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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good morning everyone! I had such a clear headed productive day yesterday. Oh how I've missed those! And why I still have a job after this last year, drinking before work, throughout the day, and passing out in the evening.....I have no idea. Trust me, the productivity sucked. I have a lot to make up for.

    I'm starting to notice today, on day 12, that the bloating is starting to go down. I've not lost any weight as of yet but not as puffy for sure.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
    Last edited by Overit-still; July 10, 2018, 02:36 PM.
    The easy way to quit drinking?:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good morning!

      That clear-headed thing is the BEST Overit, right? Glad you are feeling better.

      Cinder, I love the beast analogy. At some point, drinking is like getting beat up every night... voluntarily. Ouch.

      I met with a functional Dr. this am (after eating everything in sight in NYC - and OMG, it was all so good!). We talked about lots of things and he asked me to elaborate on my drinking. He said research has found that 90%+ of alcoholics have leaky gut. I want to fix the things I messed up and get my energy back!

      Back to work for me today. Too much to do. But no drinking for this girl, and proud of it. Keep going everyone! You will get there if you keep trying!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters

        LC that is so sad about Andre but we can all relate to how he must feel. Defeated, shame, guilt but as we know it is our choice in life to make it better as hard as it is. A good reminder on why we cant ever drink. You are a good egg for keeping an eye on him.

        Lav, so happy you are having a great time with the fam bam and hope the heat is a bit kinder to you there or you have great air con.

        Steady, i hope you find a job soon but appreciate the time off. i dream about some time off! My anxiety has been high at the moment. My fur babies, menopause, co-workers. my dr suggested ad's and i was resistant but finally decided to give them a try and now i am finding i feel more on an even keel and my anxiety is settling down and i am actually feeling not as angry or wanting to kill people. Sending you hugs.

        Pav, im overdoing sugar too. everyday i talk about giving it up and everyday i eat it. sounds familiar like when i was drinking! my hips are suffering but not my liver.

        Over great work on your days sober. i found it hard to pull the gratitude out some days but i realised that waking up sober each day was gratitude enough.

        Such a good day to wake up and see all of the children and coach were rescued from the cave.

        Take care x
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Ava, I had a pretty crappy day, then I saw those boys coming out of that cave and what they all went thru to survive. Sometimes I don't appreciate my wonderful life enough. Today, I took stock of my blessings, MWO is among them.
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            We had another great day touring around, doing stuff that a 7 year old likes to do on vacation, ha ha. We had a little beach time too
            It’s warm & sunny but not overbearing like at home. This rental has AC too, nice!

            Steady, I feel for you with the anxiety, been there & done that
            It all eased up & eventually went away after a good stretch of AF time. I hope you get tgere soon as well.

            It’s pretty late so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest. Taking back control of your life is everything, remember that!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning nesters! Thanks for the book tip Pav I will order it today on my kindle. Lav, sounds like you are having a nice vacation! Enjoy that beach with your family. Looking forward to another sober day. My cravings have decreased and I am feeling stronger every day. Gonna stay close to this site and not wander away. Hope everyone has a great day!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all - quick check-in - I have been reading and it is helpful as always. My cravings have decreased too - feeling thankful for that! I've had more 'romanticizing' thoughts than cravings lately - but I know where drinking gets me, so that's a no go! Went to my daughter's college orientation yesterday - my husband and I will be empty nesters with both kids out of the house at college this fall. It will be interesting to see how that goes. They both still play their sports in college so that part (the part where we go and watch their games) won't completely go away but they won't be HERE and that will definitely be very different! When my son went two years ago it took awhile to get used to, I'm sure it will be the same this time. I'm hoping to have more quality time with my husband.

                Lav, it sounds like you're having a nice time!
                Byrdie I'm still thinking of you and all the fall-out from what you learned. Hope everything and everyone is doing OK.
                And you are right, we should all take stock of our blessings - each and every day!
                Rava - you sound great - in one of your earlier posts you mentioned being worried about retirement and drinking too much because you'd have so much time...I worry about that too! Well, if we've taken drinking off of the table then it should not be a problem, right? Makes it sounds so easy, huh?! If I could retire right now I often think I would - I'm definitely burned out at the moment, and Ava, I'm going through menopause too and it's really been affecting my ability to focus and the hot flashes are so annoying! I hope it gets better. I know there are vitamins and things I can be doing - I should really look into that more.

                Hi to everyone else and I hope everyone has a good and AF day!
                Last edited by frances; July 11, 2018, 06:22 AM.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Rava, The Bubble Hour is a podcast, not a book. Great to put it on your phone and listen to on a walk. I did that most of my first year... Glad your cravings are going away.

                  Byrdie - Wasn't that Thai rescue AMAZING?! I get claustrophobic just thinking about swimming through those narrow passages.

                  I don't have much to say. I am staying up too late these days and not getting enough sleep. When my teenagers are around that is when I can get them to talk...

                  Happy SOBER Hump Day.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Everyone.

                    Frances, I don't look forward to menopause. I would imagine alcohol would not help though... Sorry you're feeling burned out. Those phases seem to come and go with me. Do you have any time for a little re-charge? A little time off or long weekend? I get burned out when I'm out of balance - too much work and not enough play.

                    Byrdie, sorry you had such a crappy day. Sending you "better day" mojo now. Here's a little love in a language you speak:

                    Screenshot 2018-07-11 09.06.06.png

                    We have another day predicted to be over 100 degrees. Ugh. Not used to the sustained heat. The mama and papa robin in our flower basket have little fuzzy ones now and seem to be very busy. I don't know where they find the worms in this heat! I hope they make it. They certainly chirp loudly when I water the basket!

                    Here's to a productive day - even if that means finding 5 minutes to sit and breathe. I am finding that positive visualization is helping me cope with constant downer news.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Hump Day, Nesters!
                      Rava and Frances, I'm so glad the cravings are dying down, that is a blessing, isn't it? Now just keep your head down the march forward!
                      Kensho, thank you for the cake! I need to do more breathing, ha!
                      Sis and I reached out to the other family (actually, we reached out several times) and finally heard back from my half brother's wife. She said that they had gotten our notes, but were unable to find the information on to which we were referring. So Sis and I explained how to find what we were seeing, they haven't written back yet. That was Sunday. Apparently, they aren't thrilled about the family additions. Meanwhile, the son of the nurse who we also suspect to be our half sibling said he found out some more information from his sister that he was trying to process. I'm about 3 weeks ahead of him (learning that we aren't who we think we were) and I'm afraid he is going to have to get the DNA test in order to really know. Honestly, he looks as if the doctor spit him out himself! Poor thing is really stuggling with the thoughts of his mother being unfaithful like that. I told him i was sympathetic. I could almost understand 1 mistake, but 3??!! Either she was the unluckiest person on earth or the most fertile (or both). Gads, I don't even want to think about it. This doctor was no George Klooney, either.... more like Col. Potter on M.A.S.H. Oy.
                      Hope everyone has an easy day. All I know for sure is that life is BETTER SOBER!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Had another nice day & am grateful!
                        Leaving Canada tomorrow afternoon & driving a few hours into New York state, spending one night there then heading home. This has been a fun trip & One I really needed, ha ha.

                        Byrdie, I’m guessing it’s going to take time to unravel this family mystery. Everyone is going to have to process the info at their own pace too. I hope it just ends up with you having an enormous happy group :hug:

                        Rava & frances, sounds like you are both doing very nicely. I am happy for both of you!

                        Hi there Pav, kensho, Ava & everyone.
                        Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening everyone! Another great sober day here. Getting moving on all my medical check ups I've put off for years. I've also got thyroid issues going on so quite a few appointments in my future.
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            You sound great, Overit! Keep it up. It is amazing how much energy you can muster when not governed by alcohol.

                            Frances - Oh, menopause...I am not in it yet, but have a lot of the symptoms developing, including lack of focus, severe mood swings and dry skin. Let me know if you find the silver bullet...

                            My first one is leaving for college in the fall. Although he works nights and is almost never home, I know that we'll miss him when he goes. I AM looking forward to coming home to find my house in the same state I left it (with no new dishes in the sink or underwear on the floor).

                            Byrdie - I have heard SO many stories of half siblings, different fathers, etc., with the advent of those easy genetics tests. It is amazing. I can't imagine that doctors chutzpah to have all of those affairs - unprotected! I wonder how many there are in your town... It must be so confusing and disorienting to hear that news.

                            Lav - glad you got a great trip with your family. Your grandchildren are so lucky to have you around, and vice versa. I needed that little bit of gratitude this morning as I am heading into a difficult day at work. Thanks for that.

                            I went straight from vacation into too much work - I need to remember that taking care of myself, exercise, and sleep are not just nice to have - I NEED them. I have to find balance!

                            Happy Thursday!
                            Last edited by Pavati; July 12, 2018, 08:21 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Byrdie and Ava - the rescue was amazing and a spot of good news, wasn't it? Seems so much news is bad these days. I know the world has been through far rougher times, and I'm even old enough to remember a few of them, but sheesh!

                              Lav - sounds like you're having a wonderful vacation!

                              Pav - yep, even though your son isn't home much I'm sure having him off to college will feel quite different. I can't recall if you mentioned - will he be somewhat nearby, or is he heading off to someplace far away?

                              Kensho - we're having unusually hot weather here too. Makes it difficult to sleep. But absolutely not tempted by summer drinks as a way to cool off - we both know that's a ruse and that if anything al just makes us feel hotter. Hope you're able to find some shade or that you have good AC. We are fortunate to have a well-shaded backyard that stays noticeably cooler than most outdoor areas, but no AC - so back deck is where we tend to live in the summer time.

                              Sounds like folks are generally doing well. Hard to believe it's almost mid-July! The exciting part for me is that my 2-year AF anniversary is coming up in less than 2 weeks (July 24) yippee!

                              Have great days and eves everyone!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning nesters! Pav, you mentioned the book Tweak, thats what I ordered yesterday (I think it was you that mentioned it)! Its hard to keep up with everyone being new here but I am trying. Today is 3 weeks for me and thats huge. I am so happy with this site and the support it provides. Frances, I am glad you are still hanging in there with me. Byrdie, I am sorry you are having so much going on with your recent family issues. Must be stressful for you. Lav, hope you enjoy NY state today. Good luck overit with your medical issues. And hope everyone else has a great day!

