New Sunrise, congratulations on getting over the 3-4 day hump! I know what Byrdie is saying: in the very early days, if you have a rough day with your body & brain cleansing itself and adjusting to no incoming alcohol, then the next day is usually not as bad.
I was inspired by a ‘Bubble Hour” podcast that I listened to today that said not to pursue any other diet or exercise overhauls when you’re first quitting; to just focus on removing alcohol for the first while, and everything else is free game (like ice cream, extra naps, leisurely strolls, relaxing with TV shows, etc.) for the best chance at success. I found that that mirrored my lived experience as well. (That’s for you too, [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]!)
A number of us like listening to ‘The Bubble Hour’ podcasts for extra reinforcement. (Thanks, Pavati!)
Thrilled for you that you’re moving on in the interview process, Narilly!
Wagmor, well, Marie Kondo isn’t the only game in town; there’s lots of books etc. out there on organizing. I did find her method very helpful though for purging clothes, and also for books as I realized that I wasn’t referencing or re-reading most of my books anyways. And they can be stored on Kindle nowadays.
More later, maybe!