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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
    My mental outlook is really important to me. I attack worry or stress at it's core these days and work it out. I won't hide from it or from myself. And it's ok. For me, as long as i am doing things i love to do regularly then i am reasonably content within. My day needs to align with my truth and my personal mission statement for life. If i'm going in the opposite direction, i feel it soon enough and i am out of balance/out of whack. So then in the past i would drink or not take small (daily) steps to change my situation.
    I think this is a real truth that G has pointed out in how to achieve successful sobriety. It was talked about in a ‘This Naked Mind’ podcast that I listened to today featuring Rachel’s Story: about how it’s not enough to just stop drinking, but you have to look at the causes of why you drink, and find other ways to address those. Like what KENSHO was talking about with filling the hole with something else besides drinking. And like Lav & Byrdie recently posted real life examples of what activities they each find fulfilling & soothing to take the place of drinking. It’s the other piece of the puzzle beyond just stopping drinking; learning to live true to ourselves.

    I have never ever liked loud bars, [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION]. My voice simply doesn’t carry. Alcohol with its anesthetic properties makes it bearable, but it’s just irritating when sober.
    I’m not sure I could enjoy tagging along to a beer sampling bar in my AF state either, NS. Maybe, but far from ideal when not participating.

    Byrdie, how nice that your family visit went so well, and you have new family/friends! I love how you can really feel the connection through your shared genetics.
    Yes, I need to be careful about NyQuil -but it works so well! And it’s always in our house because HB loves it. I rarely use it at least.

    Well, you had a shared adventure anyways with your Costco outing, Narilly! Sounds pretty fun!

    Glad your mum’s visit was brief, Ava; the last thing you need is to be tempted to smoke at her!

    Lav, we’re all white here, maybe 6” last snowfall, with more on the way tomorrow. But unfortunately hovering around the freezing point some tomorrow, so could get icy.

    Sweet dreams or good day, whatever it is for you!
    Last edited by Slo; February 20, 2019, 01:41 PM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nesters!

      Hi, Slo! Looks like you're still up and at it!:love:

      Quick fly by on my way to work this morning.. earlier than usual but I want to get a jump start. I'm committing myself to putting in some extra hours and thought there, making it more of an integral part of my life, finding what I can get out of it on a personal level. I'm fortunate to have a job where I can do that so I feel like it would be smart/help my state of mind to take advantage of that!

      Lovely post about your daughter, Ava..
      See you all in a bit..xx


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        While i remember here are the photos. Well i have to add a new one of Carl.


        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          OMG, Ava! They are so cute! Is there nothing cuter than a puppy?.. and Mads, what a love.. Funny, our name for a boy if we'd had one, would have been Karl after the Opa.. so I have to chuckle every time I hear your little guy's name. Bless..

          I'm on a cleaning/tidying streak after watching an episode of tyding up on netflix.. some really good ideas there and it's time for me to move forward another step.. so an early jump start on spring cleaning. Something to keep me busy, clear my mind and get me organized.

          Will check back again in a while..xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Love both those dogs Ava,so cute!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters!
              [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], your pups are adorable. Here is my girl Piper in her stroller

              IMG_6811 (1).jpg

              Sometimes people walk up to me to see 'the baby'. HA. aren't they in for a surprise.

              Came close last night to a drink, especially since husband was having a bit of scotch. I have drank that stuff straight from the bottle in the big gulps.

              Stressed out due to health issues with my daughter. She has been having stomach aches for ages...they come and go but there has been an uptick lately. Had appointment with her doctor yesterday. 2 hours later she had blood with a bowel movement. Her boyfriend was with her and I am not ruling out some sort of injury from 'activities'. sorry for the TMI. Had to call dr office in evening. trying to deal with path forward. Can't do much of anything today as pretty much everything is closed due to snowstorm. Drinking did cross my mind more than once, but I thought that if things got really bad, I would have to take her to ER and could not do that if I was drinking. That was my main deterrent. Not the best but it worked.

              She and I need a good talk about what goes on with her and boyfriend. Some things need to be 'off the table'. He has asked her to 'be his wife in 5-7 years'. LOL is all I can say about that.

              I need to read back and see how you all are doing. I'm looking for a break in the precipitation so I can take Piper out.

              Hope all are well.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Everyone. I'm off to see the wizard today in the city. Lots of errands.

                LC, sorry you drank. I did that countless times. And I didn't tell the truth here a few times too. But then I realized that what good is the help if I can't be absolutely honest? Glad you are back and keeping your sober path. Good advice already given. We are here for you.

                Slo, yes, we got the project and are embarking on a partnership for this and possibly future work. It's weird, and uncomfortable at times - a very new way of doing things. But it's an adventure and there is huge possibility for growth and income, so I'm trying to go with the flow. I wouldn't have even opened the door to this opportunity if I was focused on my nightly drinking habit (and recovering each morning). Now I have the headspace - let's see what I can do with it!

                Oh my gosh Ava. Carl. Heart. Melting. What a cutie! Mads is lovely herself... is she warming up to him at all?

                Hello to everyone and I hope you all have a strong day. The yellow brick road is calling.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi again!!

                  Belle, Piper is such a cutie! I laughed out loud when I saw that picture. I can just imagine people coming in to look close at your baby... I'm really glad you didn't drink last night.:hug:
                  Kensho, congrats on getting the project! I'm excited to hear how it develops.. have fun in the city!

                  I'm beat after all my tidying! I think I'll watch a little something and then head to bed.. 2 more sleeps until Friday and a well earned break after a looooong week at work.

                  Big hugs to all of you!xx
                  Last edited by lifechange; February 20, 2019, 12:55 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Belle, hang in there. Your situation certainly will get worse if you drink. Your daughter really needs sober mom right now, can you imagine having A drink of scotch? It would be one drink today maybe but then two drinks tomorrow and then half the bottle the day after.
                    Hopefully you get a diagnosis on her stomach problems soon. I know it’s stressful having a sick kid.
                    Your dog is so cute Belle and yours too Ava. They crack me up riding in a stroller!

                    SLO, thanks for the great post.
                    Life, you are lucky to have a good job. I am still unemployed and that stresses me out a bit.

                    Have a good one everyone!

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hello Everyone,

                      I been a long time since I have been here. Today i feel very grateful. Grateful to MWO, all the members here. It was today, 5 year ago I decided to walk towards a hard journey. Journey towards full Sobriety. I dont want to sound proud but I completely forgot that today was my sober day anniversary. Its 11 PM here in Dubai and I am travelling here for work and just noticed a reminder on phone about my friends Marriage Anniversary ... that day is my Sober day ! First thing I did was to logged on and went to the roll call ...

                      How I can forget the days of struggle, everyday guilt, shame and tough and hard journey towards sobriety.

                      so how does it feels after 5 years ? Damn good. I have still re discovering myself. I am so different from what I used to me.

                      But today I dont want to talk about myself but thanks so many people here in MWO who helped me in my journey here. Byrdie, No sugar, Ave, Kenso, MArio and so many others .....

                      Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!

                      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                      Rebooting ... done ...
                      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Rahul, congratulations on 5 big years! Wow, you are in rare air! Yours is a real success story, I'm SO proud of you and the new life you have forged. I am constantly amazed at just how much AL robs us of our self worth and our ability to rise up and live. Keep up the great work and check in more often, it's always great to hear from you! :celebrate:

                        It doesn't get much cuter than a dog in a stroller! Thank you for the smiles!

                        Yes, I must admit that I lied as well during the first year I was on MWO. I kept trying and failing and I just couldn't face everyone and 'it was just a little slip' so I always thought I could pick up the pieces and move on. The trouble is, when all is said and done, I KNEW I was living a lie and that made the GSR's worse and as a result, I continued to fail. What I didn't understand is that the only thing that matters here is TRUTH. It's a support site, after all. If I go to the doctor and lie about something, he/she can't help me. They don't have all the information. BTW, omitting information was a practice of mine, too, that's just as bad. When I KNEW I had to get sober, it's amazing how I left BS at the curb....I got honest FAST. I asked for help and got it. I listened and learned and I reached back to help others. If you have 1 day sober, you have something to offer someone else. Yes, being truthful is important in this journey....took me a long time to realize that, but I get it now. BS didn't do anything to help me, in fact, it delayed my recovery. Easy to see now, not so much then!
                        LC, I've really gotten in my closet and cleaned out stuff that's been hanging in there. I know I could do more, has anyone ever gone too far and given away stuff they wish they hadn't? So far, I have not done that, but I fear if I keep at it, I'm going to....just feel this need to get that stuff out of there. Heck I tried on all my pants over the weekend and about half of them wouldn't button! OUT they went. I'm tired of hearing myself say "I might wear this to ____". I think I have hoarding tendencies…..
                        Hope everyone has an easy evening! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Rahul, CONGRATS to you on your 5 year AF anniversary :welldone:
                          Lots of us are still hanging around here so stop by anytime.

                          Byrdie, half of my clothes are not fitting me either right now. Can you say too much winter (too much eating?) LOL

                          Ava & Belle, love your doggie pictures.
                          I've had dogs all my life but have never had one small enough to fit into a stroller, haha!!!

                          Narilly, I hate when people sit & wait for your parking spot at Costco. They all look so damn impatient. Tough, huh??

                          LC, I am confident you will find just the right things to fill your AF time. Keep looking & keep trying new things

                          Slo, we ended up with ~4" of snow with a layer of ice on top, not swell.

                          Kensho, Pav, G, wags, NS & everyone, hello.

                          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good Thursday Morning, Nesters!

                            Good to see you, Rahul! Congratulations on 5 years of freedom! It's always inspiring to read your posts..
                            Nar, what's the latest news on the job hunt? Have you had any promising interviews? I hope you'll find something that you like soon..
                            Love hearing the Costco stories/nightmares.. Both of my parents shop there, so when I'm in town I always get to go twice.. I like going on Saturdays when they have all the samples, though I won't touch half of them! Maybe a third!:happy2:
                            Byrdie, what I really liked when I watched this show, what inspired me, is she has you put all of your clothes in a pile on the bed first of all, to see how much you have. Then you pick up each item and ask yourself whether or not it "sparks joy".. that for me made it so easy to sort. You keep the things that do and the strong maybes, even the things you might not be sure about.. and the other things you thank for their use and get rid of. For me, I had things I'd been holding onto for so many years, that I will never ever wear again, that maybe I'd hoped to wear or that I just used to love.. and it was so nice to thank them and acknowledge the time they represented and then let them go. I have to say, I'm surprised at how freeing this is. I'm going to go through the whole flat!

                            Wags, I think today is your partner's surgery.. sending you lots of strength and love! Any news on the plumbing projects? I sure hope you've had some good news..:hug:

                            We're having a sourdough reunion today at work and I've got a bread in the oven that I'm praying won't come out like a pancake!

                            Big hugs to all of you, Lav, NS, Kensho, G-man, Ava, Pauly, Minstar, Belle, Changes, Pauly, Pav, Slo, everyone stopping in


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Congratulations Rahul, way to go on 5 years!

                              Thanks LC, still no job yet. I’m sure something will happen soon. Hope your bread turned out.

                              Lav, it’s snowing here right now. They closed our main highway due to the snow. It is crazy.

                              Byrdie, good on ya getting rid of some stuff. That always makes me feel good.

                              Goodnight everyone.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Just popped in to say hello to the Newbies :checkin:
                                But also to thank the 'old timers' in here who continue to give support -- you are what MWO is all about :hug:

