Friday evening greetings Nesters,
Our half day of sunshine yesterday is over, back to rain, thunder storms.....whatever.
I am now dog sitting my son's dog while they ar on vacation. I normally enjoy having her here but she's been sick for a few days. They came right from the vet office this morning where the dog was getting some IV fluids due to dehydration. Guess I have my work cut out for me for the next week. I am happy to be healthy & functioning so that I can help others - even grand-dogs, ha ha!
Slo, your daughters did what my kids did - one was married in September & one in December a few months later. Almost made me want to lose my mind. I was still drinking then but I don't think it was too problematic. Still, I kind of wish I was 100% sober for the events. You'll have lots of sober time under your belt by the time your next daughter's wedding comes around ;0
LC, nice to see you & glad to hear you enjoyed your time off.
Narilly, glad you are enjoying your new job & the paycheck

Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!