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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hola evabody.

    SB. What happened to you? Glad you're ok now, but what was the problem? Something out of the blue?

    Sunday night here and just back from a boozy gig. The end went on and on into booze driven waffling overtime. lol. It was getting boring but i got out alive with sanity intact.

    Day 200. oh yeah.

    Hope y'all are having a nice weekend. L8tr g8trs.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good Morning All!

      Beginning Day 4!

      Day 3 really sucked but I made it! I have tried quitting on my own and usually day 4 has been the killer for me but it was day 3 this time. I didn't post but did read from the tool box and kept myself busy. I started the day with what I call a drunk dream, one where you dream about drinking, but instead I dreamt about smoking ??? I quit smoking 7 years ago and yet I dreamt that I had 4 cigarettes left and I had to smoke them and not waste them? I know it was another addiction popping by but I have not even thought about smoking in a good while, even when drinking. Go figure???

      I kept busy, was cranky but could blame all that on allergies and went to bed early. I hope today is not so bad.

      Thank you everyone for your encouragement, especial to Avail about the tool box, it helped.

      Narilly it is hard when our husbands travel, it had given me way too much freedom. I am almost an empty nester, my daughter moved with us but works all the time. Our new home is set up in a way that she has the side entrance and about 1/3 of the house to herself, we only share the kitchen. It works well for her because our rent is reasonable and she gets to pay off school loans quicker. I also have someone around, sometimes, when my husband is gone. I do have lots of craft hobbies to do but have not done them in awhile because of neck problems. I did have surgery on my neck 5 weeks ago tomorrow and I am slowly getting back to doing the things I enjoy.

      Lavande we have had nice weather on and off too, but we get up in the 80's here. We have a pool that just about gets warmed up to swim in and them cool nights hit and we have to start all over. We bought a heat cover for it but it became more trouble then it was worth. I used to garden a lot but we have moved from a much cooler area to a much warmer area and gardening is totally different. Our azaleas bloomed from the end of November till mid March. I just don't know what to plant around here and I have not had much motivation to do it.

      Guitarista, good for you on 200 days! That is quite an accomplishment!

      NS, still thinking of you and hope you are feeling better!

      I am off to get day 4 under my belt! Normally a hard one, but you guys are making it doable for me!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Morning nesters, Sunrise,day 3-4 are tough for alot of people,my opinion is that by then all the alcohol is out of your system and nerves are haywire without that dampening,I used to give up on day 3-4 all the time but then I decided to just power through and it got better Mr G congrats on day 201 now allergies are driving me up the wall so just a quick hello to all and have a super,sober Sunday all!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          New Sunrise, congrats on soldiering through to another day! I found that if I had a hard day, the next day was easier for some reason. I never had 2 bad days in a row. Very proud of you!
          G, you are killin it! :yay: Keep up the great work, as you know, anything in life worth having takes work. Enjoy your week!
          A beautiful Sunday here, thinking of making a cake, we’ll see what the afternoon holds.
          Hugs to all! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Re: Newbies Nest

            G-DUDE - the big bicentenniel milestone for you!!! And I think most of us would agree that you've accomplished this with style Onward friend, you've got this AF life by the tail now!

            New Sunrise - congrats on day 3 into 4! That's definite a tough corner to turn for a lot of people, and yet here you are on the other side. Nice!

            No Sugar - sorry to hear about the ER visit, but glad you didn't have to be admitted after all. I hope you're on the mend and able to easily monitor whatever is going on. Best of health to you my friend :hug:

            Ava - crying days are a very natural part of the grieving process for sure, and I know this isn't your first time 'round with this. Eventually the tears of grief will turn into smiles and happier tears at the warm memories of your time together. For now, they are exactly what you need when you feel them coming on. :hug: for you too

            LC - are you around friend? Maybe I've missed your posts somehow, but wanted to reach out in case you need a hug too :heartbeat:

            Hellos and waves to everyone stopping by the nest today or this eve. Every single one of you is an important part of this nest community - thank you all for being here.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone, have a great day.

              That is amazing that you can hang out at these boozy events and not drink GMan. That is So good. AND Day 200!!! You are the Man!

              New Sunrise, Day 4, NO Problem right? Just go on with your day and let those drinking thoughts float on by. Drink coffee, eat ice cream, go for a walk, shopping, Netflix, whatever it takes to distract the mind. You can do it! Take it one day at a time. I found at day 4 it gets way too overwhelming to think about the future without drinking so just focus on today.

              Pav, that is so nice to be able to spend time with your son, and going for walks with a dog is always nice. I walked a lot yesterday with my dogs. It was +13C here and Sunny, it was amazing.

              Hello, Byrdie, Wags, big waves to you both!

              Have an excellent day Ava, big hugs to Carl...and you.

              Nice to wake up Un HUNG on a Sunday morning. So grateful to be feeling good. I woke up feeling sick SO many times- at least 500 times or more and I always said "Next time I won't drink so much. I will stop after two." or "I'm gonna quit drinking" But I NEVER did! It is amazing to be almost 5 years sober now and to be feeling good. Yay!!

              Don't drink today xo

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters

                Back at work this morning, will see how i go.

                Wags, i cant think of mads atm, the loss is just too huge. All i can do is keep busy and that i have been doing. Life goes on and i am glad Carl is around albeit that he drives me crackers with his toddler style antics.

                Belle, when i went to the vet last with mads, they called her geriatric, damn i had a chuckle about that.

                Sunrise, great work on heading into day 4, the first few weeks are the hardest but the long term outcome is wonderful. I wont drink at anyone ever again. Keep up the good work and keep busy.

                G, happy 200 days to you.

                Yesterday, i walked to the shops and now have my new glasses, came home and Marie Kondo'd my drawers. I must say i do have more room though not sure how long it will last as i really cant tell which black shirt is which. I did some knitting of a scarf i found and watched Bohemian Rhapsody which i really enjoyed. Now back to the grind of life today.

                Hope you are feeling better NS and Nar have you heard about this job?

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for all the good wishes, friends. The concern was that I was getting a detached retina, but it seems like it was maybe a delayed reaction to the drug they use to dilate your pupils. I had had a regular eye exam the day before. I also had a sinus headache so maybe that was involved. Anyway, the prospect of losing your vision in one eye certainly helps put things in perspective. I am so relieved to no longer have blank spots and flashing lights in my left eye whether it was open or closed.

                  I’m glad you are on day four, Sunrise. When people are new and they disappear for a day, I always am concerned. There have been a couple other new people here lately who posted once or twice and then were gone. That always makes me sad because I know this place can work if you let it and are willing to do your part.

                  Congratulations on 200 days, Mr G. I love those roundy milestones.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello, all - I’m finally home from traveling and being busy with that, and have my WiFi.

                    Welcome, Sunrise! So glad to have to here. Thank you for sharing your story. And it’s also good reinforcement for us to keep the quits that we currently have going. I am new-ish at this; in my first year of going AF. Good luck with moving through the slow early days; you’re doing great!

                    Glad you’re ok, NS! It would be embarrassing to turn up with a high BAC in the ER, when there for something unrelated. Another situation to be proudly AF in!

                    Congratulations on your 200 days, G-man!
                    Yes, I am familiar with Dr. Michael Greger, and I read his book. But, I’ve read tons of books on nutrition. Finally getting someplace though! The key was to quit the alcohol first! Presently I am inspired by Dr. Stephen Gundry and his low-lectin diet ideas, and by the research of Grant Genereux and his low-vitamin A diet ideas.

                    Ava, I fold T-shirts so that the graphics on the front face outwards, so you can tell which T-shirt is which. Maybe that would help with your black shirts, if the collars are different.

                    It feels good to be home!
                    Last edited by Slo; April 1, 2019, 07:02 AM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Back to chilly & windy weather after a bit of rain this morning. I guess spring will be delayed just a bit longer

                      NS, wow, sorry to hear about your eye, I would have been quite scared myself. Glad everything is OK. My eye doc is now using half strength drops to dilate the yes, it's better I think.

                      G, Congrats to you on your 200 AF days! Let's keep moving forward!!

                      Slo, welcome back, glad your trip was good.

                      Sunrise, great job on making it thru the first tough days. You'll never regret this & you should be proud.
                      I hope you can soon return to your crafts & hobbies, they make great distractions. Wishing you quick healing on your neck!

                      Byrdie, did you make a cake today??

                      Hello to Ava, Narilly, Wags, Pav, Pauly & everyone. LC, we would love to see you check in as well :hug:

                      Made some progress on some craft projects today, craft show coming up in two weeks.
                      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning!

                        Made it through Day 4 and now on to 5! Thank you all for the wonderful encouragement. Byrd you were right, 4 was not as bad as 3 and I will keep in mind that one hard day does not necessarily mean 2 hard days.

                        Playing the waiting game here to see if hubby is home for the day or if we have to get him packed up and on the road. He either hears from his boss right away or at the last minute of the closing business day. It is hard to buy groceries because I don't know when he will be home or not. He is a big eater and I can stock up on meats but not produce. Too many trips to the grocery store gets difficult, though it is easier not to drink when he is home. He didn't have anything to drink over the weekend so that was good. He is not much of a drinker, just one here and there. He is a diabetic so he has to watch what he drinks. I do feel bad that I have sweets stashed here and there for when a craving comes.

                        I hope everyone has a great day! On to day 5 and paying bills!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, all:

                          Great to see you're feeling better, Sunrise. I actually have had more than one bad day in a row, but I've always pulled out ok. I was into ice cream A LOT my first year. I used it as a replacement for when I thought I deserved a treat and knew booze wasn't going to be it anymore. It sounds like a stressful job never to know when or if you're leaving on a day, and stressful to have a partner in such a position. Take good care of yourself.

                          Nar, I think it was about 18 here (65F), and beautifully sunny. I got another long hike in yesterday and feel very fulfilled by my weekend. Glad you got out, too.

                          NS - How scary. I am due for an eye exam - better get to it.

                          Ava - Good luck at work today. I'm thinking of you...

                          Happy Monday, everyone.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            New Sunrise - congrats on Day 5!!! As Pav said, definitely possible to have two bad days in a row but I think you'll find that the good days far outnumber the bad, and the farther you get into your quit the more the scales tip in that direction. Hope you are able to enjoy your day with your husband and/or that if he gets word to head out that it's happy news.

                            Ava - you're doing exactly what you should be doing, which is to say, there are no "shoulds" when it comes to grief and we all walk our own unique paths. Much like the early days of a quit, sometimes it's best to simply stay busy so that time will go by and we can get a bit of a time buffer under our belts before we really think about what we're experiencing. Hope the first day back to work was gentle on you.

                            NS - glad to hear the retina scare turned out to be just a scare.

                            Today's the day we find out if my wife can ditch her immobilizing sling (or at least reduce use). Around 6 weeks post-op is usually a turning point in rotator cuff rehab, so we've got all fingers, toes and paws crossed in this household.

                            Sounds like several of you are familiar with Marie Kondo's methods. I've explored that a bit but haven't taken the plunge to actually try. Perhaps excuses, but I know a few of her key components wouldn't work in my case:

                            a) I have no drawer storage for clothes - they are all either hanging or folded on closet shelves (and I hate it - maybe get some of those cubes that include drawers and sort of create a dresser on the shelves? )

                            b) the papers and books part of it is impossible given that I work from home and thus have all of the papers and books associated with my tutoring business, which frankly is a LOT. Even without that, I love books and can't see getting rid of all but - what does she say, 30? - so I'd have to bend that rule.

                            Do those of you who have worked through her process think it's still workable given those two oddities? Does she provide caveats for things like either of those? I know, google it wags I think maybe I will, because I am truly overwhelmed with too much stuff in a very small house, and spring definitely motivates me to purge the excess.

                            Happy Monday days and eves everyone!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good morning everyone.

                              Holy smokes NS, glad you are ok. A detached retina? Yeah, that puts things in perspective. I can't imagine dealing with that when there is AL involved, my vision was blurry all the time anyway then.

                              New Sunrise, that is hard waiting around for your husband to be called for work. My hubby has a set schedule, 7 days home 7days out and that is easy to live with. If sweets stashed around help you not drink then just go with it for now. When you are stronger in your quit you can slow down on the sweets. Now you have to do whatever it takes not to drink. You are doing great

                              Have a good day at work Byrdie, Paulie, everyone that is working.
                              xo Pav, Ava, G, Lav, everyone

                              I have a second interview on Thursday for this job which is not in oil and gas. I am going to be super prepared and will kick butt!! haha

                              have a great sober day.

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hola friends!

                                Great work on day 5 Sunrise. You raaawk! Keep it going.

                                I'm a long time follower and fan of Mary Kardashian's de cluttering method. I've gotten rid of most of my stuff. Old photo's, treasured momento's, letters, classic vinyl records, rare books from early last century.....all gone! Furniture - gone! Bed - gone! There's no fat left on this bone. Just got my fridge left. But i reckon i can do better there too. I'm looking for a mini fridge at the moment. Only the vac.....vacc....vak....gak.....vaccuming to do now. i feel much better.

                                Narilly. Best wishes for your interview. No matter what, you will raaawk. Why? Because you kick ass!

                                Big waves to y'all. Have a great week out there.
                                Last edited by Guitarista; April 1, 2019, 02:22 PM.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

