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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy Monday!

    Busy week ahead, but I'll be facing it with a clear head.

    Good luck, Byrd. With the Stella behind you, you can't go wrong.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters,safe travels Byrdie sounds like everyone had a decent weekend,getting warmer here nearly 90 degrees! Wishes for a great AF day for us all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Howdy. AVA, job politics is not fun. I remember the disgust I felt with all of that. Working for myself, I get to avoid it now, but I feel for you!

        Byrdie, is she threatened by you? Call her on her crap; you deserve help!

        Spring is in full swing here. I love the birds chirping the most. Not sure what it is about birds that make me feel so good, but I love the thought of them.

        Lav, you are right I think. I need to stop all the junk and get my inflammation down. I've been having a lot of (harmless I think?) heart palpitations too - so frustrating when my body doesn't feel in balance. I get to see a functional medicine Dr. tomorrow, and hope he can help me determine a diet course of action. I wish it could just be an elimination diet, but my symptoms are often not immediate so it is hard to tell what exactly caused them.

        I have found myself craving wine lately. I haven't had cravings in some time, so this is strange for me. I think it's sugar-craving? Anyway, not drinking and glad for it.

        Have a happy day everyone.
        Last edited by KENSHO; April 23, 2018, 09:52 AM.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning, feeling good today but kinda slow. Im going to force myself to go to the gym. i know this will give me some energy so i can focus on the kids and doing something fun with them. Been considering pulling out the paints and reconnecting with my artistic side. its been awhile. Getting into the may grey weather now so i can tuck in and get things done inside for a bit. Hope you all have a good day.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
            Bake the hag a cake Byrdy.
            Might you have a good recipe for that?
            Go as far as you can see.
            When you get there, you'll see further.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by mywayin View Post
              Might you have a good recipe for that?
              No, but i can say Mywayin, that i've melted many a hag, witch, demon, PITA down to putty in my hands with a simple mudcake. er, no not in their face as much as i may've wanted to. All hags have a soft spot. Having said that, there is no excuse for inconsiderate, even bullying style behaviour.

              Another favourite recipe is running. Off to pump some iron, then a run and dip in the bay. Bit of a gig/event thing tonight. Will be fun. Looking forward to my trip. Need to get a small travelling guitar i can take on planes. this week, and book some accom. I'm really hoping i can hook up with local musicians on my travels.

              Take it easy out there.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good Monday evening Nesters,

                We haven't heard from Byrdie yet, hope everything is OK!

                We had another nice day so I went ahead & planted my hummingbird garden & it's right outside of the chicken yard. It should be interesting to see the big fat birds right next to the tiny birds, ha ha!!

                Kensho, have yourself a cookie or two to satisfy the sugar craving, much better than wine.
                Heart palpitations can be caused by a lot of things. I had them during my mid-late 40's, scary but they went away on their own. Hormonal fluctuations were the cause.
                I hope you can get some good advice from your new doc. Do you include vitamin E in your daily supplements? It works wonders knocking down the inflammation. I actually take it 2X/day.

                G, I actually saw something like a travelling guitar on a website called the Grommet. Hope you find what you need

                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters!

                  I've been in a really funky phase this past week and though I feel like I'm almost out of it, I still don't have so much to say. I had so much to do at work and then ended up pulling a muscle in my back so that I couldn't move. Had a bit of a pity party with myself.:happy2: It was still nice to come here and read.. and I appreciated the videos you posted, Gman and Kensho.. thanks.

                  Happy belated birthday, Ava! Your celebration sounds like the kind I like.. to lay low and enjoy time with someone I love.. usually it's my kids and then a couple of girlfriends..

                  Byrdie, I hope everything is going alright these days..that it's not too terribly stressful. I was at a convention recently as a visitor and had to think of you. I can imagine it could be fun if everyone has their ducks in place.. but otherwise, egads. Strength to you.

                  G-man, when is it you're heading off then? 8 Months is absolutely awesome!

                  Lisa, it looks like you're doing well.. I think it's a wonderful idea to pull out the paints again.. What do you like to paint?
                  Belle, :hug: You're doing such a great job parenting those teenagers! They're definitely testing everyone's limits.. Your greatest weapon/strength is staying sober and in your right mind.
                  Kensho, Just yesterday I was reading an account from a woman who said..""I remember, in my first few months of sobriety, when I'd confide to my husband that I was craving a drink..⠀“But that’s not the truth,” he'd always remind me. “What are you REALLY craving?”" This is the most important question for me when I'm craving alcohol.. to go into it a bit and figure out what's really going on in there.. and then to address it. or let it go.. I have to say, the birds chirping at 4am is also my favourite part of Spring. I always wonder about how much they have to discuss and how much is just singing for the joy of it..?

                  Hi to Wags and Lav and Pav and Mywayin, and Pauly, NS, Nar.. How are you Crusader?.. and anyone I've missed.
                  It has actually improved my mood to write here a bit. Imagine that.. Think I might have learned that in all these years..?:happy2:
                  Wishing you all a nice day..


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Morning nesters,LC,we all have those funk moods,my biggest problem is I dwell on the mood and I need to find a way to just accept it and move on but it's so hard when you're in the midst of it to snap out sometimes,you sound like you're doing ok though Mr.G just get a ukulele hahaha! Wishes for a happy,booze free day for us all!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, Nest--

                      LC - Great to see you pop by. I really do know those funky moods, too. Even though I can say in my head that I know they'll go away, it is hard to get through. Sometimes I felt that only my responsibility to my kids was getting me up and around. Now that they're growing up, I have to look for other motivation sometimes. My husband and I went on a walk up a hill by our house after work. About half way up is a tree and he said, "I think of that as your sad tree" because once in a down time I told him I could only walk that far up. In my glass half full mind, I thought - wow, at least I went for a walk! I know that injury makes me crazy, too, because movement is key to making me feel better. I hope your back is healing. Keep checking in and we can help!

                      A sober friend told me she went to a family wedding this weekend. At the end of the night her (drunk) brother went around sneaking whiskey into everyone's coffee, even hers (and he knows she doesn't drink). Thankfully, her sister saw and was able to warn her. Be vigilant out there!

                      Mr. G - that sounds fabulous. I love the sea for a good swim, but up here the water is so cold! I used to go in all the time when I was younger, but now I am a chicken most of the time.

                      Enjoy your sober, hangover free days!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Quick check in again this morning for me. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well, aside from pulled back muscles (sorry LC), and some fatigue/sluggishness for a few. And poor Byrdie with the work colleague! Still, we've got a good AF momentum in general.

                        I made a decision last night to cut the final tie I had with a client. It was a big client - a huge corporation - where I then had subcontracts with about 50 different individuals over the past 7ish years. Unfortunately, the corp HQ, where I deliver all of my services for said client, is a stressfull 30-60 minute commute each way in a city that is becoming more and more congested. After my car accident a year ago, I've been psychologically reluctant to drive any more than I really need to. My contracted hourly rate also hasn't budged in 7 years, so the pay is no longer competitive.

                        In the meantime, I've been building a different side of my business and it's really taking off. I can do much of that work online, and the clients I do meet in person are on my side of town - I almost always bike to our meetings.

                        All of this has added up to gradually reducing my work at the corp across town, and I finally cut the cord with the last and final client. It's a bit bittersweet, as I loved the work and I have very fond memories of the actual people I worked with. The conditions have simply become too heavily tilted toward the negative column and on paper it just doesn't make sense to continue. But my heart feels a little bad. It's also a little scary because there was a small amount of security in that larger contract. Even that has been dwindling though, and I have more new business than I can really handle with the new direction that's taking off so quickly.

                        Two years ago this type of thinking and ultimate decision would all have been excuses to drink. I would have had drinks to mull things over, and probably would have made the ultimate decision on drunken impulse (only to regret it upon sobering up).

                        Today, I thought everything through with a clear head, and the decision was made with my mind on an even keel. It doesn't get better than that.

                        Protect your quits everyone. They pay off in ways you might not even anticipate!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning, yesterday was so nice and relaxing. My kids had day off from school so my daughter and i pulled out the art supplies and sketched for a few hours. My daughter has a real talent and i love to just sit and watch her draw. She is into the latest pop culture called anime. Basically its japanese cartoons and books. My sketch of a woman sitting by a candle looks very sticky and undone(even though it is done) haha but i like it. First time ive drawn in years. it was nice just being with her and enjoying time. We made dumpings and crab rangoons in the evening and absolutely pigged out with the family. Love these moments. My son is still very difficult to talk with and its been a battle for me (guilt vs. logic) as to why he is being so very hard on me. yes, i know my drinking definitely owns a big part of this but his age (16) and hormones plus the stress of school works etc also play a part. im doing my best to just be there for him and not take it personally and know that in alot of ways i caused this disconnect with us and only my sobriety and time will heal this. Its tough. No time for a pity party now. im committed to this new sober life and i have to build back the trust in all of my family. Patience. Gentleness with self and time. ok, thanks for listening. Off to gym. Hope everyone has a great day!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi All...It's been a long time since I logged in to MWO. Seem to always find something to carry with me while I continue my journey to total abstinence.



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good to see you, TribalRose! I'm one to talk after having spent a week away.. but it is so nice to check in here daily and get to know everyone. Here, more than anything else, keeps me on track, real in my reality, connected with people who get what's going on.

                              Lisa, what a nice time with your daughter.. my girls are also quite talented with drawing and painting and it's something we love to do together.. it joins us, I can ask for tips, they tell me I'm good with colour..:happy2:

                              Today there were some stupid teenagers, chasing eachother with fake guns, pointing them at me because I was on my balcony, staring down at them. They are boys from our school and I was quite unsure of what I should do. I called the father of my kids and asked if it was allowed for kids to be running around with such guns on the street (they looked real!) A friend of my daughters was looking out her window from across the street and I yelled at her, asking if she knew them, said I was going to call the police.. then the boys looked up at me and asked if they should stop??! I asked them (yelled) whether or not they know that every single day kids their age are dying from guns and that it is no way funny, even if they're fake..(which they seemed to think made it ok) we are not far behind the violence happening all over the world, but especially in the US, with kids killing eachother. Shocking.. to me, as a parent, that kids that age would even think to "play" as if they're hunting eachother down..and scary, 'cause if they were in PHX, playing in such a real way, pointing guns at strangers, they could be shot and killed themselves.
                              Sorry.. threw me off.. and I didn't know if I was overreacting..

                              Deep breaths. :love:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, Nest

                                Lately I've been remembering why I used to drink AT my job. It seemed like a good way to drown the feelings of frustration. My current problem is that we have moved from a sports car of an online platform to an old clunker - making everyone's job harder and many mistakes all around. But, all of that mess can't make me feel anything - only the way I think about it can do that. And it certainly can't make me drink!

                                LC, I was concerned when I didn't see any posts from you and was thrilled to see one this morning. I'm sorry you're feeling off but so happy for you that you haven't used it as a reason to drink. There's no reason for that for any of us.

                                Byrdie, you deserve some breaks. Hope you caught a few today. xx, NS

