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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    MC, welcome to the nest. The first step in being successful in this journey is not to drink. That will never get you the life you want. I know things are hard right now so take a look at what is good in your life. Embrace the idea of being grateful, grateful to wake up with not hangover and being able to remember last night. Grateful for that first cup of coffee, grateful to be sober.
    Keep coming back and posting, that helps a lot.

    Hey Pav, have a great weekend.

    Ava, Carl and you make a great team.

    Hello, Pauly, NS, Ken, Lav, e everyone.

    Don’t drink today.
    Last edited by narilly; March 9, 2019, 10:35 AM.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Welcome Chihuahua! We are so glad to have you here with us.
      I have taken Antabuse, and I have drank on (the tail end of) it, before all of it had left my system. You don’t want that level of nausea & vomiting happening to you from just a small amount still left in your system, and drinking with a large amount in you can hospitalize or kill you. So it is quite the deterrent, but you have to be serious about not drinking on it.

      Good advice, Nar, about embracing the idea of being grateful for the good things that sobriety brings, like you successful ones here all say.

      Ava, you might know that abcowboy is also working at giving up the smokes right now; started about the same time you did, so you have a quit buddy there!

      NS, it is harder to get those emotional releases that we got when we drank a lot while cranking the music up. That is a real sober-living skill to find a way to still be able to do that. I’m glad you feel better now.

      I’ve been an emotional wreck all week, but found out yesterday that my twin sister’s large mass or tumor on her ovary is likely benign!!! It is such a HUGE relief.

      I’m going to a party today! A birthday party for a one-year-old, but still a drinking occasion. And I was one of the people who always had a drink(s) at these occasions, so I’ve helped to perpetuate this, sadly. But not anymore!

      Hope everyone is having a good sober weekend.
      Last edited by Slo; March 9, 2019, 10:22 AM.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Happy Un Hung Saturday everyone! I LOVE waking up without a hangover, I am grateful everyday for that.
        I got up at 6:50 today, because my puppies woke me up. More specifically my chihuahua.F4125C8F-5EF4-434E-A44C-C6F0F28A4944.jpg

        This is my litter which is a side effect of being sober. I have to find something to do since I am not spending so much time drinking

        Ava, your guy Carl is a cutie.

        It is starting to warm up here, thank goodness. Watch this short video, this is what we go through in winter, it is hilarious. Hopefully it works

        Hey Byrdie and Pauly it’s the weekend, hope it is very enjoyable for you both.
        SLO, it’s so crazy how every occasion is a drinking occasion, even a Birthday party for a one year old. I am sure you will enjoy it more without drinking.

        MC, hope you are doing ok. I know it’s early days, I found it easier to focus on today, just don’t drink today. You can do it!

        Have a good one everybody.
        Last edited by narilly; March 9, 2019, 10:59 AM.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Slo, that's great news about your sister! Waves to all,have a fabuloso AF Saturday!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola nesters,

            Nar, that video is hilarious. I am grateful for all our weather here, rain hail or shine. But i gotta say, i prefer the shine. Shine on sister!

            SB. I love your post re tears flowing. I used to wonder why i could only cry after a few drinks, and used to think maybe this is therapeutic and maybe i should drink so i can release stored emotions every now and then.........Maybe it does release stored emotions, but when i'm in a boozing state, i also dwell on stored emotions and probably keep them stuck. I dunno.....Either way, boozing is damaging to me emotionally, mentally, physically and there are healthier ways for me to live and deal with emotions and memories without the killer side effects.

            Yo Pauly! Have a gr8 weekend mi amiga.

            How are you MC? How is everyone?

            Sister Slo! great news re your sister eh? Your post reminds me - I'm feeling grateful over here with my first cuppa joe at 05.55 on a sunday morning. Perspective! gratitude! These 2 things.

            e.g. today i am sober. No hangover. I have a job i am going to and that i like. After work i have a gig with one of my bands that i love. There will be people saying hello and smiling. I will be playing my guitar with freedom and unrestricted joy. There'll be chicks. For a single fella on the market, this is good! So.........what am i gonna worry or complain about? Nuthin!!!.........Yep, there are still life events around me that are not ideal, but i am dealing with them and not hiding from what life throws my way, good and not so good. I'm a lucky guy.

            Absolutely no ticket to boozeville here. That account has been closed. The 2 fella's selling tickets on my street corner no longer even look at me. They just wave me on and spruik that glossy pass for one to the next person. My subscription has been cancelled. I don't need no ticket no more.

            Big waves to evabody.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey, all.
              Welcome aboard, Mighty Chihuahua. I have a little Chichi and she is a real force. You’ve landed in a great spot to gain the tools you need to get sober. Drinking was sucking the life out of me yet I was scared to let it go. It has turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made. It wasn’t easy, but it is worth it. Like anything else in life takes commitment and resolve. We will be right by your side.

              NoSugar, I’m sorry you are blue and I’m glad the cry helped. I think I’m heading for a good one myself. When I was drinking, I cried on a regular basis. Not so much anymore. I hope your spirits lift soon.
              Enjoying a cloudy Sattidy. Our clocks spring forward tonight, we’ll be discombobulated tomorrow!
              Stay strong! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters

                Slo, great news about your sister and fingers crossed she has reassessed her drinking.

                Nar that video was hilarious, thanks for the wake up morning laugh. +1 lol. your fur babies are adorable, i would have 100 if i could.

                Pauly, you have been thinking about me a lot, thats wonderful. i just so love Phil. i was looking at the photos from his concert last night and so wished i could see him again and again and again.

                Sounding great G, have a happy day.

                Today i am going to have lunch with the fam bam who i havent seen in many moons, should be good and its only a few hours. as i dont have many relo's i really have to take it when i can. I am taking carl and mads as my daughter is going to have carl for a couple of days, i so hope carl behaves.

                How are you going Mighty and where are you LC?

                Take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good Saturday evening Nesters,

                  Wow, we actually had a sunny & above freezing day today, yay! I'm ready for spring to get here!!!
                  Tomorrow we are going to see our granddaughter in her 2nd play. She apparently loves being on stage. Where did that come from? Ha ha!

                  Slo, that's good news about your sister. I hope she heals soon & thinks about her future.
                  I have been kind of appalled over the years with the serving alcohol at every & any gathering. When did they start drinking at baby showers? Is that really necessary? I'm glad to be past all that nonsense, how about you?

                  NS, personally I think it's the aging thing that gets to me & music definitely brings back memories, hopes & dreams not always fulfilled. You are definitely not alone with this :hug:

                  LC, how's it going with you?

                  MC, I hope you are doing OK. Check in & let us know.

                  Ava, I hope you enjoyed your lunch. I have family (brothers) that I haven't seen in many years. They don't seem to care so I'm not losing any sleep over them if you know what I mean. I hope Carl behaves himself

                  Byrdie, Rubi is the queen of Chihuahuas, haha!!!

                  G, gratitude has gotten me this far & I'm not stopping now. You're doing great!

                  Pauly, hope your day was OK.

                  Narilly, that video was a hoot! You just have to be sick of this cold weather. Your pups are adorable.

                  Hello to Kensho, Pav & anyone else checking in today.

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening everyone, LC check in and say hi!

                    Lav, it is going above 0 tomorrow, or so they say. We are all very excited about that. Your granddaughter sounds like a little charmer.

                    Byrdie, I love my little chi, she is SO freaking cute. So yours is name Rubi?

                    G, your sounding great. Hope you meet a chickie tonight.
                    SLO, hope your having a good day.

                    Have a good night everyone. MC, hope your ok.

                    No ticket to Boozeville here!

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Hi, Mighty. Settle in and make yourself comfortable. You'll find a kind and caring community here. I hope your husband comes around and gives you the support you need, but if not, do you have someone else in person?

                      Nar - that cracked me up. I can't imagine living in that cold - I'm a weenie when it comes to cold.

                      NoSugar - that post is amazing. I LOVE/HATE that feeling. I really felt it when we dropped my son off at college - I was excited for him, happy that our parenting had helped him get where he wanted to be, but also overwhelmed with nostalgia, feeling old, wishing I could have some do overs, or at least I had explored other paths. I'm glad music could help get you there - it always does for me. I don't have those good cries very much any more either.

                      Pauly - x post buddy! We have a picture with my aunt holding her new born baby in the hospital and smoking a cigarette. Things certainly were a lot different back then.

                      Mr G - I'd love to come hang out at your gig tonight. Instead I'm heading to an outdoor party to be cold and wet. I don't imagine I'll stay for long...

                      Kensho - enjoy your night. Sounds snuggly.

                      Happy SOBER Saturday, all.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,
                        it is a good Un-hung Sunday late morning.
                        I've been reading each day but didn't want to post until I was in the frame of mind to tackle this again. Unfortunately it has taken some time. I'm trying to take each day as it comes without overanalyzing, "why".. that doesn't do me any good at this point.
                        The basics work better, one foot in front of the other, being mindful.
                        big hugs to all of you..xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hello nesters,LC,you OK? Post sounds a bit down just post if you can no matter what,it does help and we love seeing you,Mighty_Chihuahua you still around, my grandpuppies are coming over today so I'll try to post a pic of Tony,he's a little white chi who my hubs just adores I'm more partial to Dottie she's a terrier something but my daughters had her longer so I'm just closer to her I guess,love them both but you know,have had the blues a bit these past couple of days,always seems to hit me in the spring? Maybe all those allergens in the air zap my mojo,anyhoo great to see EVERYONE! I go to post to each person then forget what I was gonna comment on every post it valuable tho and thanks to all for jumping in,waves to all and have a super,sober Sunday!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Mighty Chi - welcome to the nest! Thanks for sharing a bit of your situation, and please know you're in a place where we all understand, at least to the extent that anyone can truly understand another's reality. As others have said, take a look through the tool kit (link in my signature among other places). We're glad you're here!

                            Slo - that's great news about your sister!

                            NS - :hug:

                            LC - glad to see you too. I always look forward to your posts.

                            I decided to clear my work schedule for today and give myself a bit of a break. Things are going well here in shoulder-rehab-land, but I'm definitely tired. Gave myself the extra gift of cancelling one additional session with a woman who is a real pill to work with. She's super smart but I don't think she's ever had to work for any sort of academic success in her life. This test we're prepping her for is kicking her in the butt and she hasn't really developed the grit and resilience that comes from struggle, failure, and sticking to something even when it doesn't come easy. I feel for her, but I also need a break from what really is whining some of the time.

                            So happy day off to me!

                            And happy weekends to all of you. Do something today to protect your quit or help support someone else's.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Good to see you Wags and glad you took a day for yourself. The shoulder is SO complicated it is a wonder it works at all. I hope your wife heals well and that you aren't too stressed by it.

                              LC - good to see you drop in. I'm sorry it has taken you a while to get back on the wagon - is there something in particular holding you back? I don't expect there probably is - that's one of the reasons I would be so afraid of drinking again. I don't know how long it would take me to be able to stop again. One foot in front of the other, one minute at a time, is all you can do. xo

                              Pauly - I feel your pain. The mind is a terrible thing to lose...

                              Off to get some housework done. I know I should be happy with all the rain we've been having because we're out of the drought for now, but I am really ready to see some sustained sunshine! I don't think it will be today, and I'm not complaining. Well, sort of.

                              Happy SOBER Sunday,


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Un Hung Sunday!

                                Hi LC, glad you posted and are not hungover today. One day at a time, right? We are here for you.

                                Pav, it is really sunny here and going to +1, yay! I would keep you warm if you came to visit, haha.

                                Wags, yeah it’s a long haul for you. Take care of yourself.

                                So cool Pauly, my chi’s name is Priscilla, she is SO cute. The whole family loves her.

                                I am going for a walk now in this beautiful sunny weather and then yoga. Sober life is amazing. I used to go to yoga all the time with a hangover and I would just hate myself for being sick again. I kept wondering how many times would I keep doing this to myself.
                                Well, I am not doing it anymore and I am living the life I want

                                Don’t drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

