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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning everyone,
    Today is day 1 for me. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning and feeling fresh and clear. I always wish that my morning self could talk to my evening self and remind her how much she hates the effects of AL. (if that makes sense). Hope everyone has a great, AF Monday!
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin


      Newbies Nest

      not tonight;852721 wrote: Good morning everyone,
      Today is day 1 for me. Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning and feeling fresh and clear. I always wish that my morning self could talk to my evening self and remind her how much she hates the effects of AL. (if that makes sense). Hope everyone has a great, AF Monday!
      That totally makes sense! Often we do what we want at the time without forseeing the consequences.. maybe write a list of why you don't want to drink and stick it on the fridge where you can easily see it? Well done for being AF today
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Newbies Nest

        Morning all! Tant, am lovin the 20/20's, some of the favourites are crashin a bit, India yesterday, South Africa the day before - Australia still look pretty damn good, where do they keep coming up with names Ive never heard of to replace the legends??! Can't say who I'm up for tho cos I am VERY officially a neutral!!! Anyway I was thinkin what a clever person you are Tant then-----THE BRADY BUNCH!! haha!

        Congrats Lav on second grandchild due, life sometimes has a way of balancing things out a bit - that must have put things a bit in perspective, I'm delighted for you and your family.
        Hey New one and not tonight and welcome, join in on the chat, it does help.

        Morning Tranq, I suppose the funny personality that comes out pissed (before we fell down I mean) has to be in there somewhere sober? Morning Nora, Katie, Mama Sunny and HC - Mothers Day food like that by a 10 year old? Very impressed!!!
        If I haven't mentioned anyone apologies and will check back in later, am working lates today
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Newbies Nest

          Morning everyone - another miserable wet windy day here in Uk !! Oh how I love our summers LOL :H:H:H

          Day 3 for me (should be day 7 - just thought I'd write that as a note to me!!)

          Great to see everybody cheery and doing well have a fantastic day :l
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Newbies Nest

            I've got through to day 10. Can't believe it. Am having mood swings of one minute loving myself for being so strong and then hating myself for not being able to just enjoy two glasses like most other people. I think it was Katie B's message I read when I got home tonight that said she was sure she could moderate and just have the two. The old voice in my head almost shouted at me ... surely that's ok for you too? Maybe you're reading way too much into this so called alcohol 'problem' you think you have. If you are able to stop for 10 days, there can't be much of a problem, well can there?
            It was so very very good to read some of your reponses though, and all of you who like me, know that they don't just want one or two glasses of wine. So thank you all again. I have had another few glasses of soda and will make it through to day 11.
            Love to you all out there.


              Newbies Nest

              The early days are hard Just..... the Stinkin Thinkin does come knockin and makes you question yourself...

              But remember why you gave up in the first place..why you came here, remember those awful nights where you drank yourself into oblivion...and believe in your heart that you don't ever want to go there again..

              That shift in thought is very very important for it is then that we realise that there is life after AL.....sometimes it can be an ever so slight change...noticing something that otherwise you would not have, doing something that otherwise you would not have had the energy or the inclination to do...for once, facing a night without alcohol and realising that yes, indeed, you will make it thru and be ok.

              That feeling does not come took me a while to realise that...I stopped drinking and expected my life to change overnight...I felt cheated and hard done by that I had suffered so much and sacraficed my one crutch..that surely I should feel the benefits just does not work like that..

              It took time for the alcohol to leave my system

              It took time for me to be able to cope with that

              It took time for me to get thru another boring day without self medicating

              It took time for me to understand that I was better off without it

              It took time for my body to heal

              It took even longer for my brain to even begin healing

              It took time for me to fill my nights with anything other that my "little reward"

              It took time for me to realise that drinking was a "bad thing"..I had the misconception that I was "denying myself" of something good.

              It took time for me to switch from Deprivation mode to Gratitude mode (Deprivation mode = It is so bad I cannot drink...I am missing it so much..Why me...Life is soooo boring...).instead of...Is'nt it wonderful that I don't need a drink....Wow....the weekend had passed and I did not need body and mind are healing now because I am no longer poisoning cool is that....Every uncomfortable feeling is a sign that I am healing...

              The long and the short of it is...IT TAKES TIME....but you can get there, the only way to think about it it is...ONE DAY AT A not think about tomorrow for it is not here yet...just think about today..I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY....tomorrow is another day and you will face that when it comes.

              Do what it takes in the early days and as time goes on...slowly but surely make the small changes to make life even is dooable...not easy but dooable....

              Be good to yourself, focus on your goal and always ONE DAY AT A TIME....
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                Newbies Nest

                Excellent Oney. Great advice newbies.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Oney...gonna save that one!
                  Welcome Home Sunni....we missed you
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nestlings

                    Just saying a quick hello. I am just tucking myself back into the nest - it hurts too much when I fall out!!!! + there's just too much reading to do to catch up with you all!! Hope you all have a good day/night
                    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back baby
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Neters,

                        Brr - it's cold outside, have the heat back on!!!
                        At least there's no snow outside Sunni

                        Welcome Newbies, hope you have made yourselves comfy!
                        Mazzie - where have you been???? Glad to see you back! No more falling - use the butt velcro!

                        OK, off to start my day.
                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Mazzie, yeah welcome back! Where DID you go? Hi Lav and all others - headin to work now
                          Check in later
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello fellow nesters.

                            Nora - my mocktail actually tasted good. Sounds disgusting I know but I enjoyed it.

                            Tranq - I think the jalapeno's were the ones pickled in a jar (Nora - sounds even worse now doesnt it..LOL). It's worth a play with to try and get it to a mixture you like.

                            Molly - I want that fun person to come out to play without the AL floating around in my system. It was a shock for me to realise how much of my personality was created by AL.

                            Not tonight - welcome to the nest. We often say how good it would be to video ourselves when we are drinking to watch while sober. I think make us realise how silly we look when we are drunk.

                            Just for me - Welcome to you too. I am still trying to adjust to the fact that I cant moderate. Oh god, how I wish I could. But I have tried for at least five years and know damn well I cant have "just one". I hate that fact but am slowly starting to accept it. Well done on 10 days AF. You are doing really well, keep up the good work.

                            One too many - thank you for the reminder of what we are going thru physically as well as mentally. I am such an impatient person that I want everything NOW! I liked what you said about switching from the deprevation mode to the gratitude mode. It really is just a thought. And changing that thought is sometimes what is so hard.

                            Lav - congratulations of the new baby. How exciting for you. Something for you to focus on and look forward to. Maybe a girl this time?

                            Mazzie - welcome back, we missed you. Hope you are doing OK.

                            Mama/Carol Brady - your son sounds lovely. How lucky you are to have a close relationship with your boy like that.

                            KTAB - nice to see you in the nest. Hope you are well.

                            Hope everyone is doing well tonight. Stay strong and let's all get thru to Friday AF.

                            Bye for now. HC
                            I finally got it!
                            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning, nestllings! Hope you're all safely buckled in. Mrs. Fennel and I made it through Mother's day with mom last night (no gruesome stories from my mom). All ready for a new week!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Fennel.....
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

