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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters

    Well i am just cold, end of story here!

    Just checking in too. TFIF is all i will say. been waking up at 4.15am all this week and at work by 5.30am. not sure why this is so but i am getting a great 7 hours so obviously my body doesnt want to get to 8 hours. i am so lucky i have this new job where i can work the hours i want. Sobriety is a blessing to me.

    So glad you had a great holiday Pav and have recharged those batteries.

    Belle, you just need to pull every grateful and positive out that you can think of and you will get through without al. Al solves nothing and there is no point drinking AT anyone as the only person it hurts is us. You will get through these teenage years, just remember you are a great mum.

    My son decided he wanted to go and see his father oh last week and of course no planning involved. no return ticket home, not idea on how he was getting to the airport and god forbid spending money. this one is 24 and i was so frustrated with him but then i think that i was probably the same at his age and life is so much easier when you are young. Being an adult sucks sometimes.

    Well off to do some work, take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Thanks for posting this [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION]! Life without alcohol is much simpler and so much better. I remember that from quitting for 8 years. Going back to drinking was effortless. Your dream is what I did. I am working on getting that sober time back and determined to make it stick this time. Erasing the last 8 years with drinking again has made my life way too complicated. I want to like myself again.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Thank you, Rava. That was the nicest thing said to me all day. You will get there....we believe in you, the nest is an amazing place, full of strength and new ideas. The nest believed in me when ia didnt believe in myself. I just didnt think I was capable of quitting, I was too far gone. I was too weak, I was too scared. I learned one thing here, and I believe it so strongly I put it in my signature line. All you gotta do, is get thru this day. Hugs to you! Hang in, no matter what. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Still warm but not overly hot as it has been. The sun made an appearance this afternoon to make things look nice

          Byrdie, I truly hope you get those days off completely next month so you can relax a little :hug:

          Welcome back Pav, glad you enjoyed yourself!

          Rava, never give up trying. You will meet your goals if that's what you really want

          Ava, being the adult all the time just seem like a chore, but someone has to do it, right?

          Hi there to Wags, Narilly & everyone.
          Wishing a peaceful & safe night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Thanks for all the support everyone. My last post was quite a downer...I'm feeling a bit better today.

            Lots of good stuff going on in the nest. Mr G...sounds like you made a great job move. Byrdie I don't know how you do it. I'm just slightly older than you and there is no way I could do that trade show/travel gig. Hopefully someday soon you can settle down.

            Ava, hope you can stay warm...which is not a problem in my world at the moment.

            Lav, you take such good care of your chickens. I'm sure they bring you great joy. Unlike teenagers! Lol!

            And to those also fighting the teen crazies, indeed the worst thing we can do is drink. I think that if I did and my son suspected it, he would feel like he gained the upper hand in all of this and would perhaps lose respect for me. I just can't afford that now. No matter what way he decides to go next year, gap year or college, there must be a lot of thoughtful guidance on my part and I cannot do that drunk and/or hangover.

            And to those struggling. what helped me the most was to mentally walk through what a drink would be like. Ahhhh the first one is so nice. but that buzz starts wearing off and then it feels like time for another drink (or shot, or glass of wine, etc) to keep the good buzz rolling. However, none of the subsequent drinks are ever as good as the first. So I would find my self just chasing that nice buzz which would just get farther and farther away from me. Until the point that I was clearly drunk. Then the GSR brothers would visit at night with all their baggage. When I walk through that scenario to the end, it is easier to not take that drink in the first place.

            Good night everyone! Stay safe and AF.

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              [MENTION=16180]BelleGirl[/MENTION], you summed it up well. Chasing all day for the initial buzz is very hard to do and makes us end up drunk as a skunk. I am up early and ready for work but tossed and turned all night. I think I slept about 4 hours total. So I am headed out exhausted but sober! Wishing my new nester friends a good and sober Friday!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Cloudy & cool day here. Quiet, and I’m thankful for that. The work pressure is still there for me, but a little less and I’ve enjoyed the last couple days. I find that the hard times never last and I can always look forward to a better day. I’ve been having memories surface of how I used to drink - and the further away I get from that time, the more I realize how dysfunctional it was. I am not and will never be a normal drinker.

                PAV, so glad you got some Nature time. It’s the best way to get a break and reconnect with what’s important. We go on an 8-day camping road trip beg. of August and I can’t wait! Thank you for your thoughtful post.

                UGH Ava… 4:15 am? It would take a front-end-loader to get me out of bed at that time! That said, I actually like the quiet of mornings, so I’m envious your body does it naturally.

                Hang in there RAVA, you can do this. We are here for you.

                Hi Belle. Sorry you’ve been feeling yuck. Good job mentally walking through the first drink to the very last remorseful feeling. It is NOT worth it.

                We have a mother robin who built her nest in a hanging pot on our front porch. Today I looked inside and found this. Thought it an appropriate image for us here.

                Last edited by KENSHO; June 22, 2018, 11:56 AM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hey, Nest

                  Life is chasing me down at the moment, or maybe I'm trying to keep up with my life, but I wanted to stop by and share an excerpt from a book that is being released in August: Trying to Kill the Want.
                  I think many of us can relate and she is an exceptional writer. Her blog is a good one, too: Off-Dry – I got sober. Life got big..

                  xx, NS


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    And to those also fighting the teen crazies, indeed the worst thing we can do is drink. I think that if I did and my son suspected it, he would feel like he gained the upper hand in all of this and would perhaps lose respect for me. I just can't afford that now. No matter what way he decides to go next year, gap year or college, there must be a lot of thoughtful guidance on my part and I cannot do that drunk and/or hangover.
                    Belle, this is what finally made me quit. I did not want to try and raise my teenagers while I was drinking. My daughter was 18 when I quit and my son 16 but better late than never. They learned a lot from seeing me quit and we have had many candid discussions about AL. I think these talks have really helped with their relationship with AL.

                    Rava, you know and we ALL know that we cannot have just one drink. One drink? Whats the point? That is what I always said.

                    Lav, it has been hot here but right now we are having huge thunderstorms. At least it is not -20C, its your turn to be cold Ava! Yeah teenagers and their planning. I know exactly what you mean about your son. He will figure it out eventually but I know it can be frustrating.

                    Hello everyone- NS, Pav, Byrdie, Life, G etc.


                    Looking forward to waking up UN HUNG tomorrow!

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Checkin in. Its only Friday, NOT a ticket to BoozeVille! Keep up the hard work!
                      :rara: Byrdie
                      Last edited by Byrdlady; June 23, 2018, 12:55 PM.
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        We are back into the off & on again rain thing but it's better that dealing with muggy heat

                        Belle, glad you have a better mind set today. The hard days come & they go. No need for us to give up our quits, that's self-defeating behavior, right?
                        I have a secret for you ------chickens are much easier & quicker to raise that teenagers, ha ha! Keep the faith that everything will work out for your son. I really would push him to write down his plan though ~ he owes you an explanation in my pinion.

                        Rava, I hope your sober Friday went well!

                        Kensho, your picture made me smile. We always end up with birds building nests in out flower pots, ha ha! They're ruined more hanging pots than I care to remember.

                        NS, thanks for the book recommendation

                        Narilly, enjoy the storms provided they aren't too large & destructive. There's a hot air balloon festival going on this weekend & I'm wondering if they are actually going to be able to get them up in the air with the rain & all, hmm.

                        Byrdie, I sure hope you have started your weekend by now & taking some me time.

                        Hello to the rest of the gang!

                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. With everything going on in the world & particularly in the US right now it occurred to me today that it's time to ramp up our gratitude levels. We are lucky to have all that we do. My heart goes out to all the people & especially the children looking for a safe place to live

                        Stay well everyone.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Wow, lots to catch up on from the last few days!

                          Byrdie - I hope you feel better soon! And maybe a new job will present itself if you chat with the universe about that. Preferably one that doesn't suck your soul!

                          Pav - sounds like a wonderful time in the mountains. We just got back from 4 days off the grid as well - totally spontaneous and badly needed. Back now but feeling refreshed. Glad you had a similar chance to rejuvenate.

                          Belle - sorry to hear you're struggling. Definitely sounds like a chat with your son is in order. A gap year can be very positive but as you said, the important part is having a purpose and a plan.

                          LC - love hearing about your daughter and the frisbee team. Do they play ultimate, disc golf, freestyle, or other??? I was on a frisbee team in high school and it was the very best part of high school for me. Such a great sport all around and generally really nice chilled out people. Good for her!

                          Rava - you've got this, and yes, it will stick. Keep on trying and searching - your way will unfold for you.

                          Kensho - glad your dream was just a dream! I agree with Lav - these dreams are gifts. Shake it off and keep on with your quit. You're not a drinker

                          Waves and hellos to Ava, Gman, Lav, Nar, Pauly, Nora, NS, and everyone else stopping by the nest today/tonight. So glad to be back here with all of you.
                          Last edited by wagmor; June 22, 2018, 11:23 PM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey all. Just stopped by to read some of the wisdom. Helps. Cruising along at day 33. Been too busy to really be able to check in here lately. I know it is important for me to read, read, read & post once in awhile. Not much to say except that I am very tired and pushing myself too hard at times. I think being overly tired and stressed is a definite trigger so I try and back off when I feel the need. Life is not easy right now but it is also not bad. I am starting to see that I am my worst enemy at times. Trying to find how to care for myself and live according to my own nature. Letting go as they say. I was out for a bike ride the other day and was beating myself up a bit and saying why don't I live in that house and why did I not take advantage of this or that opportunity along the way & why did I do this or that, etc. Then the song row, row, row your boat popped into my head. I said hmm, life is but a dream. The past is over. Done. I felt a relief come over me. I have floated past the past. Time to let go and live according to my nature. Now, I find myself saying blah-blah-blah. But really this is important. I found a link while writing this post that seems pretty relevant to my feelings.
                            ‘Life is But a Dream’ Meaning | DaphneShadows
                            Late nite rant by yours truly ~ hyper
                            Safe and sober weekend to everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              A video about the song that expresses the same general idea has stuck with me, [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION]: The SHOCKING Meaning of Row Row Row Your Boat - YouTube. We're creating our experience, so why not make it a good one? Congratulations on feeling good at day 33!

                              You feel good because you're thinking that it is right for you to be AF, you've met some goals, you like not feeling sick, etc etc. With just a change in your thoughts to one of deprivation, you wouldn't be contentedly cruising along at all. Change your thoughts, change your experience. Or, more do-able is to pay attention to and focus on the thoughts that make you feel good and let the others ones just drift away. It sounds like you're doing just that.

                              Happy dreaming!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], your post really resonated with me. Being overly tired and stressed are definite triggers for me. We must do what needs to be done to take care of ourselves first. During the witching hour yesterday, I was feeling stressed so I took a long walk. Felt much better when I came back. I understand the need to read read read here, and like you, unfortunately I don't always have the time to post as much as I would like to. Sometimes I don't even know what to say. Life is stressful for me too, and the future is scary sometimes. especially with my teens, I so want them to make good decisions and choices about their lives. this stresses me out the most. I am just hoping and praying that the universe will put them on the paths they need to be on.

                                Take care, Hyper and stay close. I am with you as having to come back here after a long stint AF.

                                Alcohol does me no favors.

                                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

