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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, all--

    Welcome, New Sunrise! I live in a relatively small town and have a pretty public job, so I REALLY didn't want to go to AA either. If I hadn't found this forum, I'm not sure I would have quit when I did. Also, though, I did some in-person 1:1 counseling at first because I wanted some accountability, and I also enlisted the support of my husband. He knew I was a drinker, but didn't know the extent. Thankfully, he is behind me 100% - I keep telling him if I EVER say "I'm cured," or "one won't hurt," he's to lock me in a room and call for help. In my humble opinion, it would be good for you to come clean with your new husband asap. Sorry for your Stepford existence. Every town has the women with sweatpants and rough edges - you'll find them eventually! For now, settle in here - lots of rough edges in the best way...

    Kensho - Ack - road rash is so painful. A friend of mine just broke her thumb mountain biking. I'm not a fan, even though it is big around here - my body never liked the jarring downhill, and I think I was too afraid of a crash to really feel relaxed. I imagine desert mountain biking is pretty beautiful, though. I agree with Lav, though, your husband mentioning a beer is sort of a bummer... Good thing you don't drink.

    G, thanks for the health website - I'll take a look.

    Ava - great story. It is amazing how many things improve in little ways with no alcohol on board. Congratulations on getting that car going again, and joining the gym is a good idea. I need to get something more regularly in my life.

    Hi, everyone else. TFIF this week! Take care of yourselves and don't drink!



      Re: Newbies Nest

      G-man - thanks for the site recommendation, will check it out.

      New Sunrise - welcome to the nest! Like you, I had a multi-year quit that I lost (in my case 10+ years), and it then took several to get to a quitting point again. Now I'm 2.5 years into this - my last and final quit. It sounds like you know yourself pretty well, that you've acquired some new tools, and of course you're reaching out here - all good ingredients for a successful quit. Really glad to have you with us.

      Ava - yikes on the story about your car and fines! That was one line I always managed to keep from crossing - any sort of legal trouble or stuff that would go on "my record" of any kind. Honestly though, I think I lucked out seriously in that dept. Regardless, glad you got re-registered and fingers crossed they don't track you down for those fines. Carl looks adorable, and I hope you're both getting lots of grief-healing snuggles together.

      Kensho - sorry to hear about the bike crash, but good job not actually having a shot of whiskey afterward, and I hope your wounds heal quickly.

      Byrdie - really hope you get to take that vacation week after Denver.

      Belle - hugs to you my friend. You've got a lot of "teenager stuff" on your plate and it does sound like you've had a lot of people around lately. Hope you get some peace and quiet to yourself now that spring break is over.

      It's almost the weekend and we've got a few dry days in a row here. I've got two bike rides planned - just 8-10 miles each, riding to/from tutoring sessions with clients, but I'm excited for them. Hope you all have equally fantastic days


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good morning, grateful to be feeling good this morning.

        Welcome New Sunrise! So glad you are here, it’s a good reminder for us to stay away from booze at all costs. Thanks to too Wags.

        Way to go with the gym Ava, and Carl looks pretty good.
        Ya, my husband drives me nuts too, I will not drink because of him.

        Thanks for the good wishes everyone, the first interview went well hopefully I get the second one.

        Ken, hope you are healing up, sheesh.
        G, I will check out that book.

        Byrdie, Pauly, it’s Friday!! Yippee!

        Have a good one, I am off to do a quick walk, to the market, visit my MIL and then watch hockey. I already made low carb granola this morning. Man, the things you can do when you are sober eh?


        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          Re: Newbies Nest

          New Sunrise, I'm so glad you made it to Day 2! It is a familiar story, isn't it? Thinking we can handle just one, or just a couple? I never could and I never will. If I'm going to torture myself with just one, why not just NONE? Like everyone else here, I tried moderation and that was a dismal failure. So we will be right here as we all navigate a world that drinks.

          Work is just an insane exercise. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. I've never seen anything like it. There seems to be some sort of sport at NOT doing your job and seeing who you can dump it on. I just don't care anymore, I'm like Rhett Butler....frankly, my dear...….

          As Available would say, TFIF! No plans and loving it. Hugs to all, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Originally posted by available View Post
            One is too many and 100 is not enough, i know that would never change if i drank.
            I love this quote and used it many times myself. I was once married to an alcoholic...long ago...and that is where I learned that one. didn't think I would ever be in the same situation, but here I am.

            Just a quick stop by to welcome New Sunrise and Hi to everyone else. But mostly to be accountable and not drink today...No Way, No How. I know it isn't even noon yet, but best to be prepared. it is Friday and some version of teens will be in my house today, though it is much quieter with son back at school.

            Have to go out and run some errands before coming back to continue working on income tax. I cannot even imagine doing that task drunk or hungover (which I probably did in the past).

            Take care all & see you sober later.

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Well, I ended up in the ER last evening (turns out I'm probably fine - just need to be alert to any changes) but for awhile, it looked like I might have to be admitted. As I waited more than 90 min to be seen (giving new meaning to the word "emergency"...) I was thinking about how absolutely miserable I would have been if I were still drinking. I had to sit there during my witching hour(s) and if I had been admitted, who knows when I would next have an opportunity to poison myself??? Even the tough, annoying parts of life are SO MUCH EASIER when a stupid addiction isn't added into the mix.

              Way to go, [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], taking another "box" off the shelf and dealing with it :hug:.

              I agree with all of you that none is so much easier than one (or two). I don't need to jump off a building to prove that I can't fly and I don't need to take that first drink to prove that I can't stop there. We know enough to figure out the outcome without actually running the experiment.

              Good luck with getting the job you want, [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION]. xx, NS


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Oh, NoSugar, the ER sucks. I am glad you are okay and not admitted

                On Day 2 and hubby is on his way home. He travels A LOT and I have way too much freedom to do what I want when he is not here. I am grateful for my Stepford Wives meeting today. My witching hour starts about noon and though I would not take a drink and see the ladies, the tool box was a great resource this morning because the little green monster was rearing its head and the idea of buying a bottle of wine on my home is always, was always, an option. Really our Ladies League meetings are boring, some planting of flowers in our little park and stuffing some eggs for the kids Easter Egg hunt and lots of gossip. I am not much on gossip and could care less what trivial things my neighbors are doing, mostly because I keep myself busy, behind closed doors and drank. I really am glad that I drank in the house and not on our porch, someone would see that.

                I know hubby is tired but still lots to do this weekend, if nothing else, getting him ready for his next trip. The weather is turning nicer so we will be outside too. I had some neck surgery recently and it does take twice as long for me to get things done now, but at least I am getting things done. Before the surgery I got little to nothing done, except get the cork out of the wine bottle and bending my elbow.

                I am rambling now, but it is great to be on here, read and share. I am not drinking so that is a good thing.

                I hope everyone has a good evening!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Morning nesters

                  Cold and rainy here but i have joined the gym so will go there today for an hour on the treadmill. I have so much time on my hands now that mads is not here for me to nuture and love that i need to keep busy or i will just cry. today is a crying day and thats ok, i miss her terribly. Carl has been such a help and has been giving me lovely snuggles before wanting to chew my arm off.

                  Pauly, i am not overly stable on a push bike but i am going to give it my best. funny how i used to think that everyone was looking at me walking with a dog pram etc and now i know i am probably just a passing look and as they get with their lives. this year i want it to be all about me so thats my focus and the children. Thanks for the add, your grandbabies are just adorable. x

                  G, i figure if they track me down with the fines i will do a payment plan but i have not moved in 11 years so it am pretty accessible to find! Time will tell i suppose.

                  NS i am glad it was nothing serious, i would have to come and look after you if it was and make you lots of cups of tea.

                  Sunrise, the planning of buying al was a killer for me, i used to shop at 7am and never take my keycard out if i didnt need it. the temptation to buy a bottle of wine was enormous. If i didnt take money i could not buy anything. The toolbox is a great resource and of course being on here.

                  Today i am finishing cleaning the hallway, going to start knitting a dog coat for Carl and keeping busy. But coffee first.

                  Take care xx
                  Last edited by available; March 29, 2019, 05:11 PM.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                    I agree with all of you that none is so much easier than one (or two). I don't need to jump off a building to prove that I can't fly and I don't need to take that first drink to prove that I can't stop there. We know enough to figure out the outcome without actually running the experiment. NS
                    This is more great stuff to remember when 'surfing an urge' as I was a little while ago. I was in the laundry room where hubby's booze is kept and I was tempted. That is why I came here.

                    Glad you are OK, NS. Probably had quite a scare, but yes, good thing you did not go in smelling like a distillery...which we all have done from time to time.

                    [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION]...good job on getting back your wheels. Of course they know where to find you and I am sure they will be reasonable as long as you make good on what you owe them. I can only imagine what a hole it will leave when Piper (actually I call her Pipes) has to be put to sleep.

                    I will go on with my evening now. Cooking scallops for dinner. Boyfriend is here and he carried in ALL of my groceries into the house in one trip. I guess all the weight lifting he does is good for something. He is quite a strapping lad...😂

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Friday evening Nesters,

                      It actually warmed up to 63 today but with no sun so it still felt chilly, LOL Guess I'm kinda anxious for some decent outdoor time

                      New Sunrise, glad to see you had a successful day 1 & almost thru day 2 now. Next thing you know you'll be like me & counting decades, one day at a time
                      By the way, I'm about to go get into my sweatpants too!!!

                      Byrdie, you can't make other people do their jobs but you can refuse to pick up their slack. I'm so grateful I'm not dealing with that crap anymore, sorry you are
                      I really want to see you in a position where you are working for yourself like I've been doing for quite some time.

                      Belle, don't let the teens roll over you this weekend. Stand strong!!!

                      Narilly, good luck & I hope the 2d interview goes well.

                      Wags, Pauly, Pav, Ava, hello to all of you!

                      Steady, great to see you & thanks

                      Looking forward to at least half of the weekend being rain free, we'll see.
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters,NS,glad you're ok,you had me scared when I first read that,Ava a dog sweater sounds cute,all I can do is crochet squares and I'm making my daughter who lives in Portland a poncho that I started in January and will probably have finished by Christmas haha have terrible allergies and my eyes get so blurry,dry,watery in the evening it's hard to look at the yarn for too long, sometimes they get so bad it's hard to watch TV which sux cuz one of the things I love about not drinking is not having dry eyes! Belle,hope you enjoyed your scallops New Sunrise,great on day 2 now 3! Sometimes if I've had a shitty day the thought of stopping at the gas station for beer sneaks in,on those days I have to just hold on and have tunnel vision and drive straight home! Whatever it takes.waves to all and have a fab AF Day!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone. Have a good sober Saturday.

                          NS, keep us posted on your situation. I hope you are ok.

                          Yea, those dry, hurtin eyes, I don’t miss them either Pauly. Along with the puffy face and unexplained bruises. Sounds like an abusive relationship which is what it was.

                          Yeah Belle that is a great quote from NS. It’s a good one to remember.

                          Thanks for the good wishes about the job everyone, I know it helps. It is stressful but I am going to kick butt!

                          New Sunrise, my hubby is gone a week and back a week so I have lots of alone time. I fill it with all kinds of things like exercise, dog walks, cooking, taking care of my mom or MIL, Netflix, craft shows, going to the market, post on MWO, whatever takes me away from obsessing about AL. I don’t let myself sit around and obsess about AL. We can do this!

                          Ava, it’s so good you have Carl. Soon those memories of Mads won’t be so painful, I know it sucks.

                          Have a great sober Saturday everyone. Byrdie, Pauly, I know you will enjoy your weekend!

                          Hello Pav, G everyone.

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sattidy, all.
                            Enjoying a beautiful day here. Took Rubi for a walk,that was nice. Made me so grateful to be sober. Back in the day, I started drinking on weekends at 10:30 am...wasn’t even driving on weekends because I was in a state of constant, steady buzz. Those weren’t the days. I wouldn’t trade my sober life now for all the wine in France.
                            Hang in all, all we gotta do, is get thru this day! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              We finally had that warm enough sunny day, 73 degrees
                              Tomorrow night it's dipping back down to 29 - feels like a massive tease!!!
                              I'm watching my grandsons for a few hours while their parents go out by themselves for a change.

                              Good to see everyone's positive reports. Just keep taking it one day at a time & everything else takes care of itself
                              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                NS - I'm sorry for what ails you. Happy you weren't admitted. I have made multiple trips to the ER for others over the last 5 years - I was SO glad to be sober through it. One night the hospital messed up my dad's medication and I had to drive it in - my mom had already had too much. I was so grateful to be there and "be there," physically and emotionally.

                                One's too much and 100 is not enough - amen to that, Byrdie. That's why I have to keep it at 0.

                                Wags, I forgot that you had 10+ years - I was thinking it was 3 or 4. That is a cautionary tale, for sure. Stories like that are what keep me focused on my NOT drinking and working at not drinking, not just hoping I stay sober.

                                Belle - glad you're feeling good. Keep it up.

                                I had a nice hike with a friend and the dogs this morning, and then drove out to the coast with my son who is home on spring break from college. It was a spontaneous trip and such a beautiful day out there. A little bonus time with the kid who is funny and fun to be with. A great day! Am now waiting for hubs to bring home the takeout and will watch a little March Madness and go to bed early. My kind of rocking Saturday night!

                                Happy SOBER weekend, all.


