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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hola my friends!

    Congratulations once again NS on 6 years AF. That is incredible. Lots of love, admiration and respect to you mi amiga.

    Ava, i hope you and Mads and the rest of the gang got through the heat wave ok. Luckily it's cooled down today.

    Narilly, i look forward to your profound words when you're ready. I reckon they might read something like this.....'Yo nesters, s'up! Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence" You can have the life you want OR you can Drink".

    Glad you feel a little better Byrdy. I hope you get some relaxation time in this weekend.

    Since i unsubscribed from the Boozeville snoozeville newsletter, i haven't had any offers of tickets in the mail. Maybe the withdrawal of my patronage has sent them broke. No ticket here!

    Have a great weekend evabody! Big waves to all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Had a quiet-ish day which is just fine with me
      Getting colder again, I guess that's why they call it winter Ha ha!!

      Byrdie & Nar, I hope the both of you are feeling well enough to do something fun this weekend, geez! I need a giant can of Lysol to spray the nest LOL

      G, glad to see Boozeville is not on your weekend calendar

      Pauly, scientists believe genetics, lifestyle & environmental factors all have to come together to develop Alzheimers disease. So it's not just the genetic factor that we should be concerned about. Quitting drinking & smoking, eating healthy & exercise go a long way to help us stave off this & other awful diseases.
      Sorry work is still such a hassle, stick around the nest this weekend for extra safety.

      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters,Narilly,I followed my husbands lead and ate raw garlic and swear I felt better the next day,even tho it's hard to gulp down I think it must break the yuck stuff up a bit waves to all and wishes for a superb,sober Saturday!
        Last edited by paulywogg; January 26, 2019, 08:51 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All--

          Glad you're feeling better, Pauly. Sorry work is so stressful - definitely come here and let us give you support - and support others. I love your presence here. You sound great and strong. Sorry about your grandma and your mom.

          Both my husband and I are dealing with Alzheimer's in our parents - it is a terrible disease. So slow and so destructive. Hope your dad is ok, LC. I understand the worry. One of the reasons dementia shows more with alcohol is that the brain can't cover its tracks very well when impaired. Many dementia patients are good at covering up. I hope it is not dementia with your day and I hope he can pull it together to take care of himself. Sorry you're dealing with that.

          Mr. G - Do you run on the beach in that 40+ degree heat? Ava, one week smoke free is AMAZING. Keep it up!

          Nar - hope you feel better.

          Lav - I've been making soup, too. In the last few weeks I've made ginger, mushroom, chicken; chicken and white beans; sausage, bean and kale; and borsht. I love having it to take for lunches and as a dinner ready to go when I get home. My son gets sick of it, but... I always add extra veggies also.

          I have an all-day event at work today - it's ok because it will be fun, and I'll get a lot of work done after.

          Happy SOBER Saturday.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un-hung Saturday Morning, Nesters..

            I'm outside on the patio, enjoying the cool breeze.. it's actually too cool, but I need an escape from msnbc. :happy2: I made it to the gym this morning even though I felt too lazy to go, and was proud to spend 15 bucks on an hour of exercise (to strengthen my body and my mind and let out some anxiety) rather than on 5 bottles of 2 buck chuck (cheap trader joe's wine). Yuck. At the moment I feel so strong in my quit and I am soooo grateful for this "easy" time. I know that won't always be the case.. but I do know that I am doing my very best to continue to build a strong foundation! I'm not just "trying" anymore, I'm doing it. And it's a long time coming.

            Thanks, Pauly and Pav for your words about alzheimers.. I find it so scary and so sad. I'm not sure what the case is with my dad, as he doesn't seem to be nearly as forgetful during the day.. but anything after even just one glass of wine doesn't seem to stick. I know that we also just become more forgetful with old age.. For me now, that's another HUGE reason not to drink! A couple of months ago, I was forgetting so much.. my kids were astounded that I could forget so much. Because I can't go back in time, I am now doing what I can to feed my hungry brain! Another good reason to learn Spanish, G-man!! I'm gonna get back on that, too! Count me in, Wags!
            Ava, great job on the 1 week NF! Are you using any patches/vaping stuff, etc. or going cold turkey?

            ok. off to make some brekkie.. and costco with dad.. woohoo..
            Big hugs to Pauly, NS, Lav, Byrdie, Nar, Kensho, Slo, Wags, Pav, G-man, Ava, .. hope I didn't miss anyone. Daily memory practice!xx
            Last edited by lifechange; January 26, 2019, 12:25 PM.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Originally posted by lifechange View Post
              it's actually too cool, but I need an escape from msnbc. :happy2:
              Well, on the bright side, it isn't FOX :haha:.

              I've been thinking about what you said about feeling uninteresting and anxious in a recent social situation. To me, you are practically EXOTIC - you have a cool job that people can understand since most of us cook (although not at your level) and you must be full of interesting stories and anecdotes you could share. AND you're an American who has lived for years in a foreign country. Most of us rarely if ever leave the US! I would probably ask you so many questions, you'd get tired of talking and would have no time for self-doubt!

              It seems like so many of us have parents or others close to us with memory problems of various types. Alzheimers can't be officially diagnosed until autopsy (although many doctors assign the label) but regardless of the pathology, it is so hard to see our parents slip away. I try to appreciate when my mom is doing "better" but it also is a sad reminder of what usually isn't there anymore. Virtual hugs to all of you :hug:. I posted a link for Pauly in the no sugar challenge thread - more and more evidence of environmental triggers is becoming available. And of course alcohol can't help with any aspect of brain function!

              It is going to be dangerously cold this week in the midwest and I won't be inclined to go out more than necessary. I'm so grateful not to be spending this weekend stocking up on and hiding booze to get me through :fatigue:. I just love the FREEDOM quitting offers. xx, NS


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by NoSugar View Post

                I've been thinking about what you said about feeling uninteresting and anxious in a recent social situation. To me, you are practically EXOTIC - you have a cool job that people can understand since most of us cook (although not at your level) and you must be full of interesting stories and anecdotes you could share. AND you're an American who has lived for years in a foreign country. Most of us rarely if ever leave the US! I would probably ask you so many questions, you'd get tired of talking and would have no time for self-doubt!
                Hola friends,

                NS. Your post reminds me of a couple of survival basics i have recognised for me, and i'm sure this helps for most humans. 2 things. - Perspective. Gratitude. We sometimes forget or just don't stop to acknowledge our strengths, qualities, positive aspects of ourselves. LC, you would be darn fascinating to be sure. Not just coz you're you, but also look at what you do and where you've been. The same with evabody here. There are a lot of interesting people with incredible beauty, wisdom, creativity, compassion and life experience. We just gotta let it shine. And removing the numbing of boozing.....well, there are no limits. Zero barriers i tells yiz!

                Pav, 40C is too hot to run anywhere, but i admit i did have a workout in the shade at the beach and a little run followed by a refreshing swim. I wouldn't run out in the open sun or where i couldn't keep relatively cool. Hope you're weekend is relaxing.

                Ava, gr8 job on the fags! There'll be even less limits with you ditching those things.

                Pausing, breathing, stepping back and taking my place in the world in. Stopping for a few moments to grasp some perspective. And now i feel grateful.

                Have a beaut weekend evabody.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Those posts came at just the right time, NS and G.. thank you.:love:
                  I've been in a kindof bad mood today because I "have" to go to a concert this evening at a bar with my dad and stepmom.. people they know are playing and the music is good. I thought of cancelling but they are so looking forward to it. My stepmom mentioned that she's an introvert and I said that I am, too.. I told her that going to this gig tonight was going to take a lot of effort but that I'd try (and it probably will be fun).. my dad now understands! that I don't drink and that I won't drink. I told him he had to promise me that if he has more than 1 drink (we'll be there for around 3 hours), I will drive with no discussion. He said technically he could have 3 drinks in that amount of time and I said, still, more than one and I drive.. he said, yeah, if you want.
                  It's actually been a bit better with the social situations since I posted a couple of days ago. I'm asking a lot of questions, am able to pay attention and I have a lot more to say with out the delayed reaction time an abused brain needs! It's literally getting better, more clear by the day.

                  Stay cozy, dear NS! Enjoy your freedom!:happy2:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Morning nesters

                    Well G, i could not go outside on that 40+ day, taking mads for a wee was enough for me. I get worried about skin cancers now since i seem to grow them like i grow stray hairs. The sun and i are not friends and now but the damage is done.

                    Im still not smoking which is good and like al, some days are better than others. I am going to see Phil Collins this Friday coming with my two youngest and they smoke. i am gathering my tools already as before i would say i'd just have one. i dont want to do that. Like you LC with drinking, this time feels different.

                    LC, i ended up at the end of my drinking career, having one drink and repeating myself a lot and of course not remembering. There is an alcohol related dementia which drinking may be causing, i thought i was getting that when i drank. thankfully now its just age, menopause and i cant be bothered remembering.

                    Pauly, i hope those stress related drinking thoughts dont attack you. i find i smoke when i am stressed also. Our learned "go to" and i am not sure how i will deal with any stress but i figure i will cover that base when i get to it. You sound so good and strong.

                    well i am off to an art gallery this morning. My son is also in Melbourne visiting so i hope to catch up with him. I do think he had a big night last night with his brothers so i am not holding my breath.

                    Take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Just had a wonderful visit with my daughter & her family so I am grateful as well

                      Ava, I remember it didn't take long after I quit smoking to be grossed out by others smoking. Go figure, haha! You are doing great so keep hanging in there. Total freedom from smokes & AL is such a blessing ~ you will see!!

                      G, I've been reading about the heat wave there, geez. Be careful & stay hydrated, OK?

                      LC, you sound strong & in control & that's exactly what you want. I wouldn't let anyone drive me after they've had more than one drink either, good choice.
                      My dad exhibited more than the usual forgetfulness near the end of his life. But, his was due to occluded carotid arteries & he was too weak to do anything surgically. Fortunately his mood swung to 'happy' remembering things from his youth & young adulthood. I am glad we no longer have to worry about pickling our brains

                      NS, sorry your mom is experiencing memory problems as well. Assuring their safety is a big deal & that can be difficult sometimes. Taking my dad's car keys was a struggle but it had to be done for everyone's safety. I hope your mom stays happy :hug:

                      Hello to Pauly, Byrdie, Pav & everyone.
                      Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Home from a 60th birthday party now! It’s getting easier to not drink amongst the plethora (I like that word, Ava!) of alcohol offerings and everyone else drinking, although I still rely heavily on food, sugar, & alternative beverages instead. I don’t feel so much like something is missing anymore, like a limb. More like a smaller nagging feeling, such as missing a digit instead of a limb, like a finger.

                        But then I remember that my cousin can’t be there at all with the rest of us cousins because she’s in inpatient alcohol rehab for the 4th time (which also means her teenage daughter can’t be there to hang out with mine), and my one bro can’t be there because it’s out of the range & time frame of where he can go after his DUI (which means his kids also can’t be there with the other kids)....and then it’s all ok, and I appreciate my freedom!

                        Ava, good for you for tackling the smoking now! That’s a real tough one, but it has to go. The first bad week is behind you anyways. Remember now, no killing anyone!

                        My MIL suffered with dementia for a good 15 years until she died a year ago. It was awful. And she was a teetotaler! Now her daughter, my husband’s sister, has Mild Cognitive Impairment, and it’s not all that mild. She is 62, and has been noticeably affected for at least 5 years. It’s something else to see it happening in your own generation.
                        My uncle’s wife was a health nut, and at age 68, she has advanced, aggressive Alzheimer’s. Everyone thinks her extreme diet may have helped to bring it on somehow; maybe not enough fat in her diet.

                        Everyone is doing well here! Thanks for being here.
                        Last edited by Slo; January 27, 2019, 12:23 AM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone,

                          G, your post made me laugh! I might say something profound tomorrow...stay cool my friend.

                          LC, hope the trip to watch the band went ok. I’m glad you are finding it easier telling your friends, I found that go easier with time.

                          NS, hugs about your mom. The cake Cowboy gave you was nice.

                          Pav, so many with Alzheimer’s in your family, that is brutal. I can’t even imagine how hard that is. It is bad enough to have one person in your family with Alzheimer’s.
                          I worry about my husband getting dementia or some disease related to the brain. He had over 15 concussions when he was young and ended up in the hospital for at least 10 of them. At least three times he went unconscious for more than a few hours. Now he is having symptoms of depression, anger, sensitivity to light, forgetfulness, withdrawal and he gets overwhelmed easily, plus other symptoms.
                          Wow, it looks bad when I write it down. Anyway, he went to the doctor and the doctor is investigating it further. I guess we just have to go day by day and see how it all plays out.
                          Wow, SLO, it looks like you have your fair share of dementia etc yourself. So crappy. Hey, good job on the thinking it through at the party. You didn’t drink, because You Don’t Drink!

                          Ava, I could not breathe if it was +45. Holy moley, that is brutal. I have no idea how you deal with that. I was reading about the fires and they are devastating. Hang in there.

                          Hello Lav, Byrdie, Pauly, everyone.

                          Goodnight xo

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters,Ava that's awesome that you're making your NF quit stick! I love Phil Collins but it's embarrassing to admit,hes just got so many good songs when you think about it,I'm sure you'll have a blast Slo,glad you enjoyed the party,you sound fab and 100% different than how you sounded a year ago,I hope rehab will help your cousin this time,we can't help but feel compassion for other addicts but also get sort of fed up too,I know that feeling, I just hope it works so she can enjoy her time with her daughter while she's still young,that's one of my biggest regrets and I still find myself wondering where my teenagers went off to,oh wait they're right here all grown and one has kids herself! How and when the hell did that happen??? Oh yea I was drinking and only remember bits and pieces of them growing up,grrrrr,on another note I rescued an injured pigeon from my daughters house,his wings are fine but his side looks like maybe a car hit it or a cat or dog got to it,it doesnt seem like it's in much pain,just pissed it can fly,I'm just gonna give him a bit to chill in a box and see if I can't get him better,don't know why I care about a pigeon or "flying rat" as they call them but I do,better go make sure he's still kicken,wishes for a super sober Sunday!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              NoSugar - Huge congrats on 6 years (or 75% Byrdie-ness!!!)

                              Hyper - congrats to you on 3 weeks as well. Don't worry if it doesn't feel like you're doing anything drastically different - for me the biggest difference between quits that failed and this final quit was and has been in my mindset. Just really taking it seriously that al isn't an option, so when stuff comes up to deal with, I don't even let myself get a toehold in the bargaining arena. I would dare say that all of your quit time DOES add up and has tremendous value - you've given your brain and body lots of breaks from this poison, and you've exercised quit muscles to make them stronger. Your final quit is waiting for you, and maybe this is IT!!! As others have mentioned, please keep coming back, posting, reading, stopping by before - the minute you are tempted. Hugs to you friend.

                              Byrdie - glad you're feeling somewhat better and hope you continue on that trend

                              Slo - I know it was a few days ago but it sounds like a lovely snow day with your daughter. So glad you got to truly enjoy it.

                              In Wagland, things have been a bit crazy. I've been fighting a cold for the past several days (fortunately not the flu, but a bad sore throat which made teaching very difficult). Yesterday was a big test day that many of my students have been preparing for since last fall, and this past week was the final push for them. I lightened my load by canceling classes with students who have test dates later this spring, but I had to show up for all of the January test takers and it took every ounce of energy i had. I'm teaching just a couple of classes today and then I have the next 3 days completely off. Fortunately I'm feeling a lot better and am ready to both play a bit and get some neglected tasks done.

                              I didn't even notice it in passing, but now I look back and realize I crossed my 2.5 year milestone last Wed. Yay!!! I'm 31.25% of a Byrdie!!!

                              Hope you all had good weekends and are ready to head into another great AF week!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                A quick fly by for me. Feeling better but wiped out. This flu is kicking my arse.
                                Not planning on doing much today. Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

