I have just hung my solar tiki lights out and I'm waiting for company...
Nora, honey, I'm sooo so very sorry :upset: It is SUCH a difficult decision. I know; I've been there. But I agree, this is undoubtedly the best thing for everyone in this case. Snuggle with the babies tonight and take it easy :l
Dancing, squeeze yerself into one of them suits and let's DO it! Btw.. exactly what does a Chinese laundry look like?

Well, vet called but didn't come out. Told me to do hot compresses :egad: Miss Sophie is rather touchy feely on her back end at the best of times... but actually, she wasn't too bad. I had Mr. Wonderful with me - just in case something went wrong. She squealed and jumped once but otherwise let me do the dirty deed. Whew.
And tomorrow, I'll have the dubious pleasure of towing a horse trailer by myself. Ughh. I'm such a wuss when it comes to stuff like that. Kinda weird, I have no second thoughts about going out in the bush with a chain saw - but the thought of truck and trailer sends me into hiding. Anyways, I got a riding lesson booked on Monday and my 'ride' cancelled. Her horse threw a shoe and hurt her tender tootsies. So.... wish me luck.
Ohh.. and my topsoil came today (well, the first load, anyways)! Whoohoo. Mr. Wonderful ever so carefully inquired about dinner tonight... I looked at him in utter disbelief... "NOW? I'm not even close to done yet! What time is it?" Ummm.. turned out it was 9pm. :H
Well, and that's it for me - hope you all have a fabby evening and restful night!