Good Morning, Nest:
Good work, Change, avoiding that wine. You flexed a sober muscle and worked to build it up! I wonder what you could have done to avoid going to that pub at all. In that way, it wouldn't have really been a spontaneous choice, but a planned choice if you were 85% decided before you walked through the door. Any ideas? Either way, excellent choice to go to the water station.
Moffit - sorry about your being amped up by the nest. Do you know what is amping you up? My two cents about Italy - I totally get it, but consider that you're trading the wine calories for pasta, bread, olive oil, gelato - also all things Italy is famous for. You'll have a great time. When I first quit I was worried about a trip we were taking 8 months later. It was with some drinking friends, and I was worried that I would make the whole trip awkward and uncomfortable for everyone else. I got the good advice here to just take it one day at a time. I embraced that paradox - I was taking the quit one day at a time, AND I had to know I was quitting forever to make sure boozed didn't creep back in. Anyway - a trip to Italy sounds lovely, and I think you'll have a fabulous time...
Mr. G - way to go on 150 days - you RAWK.
LC - Take care of yourself! Jet lag is no joke!
Happy SOBER Sunday,