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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters

    NS, i have so many people here that i emulate now, i do love it though when the stars talk about their sobriety and struggles but my heroes are right here in the nest. These are the ones that help each and every day others struggling with addiction.

    G happy 100 days, keep up the great work.

    Well its mad out at the shops now. I google when the shops open that i want to go to and when they close so either of those times suits me. I wont venture to the stores until the end of december now for any sale shopping.

    Mads had to have a full blood work up and will need to go back to the vets. her blood pressure is 200 which is high so im glad i took her. This vet has only taken over mads care since rupey died so she has a lot of reading to do to see what mad's main issues are other than congestive heart failure and cancer. Fingers crossed we can work it out and make her comfortable.

    LC, we cannot drink AT people, it only hurts us. God i get so furious with the professors PA at work, she is as useless as tits on a bull, i dont get mad at her now, i just ignore her. i feel bad for doing this as its not my nature but she is a subtle bully and always tries to tell me i leave too early and dont have much work. I figure if she feels the need to try and belittle me then she is not worth talking to. i know i do a great job. Im sure she has her own self esteem issues but you dont need to be cruel to others to make yourself feel better.

    Looking forward to xmas being over, have a 6 hour drive on xmas day there and back and my back is just awful at the moment. went and bought a lumbar support so fingers crossed. If mum wasnt 82 i would not be going. Wow times have changed from when i could not stand "satans sister" as i called her, she is still "satans sister" but i have learnt to deal with her.

    take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by lifechange View Post

      G-man, congrats on 99 days! Do you have a celebration planned for the big 100?
      Hola evabody.

      Yep, 100 days here today! LC, reckon i'll go for an easy longishrun through the big open parkland to the beach. Followed by a big bowl of fresh organic veggies. The veg lasagne i had yesterday at a cafe (2 plates as typical small servings for skinny veggo's lol) was magnificent. Some Indian spices thrown in somewhere.

      Thanks heaps for all your congrat's. Looks like folks are dealing with the shopping/crowds as well as possible! The traffic here has been a little crazy and frustrating, but i'm taking a leaf outta your book Pav and accepting it all as graciously as possible and with gratitude.

      I've been at triple digits before and have had a 'no big deal' sort of feeling. But i must say i feel a little excited for my future, and i am very happy to have reached this milestone. A day at a time is all i have, and today is mapped out and lookin gooood.

      Big waves to all. Good luck with Mads, Ava.

      Take it easy.
      Last edited by Guitarista; December 21, 2018, 05:02 PM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Mr G, 100 days is Llama-ridiculous! :llama: Very proud of you! Keep riding the wave of success!
        Wheesh, what a day, glad it’s Fruday and I’m off for a week!!! No ticket to BoozeVille for me! Hugs to all, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Not to brag or anything but my shopping & wrapping is done as of today, haha! I will not go back into a store except a grocery store until the holiday is over.

          G, CONGRATS on your 100 days, yay :yay:
          Now on to 200!!!!

          Ava, I hope Mads is comfortable. We all love our pets.
          My granddaughter's elderly cat with end stage renal failure died today. Poor kid is crying her eyes out
          It's hard enough for us to deal with these things but trying to explain it to a 7 year old is rough.

          LC, glad you got thru your communication crisis with your ex.
          My tool box also includes never ever attempting to drink at someone again ~ didn't work out the first time, right?

          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good morning nesters. I hear everyone about the shopping woes. I am marching my happy ass to Walmart at 6:30 am this morning. Should be nobody there. I hate all the crowds and traffic this time of hear. Congrats on 100 Mr. G. Lav, I am glad you got your anger resolved with adding alcohol to the mix. Wishing everyone a great day in the nest as we approach the holiday.....


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Well, I was wrong about the other night as there was no drinking involved when D3 came into town! We went to an Indian restaurant, and when I ordered chai tea to go with my meal, the other five followed suit and had tea or water! I may have been a bit of an instigator in the past at that restaurant, ordering a beer first so then the others would follow my lead that way. And, I’d get the big 20 oz. bottle of Indian beer too, saying it was a better value! Yikes. Also, beer doesn’t actually pair well with that food anyways! It sounded repulsive as I was sipping my chai tea.

              I too found ice cream to be an amazingly effective substitute for alcohol in the early days. Luckily my “need” for it dropped off dramatically after the first couple months, but still a useful tool for a craving.

              LC, thank you for sharing your process for handling that major emotional upset amazingly well. Ava then put the name to that most important tool of all: never drink AT anybody! I have drank a lot in response to my HB’s behaviors & attitudes. And Lav, so true that it doesn’t work; it just helps turn us into alcoholics.

              Sorry Lav, I was confusing Medicare with Social Security rules.
              Ava, I have ruined my perfectly good back by sleeping on a couch when bedroom was under reconstruction, so I recently bought a lumber support pillow for my car seat, and it is very very helpful.

              Best wishes for all of us to stay on an even keel as we enter the Christmas weekend!
              Last edited by Slo; December 22, 2018, 09:48 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                I went out to Indian food with a group last night and everyone ordered tea also! I don't even think they sold beer there, and no one minded or said anything. So weird to me as I ALWAYS wanted some alcohol with dinner.

                Lav - AMAZING. I strive to be done early every year and only have once. It felt great. I'll get there someday soon.

                Way to go, G. Glad you're feeling so positive. Keep rocking that Llama on to the next milestone.

                I am officially on vacation for this week and a half - however it is hard for me to relax because I left so much work behind, so I might plan a half day to go in so I don't have to worry about it all week, and I'll know I have a plan.

                Happy SOBER Saturday!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  hi Nesters!

                  I thought I'd already posted today.. have been up since G knows when. Did have a little nap. Sleep has eluding me but I think it's just due to having so many silly lists in my head. I'm in for the night unless I decide to go to the gym.. but that likely won't happen!

                  Lav, I'm really sorry to hear of the loss of your granddaughter's old kitty friend. It's so tough to lose a pet.:hug:

                  Slo, another congrats on 5 af months! That's really something.. I'm glad you were able to set the precedent, yet once again, and this time with tea. I was definitely a booze pusher, wanting to get as many involved as possible.. that is until I just drank alone. Yuck all around. How long is D3 staying with you? Do you cook a Christmas dinner?

                  G, that sounds like a great way to celebrate! Is the lasagne made with zucchini pasta? I've been thinking about getting one of those veggie spiralizing contraptions for making fun shaped veg. noodles.. but I need to get a recommendation 'cause there are so many on the market. I would love to do a longish run on the beach!

                  Well, not much else going on here. But that's how I like it atm..
                  Love to all of you and wishing you relaxing days.. Rava, hope you made it out of Walmart in one piece!:happy2:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    X-Post Pav.. Hi!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Sattidy, all.
                      Heading downtown to have a Christmas visit with m step daughter and her BF. Stay strong, everyone! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Sister Slo.....5 months?!!! Wowza mi amiga. Great job.

                        Thanks Pav! I feel pretty goooood. It's a beautiful gentle sunny morning here at the beach pad. There is nothing but love and warmth in my heart for no specific reasons other than feeling grateful i suppose. Am still learning that one. Daily practice of a little gratitude for what i have is what i'm doing. And i have a hell of a lot going for me, despite humble surroundings. It all starts with me. i have control over my thoughts, feelings and actions. I am the director of the show. :thumbsup:

                        LC, not sure if i had zucchini pasta. I dont have a spiralizing machine, but zucchini is good for ya, and i love pasta dishes! Def cheaper to make yer own. I suppose for now i could just slice a heap of zucchini's and cook em up with a tomatoe base sauce and veggies/spices on top. That wouldn't cost the earth.

                        Def a run on the beach for me soon in this gentle sunshine, followed by a refreshing dip with assorted critters.

                        I ain't heard nuthin' from that travel agency flogging tickets to boozeville since i unsubscribed. Have a beaut weekend evabody.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone! Nice build-up to the holidays here; a reasonable pace. I can’t believe we have our first family guests tomorrow though… it seemed to come quickly! I was gifted 3 bottles of wine so I don’t have to buy that for the dinners we host. I’ll just pass it right along! A little part of me feels nostalgic for wine, but I know what it turns into, and it ain’t pretty!

                          My 13 yr. old son and I went on a “date” to a tea shop and made our own blends - then we walked the mall and just went in stores as we felt like it. I really, really enjoy spending time with my him alone. We get along great and need to do it more often! We have planned more “events” than presents with our gatherings, and I’m looking forward to that.

                          LC - I loved your post yesterday. It is so empowering when we stop breaking our promises to ourselves! Proud of you for dealing with your anger and ill feelings by calling for help - and just working through it. THAT’s how it’s done!! Each time you handle a situation without drinking, it weakens those drinking pathways in the brain, and strengthens your other coping skills.

                          Happy 100 G! You are in tripple-digit territory - way to go! Indian spices in lasagna? Sounds so interesting. Everyone is eating Indian food here - I must have missed the memo.

                          Have to run - we are going to a great taco place for dinner. Happy hugs to all - and safe travels to everyone traveling. Remember that it’s only a few days of the year - we can get through anything for just a few days!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Mr.G zucchini noodles are actually really good,I was surprised cuz usually I'm picky about that stuff but tbh last time I made spaghetti,I made a bit of real noodles and the "zoodles" and preferred them! Shocking have fun Byrdie,Slo,congrats on 5 months! Kensho,yup we can do anything for a few days,we got this
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Clear day, partly sunny & appropriately cool for a change
                              Spent most of the day baking & prepping dishes for our Christmas Eve gathering. Not sure how things will go since there's still tension between my son & daughter. The last two years it was a tense gathering with no one talking to each other. We gathered to try to keep things normal for the kids but really, it is tiresome & just sad. I fear my DIL will make an appearance this year which could make things extra tense since she's the one who started this shit show. Sorry......that was a mini rant.

                              Glad to see everyone tonight, you all sound darn good
                              Slo, Congrats on your 5 months, great work.

                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest & please be sure to check in daily this coming week. A little extra support can never hurt!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters!

                                What about checking in 5 times a day, Lav?:happy2: That could be me this year! I'm crossing my fingers and toes that there will peace at your Christmas dinner this year, Lav! Crazy how 1 person can perpetuate so much distress.. strength to you!

                                Hi Pauly! What are your plans the next couple of days? Does your salon close over the holidays? I hope you'll have some time to rest.. will you hit all the after Christmas sales? I think I might be one of the crazies this year!!:eek-new:

                                Good to see you, Kensho! I also didn't get the memo about Indian food, but will catch up at some point in the next couple of days.. Sounds like such a nice time with your son! I LOVE those times with the girls, wandering (wherever it might be) and talking without any concern for time or other things that need to be done! One on one is good..

                                Today we are going to decorate our tree, make some molasses cookies and try not to get sick eating too many of them! I invited a very sad neighbor of mine over for dinner tonight. I've known her for almost 20 years and have sort of avoided her the past few because I haven't felt like I can deal with her.. she suffers from depression, has had some really tough breaks and is more or less alone and unable to practice her profession (jazz saxophonist) because of her rheumatoid arthritis), takes anxiety meds and other things, tells the same stories she's been telling for years (she's had all of her things packed to move back to the states for 5 years, but can't/doesn't move back),-- She's been calling me a lot lately to talk, borrow books.. and I know there isn't anything I can do to help her (we've all tried!) but I thought maybe if she comes for dinner and I take the time to sit and listen for a couple of hours, when I'm not stressed, uninterrupted, she can at least get it off her chest in one go, and then the next time she starts in on me with the same story I can say, Listen I'm sorry, but you've already told me this.. ? Because as I (and all of us here) know so well, No one can help us if we don't REALLY want to be helped. Let's see.. she used to be a friend of mine, but she's gone so far down I'm not sure her mental state is reparable. Anyway, a good soup will do a bit of good.

                                It sounds like everyone is doing well and I hope you all have really lovely and relaxed meetings with your friends and loved ones!
                                I'm so happy to have you all in my life!xx
                                Last edited by lifechange; December 23, 2018, 12:43 AM.

