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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Kensho, I am 59.5. So I'm 5+ years away from Medicare. I'm working for the health insurance. Funding it myself would be about $1100/month, according to our insurance agent neighbor. So if we do the math, that's about $70,000 I would have to pay out myself for health insurance until I can get on Medicare. I also signed a pretty aggressive Non Compete Agreement when I came on board here. That doesn't bother me so much, I would never want to sell alarms systems again, it is just a problematic business. I know that every day or week I can stick this out will be to my benefit, dollar wise. As for my MENTAL health, that's another story. It does give me something to talk about!
    Yes, Lav, I need more pins for my HAG Voodoo doll pillow!
    It's only Friday, NOT a ticket to BoozeVille! Hang on, evabody! Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hola friends,

      Byrdy, i knew you'd be hanging around there for something like what you described/medicare. What a PITA, but understandable. I'm not exactly sure of the pros and cons of the system there, but i of course wish you an easy ride forward. I hope a viable alternative presents itself real soon. Stranger things have happened and you deserve better.

      Friend Kensho! Thanks. 'Tis you who are raaawkin it, ya swirling creative tornado you! Love that description. :applouse:

      Have a great weekend Pav! You deserve some pampering. Can you squeeze a massage in?

      No ticket to boozeville here. The train station has been closed for over 6 months.

      Hi Lav, Wags, Ava and evabody!
      Last edited by Guitarista; April 5, 2019, 02:09 PM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        No kids to deal with today & I'm OK with that
        Spent the morning cleaning, a little bit of this afternoon cooking then got a few hours of work done so I'm happy.
        Looks like everyone is on a tired but even keel! I hope you all catch up on some rest this weekend.

        Hello to Wags, Pav, Kensho, Byrdie, G & everyone. LC, please check in & let us know what's going on :hug:
        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Pav, so glad for you that the weekend is upon us so you can get some rest.

          I’ve gone low-sugar and fairly low-carb again, and it seems to make it harder or me to fall asleep and stay asleep. Otherwise ok. Except I feel flat again like I always tend towards, but also on a more even keel in terms of blood sugar swings. And I’m losing extra beer weight, anyways.

          Lav, unsettling about your younger grandson, especially since you have intuited for awhile now that something troubling is going on with him. I wonder if maybe he didn’t get a good start when his mother was unstable and too busy? Thankfully he has the love & positive influence of Grandma Lav in his corner.

          Byrd, yeah, you’re stuck in a miserable job for the same reason so many Americans are.
          As I said, I think that hag is just toying with you for fun, as there is no reason to submit a slip through billing if there’s no charge. Then she makes you look stupid instead of her!

          [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], I’m glad you still find your decision to not drink to be life-enhancing after over a year. I’m still surprised that your family doesn’t include you in their toasts as mine does include me, even if I’m drinking water.
          I can see where your creative, flowing style is key to your ability to design well; and your new business partner’s style can be a complement for keeping the books & files in order. Hopefully your differing styles won’t cause too much conflict.

          @ New Sunrise, I can see why you are proud of your husband’s photography talent! That is cool that you had already seen his work on the Weather Channel before you met him!
          I have some neck issues too, but thankfully no surgery on it. As that finishes healing then things will be easier for you. What with being AF again and a functioning neck, you’ll have a new lease on life!

          [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION], now that your wife is freed from her sling after shoulder surgery, she can busy her active self with PT exercises, and it will be better for the both of you. Ava said this surgery will soon be a distant memory, and she’s right, as my same surgery from 3 going on 4 years ago is a distant memory!

          Thinking of you all with wishes for a happy weekend!
          Last edited by Slo; April 6, 2019, 08:09 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Morning All,

            Thank you all for all the good wishes. Still doing okay and I got another treat yesterday, I am visiting a good friend who lives across the state. It was a great surprise for me but hard on my husband. He made it half way across the country and got a call from his boss that he was on a job and got stuck on what to do. His boss really spends too much time in the office and since hubby is head field engineer he called him to take over. It is a mess and we will be staying here for I don't know how long. The great thing is I get to spend time with my dear friend of over 30 years! We became friends when our oldest boys were in Kindergarten together and she does not drink. We raised our boys when 'Mommy Winers' were not popular, but we sure drank a boat load of coffee together, not Starbucks either.

            It is good to see her but I am surprised how her health has failed . She never told me she was having so many problems. I have noticed on FB pics that she has lost some weight but I have not seen a picture of her since Christmas. She has lost over 25 lbs and docs are now investigating the possibility of brain cancer . I will be coming this way a whole lot more now. We did have fun together and got to drink our pot of coffee! We are older now so it was decaf. I am glad that I am doing better so I can travel now.

            Byrd, I know what you mean about the health insurance. I was able to retire early but not collect my health benefits till age 60??? though I get my pension check. I am lucky that my husband has good insurance. I know many people who are hanging on to their jobs just for the insurance and as many who have been let go because insurance. Down sized to let younger workers in with less premiums to pay. Our health care system stinks.

            Lav it is nice that you have your grandchildren near you. I don't have any yet.

            Narilly, I do hope your job interview went well.

            G, thanks for the idea about computer teaching. I have known some retired teachers who have done that but it is not the same as one on one interaction and so a lot do not find it fulfilling at all. I think it works better for younger teachers.

            Slo it is great that my neck is getting better and it is making a lot of things easier. Every week it seems to be better and this past week was week 4 since the surgery. I see the doc next week and I believe he will be pleased.

            Today I will be going back to my friend's house while hubby works. We are going to a blueberry festival so that will be fun. Looks like blueberry muffins and pies are in our future. More sweets to curb cravings.

            Happy weekend all!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Thank you for all the good wishes, I should get the job just based on all the good vibesfrom you all!
              The interview went well, it all depends on the people they interview after me. I told them that I hope the rest of the interviews went terrible and that got a laugh. Wags, that is a good point about interviews, you know what your talking about.

              NSunrise, the description of the brownie made me drool, whatever it takes to stay sober, just do it!
              SLO, I do the low sugar, low carb thing too, it is great. NS I know you do it too!
              Lav, no kids? Yup time to clean...I just vacuumed my house.

              Pav, hope you have a good rest and can go for a nice walk today, I know how much you like that.

              Ken, you are kicking butt! Tell your family to include you next time. I always toast with whatever non al beverage I have around.

              G, you raawk! No ticket to Boozeville here either. Thanks for the good wishes.

              Byrdie, you need to move to Canada, we are covered. I am so grateful for our health care system, it’s not perfect but it is pretty good.
              I can’t believe the crap going on with your work, crazy man. I hope somehow it gets better, enjoy your weekend. Xo You too Pauly.

              Have a good one, don’t drink today!

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters

                Daylight savings has ended so feels weird that it is so early and so sunny. will be lovely to get out and walk and clean my car and and and.

                I babysat Carl last night and he is settling down a bit which is so much better for my sanity. loves his nana to bits and he is so good for me. i did pick up mad's ashes and that was devastating but she is home with me and rupey now.

                Nar they should have just offered you the job on the spot, i would have. i am going to try the low carb diet, i have been looking for something to help move the few kgs i want to lose so will give it a go. walking and the gym help but i need that extra boost.

                Sunrise, its lovely that you can catch up with an old friend, i love blueberries, so expensive to buy in the shops though.

                Byrd your health system sucks, i do have to say our medicare system is great but people still complain about it, i always feel like saying "move to America and see how good ours actually is". I had a woman telling me the other week that our health system sucks and she could not get what she wanted without paying out of pocket and blah blah blah and i just said to her that i didnt have private insurance and i was in the same boat but waiting a few months to get public assistance was fine by me. Some people are very very special in their needs.

                Off for a cup of coffee and to go and buy a clothes rack to give my wardrobe rung a rest. i really do have too many clothes but i just cant cull anymore. Im even going to buy a shoe rack which hopefully will put those in order or easier for carl to pull out and drag around the house.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Ava, it would be a dream to have your health care here. There have to be millions of people in my same boat...can you imagine how many jobs would be freed up if us oldtimers could get health care?! I don’t see anything changing in the near term, unfortunately.
                  Had a nice, relaxing day today, just what I needed.
                  Hope everyone has an easy evening. Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    At a brewery with husband short term before dinner. Playing with kids. Annoyed with this scene and smell, but the music is good. Hope everyone is doing well tonight! I don’t like this environment... too familiar.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      We had a nice day here, warm enough to play outside a bit
                      I'm still taking stock of winter damage to plants & trees around here & will have to look for replacements. I think the wind did the most damage.
                      Today is my troubled grandson's 8th birthday but I will be seeing him tomorrow. I hope he has calmed down & gotten some reasoning back, geez.
                      I've had a big part in these boys lives, right from the beginning because they are only 7 miles away. I feel good about that but it doesn't replace what should be a mother's love. I'll do my best & keep trying with him.

                      Sorry to be so brief - the site has logged me out twice & I'm not retyping all this again, HA HA!
                      Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Byrd - I am so sorry about your job situation. I understand about the health insurance because I am in the same boat. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
                          At a brewery with husband short term before dinner. Playing with kids. Annoyed with this scene and smell, but the music is good. Hope everyone is doing well tonight! I don’t like this environment... too familiar.
                          Kensho - I don't like that environment anymore either. The dark lights, the smells. Enjoy playing with the kids.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Ken, enjoy the music, I understand the annoyance. I just want to go home in those situations.

                            Ya Ava, I agree they should have offered it to me on the spot
                            Yeah, the low carb thing is great, it literally changed my 84 year old mom’s life. She went from being exhausted, swollen, rashes, high BP to a woman with more energy, rashes disappeared, her legs are not swollen, and BP under control. Also my aunt was able to go off insulin by going low carb- it works! Dr Gary Fettke is an Australian low carb doctor and check out

                            Our medical system is awesome too. Very grateful for that. Come up here Nora and Byrdie,

                            I went to a 50th birthday party last night. Of course there was lots of drinking but I had no problem not drinking. I drove home last night and woke up Un Hung which is the Best thing ever! I am grateful to feel good this morning. Yay!

                            Have a great Sunday and don’t drink!

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              I went to a 50th this weekend, too, Narilly. I left VERY early as I was exhausted from the weekend. Got in a hello to the birthday girl and ate some good food and in my jammies by 8:30.

                              Yes, Canada and Australia and probably many places have better healthcare access than we do.

                              I had a LAZY day yesterday - it was nice but I feel a bit discombobulated today. I need some focus to de-fog my brain.

                              Happy SOBER Sunday. I am so very grateful to be un-hung.



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                We are home, sweet, home! It is nice to be home and now hubby gets to rest a bit today. Tomorrow doc appts for us both and I do hope they don't send him right out again. It is always a hope, rarely the reality. It is when he leaves that the cravings come on strong, but I will just have to deal with that.

                                The blueberry festival was nice, but we did not get blueberries! They had none for sale but we could have picked our own for a good price, my friend did not feel up to it . Her daughter who is 5 months pregnant met us there with her year and a half little prince. It was so good seeing her, I remember when she was 2! We went and got water and ice tea for everyone alone so I got to talk with her. She is afraid for her mom's health and that is why she and her husband decided to have a second so fast so that her mom would know her grandchildren. She really is not sure what is going on, nor are her doctors and now they are investigating every symptom she has, including the off chance of brain cancer . She did tell me her mother had a heart attack last fall but her mom never told me. I now have her daughter's number so we can keep in touch. I am so glad that we are living closer to her and I am working on my health too. I think I will be making some more trips her way.

                                It is good to have over a week under my belt, and now on to another week. I am not feeling as strong today, but the bakery is open till 6 pm!

                                Narilly, I am glad your interview went well and I am sending good thoughts your way. I know the competition can be rough but if you can stop drinking then you can take rough.

                                Kenso, sorry you had to put up with the bar. I have never been a bar person, myself. I have done all my drinking alone which is not a good thing since I have too much time alone.

                                Pavati, it is nice to have a lazy day but I know too many can put you in a fog. I have had too many lazy days and it hard to get my fanny in gear now. I had an excuse before, my neck kept me in tremendous pain Docs around here don't want to give out pain meds and that is a good thing because they have been abused so much. I just abused alcohol instead and it did take the edge off. No excuses now.

                                On to my Sunday routine, getting hubby ready for the work week. It is warm here and our pool is looking good so I think I may talk my husband and daughter into a swim and bbq chicken outside. I don't think I will need to twist any arms.

                                Have a good Sunday all!

