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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, and Happy SOBER and UN-HUNG Sunday--

    Not much to report here. Relaxing day yesterday. We have a family lunch today and then my hope is to do some cooking so I have meals squared away for the week. I always try to do that, but I'm not very good, so I end up stressing after work to make something good and healthy. Today I will get ready!

    Choices great to see you drop by. Those school holidays were always tough because I had to work so we had to find places for the kids to be that were always expensive. Those days are long over for me, but it is nice that you got to spend some time with your daughter.

    Slo - You sound amazing.

    Mr. G - I love when you post here - you make me laugh. May that diet propel you to victory!!!

    I'm off to shop, cook and clean - I actually don't mind that kind of a day - nice and quiet and I can listen to my podcasts.

    Hi, Everyone else...



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy UnHung Sunday, everyone sounds good.
      I just redecorated my front room and am totally loving it, here is a picture of the corner where I sit, lol.
      It is a beautiful day here in Calgary. I am hangin with the hubs, cooking, walking the dog and visiting my ‘dog’ friends. Just like you Pav, having a nice quiet day.

      Lav, wait till you get the rash thing figured out before you take turmeric. You never know.

      Choices, that would have really upset me too if my child said that. I quit drinking pretty soon after telling my son to quit smoking pot while I was totally hammered. He’s said “mom, it was so funny you telling me not to do pot when you could hardly stand” omg, that was terrible.
      SLO, Rava, yeah, breaking up with our abusive lover named AL. I agree it’s such a difficult relationship.

      GMan, you are hilarious. I hope your run went well, now we know your secret about running fast, haha.

      Ava, hope you had a nice tome with your son.
      Byrdie, hope your job is getting better with your new boss. My job is getting better right now because I am going part time, which is nice.

      Have a super Sunday everyone and don’t drink!

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by Rava View Post
        Not that I’m alway happy and chipper but taking that crap off my plate adds to a better mood. That’s for sure!!!
        No pity or shame anymore Rava! We don't have to live that way ever again, and we sure don't need it. I like how you wrote 'better mood'. So true for me. It's probably the main reason i don't drink anymore - my mood plummets downwards mainly! I decided which way i want to live. I want to live in relative happiness, free of a chemically influenced mood and behaviour. Everything and everyone in my life suffers when i have that chemical in me. I don't need it. In fact, what a waste of my precious time. Keep up the great work.

        My pleasure Pav! Narilly, beautiful pic and ambience there.

        Great job on the craft fair Lav. $250 are good takings in anyone's language! I bet your helper made the day for you and all.

        Yo Pauly! Hi Slo.

        I was a bit stiff after yesterdays 10k community run, but this morning i feel fine. I was a bit undercooked with the training, so need to get more kilometres into the legs before the next one. And more yoga and back stretching. Def treating myself to a massage wed or thursday this week.

        L8tr g8trs.
        Last edited by Guitarista; October 14, 2018, 01:44 PM.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Ava - I'm now caught up on your recent challenges and am so sorry to hear about everything with your SO in particular. It sounds like you have a good healthy stance and that you're taking good care of yourself, which in situations like this is sometimes the most important thing to do. Here's hoping that your virus is now gone for good and that your anxiety feels under control as well. Hugs

          Choices - good to see you!

          Gman - hope you had a fantastic run. So proud of you on your 30+ days and your clean eating plan!

          Well, this turned out to be a tough week here. A dear friend took her own life Monday. At first we were all given the news that she had passed, and it seemed to be that her battle with cancer had finally met its end. But then Wed we discovered that she had actually committed suicide and the grief and shock quadrupled in nature. This is the second friend I've lost to suicide in the past 3 weeks. I'm heartbroken that they were both feeling so awful that this seemed to be the best solution. It just makes me sad that people are hurting that much. In the past, I would have immediately turned to al to deal with the grief, but it didn't even cross my mind this time.

          Hug your loved ones and check on your friends - even the ones you think are doing ok.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Lav, when I was going to physical therapy for my knee, the guy recommended Turmeric to me. As you know, I have Crohn’s/Colitis, so I was hesitant, but for the sake of this aching knee, thought Id give it a try. I took it for about 3-4 weeks and noticed I wasnt aching! My hands arent aching like they were and my colitis seems to be doing better. I only have maybe 1 day a week with crampy issues (as opposed to 2 or 3 days a week). So I actually think it is helping the inflammation! I think enough of it that Im not willing to give it up!
            Heading to Cincinnati tomorrow. Gman, I like your term, undercooked. I think my presentation may be undercooked! Im nervous!
            Hugs to all, nothing is made better by AL. Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Wags,sorry for the loss of your two friends suicide is bad cuz there's just too many unanswered questions and seems like those of us left behind feel some guilt or feel like there's something we could have done,big(( hugs)) from me,Byrdie,I feel the turmeric/bromelain supp I take helps with inflammation too,I haven't had to take Advil for months,where as I used to take it daily for chronic headaches and neck pain,waves to all
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Chilly today ~ perfect weather for me, haha!!!

                Slo, you sound like us. After 45 years of marriage so many things change, they have to really if we want to survive, Right?

                Rava, that commitment to no AL ever makes our quits much more manageable. We never again have to wrestle with the 'should I just have one" thoughts. We don't drink, it's as simple as that. Good for you!

                Pauly, I had several episodes of noticeable facial flushing after taking those muti vits with turmeric. It was gone within an hour but everyone at Curves stared at me, ha ha!

                Pav, glad your weekend is going well.

                Narilly, I love your Zen-like corner, very nice!
                Glad your job is going OK.

                G, wow, congrats on the 10 K run, impressive
                Taking good care of yourself always pays off.

                Wags, so sorry about your friend, that's rough. We never truly know what someone is thinking.
                Next month will be the 4 year anniversary of my husband's brother's suicide. He died right next door to us & was always welcome to come here to talk but he chose not to come over.
                I feel so sorry for the family left behind, it's sad.

                Byrdie, I'm glad to hear you are getting some relief from turmeric. I started my husband on it a few weeks for his arthritic pain in his wrists, I hope it works for him as well.
                We will be with you in Cincinnati tomorrow - kick butt!!!!!!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION], here I thought you were just sleeping off your bike tour last week, when instead you’ve been dealing with the trauma of the deaths of friends by suicide. Awful! Was your friend with cancer terminal? I’m just not so sure I could deal with the pain & suffering of current cancer treatments either, while waiting around for a slow demise. I’m so sorry that you are left shocked & hurting by these sudden losses.

                  Narilly, your newly decorated room is a true sanctuary!

                  G, a massage is well-deserved after a 10K. (Just don’t fart there!)

                  Choices, I’m impressed by what a good mother you are.

                  Lav, I’m liking the cooler weather too!

                  Byrdie, thinking of you today.

                  Good day to all.
                  Last edited by Slo; October 15, 2018, 09:50 AM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Slo, I’m glad you crawled out of the pit of alcohol addiction too! I enjoy your posts.

                    Rava, I used to feel like you do, but I can honestly say that with more alcohol-free time I don’t love alcohol now. I hate it. Maybe your opinion will change over time too.

                    G - Rockin’ it at a 10k! Awesome friend! I love you thoughts on gratitude. I believe it’s one of the single best things we can all do for ourselves right now.

                    Choices, your little girl will be so much better off with a sober mom! What a wonderful thing to give her. Of course, I know that parenting can drive us to need an escape sometimes too - it’s been an exercise in finding alternatives for me! Keep up the great work!

                    Lav, love the you shared your profits with your grandson. I’m sure you are making memories with him that he will cherish. They are certainly testing your patience with your testing. Hope you get some answers soon.

                    PAV, I don’t mind the shopping either. I saw a service offered at our grocery store yesterday at check out. You can pre-order everything on line and pick it up, or have it delivered. I realized I actually like food shopping. It’s time to myself when I can think about and plan for my week.

                    Narilly, love your plants. Your “corner” has good energy!

                    Wags, so sorry to hear about your friends taking their lives. I have a really hard time understanding how suicide can be an option for anyone - there is always another way. Hugs to you in your grief.

                    Byrdie, hope your presentation goes well! I’m sure you are more prepared than you think you are.

                    Here’s to us all - in different corners of the world, ridding our lives of poison and doing the work to become healthy, happy people. All in our own ways. To some of the strongest people I know… Cheers. With soda water

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi nesters. Sorry about your two friends Wags. Suicide is never easy to deal with. Your friend with cancer may have wanted to end it before the cancer caused complete devastation to the body and soul. If that was the reason, it makes sense. Its still hard. This issue is close to my heart as I lost an immediate family member to it. I feel that we are more compassionate with animals than people. That’s a whole topic right there! Don’t want to open a can of worms. Hope everyone has a good Monday. No booze for me today.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        morning nesters

                        Lav, sounds like a great day at the markets with your grandsons. funny how $5 means so much to them, means a lot to me these days too ha ha.

                        Slo, my last marriage (and only) lasted 17 years and he was like another child but a great drinking buddy at the end. This relationship i want to be different and better but time will tell.

                        Wags, i am so sorry to hear your friends took their own lives. trying to understand why is the hardest. sending you hugs. I could never understand why my brother drank himself to death until i was heading that way and i still wonder if there was something more i could have done.

                        Rava, yes i think we are kinder to animals than humans. My mum told my son that if she ends up in hospital that she wants me to make the decision to pull the plug as i made the decision to put my much loved fur baby down a few months ago. i just shook my head, 5 years ago it would have been an easy decision but now it would be awful. Lucky she is a fit and healthy 82 year old, who drives me nuts but i do love.

                        Nar, i looked at your photo and thought "that thing sticking out looks uncomfortable to lay against" until i realised the photo was sideways lol. it looks lovely and peaceful.

                        Well the SO is going to see a psychologist which is a positive. i think he has had that referral for 6 months and he told me he already doesnt like her (hasnt been yet). Even if we dont stay together it will be lovely to see him grow. My mum had her operation yesterday and ended up stayng in hospital overnight. she had a skin graft on her foot after having skin cancers removed so they didnt want her on her foot for 24 hours. I will take her home later today and have a few days off to make sure she is okay.

                        well better go and do some work. Lovely drive to work, its warm and dress weather so i am happy about that.

                        take care x
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hola friends,

                          Wags, my condolences to you and everyone there. Sorry for your loss too Rava. Sorry to hear this sad news. Take care of yourself and welcome back.

                          Hope your mum and SO are going ok Ava.

                          Feeling good post 10k run. Thanks for the congrat's y'all.

                          Off to work for me. It's blowing a gale. Lucky i have some spare extra strength super glue for the toupe. Thinking positive and gratitude.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good Monday evening Nesters,

                            Nice day here, a few light showers, no big deal. Still cool so that makes me happy!

                            Hello to Slo, Kensho, Rava, Ava & G

                            Ava, glad your mom is OK & staying off that foot. Skin grafts can be touchy, I hope she pays attention to the surgical orders. It took me years & years to talk my husband into seeing a psychiatrist. He was immediately diagnosed with chronic severe depression but denied it all the way. I hope your SO is willing to accept a diagnosis & some help if needed.

                            My SIL is Dutch & shocked me many years ago when her dad had inoperable brain cancer. Assisted suicide is legal there in Holland & is apparently used with no repercussion. When her dad grew violent & physically beat up one of his caretakers the family decided it was time to end his suffering. The medical community takes care of everything. I doubt the US will ever progress to the point of legalizing medically assisted suicide so many people make their own plans. How sad is that?

                            On another note, I wanted to share this article from the Harvard Health Blog: Real conversation starter...…………….
                            Does addiction last a lifetime? - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publishing

                            I think the majority of us have already figured out that abstinence is best

                            Byrdie, hope your presentation went well.

                            Have a safe night in the nest everyone!
                            Last edited by Lavande; October 15, 2018, 06:49 PM.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for the link share Lav - gonna read that as soon as I wrap up here.

                              Ava - great news about SO going to a counselor, and here's to his growth whether you stay together or not!

                              Interesting conversations around turmeric. I'm in need of something anti-inflammatory (including a change to my diet) and don't want to take a lot of meds, so I think I'll look into this.

                              Thanks for all the good thoughts re my friends. The most recent one had fought cancer and was in remission for several years, but her husband is gradually discovering that cancer took more from her than he ever realized (and he is a pretty sensitive in-touch soul, so he was already aware of quite a bit). I understand completely making such a choice when faced with a terminal situation, but as best as we know this was not her situation and she planned everything in secret. I cannot personally relate to feeling like I want to take my own life but I can imagine the depths of despair one must be feeling to see that as the best choice and my heart breaks for people who are hurting so badly. Yes, one of the hardest parts for those of us left behind is all of the unanswered questions.

                              Feeling extremely grateful for my quit these days. I recently started up with a new naturopath and was thrilled when we got to the part of the intake session where I got to declare that I don't drink or smoke EVER. She said she doesn't hear that very often. I think my quit is one of my proudest accomplishments!

                              Have good days and eves everyone


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Wags - I am so sorry. I missed that yesterday. And you, too, Lav. Suicide is so tough to figure out for people left behind. Medically assisted suicide IS legal in CA, OR, WA, HI, CO and maybe some more states - I still think it is tough for friends and family. As are all issues of life and death.

                                I have a lot more to say on that topic, but I'll leave that for another forum.

                                Lav, that article was thought provoking. My former BiL was addicted to cocaine, and although he could take or leave alcohol in general, it was when he was under the influence of alcohol that he would make the decision to go for the cocaine. The impaired judgement got in the way, not the substance. The science is appealing, and I do think we humans have a long history of trying to alter our consciousness, however I think about the risk/benefit. Even if I had a 10% chance of becoming addicted to something else, I don't think it is worth it, having figured all of these other things out.

                                Off to work. Autumn is settling in and I go to and from work in the dark already. Boo Hoo.


