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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    New Sunrise - good plan you have for the upcoming time your husband is away. You mean Grace and Frankie (or Frankie and Grace - I can never remember the order of the names). It's a hoot if you like those two, which I do. Congrats on the good news for you from the dr, and here's hoping all the other stuff for your hubs works out to be minimal. Sounds like a lot to process, and you want to be proactive, and yet not get too caught up in anticipating the worst. The good thing is you don't drink, and that alone will make many things better.

    Lav - sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis too. Sounds like he's getting right on top of it though, and I think the prognosis is fairly good for melanoma caught early. Fingers and wings crossed for you both.

    Last night before the roof replacement starts. Ugh, will be very happy when that's finished!

    Happy AF days and eves everyone!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Lav, fingers crossed about your hubby. My hubby had colon cancer 7 years ago and it was stage 2 or 3, he is cancer free now.
      Good luck with your roof Wags.

      SLO, you sound good. It takes a week or two before you feel good on the low carb I think.
      Sunrise, hang in there

      Byrdie, hope your day doesn’t suck too much tomorrow xo

      Well, I am falling asleep so g night.

      Hi Ava, Pav, NS :hug:

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good Morning All.

        Thanks for reading my rant, I thought it best to get it out last night so it would not be blown up this morning. Lord knows that on the days my hubby leaves, I get half way through my coffee and start thinking about drinking. Not this morning, just coffee.

        I was really surprised to read what I did about hearing loss and Alzheimer's, but I have always know that his chances are better than a lot to have it as he gets older. I need to look at it as another tool in my bag to be prepared.

        Thanks for the good thoughts Byrd! I am still impressed with those 3000+ days!

        Lav, I am sorry to hear about your husband, but you are right to just not go there yet. So much can be done now. My brother-in-law had throat cancer, though he never smoked or drank, and it spread to other parts. Radiation and chemo did not work but they did put him on immunotherapy and that got it all! He now looks and feels better than he has in many years. Funny thing also, he always had thin hair straight hair and now his hair is thick and curly! He loves it, no more constantly looking for bald spots.

        Wags, I do look forward to watching Frankie and Grace! Binge watching is always good for me.

        Now off to work my plan! I am going to fit a nap in there too. I am tired! Hubby had to be up at 4am and though I am usually up at 4:30-5:00 because of so many years of teacher's hours, that half hour really has thrown me off. Naps are good too.

        Have a wonderful day everyone!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All:

          New Sunrise - we have Alzheimer's in our family - it is THE WORST. However, some great advice I've gotten in the nest is to take life one day at a time. No use worrying about what MIGHT be happening or what might happen in the future. There's not much you can do to prepare anyway, so enjoy your husband today, and tomorrow. I know that I forget a lot more, and I am not even that old. Focus on the good for now, and cross that bridge when you come to it. As my dad said, getting old stinks, but it beats the alternative.

          Lav, glad you caught that early. Good luck on the removal... If I can ask, where is the lesion? That reminds me that I need a skin checkup.

          Our front office person and I were supposed to get some work done today but he's out with the crud. I'll have to figure it out on my own, even though he has knowledge of our system that I don't have.

          Happy SOBER Tuesday,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], I'm sorry to hear about your husband's new health challenge. He is lucky to have a level-headed, educated nurse in his wife :hug:. [MENTION=6067]Sunrise[/MENTION], there is more and more evidence that alzheimer's is linked to insulin resistance in the brain (which in other organs is the cause of many chronic diseases, including diabetes). He might benefit from the no sugar/low carb diet that has been mentioned here recently. There is a great deal of information online about it if you're interested. I'm struggling with a nerve-related itching condition on my torso with no know cause or cure. TMI, I know, but I'm about ready to scratch my boobs off :egad:.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters

              An early cold start this morning, so dark now daylight savings has finished and very brisk outside.

              Lav i hope it all works out for your hubs, fingers crossed they get it all and do it quickly. I am pretty good with getting my skin checked now, there was just no sun screen back in the day and for a redhead that has come back to bite me big time now.

              Sunrise, as Pav says, no point worrying until it happens. I'm a worrier too though and at the moment i am pulling every positive out of my day just to get through it. As i said to my dr yesterday i will be fine by July, i just need to appreciate each day in some way. I have had 3 big events in my life this year that have nailed me but i just take each day as it comes and thank god i have a good dr and great children for support.

              Wags, good luck with the roof, sounds like a major job that one.

              Byrd a huge hug and congrats on 3000 days, what a fantastic achievement, its hard to imagine you ever drinking with that amount of time. Pav and i are coming up to 2000 and back in the early days it seemed unimaginable that we would ever make it. I remember saying to Pav we would meet at 2000 days, probably thinking that would never happen getting there. Shame we cant meet but we have made it, nearly!

              My car broke down the other day after i got fuel, nearly the straw that broke my back but now fixed and driving it again. Have done a muscle in the top of my leg from walking so need to rest that but going to the gym so can focus on some other sagging part of my body ha ha. Work busy but trying not to push myself as still no pay rise. Having lunch with an old work colleague today so that will be lovely. I gave mads pram to a work friend and she sent me a photo last night, its nice to see that another senior dog is getting use out of it. Starting to knit again, attempting a dog coat for Carl now the weather is getting cooler, he is slowly becoming my dog but is great company for me at the moment.

              Hi to everyone and take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Made it through another day at work.
                Our air conditioning unit has gone out. The guy came by today and it’s going to cost $5600 to replace it. Ugg!
                Living the dream! At least I’m sober, and for that, I’m so thankful.
                NS, I hope your itching improves, I’m so sorry.
                Hugs to all, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening Everyone!

                  I made it through the day! Thank you all! It got hard mid morning and I read in the tool box which helped greatly. I hit most of the things on my list. I got that darn water filter in the fridge replaced and fridge cleaned, along with the whole kitchen. Downsizing had an added benefit today.

                  I ate, I ate not really good things, but I did what I had to do. I have been doing the high protein/low carb diet for a long time, but alcohol really ruined the benefits of that. I will get back to it and it will not be a big transition for hubby and daughter. I just have to get through these days.

                  Avail and Pav you are so right about one day at a time! I do get overwhelmed of late and hopefully I will get back on even grounding. This second quit is hard, I am older and it has its different challenges. I remember my first quit and having to take it one minute at a time.

                  NS I am sorry about your itch :egad:, the things we have to face getting older. Getting older is not for the faint of heart!

                  Byrd sorry about your air conditioning! That is something I would be pretty pissed about. I have to have my air, even my back porch has 2 ceiling fans that go full tilt during the summer.

                  Thank you all again for being here for me. I know I tend to go on, but it is hard not having a meeting or a sponsor to bounce off of. It is also hard living in a new place without the friendships I had before so close. You all are a God send to me. Thank you!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening to all in the Nest:

                    Sorry about your hubby’s diagnosis, Lavande. That’s a scary one! Thankfully it should be localized in the early stages.
                    [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], no -I’m losing weight! I’ve lost 19 pounds since going AF. But I was a beer drinker, and beer & the junk food to absorb it can really pack it on. But most of the weight loss is recent from the gluten-free, dairy-free, low-vitamin A, low lectin, eating within a limited daily window stuff.
                    I might not feel great, but at least I’m lighter!

                    Wagmor & Byrdie, total bummer about the high-ticket replacements (roof and air conditioner).

                    Your itching sounds dreadful, NS. Ugh.

                    Ava, is Carl your dog or your son’s?

                    The temp is dropping by 30 degrees F overnight. It was a nice peek at Spring for a couple days though!

                    New Sunrise, we love to hear you go on! Thanks for sharing your life & chatting with us here.
                    Last edited by Slo; April 10, 2019, 08:59 AM.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      Nice spring day here today
                      We were out running around most of the day too which was good at distracting someone from his current medical woes.

                      New Sunrise, glad to hear your day was good as well!

                      Ava, keep hanging in there, everything will end up OK :hug:

                      NS, the dermatologist told my husband last week to use capsacian cream for that nerve related itching. I picked some up for him but not sure if he's tried it or not.
                      Itching can really get on your nerves - take it from the poison ivy queen here, haha!!

                      Pav, the spot on my husband that was most concerning is on his upper abdomen. He has two stage 0 spots on his mid-back as well. I've been after him for years to go get them looked at, now he knows why I was concerned.

                      Byrdie, no AC sucks. I hope you can get something worked out. We paid about that price a couple years ago to replace ours.

                      Hello to everyone else checking in & wishing a safe night in the nest for all. Thanks for your support re my husband.

                      Last edited by Lavande; April 9, 2019, 07:26 PM.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Oh nest, today was a rough day. We woke up early so we'd be ready when the roof crew got here. I'd made arrangements in advance for our dog to go stay with a dog sitter we all know and love, but she couldn't pick up until 10am. Ok, we'd get by until then.

                        And then my phone rang. It was my dad, who lives in our finished basement. I quickly went downstairs and discovered that he needed medical help and pretty quickly. I called an ambulance and then followed them to the hospital. Spent the day at the ER while my wife tended all the chaos here at home. Sigh.

                        The good news is that what looked scary and urgent on his CT scan turned out to be less scary when examined by the surgeon. My dad was admitted and will spend the night at the hospital, but if all goes well and his bloodwork looks good in the morning, he'll be discharged tomorrow.

                        My dad is 88 and he hasn't spent a single night in a hospital since he was a very young child, like 2 years old. Today was a very hard day for him AND for me. Caring for aging parents is not for the faint-hearted, that's for sure! So effing glad I don't drink. I woke with a clear head and was able to leap into action on a moment's notice.

                        Thanks for listening. Hoping for a calmer tomorrow
                        Last edited by wagmor; April 9, 2019, 11:12 PM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All,

                          Wag, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. It is hard to take care of your elderly parents, been there, done that. I am so glad that he lives with you, living alone could easily be disastrous. I do have an elderly aunt and uncle that have reluctantly moved to assisted living so we all feel better about that. Being sober does help in all ways.

                          I am off to the war zone today, but in a better place then yesterday, so I can make it through. Fresh veggies are coming in season here and there is a new stand that has opened near here. I have yet to find a farmers market close to here. The whole area is farm land so I guess it is redundant.

                          Funny thing, I am starting to amuse my neighbors, but not for the wrong reasons. We have a lot of hawks in this area and the other day I was cleaning the pool and they were circling over me. I had to yell at them that I was not dead yet, come back later. I heard my neighbor giggle. This morning hubby checked our cams remotely and two large cats were at a stand off, mating season. They are patient creatures and it lasted about an hour and a half, finally the male went for it and I ran out and yelled at him telling him "No means No!" and they ran off in a flash. My neighbor was out even early this morning and laughed his fanny off. He thanked me over the fence because the female was his. He said that I am a hoot and thanked me for saving his cat. I wanted to say, have her neutered but we are new here and it is the country. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing around here!

                          Have a good day all! Lucky 13 for me!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone. 80 degrees yesterday, and 40 today turning to snow later. Rain this afternoon, which I positively love. We don’t get much rain so when we do, I feel it cleans and calms everything.

                            Wags, so sorry to hear about your trip to the ER with your dad. My dad means so much to me - I dread aging parents too. Glad you could be there for him, even when you have a lot going on. We had our roof done a few months ago, and it was pretty quick and painless. Just some banging.

                            NS - I was just watching a program about Alzheimers and cancer last night. I keep seeing that both are fueled by sugar, among other things. Remove the sugar (refined and in carbs) and they start to starve. There are so many alternative treatments for our ailments, starting with as many organic and local veggies as we can find. Of course, our current medical system can’t make their billions if the word gets out…

                            G - so glad you are living the life! I love that you are getting comments on your skin. Glow on dude!

                            Byrd 3000 days is spectacular! We also have an AC guy coming next week, and we are sure he is going to tell us that we need a new system as ours is 20 yrs. old. We can compare quotes and share our pain!

                            Ava I find knitting to be so theraputic. It’s so cool that you can make a sweater. I can only make scarves and the occasional hat.

                            New Sunrise - Eating low carb helped me in the alcohol craving dept immensely at the beginning! I also had people asking me how I lost so much weight because I changed my diet at the same time as quitting drinking and dropped weight fast. You’re cracking me up about nature. I yell at the blue jays all the time - they are positively screaming in my trees. Sounds like an emergency!

                            Preparing for a big presentation tomorrow. Glad to have a quiet house and the focus that rain brings. I also did a gratitude meditation and breathing meditation today and yesterday and I can feel the benefit. Have a strong day everyone! Life is better without alcohol!
                            Last edited by KENSHO; April 10, 2019, 10:11 AM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All--

                              Ava, I'm sorry you're being challenged by life right now. I am glad that you have your kids (and your doc) to help you take care of yourself. I DO wish we could meet up at 2,000 days - coming right up. I'm going to make it down there one of these days...

                              Wags - glad your dad is ok. 88 without a hospital stay is a GOOD life, and he's lucky he has you there to take care of him. We have an old family friend who is basically studying our western way of death compared to other ways. There are people/cultures who literally view it as part of the cycle of life. That doesn't make it any easier, especially when the sick person is young, but somehow it feels more healthy to me. I am not of that evolved mindset, but I am curious about how we look at death. You're not there yet - just pondering...

                              Sunrise - you don't ramble. Share away. Posting and reading here was what kept me focused the first year. Keep it up! I am glad you're amusing your neighbors - that's how you meet them. The nature/human interaction is always funny.

                              Nar - that's a swing in the weather for sure. It has been unseasonably cool here, but that is probably warm for you for this time of the year.

                              I have the day off and might try to make bread, or I might go on a hike. Today is actually supposed to be beautiful, and a forest bath might be in order.

                              LC - If you're lurking, we miss you!



                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone.

                                Wags, your day sounded really crazy, lucky you weren’t drinking. Your dad sounds like a neat guy, historically very healthy. Lucky guy. Hopefully you have his genes.

                                Ava, I am sure you and Carl will be soul mates soon, it’s good some senior dog can use Mads carriage.

                                Ken, yeah rain can be very soothing. We really need some here, it is super dry.

                                NSunrise, I bet your neighbors think you are a breath of fresh air. It’s great to have a good sense of humour.

                                Pav, enjoy your day, a forest bath sounds great, time to calm you mind. I know how much you like nature and just getting outside.

                                Lav, it’s good your hubby went to the doctor. Xo
                                Byrdie, AC is so expensive. I don’t have it in my house but we can live without it up here, I can anyway.

                                I am going to pre vote today with my hubby,mil and mom. It’s gonna be interesting to see who wins our Provincial election. I am sitting on my balcony in the sun as I type. Grateful for this day.

                                Don’t drink today.

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

