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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good Morning, Nest:

    Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
    Now at 400-something days, I VERY rarely actually crave alcohol. Mostly, I crave some sort of shift in my mood, and I have a bunch of other ways to do that. I have no intentions of ever going back to that madness!
    Kensho - spot on with that. I've never thought of it that way, but that shift in perspective means you could do something else about it rather than grab the booze.

    Good work, Change, avoiding that wine. You flexed a sober muscle and worked to build it up! I wonder what you could have done to avoid going to that pub at all. In that way, it wouldn't have really been a spontaneous choice, but a planned choice if you were 85% decided before you walked through the door. Any ideas? Either way, excellent choice to go to the water station.

    Moffit - sorry about your being amped up by the nest. Do you know what is amping you up? My two cents about Italy - I totally get it, but consider that you're trading the wine calories for pasta, bread, olive oil, gelato - also all things Italy is famous for. You'll have a great time. When I first quit I was worried about a trip we were taking 8 months later. It was with some drinking friends, and I was worried that I would make the whole trip awkward and uncomfortable for everyone else. I got the good advice here to just take it one day at a time. I embraced that paradox - I was taking the quit one day at a time, AND I had to know I was quitting forever to make sure boozed didn't creep back in. Anyway - a trip to Italy sounds lovely, and I think you'll have a fabulous time...

    Mr. G - way to go on 150 days - you RAWK.

    LC - Take care of yourself! Jet lag is no joke!

    Happy SOBER Sunday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I also really liked that thought from KENSHO!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Checking in a coffee-filled Sunday morning. All ok here, going out shopping with daughter and to get a pedi for her (I don't bother in winter months...but she has to have nice feet for gymnastics)

        Catch y'all later. Enjoy a sober Sunday!

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Well, I just made it home after driving for almost 3 hours in white-out conditions ray:
          Because I had been on MWO before I left, the whole subject of (not) drinking was on my mind and I found myself getting home much like I got sober.

          I could see the white road markings on the right so knew the line I couldn't cross. I couldn't see very much ahead but I finally found a large truck with its flashers on, going quite slowly, so I followed behind, never taking my eyes off those lights.

          Several large trucks and cars seemed not to be bothered by the conditions and roared past on the left of the truck, me, and the numerous cars behind me that apparently thought this was a good idea, too. Maybe they were better drivers or didn't think they were susceptible to road conditions or maybe they just didn't care.

          It was annoying to go so slowly. What should have been a 2-hour tip turned into 3, I didn't know what conditions I would face ahead, and I just wanted to be done with the awful trip. I wanted to be FINE with no uncertainty.

          But amazingly enough, you can make a trip of many miles 10 feet at at time, especially when you've found someone you trust to guide you.



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola nesters,

            Thanks for the congrat's! It's nice to read all your words.

            LC, do you really think about jumping off a bridge? Now i'm worried my friend. You're raaawkin it! Take care over there.

            400 + days friend Kensho.....wowza good buddy!

            Wags, i've just put out the feelers for a couple of travel options for mid year. One is Sth Am. Or, it might be India. the 3rd option is me and the band come to texas, but that depends on the other guys availability. Either way i'm travelling somewhere with me geetar. Maybe brazil again. I loved it in Rio, even though it's a troubled city. Safe travels in the snow.

            That trucker sounds a responsible and sensible soul SB. A lot like you! :happy2:

            Big waves to evabody. especially Carl.
            Last edited by Guitarista; February 10, 2019, 02:34 PM.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Stay safe [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]. Sounds like you did a good job. Don’t worry how long it took. Just that you’re safe home.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                NS, what a tedious trip. I’m so glad you are home safely. Thank you for that wonderful analogy.
                I was just looking back at something and it made me think. I’ve seen 1000’s of people come and go here. What do successful quitters all have in common? Support. However you can get it, get it. Getting sober is so worth it. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Just got home from having dinner with daughter & her family. We expected to be driving home in snowy conditions. We actually did not see a snowflake until we were exactly 1 mile from home, nice

                  NS, glad you got home safely! Your description of that drive reminded me of my trips to work at 6 am, in the dark & in the snow. If I was lucky enough I was able to hop on the highway right behind the big plow truck & follow it almost all the way to the hospital.

                  LC, I think it's OK to feel a certain amount of comfort & pride in your quit. I personally didn't allow myself to take an extra breath until I got to 100 days, haha! We will always be careful of our thoughts & exterminate the bad ones, right?

                  Wags & everyone else dealing with snow & ice tonight, please be careful!
                  I'm expecting the roads to be crappy tomorrow & Tuesday so I'm just staying home, because I can.

                  Ava, I wish someone would come to my house to cut my hair, LOL. Give Carl & Mads a big hug from me

                  Hello to everyone & wishing for a safe & cozy night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION]. You’re right it is the support. Last time I did it with MWO and this time I’ve got you guys and this site as well as hubby and family.
                    Sonlst night I felt just totally fed up with alcohol just didn’t care about it. Didn’t feel anxious just nothing. Sick of thinking about it. I think this is where I was when I quit last time. Really feeling it isn’t something that is an option. I’m not denying myself anything. Normally I feel like this in the mornings along with regret etc but thus feeling was stronger last night when normally I would be anxious and reaching for a drink I felt like something had shifted in me. Did anyone else feel like this?

                    Hope all slept well and are safe



                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Min - there were certainly times when I was tired of thinking about booze all of the time - how not to drink it, and what to do to keep my sobriety. However, it certainly beats the alternative of drinking again, and that was always on my mind. There is something called the Pink Cloud Effect - when the giddy happiness from the first part of the quit goes away and you're left with the fact that you still have life, still get depressed, still have hard times - and you get to face all of that without alcohol. I thought, "really? Is this really 'happening' to me?" It felt flat and I felt like a failure. HOWEVER, thanks to my friends and mentors here, I had already accepted that I couldn't drink NO MATTER WHAT, so I was able to push through that flatness and on to the long-term happiness of long-term sobriety. That first year is a doozy of emotions you're feeling for the first time in a while. Stay the course - you got this.

                      NS - That is a harrowing tale, and a fantastic analogy. Glad you're safe and sound.

                      Mr. G - Travel is the best. I love that anticipation. Texas? Why Texas?

                      Hi, everyone else. Here's to a great, alcohol-free week.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        morning nesters

                        Glad you are home safe and sound NS. I am a very impatient driver having to deal with peak hour but even i am not that dumb to take risks in awful weather.

                        Min, i have to agree with my quit buddy, being here is what helped to get and keep me sober. When i first came to MWO i didnt want to listen to the older termers, what did they know, they found it easy, not like me. Yep they went through exactly the same as what i was going through and i eventually listened and learned. Support is essential in sobriety in the first year although here Pav and i are 5 years later.

                        Day 25 of no fags and i think its getting easier. work is really stressful and this addict does not handle stress very well. not having a vice to fall back on is hard and there are some days where i just want to give up but mostly i just feel that i need to achieve this and get it over and done with.

                        Carl is doing wonderfully well and is a total joy although Mads does not share that joy. At least she isnt giving me the evil eye every time i pick him up now. i now have my other daughter visiting me, or Carl, i think its Carl ha ha.

                        Lav, its great having a hair dresser in the family but boy do i have to beg for a hair cut, its amazing what a hair cut does to lift your spirits.

                        time for a coffee and to do some more work.

                        take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          MinStar, that’s a really positive sign that something shifted in you and you felt like you no longer want to bother with alcohol. I consider that to be like an internal rock bottom, and much better than an external rock bottom with all the messy external consequences. I think most all of us have gone through that shift, and it portends well for long term sobriety.

                          NoSugar, thank you for describing your trip to Scandinavia. It really demonstrates why it is better for “us” to just not drink on travel vacations, as the waiting & wondering & wanting more just makes us even more miserable!

                          [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], I really liked the way that you handled the theft & bullying issue at your son’s school.

                          LC, Sundays are just meant for being lazy days. It is the “day of rest” in the week, after all. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I get super tired & lazy on Sundays like I did yesterday. But, now I feel better on Monday! So smart of you to stay away from the shops when you weren’t feeling totally like you could trust yourself as well.

                          Ava, nice for you that the kids are dropping in to see Carl! It has to be SO hard to stay smoke-free with work stress! I admire your strength of will. 25 days is ace! -and you sure don’t want to repeat those again!

                          Keep rockin’ it, everyone -one day at a time.
                          Last edited by Slo; February 11, 2019, 03:54 PM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Monday, all!
                            Made it through another day at work.
                            Ava, so funny, I thought all the old timers had an easier time of quitting than I did. I thought, THEY aren’t in the business world, or THEY don’t live in a community that’s a vacation spot, where everyone drinks, THEY don’t have cravings and mind chatter like I do. Well, I was wrong. They were just as addicted as I was (am). I really thought I was different but now that I can see more clearly, I definitely was not. Only time and distance from AL can give you that perspective. NS nailed it when she said that quitting AL for anyone with addiction is hard, my hubs could quit tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter, I just can’t imagine!
                            My dog keeps walking back and forth across my lap as I try to type! She wants attention! Hope everyone has an easy evening! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters from the land of snow & cold, Brrrrrrrr!!
                              It started snowing last night right around 9 pm & it hasn't stopped yet, geez. We may even be treated to a layer of ice tomorrow morning, not good.
                              I baked up 4 seed blocks in 9 " cake pans today to keep my chickens from pecking each other to death while they're cooped up for the next few days.

                              Ava, Carl is certainly attracting visitors, haha! Don't be surprised if you find a line waiting at your front door some day
                              Very nice on your 25 days. Keep this quit & you'll never ever have to go thru this again. I still tell myself that even after almost 10 years, LOL

                              Minstar, I remember having a lot of mixed feelings during that first year. I think it's a completely normal reaction to such a big change. You're body & mind are still adjusting. Hang in there, we are here if you need us.

                              Slo, I bet you're having your share of this nasty weather too. Think Spring

                              Byrdie, sounds like Rubi wants some attention, haha!! I figure she's the jealous type

                              Hello to everyone & wishing a safe & cozy night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hello everyone! Byrdie I completely can’t fathom what it would have felt like to just stop drinking and not really think about it much. That was certainly NOT how I felt!!! Good Lord it was hard. I wanted booze with every cell in my body... except the two smartest ones I had left in my brain that knew I was going down a path of destruction. Feeling indifferent about not drinking was not me! It was a true love hate affair. I know for a fact that if I let myself drink one drop, I’d be right back in that lustful situation. No thank you!!

                                Feeling controlled was the thing I hated the most about being addicted. Thank goodness I am free of that now.

                                I have a new book, going to get in a few pages before bed. Sleep well everyone!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

