Just, had a bad day yesterday. Deeply tired & depressed. Not sleeping well, maybe cut down on the GABAcalm. Back to my baseline of being tired, depressed, & anxious.
Ruminating over FIL’s sudden death in January so soon after MILs in October, and my part in it (agreeing with the doctor to do the procedure that killed him, and also staying out of it earlier -when more conservative treatment might’ve worked- when he yelled at me for trying to talk to him about his condition). That all comes back now as SILs come to town today to settle estate with their brothers and start clearing out the house.
So getting into small amounts of alcohol in near beers and spiking water with bitters.
I feel more rested today.
Thanks for taking the time to reply about your strategies Pav.
Lav, maybe your floor project has had the added benefit of helping you to re-organize and clear clutter.