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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters,don't have much to say just want to wish everyone a great AF day!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters, day 7 and feeling so much better. finished the juice cleanse and i must say my head and body feel so clear and light. For me that is huge as i have a hangover for many many days or until i drink again so to feel so good so soon is fabulous. Still making effort to hit the gym after my morning readings/videos/postings etc. The fact that the cravings have not really began yet is good but i really need to be aware of the things that trigger me and have a plan when they do. Yesterday my 16 year old son gave me his usual attitude etc while driving him across the county and boom that was it. I was so worked up and it took me a good half hour to relax and realize again that this is what teens do. Just breathe and remember the backseat analogy with the craving. Treat it as a child and dont argue with it just tell it no, why and move on. This is really going to take some time and focus. It does work but its definitely depends on where my head is at. Working on it. Have a good day everyone. Dinah your doing awesome and congrats on 4 years Lav(hope thats right). I truly look forward to that day.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters. Thanks all for the support and congrats.

        Lots of great reading in the nest these days. Several of the posts are quite thought provoking. Sometimes we know things, but when we read them from someone else who has made another connection or added a perspective, it can get our mind adding more battle ready tools or thoughts about life.

        LC, your exercise in writing is something I may do myself soon. Writing things out adds a dimension to my thinking and often brings new revelations to me I don't get otherwise. I can see how that is a powerful exercise. Thanks for sharing. I haven't been writing like I was in the first month with all the other stuff going on, but I need to add this back in because I know it helps me.
        I think there are several reasons I have not been good at taking things slow. For one, I was so busy caring for others and ignoring my needs, when I did tend to something I needed to do for myself I wanted it to work quickly before time ran out. Also, many of us are type A personalities, so we self impose a lot of stress on ourselves. All things that land us in a bottle from unrealistic expectations. We are human, not super beings.
        I can imagine your story on the beets. I read a few the night before last. There is so much sugar in them to be fermented. Go ahead and share when time permits. I'll get a chuckle I'm sure and learn from you. I'm a bit intimidated with this new fermenting process, but I'll accept some failures to get to the win. I'll be trying my sauerkraut today. If I become MIA, you know what happened. LOL! It actually looks good, so hopefully no bad smell, etc.
        Believe it or not, I put alfalfa sprouts on my taco last night. I liked it. Our taste buds will adapt to diet changes. I consciously choose healthier choices.

        Kensho, your connection to an abusive relationship and alcohol was a perfect comparison. Another great post. I can very much relate to it. I'm adding that one to my notebook if you don't mind. Yep, you keep thinking it will be different this time, and it never is. Perfect! This along with LC's writing exercise are very complimentary.

        Byrd, I look forward to your retirement. Your stress is palpable in your posts. I've been there, and I want relief for you. It's so good to see you holding your quit under it all. A 400 count on emails...that's crazy. The good, the bad, and the ugly of our technology these days.

        Lav, go to our resident expert on fermenting. :newhere:lol Hopefully, I'll have some learning experiences to be happy about soon. There is a lot online. I've noted, it is enjoying a big resurgence among people as I've been looking up the hows. I started looking around when I had my surgery and wanted a different road from pills and dairy yogurt was a no go. I know antibiotics mess me up, so it's important I use preventive strikes.

        Everyone sounds great. I hope you have a great time on your trip G. I want one out in nature, but it has to wait until I'm feeling better. Maybe a trip to a hot spring and a night out away from lights where the night sky sparkles so beautifully.

        Have a great day, all.

        Update: LC, I opened my sauerkraut, and I think it is good. It is sour and still crunchy. I put a lid on it and in the fridge it went. Now that I have one done to eat for my gut health, the next one will have carrots in it and I'll let it ferment for a longer period to get more Lactobacillus in it. That first bite was a bit nerving, but it didn't have any signs of bad microbes or a bad smell. I believe we have a winner. How fun!
        Last edited by Crusader; April 13, 2018, 12:06 PM. Reason: Update
        The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters. I’m on day 28 and doing fine. Last night I finished an interesting book, “Recovery” by Russell Brand. It’s basically his take on the 12 steps and how he applied them to his life to overcome his drug, alcohol, and sex addictions. I don’t go to AA meetings, but I used to years ago, so I was familiar with the steps. Anyway, it’s a good, lively read ( you know how hyper Russell is) and I came away with more ammunition in my battle with the bottle. I’m glad I read it.

          Lisa, you’re doing awesome too!

          Happy sober Friday the 13th!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi all,

            Dinah, i've got that book too. It's a beauty. Useful perspectives, and Russel has spot on insight i reckon. Wow, congrats on 28 days! Have you seen the movie of that name? Sandra Bullock stars as a woman in a 28 day rehab.

            Lisa congrats on 7 days! Oh yeah! Our Lav has not 4, not 5, not 6 or 7.........but 9 + freaking years sober. Wow! :sohappy: Keep up the great self care attitude.

            Tom Crusader, yep looking forward to my trip. I might learn how to bottle chillies! In brazil, the chilli pepper is a symbol So if you send one of them in a text to a brazillian........:eek-new:

            The weekend's here. That dont mean no god damn cotton pickin pepper packin ticket to no freakin boozeville, see?

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Evening, nesters.
              The end of a long week....hallaloooya! I got no gas left in the tank.
              Remember, its only Friday, not a ticket to Boozeville! Hugs to all, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Friday the 13th.....good evening all Nesters

                Grateful fo not only a sunny, no snow day but I think it hit 80 degrees, woo hoo!!!
                We are to have one more day like that tomorrow then back to winterish weather.

                Lisa, CONGRATS on your 7 AF days :welldone:
                That feeling rocks & makes you proud so protect your quit always!

                Dinah, you are coming up on 30 - terrific!!

                Byrdie, please take a break. We love you & need you in one piece friend!

                LC, I will get back to the veggie thing at some point. Right now we have many outdoor projects started including building a larger fenced yard for our hens. Losing 3 girls to a roaming fox family last fall really pissed me off. Hopefully they will be happy with their newer & improved outdoor playpen, haha! The baby chicks are now 8 weeks old & looking like real chickens. As soon as they are big enough to defend themselves from the grownups I'll move them all together. Sometimes those girls can be a touch nasty with one another.....pecking order & all that.
                I did some writing exercises myself years ago when I first started this journey. I was working with the Radical Forgiveness theory of 'getting it all out there' & it helped Then I burned al the letters & that was that!! Glad you are doing something similar to validate yourself.

                My brain has hit the wall tonight so I'll just say hello & goodnight to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy, Happy 4 years Narily! Huge accomplishment; sending a hug your way!

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Happy Saturday morning, Nesters,

                    Pouring rain and cold and windy here.. Man.. I think I might change the plans I had and stay in for a cozy day. This week at work was full on, beginning with a big project at the start of the week. I had to do quite a bit to prepare for it and it's always a bit stressful having guests in our workspace. But it was so much fun.. and I was reminded once again of how manageable life is, how much more energy I have when alcohol is kicked to the curb. It's coming to me in big waves lately, this feeling of gratitude (without me having to rack my brains to find it :happy2 and general contentment and I'm accepting it and letting it sink in deeply.. not taking it for granted, practicing living it.. and I hope that the next time a downer hits me I'll be more prepared to sit and let it roll over me.

                    Kensho, your post was right on. My relationship with alcohol was the most abusive one I've ever had.. on every level.. and I'm so happy to be free of it. It made me think that I've always been "bad" at letting relationships that aren't working anymore go.. whether it's a friend or a boyfriend.. I tend to hang on until the bitter end. So I guess it kindof makes sense that it took me so long to get away from alcohol. I had to try every last little possible way to make it work.. I also related to your post about the talk you had with your friend.. I was so sad that the relationship with my best friend had to change. In the beginning I thought it was because of me.. she was so disappointed and hurt last year when I relapsed... but now I know that her reaction also had/has to do with her drinking and fear.

                    Dinah, Congrats on 4 weeks! I'll have to look into that book. I love Russell Brand.. have'nt thought of him for awhile..

                    Lisa, Congrats on 7 days! So glad to hear how much better you're feeling.. It is so difficult sometimes to deal with other people.. especially teen-agers (several of us in the Nest have them) and I think it's a great idea ('cause it really works) to keep that child in the backseat in mind.. Did you have him physically move to the back seat..:happy2: Another thing I do, is imagine a protective coat/shield around myself that nothing can penetrate.. everything just bounces right off. And practicing deep breathing in times of stress.. there are all sorts of recipes, but I find that if I breathe in deeply for 7 counts, hold it and then breathe out for 7, after a minute or so I'm already more relaxed.. You're doing so well!

                    Lav, thank goodness you're building a new fence.. I'm sure those foxes will be back again this year looking for more food! I can't remember..Are you all able to eat all the eggs you get or do you sell them/give them away? Sure wish you lived closer.. I'd be a big customer!

                    Crusader, so happy to hear about the Kraut! You know, it's virtually impossible to get sick from vegetable ferments. You might create something you don't really like, or you might get a bit of a tummy ache as your body adjusts to the new, healthy microbes you're introducing, or perhaps if you have certain health problems (but I don't know about that).. I think it's a matter of re-learning how to trust our senses.. How does it look? (molds on veggies are fine unless they're some crazy bright colour, pink or bluish, you can just scrape off the mold.. or eat it if you like:eek-new:.. and see how it looks underneath) Then how does it smell? Of course, some of us are more sensitive and some really don't like fermented/"sour" food, so in that case it would be a matter of acquiring a taste for it.. but otherwise, fermented veggies have a tangy, fresh, sometimes unusual, but not unpleasant smell.. Then How does it taste? Sandor (my favourite guy) recommends tasting at every stage of the ferment (each day) to see/learn how it develops. You don't have to be afraid to poke around inside and taste.. we're often in the vessel, packing/punching whatever it is we're fermenting back down under the liquid.. Fun!! I'm so excited for you.. I have a book of his that I love, called The Art of Fermentation.. and in case you don't know the website.. The Art of Fermentation | Wild Fermentation :: Wild Fermentation There is so much info. online.. he's just my personal favourite 'cause he's so passionate and he helped me to lose the fear.. and trust my instincts. Fermentation is so much easier than I ever would have imagined.. ok. I could go on and on and on..

                    G-man, good thing you learned what a chilli pepper means in Brazil.. though I guess it makes sense. Why else would you send a chilli pepper in a text? ha! Glad to hear you doing so well..

                    ok everyone.. Wishing everyone a lovely day.. Ava, I hope the first of your days alone/with no plans was nice and relaxing!
                    see you all in a bit..xx
                    Last edited by lifechange; April 14, 2018, 12:35 AM.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      That was a great post LC,I love how the gratitude just flows to you naturally now wishing everyone a peaceful,positive,productive AF Saturday!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters!

                        Just a quick drop in as yesterday and today are full.

                        LC, nice post. I took a look at his video you posted before. He is, indeed, passionate. I saved his book to my Amazon account. I have a list of books in my cart on various subject matters. There is so much online these days, I normally use videos and sites to gather my information. My boyfriend makes his own sausages and such. I like his summer sausage. Years ago when I could eat dairy, I used to make my own yogurt. I've read just as you stated, just scrape the mold off and check what's underneath. I remember my grandmother doing that with her homemade jams. I was always afraid to eat them. How do we think people preserved things years ago? lol I appreciate your post on the safety. I did read that if it smells to toss it, so trusting our guts or instinct takes some practice when we start something new. I think some of these molds, etc. are more common when you don't keep your veggies under the brine in an anaerobic environment or not enough salt proportion during the beginning to allow the lactobaccillus to get going. I purchased a kit with five weights, five airlock lids and 1 tamper. I know you can do it without the kit, but I wanted to start the adventure into fermentation with some tools that make it easier. I'll get my sea legs. It's good to know I have someone here if I have any questions. I want to get comfortable doing this. My mung bean sprouts are done today, so we will have Chinese food tonight with them. YUM! Can you tell I'm enjoying this? It's nice to hear you are doing so well.

                        Have a great day, everyone.
                        The Drunkards Progress. From the first glass to the grave...


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Great info on fermented stuff! I would like to know more about it all. I can’t seem to get past the initial belly ache of it all and it feels wrong so I stop. My gut is a mess right now.

                          BUT, I’m not drinking, nor do I want to. I always go back to that as a way to feel like a winner every single day.

                          We’re out running errands this am. Not much else to say... keep this one promise to yourselves and It will catapult you into a totally different sphere of self respect.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone!

                            Just logging in for some fresh unfermented AF juice
                            Go as far as you can see.
                            When you get there, you'll see further.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning everyone, did some spring gardening today with my daughter and going to the high school play my son is in. Its a good day! Take care all.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Lisa, great job on your 7 days, I missed that yustaday! Here is your 2-cheeked salute from your nestmates! :butt:
                                The worst is behind you, you’ll get no cracks from us, those first 7 are toughies! GREAT JOB!
                                Prize Patrol
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

