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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Nora, how are you doing? How are the rest of the nestlings tonight? I hope Mama Bear is having a lovely, sentimental graduation weekend...


      Newbies Nest

      fennel;857617 wrote: Nora, how are you doing? How are the rest of the nestlings tonight? I hope Mama Bear is having a lovely, sentimental graduation weekend...
      I'm still hanging in there - thanks Fennel. :l I wonder if I can go to sleep at 5:22 pm. :H:H:welcome:
      Both of your lists really are hitting home with me right now! I am struggling but trying to keep the velcro on.
      Thanks for asking.
      How are you doing? How's the depression tonight?

      I'm wondering how RunningWind is doing too.

      I've been thinking about MamaBear a lot today. I remember when my son graduated.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Oh how nice.....I just threw a random welcome sign in my previous post. Isn't that special. :H
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          NoraC;857620 wrote: Oh how nice.....I just threw a random welcome sign in my previous post. Isn't that special. :H
          :H Nora Well, you're a very welcoming person!

          Oh God, this day is something else - is it over yet? Please?
          First JohnnyH's experience this morning, then Nora's scare and just as I was heading out for Mom's Taxi Service, Mr. Wonderful frantically called me outside. Horses got into a big scrap, Sophie went THROUGH the fence, both of them down the dump road towards the trails in full gallop. So we spent 1 1/2 hours in the bush (pouring rain, I may add) found them, convincing them to please come and get their halters on was a different story. Then spent another hour mending the fence, if temporarily. That's it. Electric fencing will be ordered TONIGHT.

          I will probably also have to call the vet out tomorrow... a few nicks and cuts which aren't too worrisome, but Sophie also got hoofed in the rear something fierce - big swelling. Better have that looked at. Oh joy.

          I guess I better cook dinner now.

          How's everyone else doing? Nora, wanna curl up on the sofa with a movie or sumtn?
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All-Sorry I've just been lurking but this week has been a killer. Tonite is my first free nite and guess what???? I'm here, not drinking!!

            I've got a lot to catch up on from the looks of things and I will try my best:
            GW: Yes, you will feel fed up, weepy, depressed, crave the AL, sleep like hell-the whole shebang. BUT there is good news: You will get past this and pretty soon being able to wake up sober and not hung over with NO regrets for what you might have done or not done the night before will be much more desirable than that mellow buzz you first get the from the first 2 glasses. Sunni is sooooo right! AL does NOTHING for you past that buzz and you know as well as everyone else here that if you could stop at that 2nd glass you wouldn't be here at MYO. I think the list that Sunni started is fabulous and I'm going to think about mine tonite. The other option is to list what you love about being sober. I've had a couple of slipups in the 2.5 months I've started this journey and I almost did it again tonite. Today was a bad one (in contrast to yesterday which was glorious on so many levels): My allergies decided to engage in an all out assault on me and I was so miserable this morning I was forced to take a Benedryle-at work!! I enter data-not good!! But I had no choice. It didn't help as well as it usually does so on top of the fatigue of blowing my nose every 2 sec and sneezing up a storm, eyes like slits, I was drowsy to the point of falling asleep at my desk. I finally was able to leave work 1/2 hour early and guess what I thought of all the way home? AL. Yep, in my foggy mind the beast almost convinced me that having "a few" glasses of wine would make me feel soooo much better. It would dry everything right up and I'd sleep like a baby. I almost fell for it but somewhere deep down a voice said: "uh uh. I'm allergic to AL. It will make me feel worse tomorrow, not better. Why would I put a known allergen in my body when I'm suffering so much already? I have way too much work to do tomorrow-I can't afford to lay in bed all day sick as a dog like last weekend. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" And I got home, pulled out my lounging chair and nodded off in the warm sunshine while the pups hung out in the yard.
            We all go through this and it is true, the time between cravings will get further and further but NOT if you give in to the beast. Good luck GW-I hope you strap yourself in real tight and weather this storm. We're here for you.

            Goodness that was long winded! So sorry but it all just had to come out!!

            Nora C-I'm so glad you son is OK and I'm so sorry you had to go through that panic. I hope all is OK with him now. Maybe it's time for a heart to heart about AL and how it's affected you? Just a thought. I'm glad you were able to seek alternate avenues to deal with the stress. Whew!!

            Fennel-sure hope you are feeling better!!

            TW: you sound great! Please keep posting-you and Lav keep my spirits up!!

            MB: hope your grad party went off well and that you were able to make good choices. I have my nephews grad and party next weekend and I know I'm going to cry like a baby-he's my godchild too and I've been lucky enough to live 10 min away and being able to watch him grow up and actually be part of his life.

            Hope everyone else is doing OK. I've got to go take another benedryl and head to bed. Nitey nite!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Guys - Just checking in to say hi, papmom so glad you having an AF friday night, they were the hardest ones for me....
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters - Just wanted to wish everyone a good night. I'm heading to bed early tonight. Planning on going in to work in the morning so think I'll just hit the sack early.

                The body suit velcro worked. Very uncomfortable but it worked.

                Thanks for sharing your lists Sunni & Fennel. Have really made me stop & think.

                Sunni - So sorry to hear about your horses. Glad you got them back home but oh no. Hope that Sophie is ok.

                Papmom - Congrats on not stopping. Thanks for the suggestion on talking to my son about Alcohol. I have a few times actually. And I have been very honest with him about my battles with it.

                Hello to everyone else. I hope to catch up with you all tomorrow. I want to hear all the graduation details from Mama Bear. I hope that Runningwind is feeling better. Glad you stopped by chillgirl. The nest has been quiet. We need some excitement.

                Ok - no excitement from me tonight. Have a wonderful AF night/morning/afternoon/evening/ :h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  hi all!

                  6:30 am here. just waking to what looks like is gonna be a nice sunny day.

                  thankyou all so much for the advice. i feel a little more relaxed this morning. i did dream i drank lots of al with my antabuse but i had no reaction! wouldn't risk that one!

                  i am absolutley gonna make that list, but first i'm gonna give it the amount of consideration it deserves, so i'll post it later. i'm off to take my antabuse, stave off the demon for another fortnight!

                  thanks everyone, you are my rock xxx

                  sunni + fennel thanks for sharing your lists, truly inspiring! have a great al free day:h hope sophie is ok.:h

                  papmom- thanks for the advice, all fully taken on board and i hope your allergies get better soon x:h

                  norac glad your son is ok, rest easy now ok?:h

                  moma bear, chill girl, hope your ok, and to anyone else i've missed have a glorios weekend!:h

                  The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                    Newbies Nest

                    ok here goes

                    i HATE alcohol because:

                    -of the mornings when my kids say mam you stink.
                    -the influence im having on my kids and the empty bottle they see.
                    -my recycling bin is a huge embarrassment.
                    -the disapproving look i get from my husband when refilling my glass when he has taken a mouthful out of his glass, poured at the same time.
                    -the morning after when my husband informs me of something truly dreadful that i said or did that i wouldnt ever mean or dream of saying/ doing.
                    -when i cause hurt to others.
                    -petending to colleagues that i don't drink much when they probably know i'm lying through my teeth.
                    -the sweating alcohol the next day.
                    -the worry i cause my hubby, sister and parents.
                    -knowing i'm mixing al with dangerous painkillers (morphine) and not really caring.
                    -it jeapordises my professiona;l job and my driving license.
                    - the weight it piles on me.
                    -the palpitations and rash that occur sometimes when i drink
                    -blacking out. what the hell have i said/ done where did that cut come from?
                    - the way i berate myself after every drinking session.
                    -knowing how bad al is for my bypassed stomach.
                    not being able to relax at social getherings because i know i'll be drunk before everyone else and be the one to throw up/ slur my words/ start a row/ pass out very early in the evening.

                    to name a few.
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Sun here this morning after big thunder storms last night!

                      girly wirly, glad to see you were able to work your way thru your crisis yesterday. Changing our thinking about AL is a huge part of this process. AL is definitely not your friend & you certainly can live a good life without it!

                      Sunni, I think you need help - I'll be right there
                      I hope Ms Sophie's boo boo isn't too bad.

                      I'm hoping to get some beans & things planted in my garden this weekend. Just hope the bunnies cut me a break this year

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning all
                        Girly...I sooooooo feel you...remember I had gastric bypass too......
                        Graduation was lovely.
                        My family took up an entire pew at the church and Grant looked so handsome. I didn't cry until the band started playing "Pomp and Circumstance" and then the gates opened. All the other moms were crying,too.
                        It was sweet becuase there were only 22 seniors, so each child was introduced, a brief narrative was read about each one, and a slide show of pictures from birth to 12th grade was shown. It was SOOOOOOO sweet.....Grant was mortified that the picture of him at his one year birthday party with purple Barney icing smeared all over him was on the BIG screen.....

                        He was awarded an $11,000 academic scholarship....yay!
                        He will be attending the local state college and will be enrolled in the 4 year fire science program to become a firefighter/paramedic/EMT.

                        OK...enough about me....I am at work on Saturday kissing ass to my new boss (heh, heh). We have to do a big computer conversion, so here I sit....but it quiet and I may get something done if I can get my ass of this site!!
                        Sunni - hope the horseys are ok......I am planning on coming to Camp Sunshine soon....
                        Kisses Fennel, Nora and Lav
                        Nora...I am so proud of you and I know how hard you are strugggling.....
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning, urchins!

                          MamaBear - was thinking of you yesterday :l
                          I hope I will be joining you in bawling soon.. mine will be tears of RELIEF!

                          Lav - you're welcome ANYTIME - whether I need help or not! :l I'm hoping to get some dirt today, so I can do some serious gardening this weekend!

                          Girly - WELL DONE! I'm so glad you got through yesterday! Those lists are pretty uncomfortable to write, aren't they?

                          Papmom - good to see you! Allergies suck, don't they? I feel like I've been run over by a freight train, these past few days. Hope yours are getting better!

                          Nora, you did it! That was SOME stress yesterday but you pulled through. I AM
                          totally proud of you - whether you like it or not :H

                          Fennel... how are you today? :l

                          Alright... can't move too far from the house - waiting for one of 2 vets to call me back. The swelling on her skinny behind is about the size of a football this morning uch: So, I guess I'll putter in the yard for a bit - at least it's sunny today. Have a grand day, nest dwellers - chirp at ya laters!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all - I had a nice sleep in. Didn't wake up all dehydrated. Imagine that.

                            I love your lists I am going to have to put some serious thought into mine.

                            I had written a post this morning that I guess I forgot to hit submit. So, who knows what words of wisdom was in that post. :H Aww, lost forever.

                            Anyway, hope Miss Sophie is ok Sunnie.

                            Fennel - I hope you get your computer working. You are missed!!!

                            Mama Bear - sounds like the graduation was wonderful. I remember my sons. I was so proud. Next, it will be his college graduation soon (if he doesn't drive me crazy first :H)

                            Hello to everyone else - I have got to get to work. I have been slacking off and am going to spend some time in there today getting caught up.

                            Have a wonderful day everyone.

                            I'm going to try the blue velcro suit today. Please wish me luck. I'm still feeling fragile and that's the honest truth. :l
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Quick post before I settle down to do some work of my own. 14 transfer evals to get through today and most of them have more than one college!! We've already been for a walk on the rail trail this morning which was glorious and a visit to the local pet store for kitty litter and a deer antler for my devil dog who will not let me brush his teeth yet. They say it's really good for the teeth and won't upset sensitive tummy's. We'll see.
                              Allergies are normal today which means non drowsy meds pretty much keep them under control. I think I actually slept through the nite last nite with that second dose of benedryl!! What a novel experience!!

                              Sunni-I sure hope your Sophie is just battered and bruised after her argument with the boy. A friend of mine has 2 horses that she just bought last year. they get along fine but they have now broken down the fence separating them from the sheep twice!! I know nothing about horses so I only can cluck in sympathy. Hope your two iron out their differences soon!!

                              NoraC-you are doing so well!! Yes, waking up without desert burning thirst is awesome!! Hope you will be able to crave the benefits of being sober more than the drink. I hope so for me too. I've been thinking of having a heart to heart with my 18 yo nephew who will be going off to college in Sept about binge drinking etc. As I've walked the road of sobriety, I've done a lot of looking back at the past and realized that I never did anything BUT binge drink. when I first started working in higher ed, there was a big push for dry campuses and alcohol education for the new students. Binge drinking was talked about alot and I never got that I fit into that category until now. Do you think sharing a bit of my past with him might help him make good decisions (I already know he's been to college frat parties and is drinking) when he goes off on his own or do I keep my mouth shut?
                              I think the blue velcro suit is fetching so go for it!!

                              GW-way to go!! glad you got through your rough spot. you did good with your list. I need to work on mine as well.

                              MB-Your son's graduation ceremony sounded very sweet indeed. It's such an advantage to be in a small class. I think your son's choice of career is awesome!! Good for him! You can't beat state schools for a great education at a comparitively small cost.

                              Fennel-where are you? You OK?

                              Lav-I'm so jealous you get to plant today. I have to wait until Mem. Day weekend as I just don't have any free time these next 2 weekends. I'll be battling bunnies as well. At least now I know what ate my broccoli, lettuce and beans last year!!

                              RW? You OK?
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                My "stolen" linksys is coming through nice and clear this morning...

                                Sunshine, I hope poor Miss Sophie will be o.k.! Maybe you'll need to rub the equine version of ben-gay on her poor buns.

                                I'm doing better these days, but it sucks when my stolen signal gets blurry, like last night. AT&T was supposed to contact me yesterday. Instead, I got a lame survey, asking how they did customer service wise. I lambasted them, and asked to be called back, as they promised.

                                Anyway, enough about that. I just hope to get this mess sorted out soon.

                                Mama Bear, I bet you were so proud to see your young man up on the, receiving a scholarship-good for him! :goodjob: I've been thinking about you these last few days.

                                Nora, keep wearing those suits...even if they're a bit uncomfy. I bet they snag on stuff, too, especially the cats. :l

