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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I dunno bout the 'facelift' Coco - reckon my 53 years doesn't help!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      mollyka;861008 wrote: I dunno bout the 'facelift' Coco - reckon my 53 years doesn't help!
      Hush now - I'm going to keep believing it!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Goooood Morning, ducklings!

        How's everyone on this fine, sunny, gorgy Tuesday?
        Just a quick check-in - doing the absolute necessary work and then back out into the yard. There's still half a pile of soil with my name on it!

        I've been having SERIOUS drinking thoughts the past couple of days. Funny thing is, I've been out and about pretty much every evening and LOVING the fact that I'm able to drive late in the day, can enjoy the beauty of Spring, etc. These 'thoughts' just don't make any sense at ALL. Hrmpfh.

        Molly - 14 days! You go, girl! :goodjob:
        Nora, yes, a plan is a must. When I first came here, I was 'winging it' - with very limited success. Once I did put a plan in place, it became much easier.
        MamaBear... same for you... make a PLAN for tonight. Day 3 and 4 can be a b*tch!
        How's our connectionally challenged Fennel this morning?
        Coco.... love 'hideosities'! Can I borrow that? :H

        I'm with Molly, though... age is NO friend to me mug And now, I got glasses/contacts, too. They really ought to put a warning on those... "Alert: Wearing INSTANTLY increases appearance of wrinkles" :H I look much better when I'm half blind - sometimes I think ignorance IS bliss!

        So much for short check-in. Blabber blabber blabber. K.. I'm off now! Be good!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Sunny, I spent the first 30 years of my life wanting to need specs, thought they would make me interesting and intellectual! Now I'm stuck with the buggers and all I look like is a middle aged speccy oul' one!
          Those drinking thoughts are a bummer aren't they, and they do seem to appear from nowhere - I suppose 'forever diligent' has to be the motto of the alkie!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            sunshine_gg;861028 wrote: Goooood Morning, ducklings!

            How's our connectionally challenged Fennel this morning?
            Coco.... love 'hideosities'! Can I borrow that? :H
            You can borrow 'hideosities' with pleasure - however I fail to see how you would have occasion to use it: you look completely devoid of even a 'hideositette' in your photo!

            BTW those horses seem to be a lot of work. It must cut into your drinking time? Oh wait - that's a GOOD thing!!

            And where the H-E-double toothpicks is our Fennel????


              Newbies Nest

              Morning All!
              I "unplugged" this weekend and just enjoyed being non-electronic. No TV, no was refreshing. But I am back in the Nest today and glad to be here. Day 47 and going strong!
              Happy Tuesday to everyone!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                Brillo K9, 47 days sooooo goood
                Well done
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Coco-Nut;861032 wrote: You can borrow 'hideosities' with pleasure - however I fail to see how you would have occasion to use it: you look completely devoid of even a 'hideositette' in your photo!

                  BTW those horses seem to be a lot of work. It must cut into your drinking time? Oh wait - that's a GOOD thing!!

                  And where the H-E-double toothpicks is our Fennel????
                  I love "hideosities" too! Coco-Nut, Mrs. Fennel is a Penguin too- once we were discussing plastic surgery and she said the only procedure she might ever consider submitting to was a "beak enhancement".

                  Right now, I'm at my mom's house (yeah, how pathetic, stealing from the elderly) using her connection. Well, I also brought her some food, so it's not like I'm just using her. Gotta take off soon, but this is really getting me down. I feel locked out of the nest! I'm supposed to give it a couple more days, and if I still can't get in, AT&T will contact the peeps who own the broken router and find out what's up. Kick some tail-feather. Something along those lines.


                    Newbies Nest

                    mollyka;860908 wrote: Morning Everyone! Have been lurking a bit, thanks for asking after me Papm and Mazzie. Definitely tail between my legs but seriously back up and running now. Day 14 and feeling very strong and committed.

                    Was away for the weekend in Galway and had a brilliant time - lovely thing about not drinking when away is husband does things on my agenda - no 2-3 hours in the pub etc. He is in AWE of people who don't drink I think ( even though he is not much of a boozer at all!).

                    Sunshine, I envy you all the horsey stuff, when I was a little girl I was in boarding school with girls from the country and they all seem to have their own horses and I was soooo jealous, I was a real towny kid.

                    SomeoneElse, I too find the trigger for me is stress and anxiety rather than wanting to 'have a good time', even to be aware of that is a major step forward - well done!

                    Hi Nora, Fennel, Mama, Coco, Tant, Lav an Tranq are you around?!
                    I'm on hols for the next 2 weeks so will be around a bit to bore you all!
                    Happy day and will check in later
                    Hi Molly!
                    I'll look forward to seeing you- that is, if I get back online!


                      Newbies Nest

                      sunshine_gg;861028 wrote: Goooood Morning, ducklings!

                      I've been having SERIOUS drinking thoughts the past couple of days. Funny thing is, I've been out and about pretty much every evening and LOVING the fact that I'm able to drive late in the day, can enjoy the beauty of Spring, etc. These 'thoughts' just don't make any sense at ALL. Hrmpfh.
                      Hang in there, sunshine...:l I think that will be a trigger for me, too. I love really digging up the yard and doing a lot of gardening...and then sitting down and having a nice, cold one. It seems like we'll have to get through a whole year of triggers in order to get the lay of the land.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I know how you guys feel.......I work in the sun all weekend and nothing is better than an ice cold beer when you are hot and sweaty....
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          I know what you mean but cold water is nice too!


                            Newbies Nest

                            mama bear;861241 wrote: I know how you guys feel.......I work in the sun all weekend and nothing is better than an ice cold beer when you are hot and sweaty....
                            OMG stop talking about it!



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone, I'm Pipa and I'm new. sober today and yesterday


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome Pipa,
                                Congratulations on two days of being alcohol free! Read around this site and keep posting, it's been a lifesaver for me! It's good to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you.
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

