Good Sunday evening Nesters,
The sun finally made an appearance just before dinner time, better than nothing I guess

It was a fairly quiet weekend for me, no dramas to report ha ha!
Ava, I value my alone time more than the average person ~ what does that say about people like us?
For me it means I absolutely have no room in my head for other people's BS. I am only willing to take on so much then it needs to stop. Spouses & SOs need to learn that or beware!!
We have to maintain a safety perimeter at all times & I'm not kidding

Overit, you should be feeling good after all that first class self care this week. Good for you!
Pav, sorry you had to work but I hope your week goes well for you.
Nar, I spent enough $$ in the state store during my 10 year drinking binge. They're not getting another dime out of me, LOL
LC, this is your final quit, it's going well so give yourself a pat on the back. I know we need to remember the past but not beat ourselves up for it either. I remember worrying about all that stuff in the beginning until I finally accepted that it happened, it's in the past & it won't happen again. Yay for us

Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
PS: Byrdie - those cookies, ha ha, awesome!!