Good Hump day evening Nesters,
We had a nice spring day here in cow country, finally

The chickens enjoyed themselves to the point where I had to insist they go in at 7:30.....I was tired of waiting, haha! My neighbor across the road just told me they spotted a coyote at the end of their driveway a few days ago. Last summer we were plagued with foxes stealing our chickens (and snakes freaking me out) now we have to deal with coyotes

Byrdie, I think Hag needs a few specially placed pins, LOL
She really must enjoy her position!!!
Belle, glad to see you checking in. Don't stress yourself about college visits yet for your sophomore. She'll change her mind many times before she chooses anyway.
Pav, G, hope you both had a good day!
New Sunrise, Congrats on your 7 AF days :welldone:
It's a good feeling so keep moving forward & have no regrets ever!
Tomorrow I will be getting my grandsons from the school bus & bringing them here for a few hours. I am so grateful that I am able to do things like this. If I had continued on the path I was on things like this would not be happening. No regrets for me

Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!