Wags, I'm excited for your bike adventure! It's always been something on my wish list. I wondered about the wine though... good for you for being forceful. It's irresponsible for anyone to push alcohol on another person, innocent or not. I like the way you want to discuss it with her though. Have a blast!!
Choices, thanks for sharing your reflections. I see much of myself in your descriptions. We crossed a line into a bad place and have now climbed out of that hole. I love hearing how in-tune you are with where you are now. Sometimes it takes a bit to get to that acceptance place. There's a difference between believing we "shouldn't" drink, and truly understanding why we choose not to drink. I no longer wish to be a drinker because I completely understand the bad ways it affects my life. I crave the sugar and the escape at times, but the bad outweighs the good 20-1. It is a pleasure hearing you transform in your journey. You sound wise and in touch with yourself - like NS said.

Busy day here - busy week actually. So I'm off! The autumn weather has been truly beautiful here. If only we could stop the shorter days from coming - I miss the 9pm sun!
Have a lovely day!