Good evening Nesters,
Grateful to still have power after a day of snow, high winds & now rain. The good news is the temp just went above freezing so hopefully there will be little to no ice to deal with tomorrow

Slo, glad you got to see the doc.
I'm another who does not do well on low carb diets - leave me craving ~ something. I would dearly love to lose the 20 menopause lbs I packed on but I am not going to make myself crazy, right?
Fortunately for us Christmas parties seem to be a thing of the past. When you retire you lose those opportunities & families like mine are so spread apart get togethers are pretty rare.
I'm happier staying home for the most part & enjoying an anxiety free evening.
Hello to Pauly, G, Byrdie, Pav, Ava & Wags.
Pav,I have noticed the Zyrtec leaves me feeling kinda spaced out & dries my eyes out terribly. I cut down to 1X/day & am taking it at bedtime. I don't have any active allergy symptoms or rashes going on so 1/day is plenty

Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!