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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters,Narilly,congratulations on 4 years!!! we used to post together on the daily thread years back and you were a strong force then and still are,so something special for yourself today Lisa,ugh those shakes! There were times I couldn't even drive I had them so bad,glad you're past that now,Belle,good on just the tonic,,screw the gin!Dinah,yup,many times I've repeated Byrdies mantra"all I gotta do is get through THIS day" it's helped me many times to just repeat it over and over,sometimes alone in the bathroom out loud like a weirdo but who cares? Id rather be a AF weirdo! I can't offer too much advice cuz I've slipped and slide throughout these years but I do care about building new coping skills,always keeping an ear out,waves to all and wishes for a great,straight day!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, Nest:

      Breezing through on my way to another destination without access to Internet.

      Had to say CONGRATULATIONS, Narilly!

      Through frozen winters, multiple job disruptions, teenagers and everything else life has thrown at you, you've remained optimistic and upbeat. Thanks for 4 years of support and camaraderie. I know you won't be drinking to celebrate, because you don't drink. I hope you're celebrating with clean sheets and a bowl of ice cream! xo

      I'll read back in a couple of days. Stay strong, nest!



        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning all, it will take awhile with the names but im sure you ll get it. Day 6 and my head is so much clearer. Lifechange, it is definitely a help to start my day in the gym no matter how little i actually do there. Just being there makes me feel like im doing something good for myself I like the cardio(eliptical and spin classes and some light strenghth training. I did sprint triathlon(the short distance) up to four years ago when things started getting bad. Ive denied myself that fulfillment for so long. Ive been looking at the pics on the wall of me crossing the finish line lately and what a great time i used to have doing them and my family enjoyed it as well. Im thinking about maybe training for a duathlon. its only bike and run. We'll see. Dont want to get hasty. The juice yesterday for day 2 cleanse was green and very bitter. chug a lug. Today im hoping for better. Last day and i can really feel the difference in my mood and body. The cravings are not an issue "yet". Annie had a great video on cravings that said try to envision your craving as a child in the back seat asking for something. If you debate with the child they will have a hundred and one reasons why it is a good idea. Or you can calmy tell them no and why and move on. I like this analogy but i just put my 16 year old in that seat instead. lol. Lots of good stuff there and here in the nest. Thanks everyone for your support.
        Off to sweat in the sauna and get my day rolling AF. Dinah hope your doing good. All we have is today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasnt happened yet so dont worry about it. I like that.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesties! The chickens next door are a cluckin'... and the sun is out. I will spend some time outside today. The rest of the day will be inspiring stuff - the fun part of my job, and in my pajamas nonetheless! It doesn't get better than that!

          Lisa, way to sweat and juice - good in, bad out. You sound good. All you have to do is NOT drink - the rest is icing on the cake. I definitely like to sign up for a lot, especially when I start feeling better, but I always have to remind myself that on a bad day - if I don't get my exercise in or eat 2 donuts - if I didn't drink, it's a win.

          Crusader, you are speaking my language with sprouts, gut bacteria and dog baths! Sounds like a snippet from my last week.

          LC - you rock. That is all.

          MsD. - the forever thing gets in the way. As you get more days AF, you will find that you don't think about alcohol many days during a week. Bite off a day at a time, and know that your perspective will change.

          Speaking of perspective, this morning doing yoga, I was doing a forward bend and looked through my legs, upside down. I glanced back at our kitchen and realized I'd never looked at our kitchen upside down. It looked like a different kitchen, someone else's. And what struck me was not that it looked foreign, but that the first thought that came to my mind was "that looks like a nice, inviting kitchen with fruit on the counter." Then, when I realized it was mine, I remembered how lucky I am, and that it often just takes seeing something from a different angle to appreciate it.

          Have a great day peeps!
          Last edited by KENSHO; April 12, 2018, 10:10 AM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Well, get ready to Raawk! I am 4 years AF today, Holy Chit!!!
            It was SO hard to quit and at the beginning it was day by day for me. In the beginning- NS kicked my butt, Pav and Ava quit and I had to keep up. I had SO much support from MWO, Pauly, Mitch, Byrdie, Lav, G, Mario, Kensho,Belle, Life, Cowboy, Scottish, Treetops, Determinator, Pourquoi, Sam, Pie, Eloise, JVo...and SO many others (sorry if I missed you) so here I am 4 years later. I can honestly say I would not have made my 4 years if it was not for the support of MWO.
            SO THANK YOU Everyone!! Thanks for the support, the stories and letting us be part of your journey.

            I am grateful everyday to be sober and wake up Un Hung. I had the worst hangovers and everyday i would vow to quit and then I would find myself drinking as soon as I felt better. It was horrible and I am so happy to be rid of the monster.
            I will remain vigilant- thanks Belle and stomp that AL head down if it ever comes near.

            One day at a time Dinah- don't think to far ahead, just don't drink today. Ken, enjoy your day. It is snowing here again...but tomorrow it is supposed to be warm. Uhuh. Its environment Canada's way of giving us the will to live. They keep telling us that it will be warm tomorrow and then when we wake up it isn't. haha!

            Have a great day everyone.

            4 YEARS FOR ME. OH YEAH!!!


            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Thanks to all who gave me advice on the “forever” thing. Forever will come to me one day at a time, so that’s how I’ll take it, and focus on the day at hand.

              Wagmor - I have a great book on cognitive therapy called “ Feeling Good.” I think I’ll pull it off the shelf, dust it off, and give it another read. I’m prone to depression too, and cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for that too.

              Lisa - good for you for starting your day at the gym. Doesn’t it feel great to have all that alcohol out of your system?

              Happy alcohol-free Thursday!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Afternoon's eight weeks of changing my life today.

                Lav, I agree that whatever works for counting, etc. I decided that I am looking at this as building a new lifestyle, perspective and healing journey I'm on, so instead of counting EACH day without AL, I will look at it in a fuller scope of working on change in my life in many areas. I have a better mind set and can do more and keep my goals leaving AL out and that gives me rewards. In these eight weeks, I can see changes and for the first time I am patient with myself in making them one day at a time and not expecting results instantly and making them for the right reasons. There is an excitement I haven't felt in quite some time. Meanwhile, I will keep working with my doctor and improving my health choices to figure symptoms. Not everyday is a good day, but I work daily to stay on course.

                CONGRATS to Narilly. Just awesome! I posted that yesterday, but you get a double. Four years seems like a long way, but as was discussed here, I will just take my daily steps. There is only one way to the other side of the street and that is a step at a time. Sticking to the plan that works for each of us to have a better more fulfilling life and making adjustments accordingly both physically and mentally. None of us do that with the daily drunk body fills of AL. We miss so much of life. Whatever happens to us that is painful, doesn't delete all the joy that can still be found in living. It's a privilege to be alive, and I forgot that in my pain. You rock along with everyone who is succeeding in this journey.

                Kensho, all good stuff isn't it? I would still be saying maybe and hurting myself if I hadn't stopped drinking. None of these new lifestyle choices would be happening if I was dealing with hangovers everyday like before. There is no motivation to change anything in that state of living or not living. The new dog has me out walking with her daily and running in the yard with her. Instead of saying I need to start exercising and eating better, I'm doing it now. So on those days I don't feel like it, I make myself do it and the result is a positive. Action makes us feel better than a plan left on paper and not executed or just saying 'I should or will later'.

                LC, I'm planning on opening the jar up soon and will let you know. It's looking good. I've read the longer it ferments, the more probiotic value it will get up to a point, but I'm anxious to try it. I have a late day doctor's appointment, so I may wait until tomorrow. My boyfriend made a batch this morning and added caraway seeds. I want to make a batch with carrots and maybe garlic in it. This one is just cabbage and salt to see how the system works. My plan is to try several kinds of veggies...even beets. I saw a site last night that showed photos of problems people have had, so I'm learning. I thought maybe it was a sprout batch for work, but you said I hope it's not too much. That made me think it was for you at home. I think you'd turn funny colors. lol It can easily become a passion. Lucky for me, my boyfriend likes to cook and play in the kitchen, so he's getting involved with it. He finally went to the doctor and knows he has to make some changes. I think my no drinking has inspired him to take care of himself a bit better.

                I enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I have to get going, so keep up the work and positive all.
                Last edited by Crusader; April 12, 2018, 03:19 PM.
                The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  morning nesters

                  Nar, Nar, Nar well a huge hug and lots of love for your 4th birthday. Us loamers had certainly a close bond and i am glad we have kept that over the years and are still around being loud and proud. I am so proud of you and just like Pav i know you wont drink. I hope you smile all day and enjoy each moment sober, life does not ever get any better than what we have now.

                  Kensho i had a laugh when you spoke about looking at your kitchen upside down, i might try that, might do it at work too to see if it makes things brighter and i might end up in the psych ward but............

                  A busy, wearing week for me, im done with this week, completely but i think the weeks before this done week did me also. this weekend i am having some me time and doing absolutely nothing for anybody except myself. Except for this afternoon when i have to take my son to get his stitches taken out and he has the flu. so tonight i will start!

                  Take care x
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Ola and Hola pilgrims!

                    Nar nar nar nar nar!!! Wowza! Congratulations on 4 years off the booze officially! You totally raawk my friend. From your mate Gloamer. :happy2:

                    Sounds like the ticket Ava, and i don't mean to boozeville. I know you unsubscribed 4 + years ago! Me too.

                    Cognitive behavioural therapy strategies and some basic simple daily exercise is a powerful depression crushing, anxiety smashing combo for me Ms. Dinah. As for CBT, i just stop, pause, think it through when i get a crazy impulse to drink or a fk it all thought. When i combine this practice with beginning my day with 5 mins breathing, a quick speed yoga set, then a workout such as a run/walk, gym/swim thing, i feel set up positively for the day. This always proves itself as a strong and useful headstart, heads up, and helpful antidote to the blues and the 'fk its'.

                    Some sort of daily self care is essential to me.

                    Take it easy out there.
                    Last edited by Guitarista; April 12, 2018, 05:51 PM.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Narilly, your big day has finally arrived. Beautiful speech, would you tuck that in to the Tool Box for us? So inspiring!

                      Crusaader, 8 weeks, holy crow! That flew by, you are crusing!
                      Kensho, loved your analogy about perspective. So true!
                      Sat down at work at 6 am and didnt finish until 6:30 tonight. I am brain dead. Man, is there no end? I have almost 400 emails in my inbox, Ive read them all, but certainly not addressed them all. TGIF. Wait a minute, its NOT Friday! Almost!
                      Hugs to all, in the spirit of Narily, dont drink today! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        So the nest has become Self care Central, nice It certainly seems to be working!!!

                        Narilly, I am very happy for you today, great job :hug:

                        Crusader, awesome on your 8 week, 2 months or 56ish days, whatever you choose to call it is great!
                        I'm glad you are working on changing your thinking about everything. That's a really big deal.

                        Now that I think about it the last time I tried to ferment veggies I ended up tossing them. The foamy, bubbly stuff in the jar was freaking me out just a little, haha!!
                        I will try again at some point.

                        Ava, you sound like you need one very long & relaxing weekend & I hope you get one. Hope your son is OK.

                        Pav, enjoy your trip!

                        Hello to G, Dinah, Lisa, Belle, LC, Byrdie, Kensho, Wags & everyone.. Wishing for a nice, comfy & safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning, Nesters..
                          my favourite place to hang out with my coffee of the day..
                          I had a bit of a teary moment before coming here, both from sadness and gratitude. I did a written exercise where you're meant to write a thank you letter to your incredible body which with whatever physical problems we might have, is still “ the most amazing thing you own and it is the only place you truly have to live.” .. Then a letter written to yourself from your body.."Imagine that you are your body. You exist simply to keep the spirit of you alive. Your intention is to function in the best possible way, maintaining balance, purging toxins and striving for longevity. As your body, what would you ask of the part of yourself that has the power of choice in how the body is treated?" .. I found it to be quite a powerful exercise.. Sometimes it feels like hard work, but to have my mind and body working together, my mind free of the influence of alcohol is amazing and something I am so deeply grateful for.. Alcohol didn't just separate my mind from my body, it caused me to self destruct! It made me sad to think of myself sitting on the sofa downing liters of wine and beer.. that was then and I'm grateful each and every minute I'm downing water with lemon or ginger, cleansing my body instead of killing it.

                          Kensho, I loved your unexpected change of perspective story.. a very powerful moment, I can imagine. So nice when those things that cause another "click" happen! You are sounding so well..

                          Crusader, big Congrats on 8 weeks! I love to hear how you are taking things slowly, day by day, step by step.. we are into this new way of Life for the rest of our lives so there's no need to rush, right?:happy2: As long as we're true to ourselves with regards to alcohol, we can let everything else open up and develop slowly.. it's a joy to re-learn how to enjoy life. I'm really happy for you and hope you will be feeling much better (physically) soon. Great that your BF has been influenced as well and is taking steps to improve his health.. p.s. some day I'll tell you my fermented red beet story..:egad:

                          Lisa, wow! You were quite the athlete.. so you know how it goes! I'm loving the fact that the muscles have memory (who would've thought?) and am finding that after a couple of weeks exercise I'm feeling more like myself again.. I was quite inactive (slug-like) this past year after a couple of surgeries I had. I love running and weight training and the release of happy hormones I get from it-- Keep up the great work!:happy2:

                          Byrdie, that is a mighty long work day, dear! 400 emails? delete, delete, delete.. just kidding. But I do hope you have some time set aside for yourself this weekend..
                          Ava, you've got my ideal weekend planned.. I love it when I have two full days ahead of myself with no agenda.. Enjoy!

                          Lav, let us know when you decide to give it another try.. we can take you through it step by step! How are those little chicks doing?
                          Pav, hope you have a lovely vacay..

                          ok, have to literally run to work.. Hugsies to all of you!xx
                          Last edited by lifechange; April 13, 2018, 12:32 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Just bopping in to wish a YOOOOOGE congrats to the wonderful Nar! Well done. I started here about the same time, but spent most of it slip sliding away. Now I know it can be done.
                            Peace to all!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Moring. I would like to still be in bed. Yawn. I need a weekend. Wait! We have one! So glad.

                              I quit a few times in the last 4 years. Some of them for several months. But I never really said goodbye to alcohol. But after banging my head against the wall again and again - I got tired of landing in the same place. I was well-intentioned, and had a well-rounded plan every time, but I hadn't given up. The last time this happened, I gave up. I am with superwoman complex... I was taught that I can do and be anything. The problem with that, along with my personality, is that sometimes I don't set realistic limits for myself. I can't do anything. SO I finally gave up on alcohol. I stopped trying to keep it in my life. I never really felt that ultimate pressure that I had to stop to save my life or marriage or job. But I realized that it made no sense to keep ending up addicted, controlled, unhappy. It takes a leap of giving up trying to "make something work". Like a relationship that has some promising feelings, but ends up in abuse time and time again. Eventually, hopefully, we realize that even though there is a seductive pull toward that person, it will never, ever be worth the work to endure the abuse.

                              Just some light thoughts for a Friday
                              Last edited by KENSHO; April 13, 2018, 08:47 AM.

                              Done. Moving on to life.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Congrats again Nar!!! 4 years is awesome. You're a rock solid part of the nest foundation now, and I'm so happy for you on this major milestone. Onward to 5 for you!

                                My first time in the nest was spring/summer 2014 and I remember you plus many others from that time. I am taking about ten seconds to kick myself in the patootie for losing the quit I had back then, because if I'd kept it I would soon be celebrating 4 years in just a few days too. Lost my quit (and my original login as Wagmore ) but eventually rose again.

                                I will take your accomplishment, along with everyone else's, as reinforcement that it really is just about putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward one day at a time. Your milestone is living proof of how those small steps add up to become big amounts of time.

                                Cheers to you (*raises glass of sparkling water with a wedge of lime, no al in sight) :congrats:

