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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Downright chilly now but I am OK with that after such a hot & rain filled summer. Just toss on another layer & go out & enjoy the weather - Yes

    Wags, perhaps your friend was hiding severe anxiety/depression after her bout with cancer. Going thru something like that has to be life changing & I imagine leaves a lot of people feeling confused. My BIL lost his son in a senseless accident just weeks after he graduated from high school. After 10 years of grieving & never really moving on he finally ended his own life which was shocking but not really a surprise. We all thought he would do it, it was just a matter of when. Still, it's sad.
    I have to agree with you that we should all be proud of our quits. We have shown great courage & strength, growth & mostly gratitude to have another day :hug:

    Pav, I wouldn't risk picking up another addiction or rekindling the old one(s) for anything. I think we are smarter than that
    If nothing else at least now we know that a substance will not give us what we think we want or need.

    Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Late check in. I had to work late tonight and again tomorrow night. My day was crazy but no drinking. Came home and had popcorn and a Diet Coke. Heading to bed now. Thanks for being here nesters!


        Re: Newbies Nest


        Now I've shaken the sugar habit, I seem to have a craving for fat. I eat plenty of it (olive oil, avocado, almond butter, butter), so it can't be a deprivation thing. NoSugar? Lav? any answers?

        Not much to add today. Happy SOBER Hump Day.



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by Pavati View Post
          Now I've shaken the sugar habit, I seem to have a craving for fat. I eat plenty of it (olive oil, avocado, almond butter, butter), so it can't be a deprivation thing. NoSugar? Lav? any answers?
          Good job on getting rid of the annoying sugar habit, Pav! Are you eating a sufficient amount of high-quality protein? That is the main macronutrient to cause satiety. For me, there is a limit to how much fat I can eat at a time in the face of low carbs - it just starts seeming kind of gross (e.g. chunks of cheese w/o crackers). I do tend to overeat nuts, though, if they are salted. With unsalted, I only eat the amount I'm actually hungry for and don't seem to turn on that dang craving signal.

          How's your SIBO diet going, @Lavande? Any unexpected good effects?

          @wagmore, I've been thinking so much about you and the loss of your friends. The only thing I know from conversations with people who fortunately were unsuccessful, was that they felt like they were doing an unselfish, kind thing for the people in their lives, though it certainly does not feel that way to the ones left behind. :hug:
          Last edited by NoSugar; October 17, 2018, 11:49 AM.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I haven’t been feeling well. (Unless I reduce sugar & caffeine, then go back up -then I feel on top of the world for a day or two.)
            My eyes have been dry, irritated, & itchy; I’m pale, tired, & short-of-breath; and my palms & soles of feet have a yellow cast to them.
            I found out why from reading the latest post on 180 Degree Health -I have vitamin A toxicity.

            After healing from the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal, I went crazy on eating vegetables again during the summer and harvest, in an effort to be healthy and lose weight. And, I tend to overdo greens and orange vegetables since it has been impressed upon me that the deeper the pigment, the healthier it is; eat the rainbow, get your antioxidants, etc.

            I guess it’s easy for me to get vitamin A overload since a long time ago in my early 30s I followed a crazy Hallelujah diet for awhile (vegan & including lots of carrot juice) until it caused me to turn orange. So maybe I’m permanently overloaded.

            This is related to my alcoholism because I no longer have alcohol in my system to flush the excess retinol out of my liver. (Good thing I’m here keeping my head on straight, or I might be tempted to go back to boozing to help fix this!)

            So, stop the daily multivitamin with all that vit. A in it, find unenriched flour, cereal, bread, & dairy in this nation that “enriches” so much with vit. A; and most importantly, stop the “more is better” attitude towards highly pigmented vegetables & fruits!

            [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION], are you so low in all carbs that your body is going into ketosis? Or, maybe you’re just looking for a soothing treat.
            [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], I love popcorn!
            [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION],I read the interesting article that you linked, but just don’t know much about cross addictions and have no strong opinions.
            Last edited by Slo; October 17, 2018, 03:30 PM.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola nesters!

              Day fkn 38. the feeling's pretty good over here.

              Crikey Slo. That must be frustrating re vit A toxicity. They tell us to eat all of these fruits and veggies then you find you're feeling unwell. I hope you find the best balance for you asap. I wonder if friend Kensho has any input on this, as i think she has looked at some nutritional sensitivities. Thankfully i've had no hiccups eating organic plant foods so far. I've noted i have more physical strength and energy. Take care and feel better soon.

              Hiya Rava. You raawk!

              Big waves to evabody!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                I tried to post twice from my phone today and it said there was an error. The phone version of MWO isnt very user friendly.
                The meeting in Cincinnati went well. Cross everything you’ve got ! I need this deal bad! I was so nervous, a presentation in front of my new boss. I really like him. Got a good jab in on the hag admin, too. He asked me if I had any problems he could help me with, I sited my issues with her. He said he’s planning to make some chages that should help us. I am hopeful. I turned in an order today and she found something wrong with it, copied him. i dont know how she does it. I honestly dont. She works HARD to find things to nit pick.
                So glad to be home. Im beat. No booze in sight! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  I hope everyone had a good Hump Day
                  Still cool here & I am loving that. Got my hair cut & some chores taken care of & made a lunch date with two old work friends for tomorrow. Not exactly an exciting life but it's comfortable, ha ha!!

                  Slo, wow, you do seem to have an excess of vitamin A onboard. I wonder if NS could recommend something to assist your liver in disposing the excess vitamin A.
                  Hang in there, we know allowing AL back into our lives is never the answer

                  G, glad you are doing so well. Congrats on your 38 days!

                  NS, unexpected good results - better sleep!
                  I always sleep better when the weather cools outside (even though the AC cools the house all summer). I hope getting rid of the excess bad bacteria will also help in the long run with the weird skin rashes I've been dealing with since April. I read somewhere that could happen. I can't tolerate a high fat diet (disturbs my gall bladder) & I don't consume any dairy or cheese or anything so when I feel hungry for something I am usually looking for something salty & usually on the list of NO foods for the month, LOL
                  But all in all I am feeling improvement!

                  Pav, I find a little peanut butter usually takes the edge off

                  Rava, popcorn is one of my favs. I can't have any right now on my restricted diet. Glad you thought to treat yourself!

                  Hello to everyone else & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    just a quick check in for me to say that i'm not drinking!
                    but have been dealing with the sudden death of our surrogate Grandpa across the street.. he died early on Sunday morning at home, so we've been very busy supporting our Grandma.. add to that, i had a terrible migraine like headache on Tuesday-part of yesterday.
                    was able to read back quite a bit and i'm so sorry, Wags, to hear of the loss of your friend. strength and love to you.
                    and to all of you! xx


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by lifechange View Post
                      just a quick check in for me to say that i'm not drinking!
                      I’m sorry about the death of your chosen grandpa, LC. That must be hard for you and your girls but it is great you were part of his life and are there to help his wife. :hug:.
                      This is an awkward sounding compliment but - I used to be uneasy about you when you weren’t around for a few days. Now it doesn’t even occur to me that you might be drinking. You don’t drink. xx, NS
                      Last edited by NoSugar; October 18, 2018, 06:22 AM.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, all:

                        LC - so sorry for your loss. Of course you weren't drinking, you don't drink. And how nice is it that you can be sober and clear-headed to support your grandma?

                        Slo - I don't think it is ketosis, more like that soothing thing. I'll try protein and peanut butter... One of my problems is that I work too late and am rushing to get some food on the table, so I go to my tried and true easy to cook meals. I think I'm bored. I need to do some better meal prep on Sundays... Easing up on the orange, I guess??? I've never heard of that.

                        Rawk on, G!

                        Late for an early meeting.

                        Sober Thursday,



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone.

                          LC, sorry about your "Grandpa". It's hard to say goodbye. And sorry about your migraine - they're really debilitating. Hope your day is easy.

                          I'm plugging along these days, just working and taking it easy at the same time. Trying not to red-line things any more. I used to think that I was a fighter and a go-getter and that meant I had to push myself to the max and beyond. Now I understand that was damaging. I can still be a successful person and take care of me on a more balanced, easy level. I will probably live longer for it too!

                          Yesterday someone mentioned how my husband has changed over the last several years. I had to say that I hadn't noticed the transition as strongly - probably because I was focused on changing my life. But I can't help but wonder if my lack of desire to engage him, and my own personal growth and calmer nature has influenced him. I suppose that being around someone more grounded and present might rub off? He's done his own work too, of course. But I do think there's a ripple effect of whatever energy we put out there. It's important to find and emit positive, loving vibes more than ever now.

                          We had trees turning lovely shades of autumn - and then a snowstorm hit last week, and the trees gave up. Lots to rake this weekend!! Upper body - get ready!!

                          Happy after-hump day. I'm feeling like one year AF is in grasp.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            LC - so sorry to hear about your "grandpa" across the street, and glad you can be there for gram left behind. I'm convinced that loss and grief are two of the hardest human experiences. Good thing you don't drink! Sending hugs and support.

                            Slo - the vitamin A thing sounds rough. I know A is fat soluble and the body can definitely get too much of it, but I am not familiar with the side effects of such overload. I hope you're able to work through this quickly and easily, and that you feel better soon.

                            Pav - congrats on kicking the sugar! Staying tuned to hear whether upping your protein has any positive effects for you...

                            Byrdie - fingers crossed for you on the deal, and glad to hear new boss is such an improvement

                            Cruising along nice and easy here as we settle back into daily life after our bike adventure. We're having a string of absolutely glorious fall days - sunny and around 70 degrees during the day, but cool crisp nights - my favorite combination (perhaps a tad warmer). It's all gonna come to an end early next week so we're trying to get outdoor jobs/tasks and fun things done NOW while we can still stay dry doing them.

                            Happy Thursday day and eve everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              There are drugs to treat hypervitaminosis A, [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], but I've never heard of natural routes other than reducing intake. I sure hope it clears your system quickly and you start to feel better soon. I was a wreck when our son took Accutane for acne - that is straight out toxic levels of vitamin A. He came through it ok, thankfully, and with a much-improved self image.

                              Congrats on the better sleep, [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION]. I finally got some room darkening shades so the light from my across-the-street neighbor no longer shines in. That and the (sadly) shorter days have helped me recently. The biggie, of course, was when I stopped drinking and quit waking up at 2-3 am when my blood alcohol finally had dropped, making me wake up sweaty and miserable. I tried to pass it off a menopause but of course knew deep down what a load of junk that was. Man, I do not miss awful early mornings.

                              I'm pretty fired up about the upcoming elections here in the US and volunteered to work on election day. I just got the notification of the training next Mon pm and it struck me that in the bad old days, I would have backed out of working because I wouldn't have been willing to commit to the training session - I would have chosen to sit on my butt and drink myself into oblivion yet again. It is so sad how many opportunities I missed because of addiction. I'm really grateful to be done with that, too!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Thanks, NoSugar. Yes, I’ll have to dramatically lower my intake of vitamin A & carotenoids. My whole idea of what is nutritious has been turned on its head,180 degrees.
                                I absolutely did not want my daughters taking Accutane either and let them know how I felt, but one still took a full course of it, and another one started, but stopped due to the terrible side effects.

                                Byrdie, glad you’re home safe, and it went well.

                                LC, no, we didn’t think you were drinking! How wonderful that your daughters have had the experience of surrogate grandparents, and vice versa. Yes, [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION], I have learned that grief is incredibly painful. I’m sorry that you and LC are both going through this now.

                                Lav, how nice that you have an outing today with friends from the trenches.

                                Those are very wise insights, Kensho.

                                Waves to everyone!
                                Last edited by Slo; October 18, 2018, 06:30 PM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

