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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All--

    A drunk driver struck and killed a woman commuting on her bike in our community. So sad for all involved. The woman was older, grandkids, etc. The driver was in her 20s. One life gone and another forever changed.

    I, too, am overwhelmed by what is going on. It is difficult to see the hate and violence every day. Thanks for your bit of Gandhi, NS.

    Kensho, glad you're on the mend.
    Wags, hope you get some new clients.
    Lav, glad you got time with your granddaughter.
    Slo - I quiet Halloween at home sounds nice. Good luck on the swim meet.

    I'm off to work - Happy Halloween.



      Re: Newbies Nest

      Pav, that is so sad. Stories involving AL just make me sick. I can't tell you the countless stupid things I did while drunk. I HATE AL!

      I should have taken a mental health day today, work is driving me nuts! I hope we get some trick or treaters tonight, I just love seeing the little ones dress up! Hugs to all, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Big waves to everyone!

        Happy birthday Byrdy! A mental health day sounds goooooood.

        The election in the USA sounds crazy. I hope level heads prevail somehow.

        Day 52 in G land. Right on baby.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Halloween evening Nesters

          Lovely day around these parts, sunny & a bit warmish. Perfect weather for the trick-or-treaters!! Wish we had some around here in cow-ville, ha ha!

          Pav, very sorry to hear that story, tragic.
          I just CANNOT wait for election day next week. I am going to vote these bloated, lying, a-holes right out of their jobs.

          Slo, keeping you & your family in my thoughts. You never know when your brother just may decide it's time to turn a corner.
          Halloween was always hectic but fun when the kids were little. Then they suddenly grow up & lose interest, oh well. I hope your daughter's swim meet is excellent

          Happy birthday to you Ms Byrdie
          I wish you had taken the day off just to be nice to yourself. Hope you can rescue a little of the day!

          G, great on your 52 days - keep moving forward & have no regrets!

          Went to see my grandsons briefly after school & deliver treats. They were wound up, to say the least, LOL
          Wishing everyone a BOO-tiful & safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening nesters

            Slo, i hope your brother figures it out, we all know we can only stop the madness when we are ready. My brother didnt stop and died from al related illness, i couldnt help him as he didnt want help or was too scared to ask.

            Pav, so sorry to hear about the death of a woman by a drunk driver. i still think we are the lucky ones stopping al and so young too.

            Finally took mum home, 6 hour drive there and back but she is home safe and sound and happy and we have our house back. you dont realise how loud you have to talk to a deaf person and how loud the tv is on. loving the peace and quiet.

            having a few hot days and my hayfever is running rampant. i havent had hayfever in 31 years and now just want to pull my eyes out and rinse them under cold water. Work is mad but only 21 days until the girl comes back that i am doing her job for. im exhausted starting at 5am but seem to be on top of things at present even with looking after mum and having days off.

            i am now a single Ava so feeling a bit glum but such is life, angry and sad atm. Good thing i have a tonne of work to do to keep me busy.

            Hope everyone is doing well.

            take care xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              Ava - so much time taking care of others. Don't forget to take care of YOU. Sorry about the breakup, and I hope it is what is best for you in the long run. Doesn't make it any easier right now.

              Lav - good you could visit and then leave! I love seeing the creative costumes on Halloween - there were some good ones out there.

              Byrdie - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day late)! I hope you enjoyed yourself and had some fun.

              Keep it rolling, G.

              Off to work. I woke up early to get some stuff done.

              Happy SOBER Thursday.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good morning, Nesters!
                I really appreciate all the good witches for my birthday, work was a beast, but the day was salvaged, thanks to my wonderful neighbor who had a dinner party for me. I got 2 bottles of WINE for my big day. You'd think that after almost 8 years, they would notice I don't drink, but that's ok!! Goes to show you how little others pay attention....when I was first quitting I put way to much stock in what others thought! We had a delicious dinner and cake was worth the 2 pounds I gained. I'll have to reel that in as the holidays are in sight.
                Ava, I'm so sorry about your broken heart. I don't know anything to heal it but time and/or a new flame! Much like addiction, distraction is going to be your friend. We are all thinking of you and hope you can move forward with the whole thing.
                I was the only non drinker last night, as usual....and proud of it. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good friday morning from over here.

                  Hope halloween was fun.

                  Sorry to hear Ava. These sorts of situations are difficult. Take good care of you my friend.

                  Pav, i meant to say so sorry to hear of that road accident. You're right when you say one life gone and another changed forever. There are no winners here. It is devastating.

                  Some backpacker trying to make a buck on his travels was offering a half price ticket to boozeville, buy one git one free G man.....No thanks buddy. I think it was the same bloke who rang me the other day trying to sell me cheap electricity. I know it's hard when funds are low on the road. I wished him safe travels and gave him a free ticket to the room full of mirrors.

                  Big waves to evabody.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Boy are we ever in a warm spell here - 73 degrees on Nov 1 - highly unusual. We're supposed to get thunder storms tomorrow so I assume that will bring the cool weather back, who knows??

                    Ava, I'm sorry about your break up but you know what is good for you & what is not. :hug:
                    I just couldn't risk my quit to try to make someone else happy. I took way too long to actually realize that people have to make themselves happy, right?
                    Glad you mom is back in her home safe & sound. I live with a haring impaired individual & know all about the loud TVs & talking and all that. My husband wrecked his hearing 30 some years ago on the pistol range doing his annual recertification - DUH! We have the script running on the bottom of the TV screen which is annoying but it helps so the volume doesn't have to be so LOUD, haha!

                    Ava, hope you had a great day!

                    Byrdie, make sure you re-gift those wine bottles right back to the people who gave them to you, LOL
                    People really don't pay attention, do they??

                    G, you need to raise your defense shields & keep your quit safe

                    Took a walk thru an Amish woodworker's shop today. He makes beautiful furniture out of reclaimed barn wood, oh my. There just may be a new kitchen table in my future
                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters! I’m a little bit lax with keeping up here. I am still sober tho. Spending a lot of time in the podcasts listening to the Bubble Hour as well as a few other ones. They have been quite helpful. I didnt want anyone to think I disappeared into BoozeVille. Glad I can come here to check in. Hope everyone is having a great day!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        There you are, Rava! Good to hear from you! What other podcasts do you like, other than the Bubble Hour and Annie Grace?

                        Byrdie, what a nice birthday surprise! (The dinner party, not the wine!) Booze is such a popular gift for people to give. This past year for Christmas in my family we did a present exchange where everyone brings a wrapped gift for anybody, and when your number is picked you choose one; and it turned out to be mostly a booze exchange.

                        The same with my husband’s family: the gift exchange involved picking a name and a country, and buying a gift reflective of the country you chose; and that ended up being just a big booze exchange too.

                        Speaking of Christmas, the couple of stores I was in today had been completely transformed into Christmas wonderlands, by the day after Halloween!

                        Pav, thanks for posting the awful story about the drunk driver killing the cyclist in your community. The possibility of doing something like that is so sickening. Plus these devastating tragedies help reinforce our quits by exposing the dark & destructive side of alcohol, as a counterpoint to all the glorification of it.

                        Ava, I relate to wanting to pull your eyes out & rinse them in cold water as I ate too much vitamin A-rich food yesterday, like spaghetti sauce, and my eyes got red, dry, & itchy again.

                        Ava, sorry about your breakup; that is so painful. But like you said, it was at the point of making the decision to further commit or break it off. I’m sad that alcohol was a small part of the conflict too, as I like to pretend it doesn’t matter what one drinks; but it does impact on relationships, and it is our reality that we cannot drink and we need to protect our quits as a priority.

                        Happy November to all!
                        Last edited by Slo; November 1, 2018, 09:38 PM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All--

                          Well thank goodness it's Friday!

                          I love podcasts. The best series right now to me, if you're into politics at all, is Slow Burn. The first season is about Watergate, and the second is about the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Very compelling and full of side stories you don't remember or have never heard of. I realize these will have more appeal to the US folks here, but they are really well done. I also just listened to a Broken Brain Podcast - Practicing Awareness to Live Your Best Life. Very compelling to me because there is a lot of brain science behind the ideas of cultivating an awareness practice. He also offers a lot of free resources. I just listened, so I haven't started the practice yet, but I'm going to look into it this weekend.

                          Aaah, the booze gifts. At least you can re-gift it for free!

                          Lav, it is supposed to be 80 here today - more normal for us this time of year, but still quite high. I am looking for the rain! I am not looking forward to setting my clock back an hour, however. Sigh. My husband is hard of hearing, too. We have to watch with closed captions. My mom is pretty deaf - they got some bluetooth headphones for her which are independently adjustable for volume so she can listen louder and my dad doesn't have to watch sub-titles. I think they were expensive but now maybe cheaper.

                          Good kicking that grifter to the curb, G. No tickets to Boozeville here.

                          Last edited by Pavati; November 2, 2018, 08:23 AM.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            I really thought I posted yesterday, but must not have.

                            Anyway, another Halloween done, another mom-made costume, another ton of candy, and another tired family. Glad today is Friday! I am STILL coughing and fighting a clogged head and ears. I have a renewed appreciation for health!

                            PAV, that's so sad about your community member killed by a drunk driver. Such needless tragedy. I keep hearing about the Broken Brain Podcast... I'll check that out today.

                            AVA, I'm sorry for your heartbreak. The right person will come for you.

                            I have a home day, and am looking forward to a slower pace. Also dealing with a somewhat negative husband. He's really affected by some of the cruelty and hate he sees right now. Though I am disgusted by it as well, I am trying to get him to find positive things to explore. Too much negative breeds negative. It is imperative that we all find and see the good things that people are doing too - they are all around us. It is not condoning the worst in people to put our energy behind those with values of hope and a good future.

                            Whew! Sorry for that rant. It's a tough time in the US. Get me past Tuesday and give me some good news.

                            Happy to be sober. Nearing one year. It can be done!!
                            Last edited by KENSHO; November 2, 2018, 08:40 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good afternoon, Nesters!
                              I've goofed of a good bit of today, and loved it! It's a dreary day outside, but my heart is full, I got a birthday card from my new half brother (not from the main family, but the one that's the nurse's son, I went to high school with him). That lifted my spirits!
                              It's only Friday, gang, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Have a great day, all :rara: Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning nesters

                                Hope you feel better soon Kensho, there is nothing worse when a sickness drags on. i used to try and drink through mine when i was sick. dont think that worked very well.

                                Glad you had a goofy day Byrd.

                                We have had a couple of hot days but now cool today. Im going to do some spring cleaning while it is still spring. Have a mouse in the house or 3 so i need to get rid of them. one was making a nest behind the microwave.

                                my son and his friend have gone to the races today and i told them not to come home drunk. son said well i wont be home and i said good. i dont want any al in my house atm, not that i am tempted to drink but i remember how al drowned the pain and i wont put myself in harms way. My life is so much more fulfilling sober and no one is worth drinking at.

                                Slo, i always get gifts of bottles of wine at xmas and i have a work colleague who i give them too. she knows i have stopped drinking and is quite happy to take them off my hands. The ex wasnt a drinker but only on occasion but he certainly had it in his head i attend this cocktail party as it was run by an old friend of his. Just the icing on the cake really. I could not be with a drinker now.

                                Well off to do some cleaning. Take care xx
                                Where are you LC.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

