressing....sheesh!! Anyway, all has been handled and taken in his stride by your man, i.e. me.

                    Congrats Crusader on 7 weeks. rushin out the door here too and off to work. Big hello to all.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good afternoon Nesters & HELLO G!!!!!

                      G, I am glad your traveling plans are shaping up - always a lot to do!
                      I just went thru the steps today to get my passport renewed, may be hitting the road with my daughter & her family this summer.

                      Crusader, good to hear you are following thru with your testing. I know it's not a favorite thing to do but it is sensible in the end.
                      Glad you & your new doggy are hitting it off, yay!

                      NS, speaking of addressing each & every individual in the nest......I used to do that myself. Then one day I realized (probably due to the aging process) that it really was taking up too much time. I can't speed around as quickly as I used to, ha ha!!
                      I also love hearing what people are doing, how their lives are expanding & improving.

                      For the most part I get on here & talk about chickens, grandkids, my embroidery biz which I am slowing way down these days. I reminisce about the trials & tribulations of quitting for me, hoping it will help others

                      Hello to EVERYONE & wishing a good rets of the day & safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        morning nesters

                        Myway I am so glad you came home sober. nothing beats the achievement of doing a first holiday sober. I will always remember mine as it was in Thailand, drinking capital of holiday lovers in the world i reckon. I remember at dinner once i was seriously thinking of eating a chile so i could gulp my mothers wine, how dumb would that have been and that was nearly 100 days sober. It sounds like you had a lovely relaxing time, good on you.

                        Kensho, slow down girl and smell those roses. My SO is always on the go and it exhausts me lol. I am trying to get him to slow down as life is too short to spend it working. he wants to move to somewhere warmer and is telling me that i can surely start my own business etc and i look at him as if to say wtf i just want to sit and knit! it should be me close to retirement age not him!

                        Thanks for the kind words G, i am home sick today and went home from work yesterday so i should have taken on board your words the other day. I know now that stress is not my friend and i am super stressed about my fur baby. I had to take her back to the vets and they kept her in. overthinking me could only think that she had cancer but they did an ultrasound and she has problems with her gall bladder. no wonder she was in pain poor thing so hopefully today i will go and pick her up. she was doing so well walking after her acupuncture and i i was happy she was showing progress and then this. but now we have something to work on and fingers crossed she will be chasing ball in no time.

                        Belle i hope you fur baby is well soon. i feed my girls boiled chicken (they eat better than i do), there are lots of blended veges you can add also but i find they like pumpkin which is great for their digestive system. i tried tuna and oil as poppy was constipated but she would not go near it as it was not chicken. the vet said it was good to get their bowels moving, so i ate it instead. it works!

                        I have moments where i specifically address others and then days where i am like shite i am so busy will just say hello. as noted i am not busy today :thumbsup: but i feel crappy so going back to bed.

                        Take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          What a day at work, nothing went right. I certainly never oversell or make promises I cant keep but when others are responsible for making your promises happen, therein lies the problem. Its hard when they ask when your guy is going to show up, you tell them then he soesnt show up.
                          There’s got to ne a better way to make a living.
                          At least Im not drinking!!
                          Hugs to all, Im beat. Xoxoxoxoxo
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            I’m coming up on three weeks, so this is all new to me. I had an interesting evening. I went to a going away party at a bar and about 20 people showed up. I was the only one not drinking. At first I felt a little uncomfortable and wondered if anyone noticed that I wasn’t drinking, but then it quickly dawned on me that not a soul there gave a rat’s ass WHAT I was drinking. I sipped down my four Club sodas and quit worrying about it. So that was easy.

                            On another note, I got a call from my doc’s office last week telling me that my liver enzymes were elevated. Anybody know how long it usually takes after a quit for the levels to return to normal?



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All--

                              Welcome, Dinah, and congratulations on three weeks. The old "club soda looks like a cocktail" works every time. Actually, it took a while, but now I personally don't care who does or does not know that I don't drink. I don't have an answer for you about your enzymes, but for me it took a while for my body (including my brain) to feel right again.

                              Byrd! You hit a nerve with me. The WORST is when a team member makes your word look shady. Two jobs ago I had a boss who wouldn't follow through with things, so I ended up doing my work plus his as I didn't want to let down all those people counting on us. He was a wonderful, gregarious person (still a friend believe it or not), and he got all the credit for MY work. Needless to say, that job wasn't a long one...

                              I am in the middle of teenagers (mine) spreading their wings and experimenting with drinking, weed, etc. I find it SO stressful because I want to inject the lessons I have learned into their brains. I have what they consider to be an extreme view of alcohol (and pot), so it takes a lot of talking for me to express my rationale. I know they have to learn some things on their own (goodness knows I did), but it IS hard to watch them. Parenting teens is NOT easy!

                              Some Australian dude is planning a trip, I think, and it seems pressing a new CD. Proof that quitting expands your life exponentially. But I most certainly will NOT reply directly to his post. I do know that he might be buying a ticket to South America, but he will NOT be taking a side trip to Boozeville...

                              Friday and then a wee vacation for me. Looking forward to even having time to clean my house.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters,hope you don't mind but I think I'm going back to basics and gonna be posting here,I'm not a newbie to the forum but I've been a newbie to sobriety for 6 years,I'm sick of it! Hope all are well
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

