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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hey Daisy! Good to see you! Wow, 10 months! Well, you have that opprortunity again, we are so glad you are here.
    Tribal Rose, welcome back, too.
    I survived the roadshow, we only had 2 prospects attend, one took all morning and the other took all afternoon, so it worked out. Im not sure if we will get any business from it or not, but I got an opportunity to ask a lot of questions on the new stuff so I consider that a win.

    You will NEVER believe this but today is National Professional Admin day. One of my coworkers asked each of us to pitch in $25 for the hag admin! I was in absolute disbelief. I wasnt the only one, another guy piped up and said, ‘Really, are you serious?’ He replied that it would be a great gesture and maybe it would help her change for the better. The other coworker said that he would contribute, because it was apparent there was no way out of it. I replied that I would grudgingly contribute, too, because of who was collecting it, not for the recipient. I told our small group that she was making my professional life miserable. Another guy said, Ditto.
    Im so ticked off that I had to give that to her. Its like rewarding BAD behavior. Puke!
    Glad to be home! Stay strong everyone! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Daisy, welcome back & good to see you!
      Use the butt Velcro we left around here somewhere & fasten yourself in tight. We can accomplish a lot when we stick together

      Rose, Congrats on your 8 AF days! Use some of that Velcro & keep yourself safe in the nest too.

      LC, I'm really happy to hear that you planned ahead & I hope your day went off without a hitch.

      Wags, I meant to mention last night that your change up of clients sounds like a good idea & something you certainly deserve at this point. It's so important to remember to take care of ourselves. I ran myself too ragged for too many years & what did it get me? A raging case of anxiety/depression & a heavy duty wine habit. No more of that!!!

      We had rain all night & off & on during the day. I think tomorrow is supposed to be nicer, hope so anyway.
      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Daisy, great to see you! Wow, 10 months ain't for the faint hearted, so an amazing job there. You can do it again and more.

        Ava, i dont play violin in the conventional sense so not a great option for me, however i've found some small guitars less than the common airline regulation 85 cm's in length, and light that should be ok to take on board with me as hand luggage. I'm just taking a cheapy in case of damage or loss, that will still sound good enough and do the job. I'm off in 12 days! :eek-new:

        Off to set up a crab rangoon stand on the corner. Flying all that way is expensive.

        Take it easy out there.
        Last edited by Guitarista; April 25, 2018, 08:18 PM.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello Lovely Nesters,

          We are having crazy weather, cold and hot and rainy and windy, which is what I'm blaming my tiredness on! Yesterday I didn't go to the gym and cancelled all my plans until Saturday, locked myself in the flat, had an hour long nap at 6pm, watched a couple episodes of a series and then went to bed. I'm really glad that I stated my plan here in the morning.. upon arriving at work at 7, I also took 5 minutes to write out all the reasons I want to be sober.. it's a long list and these two things kept me focussed on a fairly fuzzy minded, kindof downer day.
          Thank you all for being here, yet once again!:love:

          Lisa, you're sounding well! I'm glad you cleared that up with regards to the santons.. that was so funny..rangoons, santons.. I was thinking I need to come and cook with you for awhile!

          Wags, my kids aren't quite in the applying for college age.. but I really appreciated the advice you gave to Belle.. I wouldn't have thought of your tips and now I will keep them in mind. I also meant to congratulate you on the decision you made in a clear state of mind! I can understand what you said about the bit of fear you have and the bit of sadness at ending a long term work relationship.. but it sounds like it will give you a lot in the way of time and peace of mind for other doors to open..I'm really happy with how much you've grown your business!

          G-man, I can't believe you are leaving in just 12 days! How long will you be away? So Excited for you!! I'm in the process of baking a big fat cake for your 8 month celebration tomorrow! Hope you like......!

          Welcome back Daisy!! I've often thought of you and was hoping you were doing well. Are you still attending the AA meetings? :hug:

          Byrdie, glad that you took advantage of the situation and were able to learn something at the convention! Absolute nightmare with your hag admin..:hug: Glad you're home safely..

          Ava, Pav, Kensho, NS, Nar (already in Tokyo?), Mywayin, Rose, Lav, Belle, MsDinah.. anyone I might be missing, Hugs and love and strength today!!xx
          Last edited by lifechange; April 26, 2018, 07:50 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi! Quick drop in this morning. I'm thankful for another day!

            LC, this past Saturday was the same as you describe, and everyone in my family had NO energy. We all barely moved. Then Sunday the sun came out and it was as if a light bulb switched on and we were all cheerful and upbeat. I was actually glad to have a sleepy day (but really glad when the sun came back out).

            G, tell us where you are going again? Brazil? How do you find these local musicians... are you like a traveling gypsy who just joins in the culture? I bet you will find some amazing food too. Sounds like a fun adventure.

            Byrdie, this woman is unhappy. Killing her with kindness may soften her up? As they say, we are all fighting battles that others don't see. Compassion might help your mindset a little (if only it would help you get your spreadsheets completed). At least you got some validation with your co-workers.

            Not much else to say but I really appreciate you all. It is really strange that I have known many of you for 4 years - and I trust you. Friends like that aren't a dime a dozen and that is the very special thing about this place. Thanks for your continued support, especially to the rocks of this room - Lav, NS, Ava, Pav and Byrdie. And those who don't stop in as often - TJAF, etc. Thanks. You make a difference
            Last edited by KENSHO; April 26, 2018, 08:39 AM.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, Nest--

              Busy day I missed! Welcome back, Daisy! I do think of you and am glad you got your 10 months. Right back on that horse... xo

              Congratulations, TribalRose - 30 days is a great milestone. The cobwebs may be beginning to clear by now? Keep up the diligence.

              LC - Keep checking in!

              G - a ukelele?

              Belle - we are in the same position, only my son is choosing from two colleges. One he prefers the location and quality of living, and the other he prefers the academics. He did call and talk to a professor and we have visited. I decided that I'm staying out of it. My bias would be towards academics (it IS college after all), but quality of life is very important, too, so I'd be ok with either one. I ask questions and offer myself as a sounding board. I ask him what criteria he is using to choose. He'll be fine whichever he chooses - as will your son! Letting go it helpful!

              Byrd! I know that position, too. Kill 'em with kindness, I guess?? Did your boss ever respond in any way? Hope the show went well...

              Dealing with personnel issues at work makes me realize that humans are really strange, weird animals. Our brains are too big for their own good, and so complicated! And yet, so predictable... The struggle is real.

              I would love to know your thoughts about using cannabis (with or without THC) for certain health symptoms. I know that non-THC cannabis doesn't get you high in any way, so I guess that would be ok, but I know several people who use low dose THC for sleep. My inclination is to stay away from ANYTHING that gets you high in any way (even if the dose is low), but on the other hand, I would take something else prescribed by a doctor. Just wondering if anyone has used it for anything and/or what your thoughts are...



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning all, Thanks for your posts on teens. What a roller coaster. Ive stepped back these last few days dand thought back to when i was one and I was just as big a shit as my son is now. It does pass and its not personal. It just is. Doesnt make it easy at times but it is normal behavior. Thats reassuring in and of itself. Does that makes sense.

                Feeling good and dont have a desire to drink. Alot of this is due to the info and strategies ive been learning in "The Alcohol Experiment". Its based on facts, neuroscience and logic which seem to click with me. The creator wrote a book to go hand in hand with it called "This Naked Mind" by Annie Grace. Good stuff there. Its working for me and thats all that matters. After drinking for so long and feeling like i was running into walls everytime i attempted to quit im hanging onto this as my lifeline. Hope this may help others out there struggling with failed attempts to get sober. Heres to another AF day. Off to the gym.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  What a day.
                  I actually have tried killing her with kindness, thats always my go-to strategy, Im a NICE PERSON, dammit! She just pushes my buttons!
                  Glad tomorrow is Friday. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good Friday eve Nesters

                    We had a really decent spring day here, very much appreciated. Tomorrow it's back to rain.

                    Great to see everyone & read your positive posts!
                    All the distress & hard work you're putting in now is building a foundation for a much better future. You will thank yourselves, believe me

                    Pav, if you had asked me my thoughts about cannabis in the early 70's I would have given you a certain answer, ha ha! At this point in my life I would just say no thanks.
                    Medical cannabis is a different story & I am following the current research. If you have a child suffering intractable seizures, then yes, of course I would give it a try. It can't possibly do any more harm than the current chemical based drugs being used. If someone is suffering with severe pain & end of life issues I would also say give it a try.
                    Finding a doc to prescribe & a dispensary to fill your script is still tough though. I would not think to use it for something minor that could be handled another way.

                    G, I almost forgot - my brother has played guitar since he was a kid & switched over to a mandolin a few years ago. Mandos are small too.

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      mid morning nesters

                      Pav my son makes cannabis oil and gives it to people to help with lots of different medical issues. It is legal to get through drs but you may as well buy a ticket to fly to the moon as its nigh impossible to get it. I would definitely do the cannabis oil instead of pharma drugs (seeing how many are dished out in hospitals is just mind blowing) but i have no real issues to warrant taking it at present. My boss neurologist recommended melatonin to help with my menopausal sleepless nights and that seems to help me get my sleep pattern back into whack for awhile. i only take 2mg tabs and i get a better nights sleep than usual. i have just started taking 5HTP which was talked about on the Army thread though i cant comment as yet as ive only been taking it for a few days. my moods at the moment are either really lovely or i want to poke peoples eyes out with pitchforks. i think it depends on what the health symptoms are though.

                      Byrd, some people just arent worth wasting precious air on, she sounds like one of them. the girl who took my place has already asked for a pay rise. thank god she did not get it as i would have had a conniption, she has passed every bit of work on she can and i just cringe at what she has done to my department but not my problem now or so i keep telling myself. its just sad.

                      LC we all have bad days but the good days outweigh the bad. Good on you for doing a list and posting on here. when the sun starts shining over that way your spirits will lift and i will be complaining up a storm! What series are you watching?

                      well i had better go and do some work, the day is flying by.

                      take care x

                      congrats on 8 months G, you go go get them!
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Pav - I'm in a state with both medical and recreational marijuana, so it's kind of everywhere here. I personally don't enjoy feeling high from mj, which always strikes me as funny cuz I "liked" the buzz of al. I kinda always thought I would have been able to stop drinking sooner if only I liked getting high, but I just don't. Anyway, as for CBD (one of the main non-high-inducing components), it can work exceptionally well for some types of pain and there are literally no head effects at all. This is the main product I use with any regularity. I use THC oils topically for pain maybe once a week or so as well, and never get a head effect that way either. I've used what's called a 1:1 oil (basically equal levels of THC and CBD) as a sleep aid and found it far more helpful than meds and with no residual effects the next morning. I have many friends who smoke mj and I'm never tempted in the slightest. Similar to what Lav and Ava said, I think much about mj is safer and healthier than many of the current pharmaceuticals being used or developed.
                        Last edited by wagmor; April 26, 2018, 10:57 PM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters,

                          My mood has finally lifted! Which is good since one of my co-workers just called in sick... I'd been planning on getting a lot of buro work done and having a meeting or two, but it looks like we'll all be busting a move instead. Which is ok. Next Tuesday is Labor Day here so we have a 4 day weekend.. and it looks like 70°F and sunshine. I feel very lucky with that!

                          Happy 8 months, G-Man! I am so super proud of you with each day that goes by. You have been doing the daily work, learning and growing and finding happiness within yourself and the world around you.. letting go of what needs to be let go of. You Rock!:happy2:

                          Byrdie, I'm sort of embarassed to say this, but I'll get over it.. sometimes when I'm in a situation that I don't know how to handle, and I can't seem to find advice that fits, I google it.. (maybe lots of people do this but it just occurred to me this last year).. and I have often found quite good articles/advice that I wouldn't have thought of. Yours is a sticky one.. if killing her with kindness hasn't helped? And you have to deal with her each and every day.. and don't seem to be getting much support.. It's not so easy to just quit your job.. which must be tempting. It seems like you know how to get yourself in the right frame of mind.. but it'd be great to have some new ideas on how to deal with her.. there must be some way, right? Keeping my fingers crossed!

                          Ava, I'm so glad you were able to get into a different position.. I can imagine it's difficult to see that woman dragging down what you worked so hard at building up.. and despite having the village idiot on your back! But I guess it gets easier with time to let it go, let it go.. I've been meaning to ask how your mom is doing? Haven't heard anything about her for awhile.. Mine is coming for a long visit in September.. she hasn't been over for 10 years, so I'm very much looking forward. It will be some extra stress and I'm hoping her body will feel ok.. she's got pretty bad arthritis and it's colder here plus it's a walking/public transport city.. but she knows all that. And we'll head down to Spain for a week or so.. And are the pups feeling fine? I started a series called 7 Seconds.. it's a detective series and so far not too violent. A bit slow, but that's perfect for me at the moment..

                          I hope that everyone has a nice Friday/weekend planned..
                          I'm sure I'll be checking in a lot.. so I hope you all will be, too! See, that's why it's important for me to check in no matter what, even if I'm not feeling so great and don't have much to say.. I appreciate it so much when you all do. It's so nice to have a full Nest and we don't all always have to be in a good mood.. That wouldn't be real! Big Hugs all around..
                          Last edited by lifechange; April 27, 2018, 08:26 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest


                            Thanks for your responses. G - plug your ears. Ava, it is symptoms from pre-menopause (joint aches and head aches mostly, with some insomnia). I'm going to look into it - THC and CBD. Thanks everyone. And yes, Lav, my answer several years ago would have been different.

                            My poor dog got attacked by a bigger dog yesterday. He had a big puncture wound on his neck which fortunately missed his artery, vein and throat. They cleaned him up and he'll have a drain so the wound can heal from inside out, but thank goodness he's ok.

                            TGIF is all I have to say. Having a family birthday party at our house tonight - I have no idea how I'm going to stay awake for it!



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters,Wags,my daughter gave me the 1:1 oil when I was having a horrible time sleeping in January,,I never tried it tho,I too hate the feeling of being high of of mj,I'm afraid of being out of control,one of the reasons I never drank hard alcohol in all my drinkin days was I didn't want to feel out of control,I thought that by sticking to beers I'd be able to "control the buzz" yea right! See where that lead everyone sounds like they're keeping busy and dealing with the irritants of life pretty well,yay! Hoping we all have a wonderful BF day
                              Last edited by paulywogg; April 27, 2018, 08:37 AM.
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                X-post Pav,I hope your poor dog is ok
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

