Hi Nesters!
Quick fly by for me before I fall into bed. Yes, Slo, I'm feeling a bit less tired.. but that's 'cause I go to bed every night at 9 and sleep until 630! I'm sacrificing all of my "me" time at the moment.. hopefully another week or two and we'll be fit as fiddles!
Welcome Home, Byrdie!! Gosh, you've been through such a lot the past couple of weeks.. I hope you're able to relax, come down a bit now. Big hugs..
Pav, big hugs to you, too! I can imagine how bittersweet it must be to have the kids move on to University, or whatever the next stage in their lives might be. I hope your son will prove to be good at keeping in touch! How far away is he? .. Good luck with finding the right words/tone with regards to the feedback at work.
Have a wonderful vacation, Wags!
Great to see you, Nar!! I've missed you here..
Hugs to you all! Kensho, Pauly, G-man, NS, Rava, Mywayin, Ava, Belle (how are you??) and anyone I may have missed..
Wishing everyone a lovely (or at least manageable) Thursday/Friday!xx