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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Wow, so many check-ins today ~ nice

    Wags, so glad you & your partner are home & doing well. I think you're right about the healing's going to be a while. I've been retired from nursing for quite a while now but some things I remember quite clearly. Joint replacements was another we had a lot of in my time. There will also be PT at some point, somewhat painful but essential to regaining full use of the shoulder. I'm sure you will both do well & I do wish you lots of love & luck

    LC, a sourdough reunion sounds awesome!
    My chickens do fine in cold weather but they don't like the snow much. I go into their fenced run & shovel a path for them & can coax them out that way, haha!

    Kensho, Pav you both sound great! Isn't it awesome to be able to be around people drinking & not really give a damn? LOL

    Hi there Brydie & G. Don't work too much this weekend G

    I brought home 8 new baby chicks today, just hatched on Wednesday. Like last year, I have them in a big galvanized bin in my laundry room with a heat lamp & all the baby feed & water they need. I love them at this age.

    Hello to Pauly, narilly, Slo & anyone I'm missing.

    Have a safe night in the nest everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hello everyone!
      Good luck Wags, I am sure things will go well.

      Your lucky Lav, today it was -1 but then it’s going into the double negatives starting tomorrow.

      Don’t drink today.
      Hi Pav, Life, Satz, Byrdie, Va, G, Belle, Pauly xo


      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Everybody! Doing my part to check in on a Friday night.

        [MENTION=21027]wagmore[/MENTION]...glad the surgery went well. We are all here to tell the hard truths about our glad you feel comfortable sharing your truth about your partner!

        [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION]...congrats on the 8 new members of your chicken family. Pictures please! I bet they are so adorable at this phase.

        And [MENTION=19781]Rahulthesweet[/MENTION]...5 years is something to be very proud of. Congrats!

        [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], I hope mads is feeling better, and the stroller walk helped. I don't give a rats ass what people think of me and my doggie stroller. It is one of the best purchases I have made in the past year. I can't wait for spring weather to take her out again.

        So it turns out, from the X-ray, that my daughter is basically 'FOS' according to her doctor. Full Of Shit. They call it 'relative constipation' where you do have bowel movements, but never truly empty. We still don't know what the bleed was from (tho I have my suspicions) and have been referred to a pediatric GI. However, we cannot get an appointment for 2 months. In the meantime, she is supposed to do an intestinal 'cleansing'. Kind of like a mini colonoscopy prep. However, she will have to wait until next weekend as she has a gymnastics meet tomorrow. They recommend setting aside 3 days to complete the process. that is going to be fun...

        with all this fun...who needs to drink anyway???

        Have a Good Friday night/weekend all.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Oh Belle, I'm so sorry for your daughter but glad it's something "fixable" so to speak.

          Thanks all for the great responses. I hope you all know when I mentioned that NS said "she" about my partner in her post, I wasn't in any way feeling outed or whatnot - I just figured I'd either told her or she figured it out (maybe lots of you did) and it helped me feel brave. I'm glad to have it out in the open. Avoiding pronouns is awkward and quite a bummer actually. My wife is doing relatively well all things considered. The pain blocks have worn off and now we're into reality, but we're being diligent with the post-op care and responsible with the pain meds, and I'm hoping we both get a good night's sleep.

          Don't drink today/tonight, even though it's the freakin' weekend. Catch you all tomorrow.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un-hung Saturday morning, Nesters!

            Wags. I'm so relieved to hear that the surgery went well.. I don't know anything about that type of surgery but from what you've described and how others have responded, it sounds like a biggie.. so nice that you've taken some days off to take care of her. It feels good for me, too, to be able to use pronouns for your loved one! I can imagine how good it must feel for you..:love:

            Slo, yes, that's the order and now I'm stuck on books. My living room looks like it's been hit by a tornado.. What drives me crazy about books and book shelves is all the dust! I have deep shelves and have always had a double row of books, which I'm trying to figure out how to change. Let's see. I think I'll wait to do kitchen with the girls so that they know where everything is! "Papers" is what will take a lot of time, but is also my biggest weight. So looking forward to having them in order! I'm wondering if after your initial clean up period, it's been possible to keep things tidy?

            Pav, I loved your abbreviated post! It was clear as day for all of us who have been reading each post every day! I'm so happy to be one of those people!

            Kensho, you're sounding so well!
            Lav, I'm always envious this time of year when you have a box of little chicks.. could you post a picture of them at some point? Had to laugh at the thought of you shoveling a walk-way for them!
            Byrdie, let us know what you decide to bake!

            ok. time to get started. Love to you all and see you in a bit. xx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Oh crap, LC, you mean I have to move on to the Linen closet and then my sacred papers? Holy crow! I think the word ‘hoarding’ may be a little strong, but I may be in the team photo when it comes to certain ‘collections’. Dang, my linen closet is full of my aunt’s old embroidered stuff and table linens and such that I never use BUT MIGHT! Ugg.
              Wags, I admire so many things about you, your bravery among them. This place IS about facing our fears and coming to terms with truth. Thank you for your trust in us.
              Lav, do they make chick strollers for your new babies?
              Another rainy day in NC. I’m going to enjoy doing nothing!
              I think my life should be a sitcom. We could call it Home Work. Working from home but still able to have all the office politics of an actual office. Admins who won’t admin, project managers who won’t manage projects and salespeople so busy doing admin and project management they can’t sell! It would be like a mix of The Twilight Zone, The Office and Seinfeld.
              Happy Sattidy, all! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Happy Sunday, all.

                Byrdie - one thing about the Kondo method - she doesn't pressure you to throw things out - just sit with them and decide if they bring you joy. You may very well be able to keep those - or at least a couple, right? What I wrote yesterday was that I read the book when it came out and although I didn't do anything else, I did fold my clothes and put them on their sides and my drawers have never had to be straightened since. That WAS life changing. I would be most afraid to tackle books. I LOVE books and love reading, but I can safely say that 80% of the books I have I will never read again. Why do I keep them??

                G - you have such a way with words. YES!

                Slo - My foot is going to be a long time in healing - I think it is plantar fasciitis. The last time I had this it was over a year to be right again. It might be quicker if I stopped hiking, but I just don't want to! Yes, I will be refreshed and ready to go.

                Well, Belle, glad you "cleared" that up. Teenagers are so... so....

                My house is in disarray - I am painting the kids' room, and not all of the room contents are in the living room. I will be glad when it is done, and I hope some more things will be out the door. That is another category that is hard for me - sentimental items that have something to do with my kids...

                Happy SOBER Saturday, all.



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hola friends,

                  Yo Pav s'up! I often train/exercise through some niggles/injuries i get. Not the wisest move maybe, but i value time spent movin my ass out and about with nature more. But i rest a body part when i can. Dunno how one can rest a foot though. Hope it heals up regardless. Raw turmeric for inflammation?

                  I hear youse on the decluttering. I have a core bit of stuff i tend to carry with me over the years. Photo's and a few books, music journals. I could get into an old pile of clothes i no longer wear though. Yeah, that's what i'll do. To charity.

                  Friend Kensho, congratulations on the new gig! i know you deserve it without even seeing your work. I've signed up for that 365 day course too, just in case i learn something. More for a daily reminder though, i'm thinking.

                  Byrdy. Your job would be a classic sitcom and ratings would go thru the roof. Why? Because i reckon it's a common scenario around the planet and so many folks would relate! What a joke! Ya gotta laugh don't ya?!!

                  Raaawkin LC.

                  Have a rippa out there y'all.
                  Last edited by Guitarista; February 23, 2019, 02:40 PM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    morning nesters

                    Wags i am so glad the surgery went well with your SO. I am not sure why your post opening up about who you are made me teary but it did, i think it is the frustration that people in this day and age are afraid of being judged by others when we all should just love and accept each other for who we are. Who you love doesnt make you different to who i love, it doesnt make you a worse person than i am or anyone else. If people dont like who you are they are pretentious twats who dont deserve your friendship anyways. My friend Robert who died of cancer was gay and to listen to his horror stories from years ago was heartbreaking to think that "we as humans" could treat othera so badly just made me feel ashamed to be human really. Sadly it is still happening today peoples treatment of others over everything. (sorry about the rant). In saying that you are the best and i am so glad the plumbing was ok and your SO has you in her life. Fingers crossed she does not drive you nuts recovering and make time for you.

                    Kensho if i was serving al, i would be telling people they had had enough and off you go ha ha. My motto is like Lav's, i dont buy it and i dont serve it (not sure if thats Lav's) but sounds good. i dont encourage drinking to anyone now.

                    LC decluttering, i might have to look at that, not sure i can sit with my clothes and feel the love though. I am definitely not a hoarder or a sentimental keeper. A friend told me i was the most "unhoarder" person she knew but i still seem to have mess. You are sounding great.

                    Pav those chickens are so cute, i used to love playing with little chickens when i was young, their mothers were never happy about it though but they were my pets too.

                    Belle i dont give a rats arse lol, i wish i had bought a stroller a year or so ago when mads was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and when rupert was sick. i tell her we are going for a walk and she is straight to that pram, we go into the shops and no one looks, today i am going to try a big supermarket as i need a few things but will take a towel to put over the front just in case. some people are so judgy. Hope your daughter recovers and not sure about your theory on the cause though, most teenage girls just so would not go "there" but we can never figure out the minds of the young.

                    Pav, my shins splints are playing up and its driving me nuts to push through the pain to walk but i think they are going to win for a couple of days, lets see how i feel today when i step out.

                    Hi G, in for some hot hot weather this week, hope you are well. i have had to start taking magnesium as toe of my toes were cramping (go figure), seems to be working. The personal sentimental possessions i had the kids all broke when they were younger so that solved a lot of my issues of today really.

                    Take care x
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], YOU are the one around here who should write a book or have a talk show on tv. xx


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Chicks are doing just fine & I will try to post a pic of them without their heat lamp on tomorrow. It makes everything look red & weird haha!
                        Ava, yep it's me who vowed to never step foot in a booze store again so I don't & don't serve
                        Whoever asked if I had a chicken stroller, the answer is no but something I may think about
                        My decluttering skills are a little different. I usually just snap an attitude about too much clutter & begin filling trash bags. I can be brutal, LOL

                        Wags, hope you & your patient are both doing well today :hug:

                        Byrdie & Ava should have a talk show & be cohosts

                        Hello to kensho, Pav, LC, G & everyone checking in tonight.

                        Heading out tomorrow morning to our granddaughter's 8th birthday party. Should be a lot of fun with 20 or so little girls
                        Wishing everyone safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Quick update from the recovery ward... my wife is doing really well! She's a pretty tough cookie, and I happen to be a pretty good nurse if I do say so myself, maybe because I've been through two big car accident recoveries and helped my mom through a hard year of terminal cancer. My compassion for people who are hurting is high, but I'm also very practical and can organize things like tracking meds, enforcing rehab exercise regimens, etc. Anyway, we seem to be doing really well with just the right amount of pain meds - enough to stay ahead of the pain but not so much she feels sick or loopy - and we've both been really good about doing several sessions a day of the gentle passive mobility exercises that will help keep her shoulder from freezing up during the next 6 weeks in a sling.

                          It feels so good to be able to share this here so fully. I wish I could give you all a big hug!

                          I sometimes wonder whether part of what drove me to drink starting in high school was an underlying feeling of being different and just wanting to "fit in" and be like others. I can't say I was conscious of this at the time - didn't even figure myself out until my early 20s - but I do know drinking was one thing I did to try to be more comfortable at parties, dating, etc. I went to high school in a community that was about 90% wealthy families - kids getting BMWs for 16th birthdays, parents who would spend weekends at vacation homes and leave full liquor cabinets unlocked in huge houses that kids would trash during parties - it was gross. Then the other 10% (including my family) were families who could pay their bills but didn't have much of anything extra. I really didn't want to be like the rich kids - I felt they were very superficial and materialistic - but I'm enough of an extrovert that I DID want to have friends and be social, and unfortunately big drinking parties were most of our high school social scene.

                          Just out of curiosity, for anyone who is comfortable answering and for whom it won't be triggering - when did you first start drinking, and what do you think contributed to it?

                          Well, I should probably hit the hay. We will be up at least once in the middle of the night to change the ice packs (actually a big machine that pumps ice water into a shoulder cuff thing) and re-up the pain meds, so I need all the rest I can get before then.

                          Hope you all are having great AR weekends!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Pav, I agree that her (Marie Kondo) folding method & stacking clothes on their sides in the drawer is the biggest takeaway, as more clothes fit in the drawer, and they are easier to see & find.
                            LC, yes, it has been easier to keep things tidy after the purging that I did. I let go of a lot of books!

                            Pav, I had plantar fasciitis twice, after the last pregnancy for 13 months, and again from chasing after a toddler up a rope ladder, for 6 months. You need hard heel lifts in your shoes (not gel ones), roll your feet on frozen plastic water bottles, roll your feet on those therapeutic porcupine balls, stretch your feet. I knocked out the rest of the last bout with a professional foot massage.

                            Byrd, sounds like if the admins & project managers would actually do their jobs then you could do yours! You’re getting dumped on big time.

                            Kensho, the things you have to do for work, like pour wine! I guess I could do it, but would rather not. Nice that it was rote & non-triggering. Passing by the endless alcohol displays in the grocery stores is very non-triggering for me now too.
                            My husband is being more considerate than he used to be: he asked if it would bother me if he opened a bottle of wine to go with dinner tonight! (D2 & her HB were visiting).

                            You’re being a good nurse, Wagmor!
                            Last edited by Slo; February 24, 2019, 12:36 AM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Goodnight everyone, I can hardly keep my eyes open. Will post something riveting tomorrow, Haha.


                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone, it’s a beautiful,freezing cold day here. I am Un Hung so that is great.

                                It’s so nice not to have to think about drinking and trying to moderate. That took a lot of energy and I always failed.

                                I had plantar fasciitis too and it took a few years to recover from it. I actually had to stop walking so much for two years. It was a long haul.

                                Byrdie, sorry about your job. I am still looking for one, my last job sucked so I understand the pain.

                                Have a great day everyone!

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

