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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I had a really nice day, starting with a Snow day, meaning that school was cancelled so my daughter unexpectedly got the day off, so we both got to sleep in! Then we took the dog for a long walk through the deep, beautiful snow. It’s still warm-ish out before the cold snap sets in overnight. Then I had a great hair appointment, followed by a leisurely afternoon of shopping with my daughter. Now we’re watching ‘The Incredibles’. Love the unexpected pleasures of a Snow day!

    LC, I can see where your dad and being at your dad’s house would be a big trigger. Getting through it successfully sober this time will go a long way towards lessening the drinking associations that you have with being there. You have a good backup plan with going back to your mom’s house as an option.

    I hope I don’t get sick now after stopping by this contagious nest! Lav needs to share her homemade soup with all you sick ones! Take care.
    Last edited by Slo; January 23, 2019, 10:20 PM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Originally posted by Pavati View Post
      Hi, All--

      Way to go on three weeks, Hyper. I know it is hard, but a big factor in many people staying sober is a sober community. I would recommend staying connected here or at an in-person meet up so that you have the support of a community that knows what's up. In your post it sounds like you don't really believe you can do this. I think if you don't believe, there is no way you will. What are you doing differently this time to keep sobriety going? How can we best support you? WE BELIEVE!

      Thanks Pav for the thoughtful and heartfelt post. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me coming back here and trying no matter what. I don't really believe b/c I am a serial boomerang. Right now it is very hard to sit here and type. Different? Thinking on that b/c I have really tried everything except quitting my job in the restaurant biz. Thanks for your support and also for believing in me!! ~ Tomorrow I plan to get back into the exercise after 2 weeks off after having been sick for quite awhile. Only way I know of to really deal with depression and anxiety is exercise. Anyway a big THANKS to G, Lav, Slo, Lifechange, paulywogg, Pav, narily & everyone who posts and cares so much here. I will be back tomorrow on day 23. All my best to everyone and another AF day as well, hyper


        Howdy y'all. I stopped by earlier this morning then realized I brought the wrong cake lol. Anyway...

        Huge congrats [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]!
        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nest:

          Whoot! Way to go, NoSugar! I am so grateful for your straight-forward, science-based, no-nonsense support and love. Thanks for reaching back and sharing your wisdom with all of us along the way, and thanks for being there.

          Hypernova - I totally get that it is hard. I had success more with thoughts than actions (other than exercise). How can you set yourself up with KNOWING you won't drink when anxiety and depression set in. Alcohol is NOT a choice anymore, so I'll try X instead (hug, ice cream, exercise, bath, MWO - they were all in heavy rotation for me). Stick with us!

          Lav - you have crazy weather. I think you live in the mid-Atlantic area?

          I got into a great yoga class yesterday. If I make time for that I am so much happier.

          Gotta Run - Happy SOBER Thursday.



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters!

            Hyper, just to add one more thing.. This time around (because I've been a boomerang, too) it has really helped me to follow in the footsteps of Lunatic Linda.. in the sense of really USING this place however and whenever I need to. I always told myself I'd come here and post BEFORE acting on any irrational thoughts and this time I'm actually doing it and it's working. (as I write this I hope I'm not jinxing myself) I'm beginning to believe that I can do this! I still don't trust myself completely because it's often happened to me that a huge craving would come out of nowhere and I'd act on it and then have to start all over. BUT now I've opened myself up to really listen and believe what every one here is saying. Someday it WILL get easier, life is so much better on the other side without alcohol, we can only begin to imagine it in the early days. Anyway, I've taken alcohol completely off the table and that means thinking up other ways (ahead of time if I can anticipate it) to deal with myself and others. Coming here is the number one thing I've been doing differently. Just typing in out for myself, creating this habit, is doing wonders. You CAN do this! :hug:

            Slo, I love snow days! What a wonderful, extra day you had together with your daughter.. did you go crazy at the hairdressers?:happy2:
            Lav, Everyone I know is making soups this winter, non stop. What kind did you make? It's the perfect thing for the cold months and so nice to have over a number of days. I hear you with the metabolism. I'm not quite sure how to move forward. I stepped on the scale yesterday (big mistake!) and saw that I'm 5 pounds heavier than I've ever been before. I'll have to tackle my nutrition at some point.. baby steps!

            I was up in the middle of the night worrying about my dad. I know a lot of you are dealing with aging parents and I didn't think I was quite at that point.. He seems like he is giving up on doing the things he would need to do to improve his health. To be able to hike again, to move more freely. He is so overweight which his poor back, new knee and new hip are trying to support.. he's so caught up in nostalgia, tears rolling down his cheeks over everything. Now he's begun with a DNA, find your roots/family and it's all he can think or talk about. He wants me to send in my DNA-information and my first, gut feeling is that I'm not comfortable with it. He already bought kits for my sister and me.. which annoys me because this is the first I've heard of it. So I decided that I will tell him I need some time to think about it. And I decided I will (gladly) sit through all the stories and photos of our family.. the family I know through stories and my childhood. I am of course interested in making the connections, remembering, hearing what my dad is remembering. I just can't stand to hear the same thing over and over when I know it's due to alcohol. Last night we face timed with my uncle and my dad began asking him something.. his brother said, "Steve, you asked me that already last night".. I will find the right opportunity to talk to him about that. Sometimes he tells me the same thing 3 times within an hour, as if it's never been mentioned before. It's so sad because at this point it's due to alcohol. He doesn't do it (yet!) if he's not drinking.
            ok. Alcohol wasn't a problem for me last night. There was a touch of a pull but I think that was due to old habits. My stepmom didn't drink and my dad didn't even ask me. His cheap red wine (we know why people buy the cheapest wines!) smelled repulsive. I focussed on cooking, ate and drank a bit more than normal.. it was all fine and I'm very happy, indeed to be on the other side!

            Big hugs and love to all of you!xx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              NS!!!! Congratulations on your 6 year af anniversary. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a good friend, source of support and wisdom. You give so much to all of us here. Love to you and enjoy celebrating..:heartbeat:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                SIX years, No Sugar! Pretty soon you’ll catch up to Byrdie! (ha ha)
                Congratulations on building & sustaining a vibrant AF life. I deeply appreciate all of your tremendous support.

                Hypernova, it is hard to be so entwined with alcohol at work at the restaurant. You do have that extra challenge, and I feel for you on that. It is a trap though that is keeping you tired & addicted. Time to break free! Don’t forget that l-glutamine can be helpful in the beginning to help with cravings.

                Pav, I am glad that other people are seeing you as strong rather than weak in the face of alcohol, so you can see yourself that way. You are strong! And you are demonstrating to a lot of other people the possibility of living life without drugs & active addiction.

                Lifechange, it is so hard to see our parents decline. It sounds like your dad wants to do a life review, so that is sweet that you can sit with him and go over his life with him, even if it is repetitive.
                I am so happy to finally be on the other side of this too!
                I didn’t go crazy at the hairdressers, but I went to (gasp) a new stylist (one I went to once before a year ago the day of my daughter’s wedding) after mine had to cancel on me, and now might have to go through the awkwardness of breaking up with my old stylist, who I’ve been going to for well over a decade!

                Wishing everyone a good day in the Nest!
                Last edited by Slo; January 24, 2019, 12:04 PM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for the cake, [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]! I can barely remember the person who made it through this day 6 years ago a moment at a time. It seemed like the longest day of my life. And really, all of those early days seemed to drag on forever. I had to actually live during the hours I used to be totally checked out. All of my days are now 5 or 6 hours 'longer' than they used to be and boy, are they ever full! I'm not sure what the last very challengin 6 years would have been like had I not already quit but I know it wouldn't have been good. I wouldn't have been there for people I love who have needed me.

                  I know I couldn't have done it without the friends of MWO. I had been very seriously trying to quit for at least 7 months and had achieved good long sober stretches -- 3 weeks at the beach, from Thanksgiving 2012 past New Year's, etc. It seemed like I was getting closer and closer but then for no apparent reason, I would drink. Something was missing - thank goodness I found it here. A supportive community made all the difference. Thanks to all of you. xx, NS
                  Last edited by NoSugar; January 24, 2019, 11:48 AM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by Slo View Post
                    Pretty soon you’ll catch up to Byrdie! (ha ha)
                    Byrdie and I are committed to staying EXACTLY 2 years and 4 days apart!
                    At least I'm getting relatively closer: while I used to be 1/734 (0.14%) of a Byrdie, now I'm at 75% :smile:.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I can say without a doubt that MWO became a better place when NoSugar arrived. She gave us the facts about all this mess, and helped us make sense of the crazy feelings we were having. Her gentle, compassionate spirit shines through her posts and I don't know anyone more willing to share information. CONGRATULATIONS on 6 big years! I am SO proud of you and all you have accomplished!
                      We should give you an honorary degree in this stuff. Dr No Sugar! I LIKE IT! GREAT JOB! :applause2::applause2::applause2:
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        MOrning nesters

                        Happy 6th birthday NS, i do hope you have the best day with a big smile on your dial! I cant say i have ever been into the scientific aspect of not drinking but .....i just love reading most of your posts lol. I do appreciate your gentle persuasion and cant do attitude if we set our mind to it. Love to you today.

                        Hyper, great work on 3 weeks. As LC says its our mindset and determination that keeps us from drinking, living our lives differently and being accountable to people who understand. We all need to find what works for us but as you will see the people with lots of days sober keep on checking in at MWO, its our routine and a big part of of lives. Checking in here is better than checking out with al.

                        Pauly, you are sounding so good, its a pleasure to watch you grow in your sobriety and take life as it comes with its ups and downs. Nothing is achieved by drinking AT others.

                        Well its so damn hot here, 35 degrees at 10am and on its way to being in the mid 40's. I told mads she could wee inside today (kidding) as i wasnt going out there. I feel for the firefighters today as the winds are bad also and its dry.

                        Today is a week for me being smoke free. I have tried to also take on a different take, that one is not enough if i smoke. damn its hard but i am just going to plod along and hope i dont kill anyone in the process. i know i feel better if i dont smoke and i know it will kill me and the list of pros far outweighs the cons. another journey to be on and i find hibernating is the best option for me.

                        Take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Happy hibernating Ava, ha ha!
                          Quitting smoking was probably 7 times harder than quitting AL for me. If I did it, I know you can too

                          NS, HAPPY 6 YEARS AF :yay: :welldone:
                          I honestly don't remember the old me either & I'm sure that's probably a good thing.
                          Thanks for helping so many folks along on their journeys!!

                          The day started out warm & rainy, now it's cold, dry & windy. How is a person supposed to keep up with this stuff??
                          I prefer soups with a lot of veggies, my husband wants a lot of meat SO I do my best to come up with something we both like. I have to be DF so I will use cashew milk or homemade oat cream if I want to do a creamy style soup. Lately I find I cannot tolerate canned tomatoes so I'm leaving them out of everything. Who wants GERD? Ugh.

                          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters,congrats again on 6 years NS! Ava,congrats on one week off smoking! Its hard without strangling somebody that's for sure,I keep trying to quit but tell myself I "only" smoke 3 a day so I can take the time I need,reality is I don't feel like I want to quit right now LC,my mom just turned 68 and I could tell she was kind of slowing down when she was here last,telling the same thing over and over too,even when she wasn't drinking, scares me cuz my gramma had Alzheimer's and I don't want my mom to get it,dunno if its genetic or not? My gramz was a health nut and still got it,so who knows,ugh,lots 'o drama at work and my nerves feel exposed! Don't be surprised if you see me a lot this weekend, just need some positive mojo,have a fab AF Friday!
                            Last edited by paulywogg; January 25, 2019, 10:01 AM.
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              6 years!! Yippee!! Way to go NS, you are an inspiration :heartbeat:

                              I am still sick today but at least I don’t have a hangover! It’s a bit hard to focus so I will say something profound later


                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Narilly, I'm having trouble focusing, too. I just want to sit and stare.
                                Feeling much better than I was.

                                It's only Friday, Nesters, NOT a ticket to BoozeVille! Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

