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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Lav is still swollen & red faced
    I look like an idiot actually, ha ha! I hate getting things like this on a weekend when no one is working, it's not bad enough for a trip to the ER. I guess I'll just continue to hide & wait it out until I can get some help. The closest urgent care is pretty far & I'm not in the mood to drive.

    Like NS, I've had plenty of kombucha & made some of my own but I never had any problem with it affecting me like that.
    Slo, now that you know you can skip it & choose another tasty drink. Weirdly I became very attached to chai spiced tea, yum.

    Not much else going on in Lav-land so I'll just wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      @No Sugar, I’m sure relieved that I didn’t lose my quit over that kombucha.

      I listened to a recent Annie Grace podcast, and her new work partner goes on about what a delicious non-alcoholic beverage kombucha is, so I buy it when I run across it in the grocery store the next day. Then I have these suspicious reactions -like it makes my muscles ache in the weird way that liquor does, which is why I always preferred beer & wine- and my daughter calls me out on it twice (geez, she’s more on to me than I thought!); then I read on the bottle that it contains alcohol and is not for people with alcohol sensitivities! It was just annoying that anti-alcohol gurus were promoting it on their show as a delicious alternative to alcohol, when it contains alcohol.

      I think I’d better stick to near beer for special occasions. But maybe when I’m further along then I’ll try sipping on kombucha, rather than gulp it like I did, and see if it works.

      [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], your puffy red eyes sound like no fun, especially if they itch! Sorry tomatoes turned on you. I’m rather taken with TAZO organic chai tea as well.
      [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION], bummer, and wish we could’ve read your long post. I’m too afraid of losing a post, so I push ‘Save’ a lot, then finish writing through the ‘Edit’ button.
      [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], that is interesting that Phil Collins is one of us!
      [MENTION=16384]drifty[/MENTION]Alison, did you just go to karaoke or did you sing there?! Good for you either way.
      Last edited by Slo; September 2, 2018, 10:33 PM.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hello everyone,
        So glad Monday is a holiday. I really need a day off, I have only been working 6 weeks and I am exhausted. I think I am going to have to look for another job, lofe is too short.
        Lav, is this just from tomatoes? Ouch, it sounds awful. I hope you are better tomorrow.
        I am going to Google Phil Collins, there is probably a good story about him. It’s amazing how many people are just like us.
        SLO, that is pretty crazy about Kombucha. I drink it occasionally but did not know about the potential alcohol content.

        Life, I can’t imagine the dating world right now. I met my husband when I was drunk and I can see how it would be hard to find someone that did not care if you drank. Ava, you are a lucky girl.xo

        Have a good night everyone.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nesters!
          Happy Labour Day to all you lucky dogs who get the day off!:happy2: I love a Monday off work..

          Nar, have a restful day! Does it look like your job might get a bit easier once you're fully integrated? Is it physically exhausting, or mentally or both? Hugs to you on this Un-hung morning.
          Lav, I'm so sorry to hear about that reaction.. does it itch as well? Is that a typical allergic reaction for you? I hope you're feeling better soon.

          Wag, what amazing pictures.. I thought the same as Ava.. sign me up for awhile. What an amazing place to retank.

          Slo, I've also only had positive experiences with Kombucha.. but I've always just made my own. It could be that it's necessary to shop around for the right one, paying close attention to the alcohol content. A lot of fermented foods and drinks have a negligible amount of alcohol.. but the longer you ferment (and especially if you do a second ferment with fruit or juice) the higher the alcohol content can be. I know, for myself, I get a kick from the live bacterias.. also from the tea, if I'm using green tea. I get a similar kick if I drink the juice from my sauerkraut.. Crazy that your daughter smelled "wine" on your breath! That's definitely a brand to stay away from.. I was wondering how old she is? and how much you've talked to her about alcohol and addiction?

          Thanks for all of the advice with regards to dating.. I've decided to just chill out and have fun and not worry. I know I won't drink and even though I'm kindof excited about a date, I'm also a bit ambivelant. I'm happy in my life right now and the last thing I want is stress or drama.. so if it's anything other than fun and easy, I'll let it go. He's supposed to decide where we are going to meet and text me and that might not even I don't need to get ahead of myself. :happy2:

          I'm really enjoying the Kristi Coulter book, Nothing Good Can Come from This.. It's essays, some of which I'd already read on her blog.. but worth reading again. Here's one I liked and related to very much.. such a good read.. where she's talking about wanting to lose the desire to drink.. Doing everything in her power to try to get rid of the WANT, and then finally realizing she's missing the point.. that she just has to stop drinking regardless of whether or not she wants to.. and maybe with time, the desire will fade. This is something that confused me for such a long time.. and it's what kept me drinking and trying to moderate forever. I "wanted" to drink and couldn't really imagine not ever drinking again. I had to get to the point where I realized that even though I might always "want" to drink, I couldn't have the life I wanted (even more) to have, the work, the people, the peace of mind, health, happiness, etc. etc. AND drink (thanks, Pav!) A lot of us did everything in our power to try and moderate... What a lot of work and disappointment that all was, right?!.. Want Not – Kristi Coulter – Medium

          Big shout out and Hugs to all you lovely people checking in and flying by today.xx
          Last edited by lifechange; September 3, 2018, 01:40 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Sorry about your allergic reaction, Lav. Bodies can be so weird and annoying. I had hoped that now that I'm nicer to mine, this sort of thing wouldn't happen anymore but no such luck. Hope you wake up in better shape today!

            Nar, if your job isn't going to improve, I agree that life's too short to work yourself to the ground (hear that, Byrdie??? :wink:?). Looking for a different one while you're worn down would be tough but hopefully worth it.

            More and more "alternative" fun beverages are showing up, Slo, and like LC said, there are different brands. Fermented foods are good for most people so it would be a shame if we had to give up all of them!

            Enjoy your date, LC. Given that more adults don't drink than do, maybe you'll be lucky and he'll be a nondrinker like you :smile:!
            Last edited by NoSugar; September 3, 2018, 05:48 AM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Lifechange, that was an excellent post. I am going to read more from Kristi Coulter, I downloaded that Medium article you posted.

              Thanks NS, yes, I am already looking for another job. Something will come up I am sure. Life, it is mentally exhausting, it’s go go go for 9-10 hours a day, no real break, eating my lunch at my desk, ugh. If I actually go for lunch I don’t get paid for it because it’s hourly. Yeah, as I write this I can see it really sucks.
              I am going to enjoy my day off today, yippee!

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                I love kombucha - tangy and sweetish. But my system doesn't like it. I get heart palpitations, a gurgling gut, a mild headache and brain fog when I drink it. I tested positive with fungal and bacterial imbalances in my gut - so until that is resolved, it is not a match for my system. I do know people who have had much increased health drinking it - but it is usually advised to start with small amounts and gradually build up to more. It has tons of beneficial bacteria and yeasts - but only if your body needs those particular to each brand - and I'm not sure if it's good with leaky gut (what I have). And it’s a strong detoxifier, so you might feel symptom of that when you start. Listen to your body!

                We have slept this weekend! The first 3-day weekend I can remember when we just stayed home and watched movies and chilled. I needed it - and feel much better. Trying to do a little work today, but generally enjoying a slower pace. I've really enjoyed studying my business courses online and I feel really motivated and inspired to build a stronger, more organized business.

                I started mine after I gave birth to my youngest 12 yrs. ago - and I've been just doing whatever it takes to keep moving forward. Instead of starting small, perfecting that and moving on to larger, I started big and just hung on for dear life. I never took (or had) the time to properly develop organized strategies. The good news is that I've survived and thrived in spite of it, but the cost was that I work harder instead of smarter. The thought of now clearing what I don't need (see this online course... A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back! | DailyOM) and simplifying, and strengthening the systems I already have is so enticing and exciting. It’s time.

                LAV - hope you get that reaction under control. That's a strong one.

                Narily - sorry you're feeling overworked. Life IS too short to work it all away. Yet, balance is hard to find. Thinking good job thoughts for you!

                Ava, how dare those people take your morning peace!! I've asked my son why he has always woken up before everyone in the house (despite going to bed at the same time) and he always says, "It's the only time it's quiet around here."

                Hope everyone has a good day.
                Last edited by KENSHO; September 3, 2018, 12:40 PM.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I went to a wedding yesterday, my worst thing to do sober, and I count it as a win! I was able to mingle and be happy & chatty enough without booze! Luckily it was a late morning service with a noon reception, so it didn’t go on forever, had a hearty lunch, and I could be helped along with caffeine.
                  If I would start wishing & wanting, then I would look around at what I DIDN’T want: noticing the guy I was talking to had broken bloods vessels all over his ruddy cheeks, which I no don’t want; noticing a guy pushing 70 who was plastered & bleary-eyed, which I do not want to be like as I advance in age, noticing a beer belly, etc.
                  Plus I was able to go for a bike ride later in the day, instead of wanting to take a nap.
                  So I feel like I got good practice at socializing sober!
                  Last edited by Slo; September 3, 2018, 04:39 PM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Thank you for your thoughtful education on kombucha, everyone! I guess of course it would produce alcohol if it’s fermented-duh on my part. I must’ve been drinking too much too fast and reacting also in other ways and to other ingredients in it. And it turns out my 15 y/o daughter is being suspicious about what I drink, how it affects me, and what it smells like, which further unnerved me!

                    [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] I have told her that I’m not going to drink wine & beer anymore, but haven’t gone into depth about it with her. She is getting pretty old, so of course is now much more aware of alcohol. Like this online drivers ed course that she just finished talked quite a bit about drinking, partying, & driving, and showed lots of video clips about it. And being at her sister’s weeklong destination wedding in April was full of drinking and involved some sitting around at outdoor cafes watching people get drunk. And of course, there’s me: as I got worse and further addicted & more out of control, she figured out what was going on, since she’s not a child anymore.
                    Last edited by Slo; September 3, 2018, 07:34 PM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I am pretty decent but I do enjoy it. Best part is that I am sober and I don't tend to mess things up as much.

                      This weekend I plan to take it easy since this past weekend was so busy. AF of course.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad to have less facial swelling today but the redness, itching & burning goes on. I hope to get an appointment tomorrow, I know I need some steroidal help.
                        Warm & sunny this afternoon after a damp & foggy morning. We will be having heat wave #4 this week - oh joy.

                        Everyone sounds really good & that makes me happy!
                        Figuring out what our triggers are & planning ahead so we don't get hit with a surprise is definitely the smart way to do this
                        Good self care goes a long way too, yes it does!

                        Stay strong everyone & have a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Glad to see all enjoyed a sober weekend. I had a great time away with great friends and a beautiful setting. It was wonderful to unplug and just laugh. I didn't get a chance to read all of the posts...

                          Lav - What happened that you're red and itchy? Allergic reaction to something, I bet.

                          Narilly - Life IS too short. I work way too much also. I am just starting year 2 and hoping that as I learn the ropes and make systems my own I will be able to shorten my day a bit.

                          Maybe I'm not in touch with my body, but I didn't notice a thing one way or the other when I drink kombucha. Any brand. At a pub I went to it was offered as the n/a alternative, so I'm going to trust they know what they're doing with that one... Weird how different bodies react differently. I really like the taste.

                          Wags - WOW! I am going to have to find out more about that cabin. I can't tell where you are. Which mountain is that?

                          Happy Tuesday, folks.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            LC - great post, and thanks for the article link - I'm going to check that out for sure. I love the concept, and even though I'm now well into my quit I still really enjoy and benefit from reading things that pertain to other (or all) stages of a quit. Good attitude about the date - just see what unfolds and if it's anything but fun and easy, no need to pursue it further.

                            Kensho - The way I started my own business sounds similar to your process, and like you I've never managed to get around to creating all of the organized systems that might make life easier. That isn't my forté so even though it sounds like a good goal I really don't have great skills for creating (and then using systems. I have been looking into that same course you mentioned. Glad you got to relax this weekend.

                            Lav - sorry you're still having so many symptoms, and hope you're able to get some relief at your appt

                            Nar - yep, sometimes writing out a description of our jobs or other situations is what makes it completely clear that we need to look for something else. I hope you're able to find something soon!

                            Pav - the most prominent mountain in the pics is Jefferson in the Cascades range. We were at one of about a dozen fire lookouts in Oregon that the forest service has restored and now makes available for rent. They are very hard to get (open nights are usually snatched up within minutes of becoming available online), but well worth the effort. Other states have these rental lookouts as well, including CA, WA, ID, and MT. We've stayed at three different ones now and they are fantastic!

                            Hellos and waves to Byrdie, Ava, Slo, Drifty, NS, and everyone else stopping by today. I had to work the holiday yesterday but am off today so it's mostly gonna be a day to play. Woohoo!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola y'all.

                              Lav, hope you're ok. gr8 view Wags! Ain't nature just the best. This city slicker needs to plug into it more.

                              All's ok here. Big waves to everyone.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hey all, I finally got a picute of the infamous dumpter where I was to ditch my empties when hubs went out of town. It is a good reminder of where I dont want to return. I KNOW I couldn't moderate then and I know I couldn't now.
                                My 40th class reunion is next week. Taking a few days off. Im really looking forward to it. Not sure which will be better, seeing my old school mates or getting 3 days off!
                                The dumpter I used was the brown one, parked in front of the green one. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

