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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    He just got home. This is one of those days that I either curl up in bed & sleep for 24 hours...........I cry for 24 hours.........or I drink...........
    I think my head is going to explode. I have got to learn to deal with stress. That is why I am here. He is 23 years old. He is an adult. He is our only child and we love him more than words can say. He is responsible normally but alcohol became involved in the situation....sound familiar? :upset:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest



        Newbies Nest

        Oh, thank God.
        Not the alcohol part - but he's home.

        :l You ARE dealing with stress differently, honey. Instead of picking up a glass, you POSTED! I'm SOOOOO proud of you!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          sunshine_gg;857255 wrote: Oh, thank God.
          Not the alcohol part - but he's home.

          :l You ARE dealing with stress differently, honey. Instead of picking up a glass, you POSTED! I'm SOOOOO proud of you!
          Don't be too proud Sunni - I'm still at work. That is saving me. I have 4 hours to calm down & get myself together. Thanks folks. :l:l
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Do you have any soothing teas at work, like mint or chamomile? I know it sounds lame, but they are quite comforting to me in the evenings when I'm looking to settle down. In fact, just the act of making a cup of tea for oneself is rather comforting. Hang in there, Nora...


              Newbies Nest

              I have to run some errands, but I'm thinking of you, Nora...I'll check back just as soon as I return. :l


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks :l - Think I'm going to break down & take a Lorazepam. It will help take the edge off.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  hi everyone,

                  i'm struggling so bad. i won't take a drink as i've had my antabuse but i'm desperate for one. i don't think i can live this life without al in it. i miss it tonight. i'm grumpy, weepy, miserable and bored :'-(

                  i've been so strong and that strength has vanished in a matter of hours. i'm truly fed up, checking which date i can next have a drink. i really don't think i can live without al for the rest of my life. help please. have you all gone through this?:upset:

                  will it pass if i carry on my antabuse, will my mindset change?

                  a very unhappy gw xx
                  The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Oh Girly - I am so sorry!:l It will get better. Hang in there. It will get better. We just have to keep telling ourselves that it will get better. :l:l
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      NoraC;857247 wrote: He just got home. This is one of those days that I either curl up in bed & sleep for 24 hours...........I cry for 24 hours.........or I drink...........
                      I think my head is going to explode. I have got to learn to deal with stress. That is why I am here. He is 23 years old. He is an adult. He is our only child and we love him more than words can say. He is responsible normally but alcohol became involved in the situation....sound familiar? :upset:
                      Glad all is well. Be calm. :h


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nora.. I was going to ask if you had some tea there as well... dunno what it is about a cup of tea... but it's CALMING.

                        Girlie.. hmmm...
                        No, your mindset doesn't change magically. Unfortunately. YOU are the one who has to change that.

                        Please allow me to take a close look at your post...
                        i don't think i can live this life without al in it. Well, yes, you CAN live without AL. AL does nothing FOR your body. There is no nutritional value. AL does not do good things for your mind, either. AL is a depressant. You think you feel weepy now... just wait until you come out of the AL induced fog.

                        I miss it tonight.Understood. You will, for a while. Because you have grown used to it.

                        i'm grumpy, weepy, miserable and bored :'-(
                        I'm sorry you feel that way at the moment. And it is hard to take right now BECAUSE you have been used to mask/drown those feelings. EVERYONE feels like that at times. Without AL you will have to learn to ride it out, distract yourself, or find out what made you feel this way and work on the cause.

                        i've been so strong and that strength has vanished in a matter of hours. i'm truly fed up, checking which date i can next have a drink. i really don't think i can live without al for the rest of my life. help please. have you all gone through this
                        :l Yes, your determination pulling a Houdini is quite common. RIDE IT OUT. Please :l Every time you do, the next vanishing act will come later and a little less strong.

                        Do you have a list of ALL the things you don't like about drinking? All the things that have gone wrong because you were drinking? The 'day after' depression? The physical and mental anguish? If so, take it out... read it over again. If not.. make one.

                        You can do this, girly!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow, sunshine...I'm going to make that list for myself when my determination does a "houdini" on me. What a great response!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Girly, I'm with sunshine_gg. Keep toughing it out and remind yourself of all the reasons why A brought you here in the first place. It's a habit- and habits can be broken. The longer you're away from it, the easier it will get. :l


                              Newbies Nest

                              My list...

                              looks like this:

                              What I loathe/hate about drinking alcohol:

                              - making an ass of myself
                              - embarrassing those with/around me
                              - setting a horrible example for my children
                              - dialing under the influence
                              - emailing under the influence
                              - getting depressed/whiney/having a pity party
                              - heart burn
                              - head ache
                              - slurring my speech - aware that I'm not pulling it off
                              - turning into an insensitive bitch
                              - falling down stairs
                              - making excuses about having taken meds
                              - thinking 'have another drink, dear' knowing full well, I've had 3 too many already
                              - leaving projects unfinished
                              - passing out on the bathroom floor
                              - passing out on the couch
                              - passing out in bed (best case scenario)
                              - blacking out - wondering what the hell happened, what did I say, what did I do?
                              - waking up in the middle of the night, dehydrated, barely able to get a glass of water
                              - waking up with a knot in my stomach, knowing 'I did it again'
                              - waking up with bruises and scrapes
                              - looking in the mirror at some washed out, ugly woman
                              - trying to steady shaky hands
                              - promising myself not to ever do this again - only to do it again
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mine is:

                                - worrying that the next time my mom injures herself, I'll be too wasted to help her
                                - hating waking up dying of thirst
                                - wondering what I did/said
                                - being embarrassed for people to see my hands shake
                                - being embarrassed about my recycling bin
                                - knowing that sooner or later, my bloodwork is going to give me away at my doc's office
                                - knowing that I'm slowly but surely killing myself
                                - knowing that some people look at me and know exactly what's going on
                                - having determination to turn over a new leaf, only to lose it by the same evening

