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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters,
    I realized it has been a few days since I checked here I go. I took my son for a college visit over the weekend. We had a nice time. It is great to have one on one time with your kids now and then.

    Read back through everyone's posts and it sounds like all is well in the AF realm. Just like so many others, I wish I had quit sooner. AND I wish I would have kept my quit from 5 years ago. What was I thinking when I took that drink that led me down the long path to the rabbit hole? Did I think I was suddenly cured and able to drink like a normal person??? Well...that is in the past now and that drinking stuff just doesn't make sense any more.

    Ava...glad your pup is feeling better. So is mine! Sorry about SO's aunt. I'm sure he is doing the best he can in the situation...some people just handle death differently. I hope she has a peaceful path to her crossing over.

    I wish I could mention everyone...but it is getting late and I have to take doggy out, kick the teens out (but they are working on a school film project) and get myself sorted and off to bed. This lonnnnnngggg winter has worn me out. Hopefully some spring weather will be invigorating.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Lav, I forgot to go back and look at that reference to Amy Myers. Sorry about that. I just took a look and yes, I think anyone with these kinds of issues should take a look. I had several books back then, but it took me awhile to figure it out. I've been aware of this for over twenty years. My story is very intense as I was extremely sick. I looked at her list of five factors and I'm sure she covers the territory pretty well. It's much easier to tackle the food issues today with so many products out to address substitutions for dairy, gluten grains, etc. I was making my own almond milk out of soaked, blended and strained almonds. lol It was survival mode from the allergy reactions multiplying with the leaky gut. None of that was available back when I got ill. It took me quite some time to get well and all of those factors were involved along with previous heavy antibiotic use. At least doctors are coming around to understanding how important gut health is and how it can bring so many symptoms and illness to your body. Some doctors anyway. I am grateful that I can eat what I can now compared to what I ate back then. I had become allergic/intolerant to so many foods as my gut was in really bad shape. Unfortunately, we live in a society that wants to make a profit with drugs, etc., so diet changes and such aren't big money makers for established medicine. I can give you some really weird food substitutes. lol I seemed to be doing fine for some time leaving out the biggest culprits, but something has gone off again. It most likely has to do with everything I've gone through this year and the over indulgence in alcohol trying to numb out. I have to make sure it's not something new that requires established medical help. My blood work results and ultrasound results came in my medical account today. Most everything is normal except for low white blood count, high MPV and oddly high good cholesterol. I missed my doctors call by five minutes, so I'll call tomorrow and see why they called. I have an appointment made already. She may want to schedule a colonoscopy or hydrascan. I see she didn't do the CBC with Diff. so not sure why the white blood count is low.

      Sorry everyone for all the medical stuff. If nothing else, you should see drinking is not the way to treat your body.

      Btw, LC, our first sauerkraut is almost ready to eat. I'll know soon how I like this jar system I purchased. We ate some of the alfalfa sprouts yesterday that I've had growing and I have my mung beans growing now.
      Last edited by Crusader; April 10, 2018, 08:56 PM.
      The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters!
        Gosh, so much going on here! It's great to read about how everyone is getting on and learning, living an af lifestyle. I feel like I learn something new every day.. because my eyes are open, my brain is in more or less full function and I'm finally learning that having a bad day is normal for everyone! So I can deal instead of beating myself up for it. As if it were my fault..?! It used to often be my fault.. but happy to say, that is no longer the case.

        On Sunday, late morning, I went into my daughter's room to ask how she was doing.. she said she was in such a BAD mood.. she'd had breakfast, had taken a shower, didn't quite know what to do with herself. We talked for a bit and she said she was going to play her clarinet 'cause that usually made her feel better.. so she played for awhile and it improved her mood, as did talking. A while later her mood was down again so we went for a walk, had an ice cream and talked.. later she went out with a friend, then finally, around 7pm, went out for a run.. that evening she said she felt better, but still not 100%.. It was so interesting to see first hand how someone who doesn't drink (where alcohol wouldn't even enter the picture) handles feeling like shit for a whole day. I know how I do it now.. but I can't really remember back to a time before drinking, where I dealt head on with such feelings, struggling with a whole day of unease. The next day she was fine and called me up in the afternoon for boyfriend advice.. I was able to tell her something that she hadn't considered and she was grateful for it. Thank God I don't drink anymore! I am saying this many times a day out loud lately.. I, too, wish I had stopped drinking 6 years ago when I joined MWO.. but I didn't and I don't let myself get hung up on that. I've finally got it and my life is improving so much.. It's fairly easy to find things we're grateful for on a daily basis when we're not the very least all those awful al related things we don't have to deal with any more! The GSR brothers were the worst!

        Now that I've gone on about myself for so long, I've run out of time to reply to all of your lovely posts.. I just wanted to get in here this morning before work 'cause I've been so tired in the afternoons.. only able to read!

        Crusader, I'm excited to hear about how your sauerkraut turns out! I'm going to eat some at work this morning with an egg for brekkie.. and funny, I just started some sprouts on Monday for the end of the week.. 3kg! can you imagine? I'm a bit scared of the quantity.:eek-new:

        Wishing everyone a lovely day.. xx
        Last edited by lifechange; April 11, 2018, 06:46 AM.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Morning nesters,woke up feeling hungover but thank goodness I'm not! Just a bit groggy and out of it feeling,Crusader,I'd be scared to make my own sauerkraut but I'm sure you know what you're doing,hope it turns out good waves to all and wishes for a nice AF day!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good morning, nesters. I just wanted to say a quick hello and wish you a happy Wednesday. I’m on Day 25 and feeling good. No cravings. But sometimes it seems weird thinking I’ll never have a drink again. Guess I’ve just got to get more used to that thought. I have much to do today. Better get with it! Dinah


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone. Its day 5 and im feeling so much better. The shakes are gone and my appetite is coming back. yesterday was a good day. I kept myself busy with the chores of everyday life a few things for myself that i would usually avoid. I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for a bit and stopped at this amazing juice shop for a 3 day cleanse to help purge the toxins from my body. i talked about doing this for a few years but never found the "time". Thankfully i like beets as this was the main ingredient in day 1 juice. When they say cleanse they mean Getting to the gym early is a big motivator for me to jump into my day. Clears the webs from my brain. Trying to stay focused on the positive and see how much i still have that i could have easily lost these past several years. Heres to another AF day and a big glass of juice. Good day to all.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Crusader, sauerkraut sounds yummy. I should make it sometime, its pretty simple to make I think, you could do it Pauly

                Ms Dinah, day 25, yahoo!! keep it up!

                LisaM, glad you are feeling better. The first days are the hardest, I tried to focus on all the things that were better in my life- like waking up without a hangover- rather than obsessing of not being able to have a drink. Going to the gym is a great way to start your day I agree. You are on the right track girl!

                Glad your pup is better Ava. Its tough I know.

                Feeling strong in my quit...HEY, I just realized, it will be 4 years tomorrow for MOI! Holy crap....time flies.

                Don't drink today.

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Crusader and LC - yay to both of you for the sauerkraut and sprout projects you're undertaking! I think of such things from time to time but never seem to actually do them. I'll be curious to hear how everything turns out.

                  Dinah - the idea of forever can be hard to imagine with regard to any behavior I think. For me, I usually find it easier to not worry about that unfathomable amount of time since I have no idea how much of it I will get. There are all sorts of cognitive psychology tidbits that can help with regard to how to say things to ourselves, how our brains process statements when they are said in slightly different ways (e.g., harder to process negatives instead of "I won't drink" use "I will remain sober and free from al." I'm not an expert on the cog psych stuff, but if that type of think is helpful for you, perhaps look into cognitive behavioral therapy - not that you'd necessarily do actual therapy, but more to look at the tools they use around how we can phrase things so we're more like to believe them and DO them.

                  Lisa - I'm so glad the days of the shakes are behind you. I remember those all too well - really hard days. The good news is, although there might be challenges or temptations to deal with in the future, and probably days where you won't feel well, the worst of the physical negatives directly related to drinking and/or quitting al should now be over. Good job getting to the gym! I hope the few days of your juice cleanse all go well and leave you feeling, well, cleansed!

                  Nar - holy guacamole on your 4 years tomorrow!!! Early congrats friend - truly fantastic gift you've given yourself.

                  Waves and hellos to everyone stopping by the nest today. As G would say, have a bewdie!!!
                  Last edited by wagmor; April 11, 2018, 12:03 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon Nesters!

                    Congrats, Narilly. That's quite an achievement...loud and proud as Bryd says. Yes, Pauly could make the sauerkraut. This is the first jar with this kit to try it out. Next will be some other veggies. Last time I had antibiotics during my surgery, I ate homemade sauerkraut, and goat milk yogurt. My first round I had ordered probiotics, but then switched to fermented foods. Now, I'd like to add them into my regular eating habits. The first batch of sprouts came out great.

                    Here is a link for you, Pauly, if you do decide to jump in. 9 TOP Fermentation Lids for Mason Jar Fermentation [HOW AIRLOCKS WORK]

                    Wagmor, it doesn't take that much time, but I completely understand. I now make a list of things to do and make sure I cross a couple off a day unless I am just too under the weather. Some things only take a small amount of time and yet pay big dividends.

                    LC, holy moly on the amount of sprouts. I hope your family likes them, too. I only make a mason jar full at a time. The sauerkraut is still fermenting...bubbles away. I'm excited to try other veggies like carrots and beets, etc.

                    Good going MsDinah and LisaM.

                    Marley got another hand bath today. She definitely doesn't like water, so I make it a pleasant experience with a warm water rub down and soft towel drying. She must of had a bad experience because she runs from water.

                    Just a quick check in. A good day to all.
                    The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola nesters!

                      Okay, preparing myself for Narilly's 4 year anni before i go bottle some sou....sour....i say sauerkraut.

                      Living sober never, ever gits old. The feeling totally raawks. Freedom. Just.......freedom. That is all!

                      Big waves to everyone. Some beaut milestones being achieved 'round the joint. Congrat's milestoners.

                      Have a bewdie out there.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        We had a sunny day, my spirit says thanks
                        I am just plain tired of this never ending winter.

                        Everyone sounds great, I'm happy to see your posts. Success tends to be contagious around here
                        Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, count your days or not, it's all OK.

                        Narilly, your 4 year AF anniversary = awesome!!!
                        Congrats to you & protect your quit forever - I know you will!

                        Wishing everyone a comfy & safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Narilly, we’ve all been saving up for your 4 year present! Are you ready?
                          Well done on this YOOOGE accomplishmnet? Its a proud day, we are SO proud of you! I know Im a day early, but you know how we are.....keep ip the great work!
                          I admire all the food making efforts! I need to get back in the kitchen!
                          Dinah, even now sometimes when I think about no SL forever it can be overwhelming. I believe something so steongly I put it in my signature line...all you gotta do is get thru this day...I know I can do that. Theres only one thing scarier than thinking of a life lived with No AL and thats a life lived WITH it! Sheesh, I was going nowhere fast! Try not to think about it, thats the easieat thing.
                          Hope everyone has an easy evening! Hugs, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Great job on 4 years, Narilly! But always remain vigilant! Not to be a downer or take away from your party...but I'm living proof that just when you get too comfy and think you have this AL thing licked...the devil can return, along with the GSR brothers who love to tell you how much they missed you!

                            Lav, you and me both tired of this winter. I'm ready to give it the 5 finger salute (whatever that means, my grandmother used to say it, so I know it can't be good).

                            It looks like everyone is doing well. I had a "moment" a couple of hours ago, feeling defeated due to some teenage nonsense. Since quitting AL, my "comfort" drink is tonic water. Half regular, half diet. I thought why not just toss a little gin into it tonight. But then I thought about the rabbit hole, the GSR brothers and the fact that each quit is harder. AND where would that get me with my problems anyway? So I put dinner together early, and sat down to finish (or almost) my income taxes. Good distractions and I think we all know that eating helps.

                            Good night all...and wishing you all great springtime (or fall) weather coming your way!

                            And darn it all!!! I keep forgetting to say Hi and Welcome to [MENTION=22930]MsDinah[/MENTION] and [MENTION=24164]LisaM[/MENTION]. You guys fell into a good place here. I don't know where I would be without the guidance, wisdom and acceptance I found here many moons ago.
                            Last edited by BelleGirl; April 11, 2018, 07:49 PM.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters,

                              Nar! Big Congratulations on 4 years of freedom! I'm so happy for you.. have a nice day celebrating.:love:

                              Belle, good job on keeping your drink just to tonic. You are so right that alcohol doesn't do anything positve for us.. Oh, but the list of negative things it does! I've been watching some short videos with The Naked Mind woman about what it actually does do to us/our brains and it's scary. IF we drink, we don't have a chance against it... the only way is to keep it out of our systems. I like Annie Grace because she keeps it simple as simple can be and repeats herself a lot..:happy2:

                              Lisa, Good for you with the exercise and nutrition! I find that exercise helps me soooo much to stay positive and have energy. Sometimes (often still) it's the last thing in the world I want to do.. usually because I feel too tired, both physically and mentally, after work. But if I can just get myself into the gym, even if it's just for 20 minutes to stretch well and do some light exercise, I feel a million times better. What kind of exercise do you like to do? Your juice sounded delicious.. I love beets!

                              Dinah, you're doing so well! I'm with Byrdie on getting the forever thinking out of your mind. I think that the more time that goes by, the more strength you have, the more your brain has healed, the more benefits you're getting from not ingesting al, the more new habits you create for dealing with life, the less you worry about forever.. naturally. One day at a time works the best for me.. staying as present as possible. Like they always say, we can't do anything to change the past and we can't predict the future.. Today is what we have. And today we can definitely deal with treating ourselves well!

                              Crusader, The sprouts are for work, for lunch today! My kids would kill me if I made more than a handful for home.. I wanted to ask if you put anything into your Kraut besides salt? Nothing more exciting that your first batch of fermented food.. I have to say that is one thing that really excites me!

                              Gosh, I can't remember what else I wanted to say..
                              Big Shout out to Ava, Pav, Byrdie, Lav, G-man, Kensho, Wags, NS, Marylou, Belle, Pauly, I know I'm missing someone..(this is one of my daily memory exercises!) I love being in this Nest, hanging around with such a lovely group of people. Life is so much easier without alcohol.. Let's keep up the good work, everyone! xx
                              Last edited by lifechange; April 12, 2018, 12:05 AM.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Congratulations, Narilly! I've enjoyed being together all these years getting our lives back. And, wow - Yours has changed in so many good ways. Your enthusiasm is contagious. :hug:

