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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi ya Belle, that’s true everyone has something going on that would have paved the way to drinking previously. Crazy times. Glad your doing well.

    Ken, I love the show This is Us, it is such a good show. Yeah, the AL abuse is definitely there. Another show is Blood Line, one of the main characters has an issue with AL. Blood Line is one of my favourite shows on Netflix, watch it!

    Hi G, Lav, Pauly, Byrdie, Pav, Ava.

    Take care.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Evening nesters

      Quck check in as i have been very very slack and very very busy. i do read every day so my accountability is always there.

      my coworker comes back Tuesday so i am so happy to be handing her work back to her and if i ever volunteer again and say i am doing it on here, tell me NOOOOOOO. I did have a meeting with my boss about a payrise and my job description so hoping i will get that payrise in a few weeks, with back pay of course. im getting very disheartened about the quality of care for patients, mainly getting them into hospital. once in the care is fantastic but its like a 600+ bed hospital has 3 beds in it. I am annoying a lot of heirachy atm but my care factor is zero, they dont listen to the patients distress about sick family members.

      today carl is 10 weeks old and i took him to puppy school, he is now 2.2kgs and annoyingly cute. tye has gone away for a week so i am on nana duty but i am taking him to my daughters for a few days on Sunday. its too much for mads bless her.

      Day 49 smoke free, well i have had a few but ..... damn its hard but each day i am determined to beat this one. Lav you are so right, giving up drinking was a dream compared to giving up smoking.

      Good to see everyone is doing well. Early night for me.

      take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        My friend recommended the show “This is Us” to me, Kensho, but I only watched it once. I didn’t realize it involved alcohol addiction, making it even more pertinent. I will have to start watching it regularly. Feel like I’m finally coming out of the fog of addiction & fatigue & disorder enough to start focusing on a series. I’m not as tired anymore, so no longer falling asleep so early.

        Kensho, I have also, based partially on your recommendation, gone mostly dairy-free and gluten-free (more withdrawals!); and I too am experiencing more energy and not aching so much.

        Ava, I once read someone’s story of giving up cigarettes where she said she felt crappy for six months before she felt better; and not wanting to ever repeat that served as the deterrent to never light up again. I’m so proud of your achievement so far!

        Narilly, your warm saltwater pool sounds wonderful.

        Hi to everyone, and the weekend is coming!
        Last edited by Slo; March 8, 2019, 09:09 AM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Kensho and Slo - I'm not much of a TV watcher, but one show we do watch (or more like mini-binge on 2-3 episodes about once a month) is This Is Us and like it quite a bit, even though some episodes are heart-wrenching. The al addiction and another character who later wrestles with a similar struggle add interesting layers. There is definitely authenticity to both, and to the show in general I think.

          Byrdie - hope one or both of those deals lands soon. What (generally) type of sales do you do? I'm sure you've mentioned it in the past but I can't recall.

          Gotta run for this morning but hellos and waves to everyone! It's Friday (or almost Saturday, depending on where you are)!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Originally posted by BelleGirl View Post
            I read back and see that pretty much everybody has something going on that could have paved the way to drinking previously. Keep up the good work all. Nighty, night....zzzzzzz.
            That about sums up life, Belle. It ebbs and flows, but we all pretty much always have SOMETHING going on that could have paved the way to drinking previously - it just is challenging no matter what. Thinking of that helps take the mind off of ways to make excuses - that MY situation is somehow different or more difficult and that is why I can't possibly quit right now. I think that's one of the reasons group accountability works - you can't tell your story without someone saying "me, too," and that both offers support and also gets rid of an excuse for drinking. I'm glad you're sober and doing well - and I hope your boss gets it together to get you some support.

            Slo, honestly, that does sound like a gift. It sounds harsh, but I think my dad would be in better place if he died, and I know my mom would. Such conflicting feelings with this disease, but a quick stroke sounds good... I'm sorry your family went through that.

            Ava - how'd Karl do at school?

            Right now I am thinking TFIF! No ticket to boozeville, just a little respite. I'll be working some this weekend, but it feels good to me to be able to catch up without others around, so I think I'll feel better by Monday. Hello to everyone I didn't mention -



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters,my post was so quick yesterday cuz I was posting from work and one of my regulars walked in,straight back to my chair,I hate when they do that! Slo,I have 6 brothers and 1 little sister who has downs syndrome so my family is a bit confusing haha,Ricky had a raised pallet so couldn't speak right for years,there were other stuff too so that's what they diagnosed him by,mom got a DUI while pregnant with my sister and I seen her with a bottle of champagne on her first wedding day so I know she never let something like pregnancy stop her but I also think things were different back then,I don't know if they knew the dangers? Meh,what's done is done.Ava,great job on the non smoking Belle,yup I leave work a few minutes early so I can come home and nap with Winslow,it's only a good nap if he's with me haha,been thinking about al these past few days,not al itself but my rituals around it,I need to be aware and not let those thoughts linger cuz they grow fast! Waves to all and wishes for a fab AF Friday,I'm almost positive I've x-posted with Pav cuz it seems I always do
              Last edited by paulywogg; March 8, 2019, 09:52 AM.
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Yep haha! hi Pav
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hello, this is my first time to this website. I've just realized I have a serious drinking problem and it causing me a lot of grief in my life. What has led me to seek help from various different places is that I was actually taken to the emergency room as I has passed out at work from drinking vodka. I am so disgusted with myself and it is not only costing me my life, my job but also my relationships.

                  My husband is trying to support me but sometimes I don't think he is... The reason I started drinking too much is because I began to have a new desire to have children. My husband was very much against this idea and it has made not only my life hell but his as well. I was not drinking to excess like this before and I know I only have myself to blame but at the same time, I feel so much resentment and sometimes dislike him for not being there emotionally for me before. Every time we have a discussion, it turns into him screaming at me and it becomes too much for me...that makes me want to drink to get back at him. I know this is not a healthy way to cope but I just want to escape...

                  He has taken me to the doctors which is fine, I obviously have a problem (drinking at work?!?!! ugh) and i was prescribed Antabuse which I have started to take's hard and it feels a bit lonely, alcohol was my comfort in so many ways. Now my husband wants to watch me digest the pill every morning before he leaves for work. It's humiliating.

                  I currently live in his country (my family and friends live in a diff country) and I am looking for work. He will not help me at all with this, financially or in any other capacity. It's really hard...

                  I am quitting drinking for myself and hopefully I can have the things I need like a job, a driver's license, a family.... all this is hard to believe it will happen as I am now considered by my husband mainly as a crazy feels like an excellent excuse for him to not want anything with me.

                  Please help...I need support and was hoping I could find some here. I'd also love to help someone else too.

                  Thank you


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello, this is my first time to this website. I've just realized I have a serious drinking problem and it causing me a lot of grief in my life. What has led me to seek help from various different places is that I was actually taken to the emergency room as I has passed out at work from drinking vodka. I am so disgusted with myself and it is not only costing me my life, my job but also my relationships.

                    My husband is trying to support me but sometimes I don't think he is... The reason I started drinking too much is because I began to have a new desire to have children. My husband was very much against this idea and it has made not only my life hell but his as well. I was not drinking to excess like this before and I know I only have myself to blame but at the same time, I feel so much resentment and sometimes dislike him for not being there emotionally for me before. Every time we have a discussion, it turns into him screaming at me and it becomes too much for me...that makes me want to drink to get back at him. I know this is not a healthy way to cope but I just want to escape...

                    He has taken me to the doctors which is fine, I obviously have a problem (drinking at work?!?!! ugh) and i was prescribed Antabuse which I have started to take's hard and it feels a bit lonely, alcohol was my comfort in so many ways. Now my husband wants to watch me digest the pill every morning before he leaves for work. It's humiliating.

                    I currently live in his country (my family and friends live in a diff country) and I am looking for work. He will not help me at all with this, financially or in any other capacity. It's really hard...

                    I am quitting drinking for myself and hopefully I can have the things I need like a job, a driver's license, a family.... all this is hard to believe it will happen as I am now considered by my husband mainly as a crazy feels like an excellent excuse for him to not want anything with me.

                    Please help...I need support and was hoping I could find some here. I'd also love to help someone else too.

                    Thank you


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I'm glad you made it over here, Mighty. I'm sorry you have so much stress in your life. You'll probably be able to think more clearly and make some tough decisions after some time away from alcohol. For now, the most important thing is not to drink.

                      Taking antabuse can be a useful tool because it makes taking that first drink way too risky. You'll need to do the "mental work", too, so you can get to the point where you don't even need that antabuse - you'll not want to drink and will be grateful you no longer feel like you have to.

                      Please check out the Toolbox (a link is in some people's signature lines) and feel free to ask any questions.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Welcome MC.

                        Toolbox link - Useful reading!

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Available, I was in the sketchers store and they were playing Phil Collins,I thought of you,then at the 99 cent store they were playing another song of his! Too funny Mighty_Chihuahua, hope you're finding your way around,I did reply to your thread to welcome you
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Wow, I have had a hectic two days here but all is well
                            We had a new whole house generator installed today, the original crapped out after 15 years. Never had a generator until we moved here to cow country where the power goes out fairly often, haha!

                            Hello & welcome MC!
                            Glad you found the nest, this is a good place to settle in & find plenty of support. I understand your feelings about not getting support at home, it hurts.
                            Breaking free of this addiction is something you can do on your own with a little support from your new friends here.
                            Antabuse will definitely keep you away from AL or you will face terrible side effects so be careful. Make yourself a good plan using the tools in our tool box. There's lots of great ideas there. Check in often, at least once/day to help you keep your focus & stay on plan. That worked for me & yo can do it too.

                            Ava, you are doing great without the smokes & it will get better, I promise
                            Separating myself from those things was so difficult but definitely one of my smarter moves. I smoked much longer than I ever drank so I guess that's why quitting was so difficult. You are getting there one day at a time!!

                            Saying hello to everyone checking in today & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Music can do wonders for you, can't it? Today I took a hot salt bath, blaring corny music from back in the day (Think: Glen Campbell, Boz Scaggs, Gordon Lightfoot) and bawled my eyes out - cried like I used to only be able to do when I drank enough (and then blamed it on too much wine).

                              Without wine to blame, I had to admit that I'm just plain tired, feel old, and was crying out of sadness and worry about things changing. I "felt the feelings" without escaping them or trying to convince myself they weren't really mine. I really lost it when Glen broke into "Dreams of the Everyday Housewife". I don't regret (most of) my life choices and would make almost all of them again but lately I've been thinking about paths not taken.

                              The good news is, I feel 100% better. Denying emotions, like drowning them in booze, just doesn't work. And while I still may need sappy music, at least I no longer require wine to cry.

                              Have a good weekend, Nesters. Don't drink!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hello Mighty_Chihuahua! I love your name! I’m sorry you are feeling lonely, and I’m glad you came here. Many of us have considered taking, have taken or are taking antabuse, and all of us have been right where you are being newly quit. We understand! Welcome, and here’s a big (((hug))) for you.

                                PAV, well said on your “me too” thoughts, thanks.

                                Way to go on 47 days AVA!! Are you feeling more glowing without the smokes?

                                NS, its usually facebook posts about children or animals that gets my tears flowing. But once in awhile, I just gush. I never underestimate the value of a good cry!

                                I only have one child in the house tonight and the noise is infinitely reduced!! My son and I are going to snuggle on the couch and play trivia. I miss the one-on-ones with him

                                Hi Pauly, G, Lav, Byrdie, NoSugar, Narily, Slo, Wags and whoever I missed! Hope everyone has a decent night!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

