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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters,

    Couldn't read all the way back, but wanted to post my accountability check in this morning no matter what.
    Get my mind set on the right track. Will be back after work..xx


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Welcome back Daisy to this amazing group of people, which includes yo ass! Good to see you.

      Thanks y'all for the 6 months congrat's. It's a significant milestone to be sure and i'm happy about it.

      I know many of you have your hands full with life, but for me today i gotta express that the pace of life is slowing to a much more acceptable speed. A chilled wednesday arvo here lazing around at home. I've had a busy working week, but also flat out like a lizard drinking since start of year. My extra workload has officially ceased, so i have much more time and headspace available again! Plus a whacky ass noisy neighbour has pulled his head in so things are more relaxed round here. It seems i wasn't the only one who thought he was being a PITA! lol.

      Hiya LC. :flip:

      Byrdy, sheesh. I wouldn't bother driving all that way for that circus. They can do a skype call for remote workers. They do understand cameras and video technology don't they?! Maybe you had the flu on the day and wanted to rest up for Chicago.......

      Take it easy out there.
      Last edited by Guitarista; March 13, 2019, 02:27 AM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters,now Byrdie I think Mr.G has the right idea,that's a long ass day! Why can't they do a video chat? Makes too much sense probably, LC,good to see you even tho short and sweet,my posts have been like that cuz of the time change,feel too groggy to think haha Belle,where are you? How's your daughter? Hope all is OK Mighty,where'd you run off too? Hope our Chihuahua pics didn't scare you off,they don't bite haha,Ava,I didn't mean to jump into your story with my story the other day,just posted that cuz I woke up Sunday with a terrible dream about the sperm donor and I NEVER think of him,then I read your story about your uncle and could just relate,I wasn't trying to make it about me,maybe I still have alot of un-dealt with stuff surrounding that time in my life,hes dead now(cirrhosis) and my two brothers from that marriage say they don't believe me but I know they know cuz they used to laugh when he'd beat me and ask questions about the other abuse,I know they werent too young to not remember and my oldest brother had to go live with his friend as a teen cuz he stabbed SD in the leg with a screwdriver they fought so much, so when they try to make him some innocent,church going hero I get pissed! OK went on a rant haha,guess I'm fully awake for the day,waves to all and wishes for a fabuloso AF day!
        Last edited by paulywogg; March 13, 2019, 08:57 AM.
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          My twin sister has been hospitalized since Feb. 28. She is ready for surgery now, and was just wheeled into the OR to have a large volleyball-sized growth & involved organs removed from her abdomen. Fingers crossed!
          Last edited by Slo; March 13, 2019, 02:52 PM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Prayers for your sister Slo
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey all, another day without choking anyone. Off to Dallas tomorrow for a Subway trade show. It’ll br all the sub sandwiches I can eat. Oy. Last year, I was across from the Icee guy, that wasn’t good for my waistline. I’m going to see the pickle guy and see if they need a new rep! I was across from him one year and he was the happiest guy you’ve ever seen! Maybe they need a new rep.
              Gman, I sell cameras, so you’d think we would have sense enough to set up a few so everyone didn’t have to drive to the ends of the earth. I my get a flu that day.
              Stay strong, all! Even with all these trials and tribulations , I’m so happy I’m sober! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                We were lucky enough to have another sunny & mild day in the 50's.
                I'm not bragging because I know this won't last, it never does.

                LC, hope you had a good day!

                Slo, my thoughts are with you & your sister :hug:

                Pauly, that's an awful lot of trauma you experienced as a kid. I'm sorry you have had to deal with all that.
                If you can, try to keep your focus on today & be grateful for everything as it is now

                Byrdie, I can almost see you as a pickle sale rep, haha!!! Anything would be better, right? Have a safe trip to Dallas.

                G, it's nice to be able to take a little time just to breathe, you have earned it

                Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nesters,

                  Didn't make it back after work yesterday, but all is good.
                  I don't seem to have a lot of extra energy at the moment and not a lot to say.. though I'm thinking of each of you deeply as I read each post.:love:
                  Prayers from me, too, Slo.
                  I started a new nutrition plan the same day I stopped drinking which I know isn't necessarily recommended.. and exercise. I think that's what is making me extra tired. But it's helping my mind space.
                  Love to all of you! xx


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    Pauly you can join in anytime, its always nice to hear other peoples stories of their lives, and yep i get why its so hard to let go and i also get why we drank to forget. I used to watch my brother get strangled by my step father and i understand why my brother drank. It was like Andrew took all the shit to protect me and ended up drinking also. You are a strong person Pauly to get through all of that.

                    Slo, i hope your sister comes out of surgery fine. Take care of yourself.

                    LC, i am in a case of the downers at the moment but i am so enjoying walking. once i start i feel like doing a forest gump but my shin splints wont let me. i have bought some heel lifts and they seem to be working. im not sleeping though. my fitbit carinly tells me i average 4-5 hours sleep a night.

                    Daisy, i meant to reply to you the other day that that is terrible about AA but stay on here, i have missed you. I did see you had another grandbaby, congratulations. You are so lucky. i'm still waiting and waiting.

                    I took carl and mads to the vets today, carl had his last needle and was such a good boy. Mads has a couple of swollen lymph nodes so it looks as if the cancer is spreading but she is not in pain so that is good. She so loves going for a walk with me and i just love being with her. Puppy school with Carl tomorrow and my son comes home tomorrow night, i think being a nana to a puppie is as draining as nana to grandchildren. cant wait for their parent to take them!

                    TFIF tomorrow, mind you i had two days off and worked from home today.

                    Byrd safe travels and yes ask that happy guy if he has any jobs going. You would be a bonus to anyone.

                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Man, drinking dreams TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!! My subconscious must be trying to tell me something (and I had better listen!).
                      Both times, it was a calm, deliberate choice to drink, with an awareness of the consequences. But I still did it.
                      The worst part was, both mornings as I was waking up it took me a long time to figure out whether it had been a dream or real. UGH.

                      Seems like a lot of people are in kind of a funk lately. It might help explain why the boards are so quiet.
                      I'm hoping that as the days become longer and warmer around here I'll be perking up.

                      But no matter how we're feeling, drinking isn't that answer to changing that.

                      Have a good one, Nesters. xx, NS


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        My twin sister’s surgery went really well, better than expected, and all good news! There was no cancer at all, and all the problems (infection, endless abdominal fluid buildup, difficulty breathing, etc.) were being caused by a large dermoid cyst! So she should make a full recovery, and even the heart damage caused by all of this should eventually resolve.
                        Also, the doctor examined her liver up close & personal, and her liver looks healthy!
                        This hospitalization has de-toxed her (with meds) and given her two weeks sober. She is expected to be hospitalized for another week yet, which will be 3 weeks AF! I am just so, so hopeful that this will be the start of permanent sobriety for her, after 30 years of alcoholism.
                        Last edited by Slo; March 14, 2019, 08:07 AM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          NS, I had a drinking dream two nights ago too, only it wasn’t premeditated drinking: I looked back at the night before and wondered why I had enjoyed myself, then realized that I had forgotten to not drink, and had. Ugh! So not a good message from my subconscious.

                          LC, yes, no extra pressure on yourself to post; just accountability posts & reading if that’s all that you can do on busy days. You’re doing great with getting back in the saddle!

                          Byrdie, there’s some real irony there if your company sells high-tech security & camera equipment, yet expects remote employees to travel four hours to find out their “good news” (job insecurity!) the low-tech way in person. All I can say is I sure hope your two commissions come in within the next two months.

                          Pauly, your childhood with your “father” was more horrific than I had imagined. For some reason I thought he was absent from your life since he was just a sperm donor. Unfortunately he was very much present. I’m so sorry you went through all that pain in your formative years, and you too, Ava.

                          Pav, you really handle some doozies of parties while sober! At least there were other people who left when you did.

                          Kensho, sorry about the annoying setback to your productivity with the major computer problems with your files. It is the sort of thing that can bring on the fleeting thoughts of needing an anesthetic (booze is an anesthetic, as G said!) to numb the feelings. Finding some hugs was a good alternative.

                          Wishing everyone a good day!
                          Last edited by Slo; March 14, 2019, 09:16 AM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            That's fabulous news Slo! Ava,puppy school sounds cute,love little Carl hope Mads is feeling ok,one of my customers showed me pics of 4 pups her Weiner dog just had,the cutest dachs/chi mix I was gonna inquire about getting one but my daughter may have to move from her house this summer back into an apartment and I'm pretty sure I'll hafta take one of the grandpuppies if that happens,I don't wanna take on more than I can chew with Winslow,a new pup and a grandpup so I just smiled at the pics and told my brain to be quiet and not ask haha,NS,two drink dreams in a row? Upsetting for sure but as we know dreams don't mean shite! I tend to keep the dreams in my head all day and they sometimes effect my mood throughout the day,not just drink dreams but all the bad/sad ones,LC,I think its good you adopted a new eating plan,it makes it less likely to mess up the healthy stuff you're trying to do for yourself, I'm on myfitnesspal and fitness,nutrition has been a fab detererant for drinking(most of the time anyways) Daisy,wish you'd pop in I wish MWO had the mojo and life it once did who knows if that'll ever happen again,oh well,waves to all and wishes for a happy AF day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good morning--

                              Slo, glad your sister had good news. What does she say about quitting drinking? As we all know, your wanting it isn't going to change her behavior. Does she want it??

                              I love dogs but I am not home enough to take care of one - s/he would have to be home alone too much and then I would feel guilty. For now I help my mom with her dogs so they are sort of mine...

                              NS - Oy those dreams. I wonder why? You do have a lot going on in your life...

                              G - I read that thread to say you've been drinking like a lizard since the new year which I think means not at all? But at first I read it to say that you'd actually been drinking since the new year and were confessing. SO relieved to readjust my eyeballs this morning and see your six months clear as day. Glad you got to enjoy a day off.

                              Byrdie - Just when I think those people couldn't be any bigger a$$es, they top themselves. What a crock. I hope you get out of it.

                              Yes, Nar, I did quite a bit hungover...

                              Happy Thursday, Folks. Wishing I could find my ticket to Snoozeville this weekend, but I planned too much again. It will be fun...



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wow, so much to comment on and I haven't even caught up through the most recent posts yet!

                                G-dude - Huge congrats on 6 big months!!! So happy for you. Celebrate your accomplishment (AF of course) and then turn your head onward toward the next goal.

                                Ava and Pauly - I'm so sorry to hear about what you both experienced. Al definitely has contributed to a lot of pain and anguish in this world. :hug: :hug:

                                Daisy - good to see you back in the nest. Strap yourself in and get comfortable. You CAN do this!

                                LC - same for you my friend - you CAN do this and you HAVE done it before. Experiments with al never pay off for any of us, as you well know. Our al-brains try every trick in the book to get us back on the drinking path, but we have to outwit what seems to be ourselves. I believe in you, and am glad you're here.

                                Slo - that's fantastic news about your sister! :heartbeat:

                                Kensho - hope the file recovery ends up being successful. What a hassle.

                                NS - Love the spiral graphic. That's similar to how I've always pictured recovery or moving forward with a quit, except I see a spiral staircase with occasional landings (those places where it feels like things stall out and we aren't "improving" for a bit, but really if we just keep taking steps forward we'll start on the upward journey again. From the spiral, or staircase, we seem to circle back to the same issues or topics over and over again, but truthfully we aren't on the same plane but seeing things from a new (higher) angle. Love it!

                                Hellos and waves to Byrdie, Lav, Pav, Nar, Marylou, and everyone else stopping by the nest. Happy almost Friday to everyone!
                                Last edited by wagmor; March 14, 2019, 09:03 AM.

