Narily, you’re so right about that feeling being elusive. Good reminder. NS, I actually WASN’T drinking for the horse ride, which should serve as a good reminder that free, fun feelings can be attained without alcohol. I just have lost my ability to let go. I also thought of trying to act how I thought alcohol made me feel... very good reminder also, thank you. PAV, thankfully you are my sober people to tell me things I need to hear. Thank you all for listening.
LC, that IS early! Think of how much daytime you’ll have left!! My daughter woke us up at 9:45!! I love sleep but dislike having shorter days! Now I’ve locked myself in the bathroom to be able to check in, as it’s sometimes the only place I can get alone time on weekends. And I’ve been interrupted twice already.
Thinking of you all today... hope it’s a good day/night, and less sniffles for LAV.
