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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    PAV, don’t know what day it is either! Love that!

    G - I agree so much with the importance of doing something daily. Even if it’s not a full, perfect, ideal version (of a workout or meditation, or whatever), it’s the consistent reinforcement that creates habits and progress. I wish it would rain here. Or snow. Or something besides just be brown. I love rain so much that I found a Pandora radio station of rainstorms and I listen to it while I work (like now). Sorry you’re working! Makes the time off sweeter, I suppose.

    Slo - a cafe sounds nice. Hope you’re enjoying your travels.

    I’ve been remembering how awful it was “being chained” to alcohol, as Slo said. That was the worst part for me. What a waste of time and effort - diminishing returns for sure!

    I cleaned my desk and part of my office - feeling SO excited to start the new year with some organization.

    Have a great start to the weekend Everyone!

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good afternoon Nesters,

      Dark, damp & miserable outside today, another inch of rain has fallen since last evening, yuck. It's mud city around here, ha ha!!
      My chickens go outside for a few minutes then right back into their house, don't blame them.

      LC, that's so nice you are getting in touch with your old friend. I'll bet you two have a lot to catch up on

      Byrdie,was your internet outage due to the storms? I hope you have a peaceful weekend!

      Narilly, my chickens are lucky & appreciate the leftovers providing there's no mushrooms involved, LOL

      Pauly, the gray skies here are all but putting me to sleep today. I think we all function better in bright daylight.

      Slo, I have myself anchored in gratitude. I realized a long time ago that happiness truly is a choice. I couldn't see that when I was numbing myself on a daily basis. I was clinging onto the 'hope' that everything would get better & I would no longer feel the need for the numbing - well, that didn't work out. I just jumped on the wagon of others here before me & took their advice & boy am I glad I did

      G, working holiday weekends were always normal for me too. I hope your weekend goes well for you.

      Wishing everyone a great AF evening & safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        GMan, you are doing graate! I will keep on raaaawkin for sure.

        Tonight I am going to Bohemian Rhapsody with my friend of 50 years, she was my drinking buddy back in the day. The first time I drank was with her, we were 12 years old. She is super supportive of my quit. I still remember how hard it was for me to tell her I had quit drinking, all that stuff at the beginning of a quit seems so hard at the time. I guess we just have to suck it up and do it. Do it or keep drinking.

        Enjoy your days off Pav, glad you don’t drink.

        Hey Pauly, we can both be bored together as long as we don’t drink! I think boredom is a big trigger for a lot of people. It is so true that our life really sucks when we are drinking. I love the statement ‘you can live the life you want or you can drink’ it makes the choice not to drink so easy.

        Life, I am so glad you reached out to us after your drunken disaster MWO helps me SO much especially when I am feeling vulnerable to AL. You all help me so much in my sobriety. Accountability is the key. I really don’t want to post on MWO that I drank after 4.5 years of sobriety. You all would kick my ass! (Ava, NS)

        Anyway, it’s Friday and I am not drinking tonight, YES!!


        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Quick check in on my way to bed.. more in the morning! Hopefully not before 6 tomorrow, she says to the sleep gods..:happy2:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning nesters

            Well i slept till 8am, a miracle! The heat yesterday just sucked the life out of me and mads but today it is sprinkling and doable. The vet said that mads did not have blood in her urine but she may have kidney failure so that sucks but its life, she is old and we will take one day at a time. today is a good day for her so i appreciate that.

            LC the one word in your post that resonated with me was "gratitude". i dont think i have read that in a post of yours for a long time and for me learning to be grateful for the small things was a big step in acceptance to not drinking. Some days i have to pull gratitude out of my butt but each day if i dont drink is a day to be grateful.

            Nar, i was talking to a few fellow nesters the other day about how people come and go from MWO and mainly come back to say they have relapsed and thus why i park my butt on here each and every day. Like you, i cannot imagine saying i have drank after 5 years sober. I could not handle to shame and pity i would feel, let alone the shock and pity given to me because of one foolish mistake. I dont have a perfect life but its a good one without al being the main focus.

            FB posted a video on my timeline this morning of my rupey trying to get a ball out of a bucket and she was so well and healthy and there i was with a glass of wine on the table, that was 7 years ago and even though i was laughing i cant imagine there was much to laugh about.

            Well off to make another coffee, take care everyone. 2 more sleeps until i go away for 5 days. xx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              OK OK. I'll go practice right now.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Today is 2900 AF days for me. I must say, I’m very proud of each one of them. Pav, I couldn’t even do 30 days for a cleanse, it was unthinkable! I sometimes still can’t believe I don’t drink, it was SO much a part of who I was. Goes to show you!

                I went shopping a bit in the pouring rain. I was determined to get out of the house and not be tempted to be drawn in to work.

                Ive got to get a grip on my eating. The fat mirror in the dressing room was disturbing. Time to reign it in!
                Yes, G, it’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Hugs to all, Byrdie.
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters!

                  I also slept until almost 8, Ava! Did get up at 430 to clean up cat puke and help 17 year olds decide what they're going to do for NYE.. but then thankfully fell back to sleep!:happy2: You're right, I haven't mentioned gratitude here for awhile.. but I do have a gratitude journal that I write in almost every day. I'd like to do it every day. Choosing not to drink alcohol is something I've been doing every day now for 12 days (seems like it's been longer!) but there are other things I'd also like to be doing on a daily basis.. but just can't pull myself together to do it/them.
                  Kensho, G-man! I know I could manage 5 minutes a day, but I don't do it.. frustrating. I know it's a mind game and I'm not letting myself get down on it. I'm still just focussing on the sobriety part for the first 30 days.. but I know eating better and exercising would help me to feel better, too! So I don't know why I fight it..?

                  Ava, I hope you have a lovely 5 days.. where are you headed off to?
                  Byrdie, CONGRATS on 2900 days! What an amazing number.. you should be proud of each and every one! I sure am glad that you still come here each and every day to support us all..:love:
                  Lav, poor chickens.. I can relate! I'm also mostly staying inside to avoid the mud!
                  It's funny.. I sort feel like I should be doing more, getting out more.. but the truth is, that in my normal daily life, I am OUT! And constantly surrounded by people.. so it's ok to lounge around in my jammies for a few days! It has been so nice.
                  Nar, how was Bohemian Rhapsody? Did you like it?

                  My friend and I talked for more than 3 hours last night.. it had been about 12 years since we'd last talked. I forgot to ask if she could remember why we'd lost touch.. I guess it doesn't really matter..we were basically able to pick up where we'd left off. Crazy, that! We're planning to meet up when I'm in the states next summer. Hope that works out..
                  ok. time for breakfast..
                  Hello to Kensho, Pav, Slo, Rava, NS, Pauly.. anyone stopping or flying by this Saturday!xx
                  Last edited by lifechange; December 29, 2018, 06:51 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Feebee - Congrats on your month!!! Glad you're back in the nest and I look forward to getting to know you better.

                    Byrdie - ugh on the letter! Sorry you have such a pill in your life, but it sounds like maybe "no further contact" might be a huge gift. I'm sure this situation is hard for all, but I care most about YOU and am sending you hugs :hug:

                    Nar - hope you enjoyed the movie outing with your longtime friend. I'm sure it was hard to initially tell your drinking buddy that you'd stopped, but hopefully now she's one of your staunchest supporters!

                    Ava - I hope I never get a timehop reminder that has al in the picture - it feels like a totally different life at this point. Hope the heat eases up for all of you.

                    Happy last few days and eves of the year to everyone stopping by the nest. Can't wait to be ringing in the new year sober with all y'all


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Well, one of our cars died - 230K miles and a good run, but it is time for a new/used one. Can't really afford it, so now I'm stressed about money, too. I'll have to spend today calculating how much money I've saved by not drinking...

                      Back to gratitude - I'm grateful that we both have jobs and can get a loan for the car that we can afford. I'm grateful that this happened over break so we have time to go get a new car.

                      G - Preach it! I know I need to add some practice into my daily life. For now, MWO is my morning practice - I consider it journaling. I check in with my tea every morning and know it helps me get where I need to go. But some yoga-inspired focus would be good, too. I did manage to get to yoga class three times this week off which was very nice...

                      FeeBee - Congratulations on your 30 days. How's it going? What are your wins? Your struggles?

                      Byrdie - that's a nice, big, roundy number, and an even bigger roundy number coming up in 100 days. I love celebrating the milestones.

                      LC - wow, 4:30 in the morning? That would be hard for me to get back to sleep for sure.

                      Happy SOBER Saturday, nest.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters, near and far. I'm just checking in and reading a bit before getting the teens up and going. it seems like party time around here at 3am, but then they sleep like the dead until afternoon. I know that is typical teen behavior, but other people in this house do like sleeping at night. especially when the GSR brothers are not around.

                        Those GSR brothers...I am trying to get a picture of them in my mind so if I get the urge (more like "when") to drink, I see their ugly mugs and decide I don't want a 3am visit from them. Other than the personal shame of drinking, those guys are the worst.

                        Have a good day, y'all. I think I am going to enjoy the sunshine and mild temps by taking a walk and reclaiming some of my personal time.

                        PS. Congrats on 2900 days, Byrdie! that is truly something to celebrate. I can hardly count that high!
                        Last edited by BelleGirl; December 29, 2018, 11:55 AM.

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Pav, if you like big roundy numbers, you should see my butt. UGG!
                          FeeBee, nice work on those 30 days, around here, you get a prize for that! Here’s your hat from us! :guy: wear it loud and proud! We are thrilled for your success.
                          We are going to a party tonight. It’s a birthday party for a lady at the end of the street. I kind of dread it. We will only know two people, don’t even really know the birthday girl, but thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know some of the neighbors up there. Making small talk can be painful. Ha! I will eat before I go and take (and make) my own drinks.
                          Hope everyone is having a restful Sattidy! Hugs to all!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Worst part of the quit week was the 3rd day stinkies. Best part of quit week is every day since day 1.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              morning nesters

                              A big hug for 2900 days Byrd, thats a huge achievement and i am very happy and proud to be walking behind you.

                              LC dont put any pressure on yourself to do anything. We dont handle failure very well and then get a case of the feck its so best to put no expectations on these 30 days, if you do something then great, if you dont then thats great too. i always feel guilty i dont do much on the weekends but i spend so much time during the day working with people that i really need the ME time to recharge. The best thing about holidays is i can nap every single day, cant manage to sleep in but i can nap. I am going to a place called Acheron which is about an hour and a half out of Melbourne, in the middle of nowhere and cant wait. just have to watch out for snakes with mads but she doesnt leave my side.

                              Belle, i feel you with the kids up all night and sleeping most of the day. drives me crackers and i am a light sleeper too. i do enjoy making a lot of noise when i wake up to get back at them as they complain up a storm about how noisy i am. My son is busy drinking xmas away, makes me sad but not much i can do. i am not there atm. We will be having a big chat though come 2019 (another one).

                              Today is a pleasant 24 with a bit of humidity so off for a massage and will finish my book. busy day for sure of doing nothing. both daughters will be home early January and i cant wait. 33 days, 11 hours and 8 minutes until i go and see phil collins. time flies.

                              take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Our daughter & SIL gave us tickets to a matinee show of The Wizard of Oz - great local performers! Then we met up with them for an early dinner afterwards, nice day
                                Had to drive an hour each way but it wasn't too bad traffic-wise.

                                Byrdie, Congrats on your 2901 days - woo hoo!!!!!
                                You sure do seem to have a lot of neighborhood parties. You should live here where everyone ignores each other, haha!!

                                Ava, when you see Phil - tell him I said HI

                                FeeBee, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days :welldone:

                                Belle, I wouldn't let those teens sleep that late, LOL
                                You can ask my kids, they weren't allowed to either! Now's a good time for them to practice being grownups

                                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

