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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you so much, this feels like a very welcoming, safe place.
    I will read the book, and check out everything else this website has to offer. I am willing to do whatever I need to, to stop drinking. (I know that some believe that moderation can be accomplished too, and maybe someday I will get there...) For now though, I just want to stop completely.

    Thanks for being here....and have a good night everyone!


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Abielle - stick around!

      Sunshine - What did you buy?? Did you read my 'WWR' thread? I might be needing some inspiration soon lol!

      Papa R - 'Good Luck' seems inappropriate for a colonoscopy - but I hope it all goes well.

      Hello to all the other nestlings, Happy Monday!

      Had a bit of a wobble this morning in the form of a bit of a 'panicky' feeling (definitely not a panic attack) but did my relaxation and breathing thing and am back to 'normal' (?)

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        Newbies Nest

        morning peeps,

        Welcome Abiella. :welcome:

        Papa R-hope your mouth is better and everything goes ok with the colonoscopy. The nest is getting so big (a good thing) and yet you still take the time to tuck us all in each night. Thanks.

        Betty-read you WWR thread.hmmm Maybe you should have gone with Sun to her party! Ha!

        Sun-went to one of those parties years ago. Alot more fun than a tupperware party!

        Dilly-"They show you pictures of your colon afterwards. It's kind of cool." LMAF! You really seem to be able to find the bright side in every thing. Seriuosly though-that is a gift.

        To all the nesters that follow-hope you have a good day and reach all your goals!
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Irish-I would have missed you if I hadn't caught a glimpse of the leaves moving from the draft of your fan! Hope your evening is a good one!
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Newbies Nest

            Hi newbies! I thought I'd pop in and say hello. I posted this on ODAT and thought I'd repeat it over here. I know how AL isolates us and how it's difficult to get back into the swing of things AF. I was also thinking of a particular event that was very funny and realized that it was almost 30 years ago but it seemed like last week. Time does fly doesn't it. So before it gets away from me, I thought I'd do this:

            Today I'll call an old friend just to say hello. I think I'll work my way through the rolodex over the next few weeks. One friend sent me a Christmas card and wanted to get together. She is in her marriage just because of the kids. I guess she's seeking strength or solace but I'll try to give her whatever support I can. It's so easy to fall out of touch with people you know. And we can all do each other a world of good. You know you could always meet with them and have coffee or something AF and present yourself as drinking less these days, the whole truth, whatever. It easily sets the stage for that person and also reinforces your social AF behavior.

            Have a great day!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Newbies Nest

              have a nice day...

              flying out ( of the nest) today to get some sunshine and visit with friends....

              Hope you are all well ......
              How did the weekend go? Everybody make it to Monday feeling ok?

              Thanks for keeping the nest so comfy and cozy....i have been sleeping so well.

              Papa....hope you are ok today. We can tell you a bedtime story tonight if you like. You rest.

              Have fun out there everyone - -:l
              a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                Newbies Nest

                Hey, within, where are you flying off to? The nest is very quiet today. I guess all the little birdies are at work? I have the day off so I may do some work around the nest. I think I'll dust and sweep and re-arrange the twigs. It'll be all changed around by the time renewal pops in!

                Greenie, thanks for the reminder to reach out. I need to do more of that.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest


                  Hi there...just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello and thank you for the well wishes. The procedure went fine....a pollyp was found and is being tested, but all in all, it was tolerable. Have to follow up with the doc tomorrow as I have ??'s to ask. Couldn't today as I was (and still am) pretty loopy. Within, would love you to tuck me in later...Dill, thanks for making the bed...appreciate all you guys.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sorry I could not check in earlier today. I went to my Aunt's funeral out of state. I did not want to go for refreshments at the Country Club after leaving the graveside, but my sister wanted to go, so we did. Thank God my Sis was with me. She knows I'm an alkie and she is not a drinker, but much of the family are heavy drinkers. It was nice to see all of the family members that I have not seen for many years. I have my dog with me for a few days, which always makes me soooo happy. I am back in AA full force. I got myself a sponsor. Glad you are ok Renewal. Now sleep it off. I will check in with all of you in the morning.:l
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      just flew back in...
                      I had such a nice day. Time with friends, Hiking, hot-tubbing, shopping, dining. It was like a vacation in one day. A daycation!!!!!
                      I needed to get away from the nest and this site for a bit. Today was a good break.
                      Renewal....glad today was ok... now you rest. Dill did all the nest work....thanks dill!

                      Once apon a time....there was a place in a very special spot where a nest would do well...but in that spot there was a very dark shadow. There was no nest at all.

                      One day....Papa was passing by this special spot and stopped for a moment. Papa said, "shadow....find a new place to dwell. You see this is a special place. This place is where change happens....this place is warm and comforting....this place is to be a nest."
                      Shadow gathered its things and slowly roamed over to a new corner. There is sank down into the woods...looking for things to cast on.

                      It was that day that Papa placed the first and most sturdy twig in the place where the nest would come to be. Papa knew that there were many souls out in the world that might want to stop and rest in his nest. He Knew this nest would have to be strong and big and able to support lots of ideas, questions, challenges, successes, sadnesses and more.

                      Each day a new twig was placed in the nest....some by Papa...some by others. The nest was becoming big and strong with room for so much. Every day more and more people would learn about this nest. Some would stop by to look, some would move in....some would just visit and some would help build it stronger.

                      Today the nest is is more then a home, it has become a symbol for the safe place we all need to have in our lives in order to step out and grow strong. As long as we keep the nest strong and safe, we are helping the health and wellness of everyone who visits....For this, the nesters...(as they have come to be known).....are very thankful.

                      A full and vibrant nest is a strong nest and a strong nest is a lifeline and a lifeline is a gift for those who are tired of living in the shadows......

                      Good night sleepyheads....
                      a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                        Newbies Nest


                        Wow Dill....that was beautiful!! "This Papa" is very happy to have chased that shadow and planted our nest. It was always my hope to have 'a safe place' for people to well as prosper and grow. I've been blessed to have many ducklings like yourself make this nest what it is today.....a place where judgement and scorn are negated and where love and support thrive. All of you are what makes this special place what it is...I just chase the shadows and offer protection. Thank you Dill for wording it so eloquently....with that, I bid all of you a wonderful, peaceful night.....sleep tight my little ones.
                        Papa Renewal


                          Newbies Nest

                          Papa bear, go get your pink robe... your mind is sharper with that one! That was Within, not Dilly! :H Sheeesh. Forgive him, Within, he's still a bit fuzzy in the head from all the GOOD drugs he got today!

                          Well, peepers (wait.. not sure that sounds right?) - I'm gonna love ya and leave ya - I'm off to snooze. Have a safe and peaceful night! Sweet dreams!

                          And Within.. thank you for that lovely bed time story.

                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            *kiwiblondini crawls back into the nest and curls up with a fluffy blankie and a cup of tea happy to be back within the safety of the nest
                            well... things havent been going so well the last couple of weeks.. for some reason i chose not to remember that i have a alcohol issue that is never going to be healed, and thought i could drink in moderation... starting to wonder how many times i'm going to make the decision not to drink again?? i'm starting to get a bit sick of the broken record... SO today I went to see my doctor. She was amazing, we had a good chat and she has put me in contact with an organisation who deal with alcohol and drug issues... i'm a bit scared of going there to be honest... it makes everything so real, but i know this is what needs to happen if i want to move forward. She also made me realise that i dont conciously decide to be an alcoholic, that due to my family history im genetically prone to having issues. She described it like my body is missing an "off" switch when it comes to alcohol, which totally made sense.... anyways, this is all new to me so i guess i'm absorbing any new bit of information or advice like a sponge!! so if any of you fellow nesters have any words of wisdom, can share some coping stragegies or recommend any reading material you found helpful, i would be very appreciative day 1 of many is my current status.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Renewal, you must have been under the influence of the anesthesia from your procedure. I WISH I had written that wonderful bedtime story, but it was none other than our fellow tweeter, Within. Lovely story, Within!

                              Papa, all I get credit for is cleaning and re arranging the nest while you were all out and about. Yes, I did the heavy lifting!

                              Sunny, good to see you. It's time to hop off your twig and get your day started. Kiwi gets the worm for starting us out for today. Maybe will share it?

                              Kiwi, your tale sounds very, very familiar. But this is process and you are making progress. Don't give up!

                              Hey peeps, have a good day. I'll check in later!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning peeps,

                                Papa R-Good luck with your follow-up visit today. Isn't it great that one of the perks of recovery is the way we start taking care of our physical selfs?

                                SS-Looks like you get the gummy worm today. All the chocolate gummys from V-day gone but there are plenty other one's.

                                Greeneyes-We do isolate when we are drinking don't we. What a good idea, getting back in touch with friends.

                                Sea-I went to an AA meeting for the first time in almost 20 years. It was an attitudes meeting and pretty good. Theres also on Wed. & Fri. I'm going to try. Just thought it was time to get out around people again.

                                Within-Wow. That's just how it feels isn't it. Do you write children's books?

                                Dill-:wavin: Where are you? More important, Did you bring Coffee?

                                Kiwi-Welcome back. It's good you talked to your Doc. and he was able to direct to someone who deals with addiction problems. Have you been to the toolbox thread yet? It's in the monthly abstainers section, first thread. It has info on cravings, urges, and coping with them. It has helped me alot.

                                Well fellow nesters it's time for me to fly. Hope everyone has a good day.
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

