Good evening Nesters,
Hyper, today IS a brand new day & you just never know, it may be fabulous!
Byrdie, you double ate at your job yesterday - chocolate on chocolate

Sounds pretty good actually.
Belle, if I may -
If your daughter is old enough to have a boyfriend then they are both old enough to acknowledge that every living being POOPS!. There's no need to be shy about that especially when they don't seem to be shy about much else. Please tell your daughter that if she doesn't clear her system out she could be at risk for a bowel obstruction which would require surgery, not pleasant. I have know a few teenage girls who let things go too long & ended up in the hospital having surgery.
Obviously she needs to increase her fiber intake & be sure to drink plenty of water in the future.
I'm sorry you had such a harsh day, you did great coming here to vent. Glad your son is on the mend too.
Ava, glad yo are making some progress with your job description.
Hello to Slo, Pav, Kensho, G, Pauly & everyone stopping in tonight!
Nothing new here, chicks are fine, still chilly out but no snow so yay!!!
Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
PS: I saw somewhere today the 20 beers & wines were tested for the presence of glyphosphate (the main ingredient in Roundup) 19 were positive. If you ever need another reason to not drink, UGH
