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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning nesters,LC that's sad about your neighbor I have a hard time being around people who are depressed cuz it tends to rub off onto me,one of my coworkers is like that,always moping yet like your neighbor refuses to get help,hopefully you can put a little cheer in her heart by inviting her for dinner no huge plans for Christmas for me,one day off at work then eat a lot,doze,eat a lot again,doze haha,it will be fun to watch the G-kids open presents cuz it's Romeo's first Christmas! wishing everyone a super,sober Sunday back later!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Slo - congrats on 5 big months!!! You're cruising right along!

      LC - great job pulling out the "phone a friend" tool the other day and working your way through those uncomfortable feelings. Sorry to hear your ex was so thoughtless though. Sounds like you're moving forward into the peak of the holidays with your head held high, and that's always a good thing.

      Lav - sorry to hear about granddaughter's cat - definitely a hard experience at pretty much any age

      Ava - hope your back holds up well with the long drive, and that Mads gets good attention and help from this new vet. Hugs to you and your fur-kid.

      G - your celebration sounds wonderful. I hope you had a fantastic day and that you carry the strength of this milestone into the new year!

      All of you walmart venturers are braver than I am - you couldn't pay me to go there (or a mall for that matter) this time of year. I used to love the xmas shopping season with the music and the lights and all, but now it feels mostly like crowds and stress. We are definitely opting for the experiences-over-things approach to xmas this year (usually do, actually). The one exception is books. My family has long had a tradition of giving books to each other as xmas gifts and that will continue this year. I guess in many ways, books are "experiences" too!

      There are also a couple of movies coming out right around xmas day and we will probably try to get to at least one of those. Generally not frequent movie-goers, but this is the perfect time of year to spend a few hours indoors but still out of the house.

      okidoki, off to do the last round of grocery shopping for a couple of xmas meals. Hoping to get there right as the store opens and be in/out before the crowd builds. We shall see! Have great days and eves everyone.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hey [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], congrats on 5 months. I remember when we both started together only I fell off the path. Proud of you girl!!!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hola friends,

          Rava, i remember being level, ahead, behind etc...with good friend Kensho (and many others) at various times. Now part of me looks at others' great AF achievements with a small tinge of personal regret that i didn't stay the course earlier, but it doesn't matter at all! The bigger part of me acknowledges my reality and my choices in life, and i am gentle with myself, rather than regretful. I have no regrets on this score. The important thing is we are here and we are all doing it. Plus, doesn't time fly?! Here i am at 100 + days. No doubt we'll both be approaching a year before we know it. My current recipe for dealing with time and 'i want it now!' syndrome is - just take it one day at a time G man, and do what you love.

          Pauly.....Zoodles! Love it mi amiga.

          Safe shopping Wags!

          Working pretty much through the festive season and that's ok. Xmas day at mum's with assorted siblings.

          Big waves to all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Had a wonderful dinner with my step daughter and her BF. I am amazed at how expensive booze is in restaurants. $10 for a fruity drink, my step daughter got one of those. One of the many reasons I don’t drink, imagine the money I’ve saved!
            Hubs left his credit card at the restaurant last night so we had to wait around til they opened today. Then I got the second half of my shingles shot, so a big day here! Ha!
            Having a relaxing day, so glad not to be obsessing about booze.
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Re: Newbies Nest

              morning nesters

              Slo, if i didnt say happy 5 months then happy 5 months, great work girl. It does get easier as time goes on but we always need to be on our toes.

              Christmas eve in Ausland and i will be glad when tomorrow is over. My son who lives with my mum has a girlfriend and my mother is not happy, playing the victim as not getting attention and my son is quick to temper so i am now not looking forward to xmas day which is why i dont like xmas because of the shit that happens. The positive is that i can leave when i want to. I will have to sit them down and treat them like 2 year olds to try and solve the issue with them. double sigh on this one.

              Not much else to report, everyone is sounding positive which is a bonus around this time of year. My daughter made it to New Zealand with her boyfriend so that is great and my other daughter goes to her dads this afternoon. I will miss my girls.

              take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                I have an extremely bubbly 7 year old here for the night, ha ha. I love having these special times together. Yet another reaon to maintain my quit forevermore

                LC, turning your attention to someone else in need is wonderful & also a good way to help yourself in the process. I hope the dinner goes well.

                Wags, no more shopping trips for me either ha ha!

                Gotta run so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello everyone,
                  Hey Life, I’ve been thinking about you. I hope you are doing well, you can kick this thing. Let those drinking thoughts float on by, don’t hold on to them.
                  SLO, happy 5 months!

                  Well, I am wrapping gifts and getting ready for Christmas. We just returned from a mini vacation in the mountains. It was nice. I woke up every morning Un Hung which was a blessing. I have been going on this yearly trip for the past 30 years and I was always hungover at least one of the mornings on the trip. Every year I would swear that the next year would be different. Well now it is! Yes!

                  Yeah, it would be five years if I stuck to Ava and Pav bu I caved. Oh well, better late than never. Right G, Rava?
                  Enjoy your grand child Lav.
                  Byrdie, drinks are SO expensive, it is crazy. We save so much money not drinking.
                  G Man, it’s good your busy during the holidays.

                  Take care everyone. Hello Pav, my frien.


                  Ava, hope your Christmas goes ok, I am sure it will.

                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Christmas has been going at a good pace for me too this year, Kensho!

                    We had a lovely evening tonight: my HB just loves Handel’s Messiah, which is such a surprising quirk that just doesn’t fit in with the rest of his likes! So he purchased tickets and arranged a big outing tonight to see it live as Christmas gifts for older relatives and the daughters. It was gorgeous music at an unbelievably beautiful cathedral, and we all went out for pizza, and beer & wine, afterwards. As people have said here, we warm up a little more slowly without alcohol, but then get right into the groove. And it’s only hard or awkward for a passing moment when the drinks are ordered and first arrive. I miss the idea of wine a little bit too, [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], but the smell of it now on their breath and in their glasses is just awful.

                    LC, D3 quit her job recently, so she can stay here now through to the new year. Her fiancé flies back to TX Christmas night. We have Christmas Eve with my HB’s family and Christmas Day with mine. I don’t really have to cook anything for Christmas Day other than warm up the ham since everyone offered to bring so much! Made a lasagna for Christmas Eve.

                    Lav, sucks about the tension in your family since it can go either way; either they warm up towards one another or blow up & worsen the situation. Meanwhile, you’re left walking on eggshells. At least there’s an opportunity now to practice being together. I sure hope it all goes well! Same to Ava with a similar situation with your mother being petulant.

                    Thanks for all the well-wishes! Rava, you were a big help as a quit buddy that first month! I have had lots of stops & starts too. In the end exact dates don’t really matter as we’re all in this together.

                    Happy Christmas Eve to all!
                    Last edited by Slo; December 24, 2018, 01:39 AM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Un-Hung Monday morning, Nesters!

                      I wanted to check in again last night but was too tired to think.. I think yesterday was the nicest December 23rd I've ever had. You've all been so supportive and someone mentioned the fact that I had the opportunity to create new Christmas traditions (or at least that's what I took out of it!) and I thought about that a lot yesterday, while beginning to do as I want to and enjoy. I'd never put lights on a tree! Took me an hour just to get the knots out! Doesn't look like I really have talent for it, but we're not having a contest.. I don't know. The whole day was just lovely and fulfilling. I realized that my main stress around this time of the year has come from my people pleasing desire and compulsion for perfection.. I'm fortunate that the girls are healthy, mentally and physically, and I don't really have anyone else to "care for", so I can figure out what I like to celebrate/cook/listen to, who I like to invite over/spend time with.
                      Last night the neighbor came over and brought a bottle of wine! That really took me by surprise because she's on so many meds that don't mix with alcohol, I never considered she might drink! I sat her down in the living room and the girls were so sweet to decide to sit and eat with us. She wanted a small glass of wine so I brought her one.. I looked at the bottle and I thought of all of you, and said out loud, I will not drink this nasty wine! The conversation was great (she's hilarious when she's not focussed on her problems) and the girls like her/have known her since they were babies.. At one point she said, "am I the only one drinking wine? I wouldn't have brought it if I'd known that.. I thought you used to drink?".. it was really weird and so perfect.. like I'd been given this moment in the spotlight, in front of the girls to state my case. They were looking at me so silently and intently. I said, "yeah, I used to, but I don't drink anymore. It gives me a headache and makes me sick and exhausted. and depressed and sad!..". That was it. And then I had her take the rest home with her.
                      I'm quite sure that being connected with all of you here is the reason I'm figuring this all out. In fact, I know that for a fact!
                      G-man, I loved your post yesterday! I can think of 3 different, major quits (from a state of mind) I had going and then f***** up and they're all marked with other people here celebrating anniversaries.. but like you, I don't dwell because that doesn't do any good. Obviously, for what ever (I know some of them) reasons, I still had to slam my head into the wall/bathtub/door a few more times to really get it. You sound to be in a really strong state of mind now!
                      Byrdie, glad you are able to relax!!
                      Pauly, I also have the tendency to pick up on other people's emotions/moods, etc.. so I'm being really careful about when I'm making time to spend time with them. Working with someone who mopes around would be challenging.. I feel lucky not to have that. Sounds like a really nice time with your little ones!
                      Nar, thank you so much.:love: I'm glad you had such a nice mini-break..
                      Wags, I'm with you on giving experiences! And, yes, books definitely fall into that category.. as do socks for the hiking boots, shirts for the frisbee training, bath bombs for the bath..:happy2: The girls are used to getting mostly things they need!
                      Ava, I hope your day will turn out better than you're anticipating... that sounds quite stressful. :hug: Do you take little Mads along with you?

                      I can't remember what else I wanted to say.. guess it's been enough already, though!
                      Love to all of you!xx


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        X-post, Slo.. Hi! Sounds like such a lovely evening in the cathedral. I love listening to choirs in a church.. another example of a nice experience gift. Here's to warming up slowly..xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters,heck I've been quit buddies with just about everyone on the site! It's embarrassing and irritating to me and although I'm a bit jealous of everyone's success I'm also very proud of everyone's success too Narilly,glad you had a nice getaway unhung! Slo,that sounds like a great time,how cool LC,glad you were able to pass on the yucky wine and tell everyone you don't drink! Have to work for a bit this morning and hubs is irritated by it,I don't mind working for a bit cuz I was off yesterday and what else would I di today? Just sit around probably,I'm done with stores,I'm sure today will be hectic everywhere,no thanks! Ava,I hope you'll have a nice Christmas even tho some of the kids won't be there,waves to all and wishes for a happy,no al,Christmas Eve!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, Nest:

                            Pauly - you're amazing - persistent. Think of the total non-alcohol days you've had vs. days with alcohol. Overall a win, I'd say. You'll get this, I know you will. You, too, LC and G. Goodness knows this hasn't been a straight line for many of us...

                            We are dealing with two sick fathers - mine and husband's - so this Christmas is a little subdued for us. The four of us are escaping to Chinese food tonight, but back with family all day tomorrow. We were able to get out into nature yesterday and avoid the hoopla at the malls - it was just what the doctor ordered.

                            Today I am wrapping presents, cooking, yoga-ing, and taking care of myself. Sounds perfect to me. I hope you all enjoy Christmas if you celebrate it, and have some fun and relaxation even if you don't...



                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters

                              Merry Christmas from Australia, a pleasant 25 degrees and a lovely day for a drive. My girls are safe and sound which is good, i will face time them today.

                              Pauly, LC, Nar i started with so many and finally it stuck with Pav. I could not have asked for a better quit buddy, maybe i was waiting for "the one", ha ha.

                              LC great work on speaking freely about why you dont drink and sending that wine home. It sounds like you had a great night.

                              I had a text message off my vet yesterday whom i have to call today, unfortunately mad's blood did not come back very good. All i want to do is cry but thats not going to solve anything. I just need to appreciate her each and every day. She is coming with me today, loves a good drive with her head out the window.

                              I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas or Christmas eve with no stress and lots of fun and laughter. I am sure my day will be better than what i think, us alkies always think the worst. I know i can escape at any time if needed and if i see any arguments starting, i am out of there. i have spent too many Christmas's drunk and arguing so today will be a great day.

                              Love to all and I so appreciate everyone on MWO.

                              take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Merry xmas Ava, and to all from Oz!

                                Safe travels to all. It ain't a straight line is it Pav. Hope your family have a peaceful xmas and your two dads are as comfortable as possible.

                                Off for a family lunch, which'll likely be fairly quiet and chilled. Take care everyone. Grateful for all of you. Xx

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

