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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good Morning All,

    I am up early this morning, but I usually am when hubby is away. I guess I don't feel that secure when he is gone, but last time he was gone, there were some days that I slept in. Not drinking helps!

    Byrd, I am so glad you got your air back. It is a necessity here. Truth be told, we only had our heat on for about 10 days this winter, it was extremely mild here. The air will go non stop though. There goes the electric bill

    Guitarista- Good for you and the 5k! You can go onward and upward from here. Funny thing, running was how my neck got so bad, no running for me anymore. I was walking, really briskly 5 miles a day, a 14 min mile which was great at my age. Son was proud of me and he runs 5 and 10k s often. We had decided that we would do one together and so I added running into my walking to try and get up to a full 5k run. The jostling was the straw that broke the camels back and my neck could not take it. No more running or steep hills at a brisk pace anymore. It is a good thing that FL is so flat.

    Guitarista, I am so happy that you can possibly help a friend! You guys have no idea how much your support means to me. I can not do this on my own.

    Slo- I am sorry about your sister. It is so hard. I mentioned that both brothers are alcoholics and one is in really bad shape. He has cirrhosis of the liver and had a herniated navel. His blood pressure was so high and liver so bad that they didn't want to operate. The hernia gave way and he was on life support for 3 scary days. This was several years ago and he is still going strong. I do not know how he does it and how is body can stand it. Alcoholism is a horrible disease.

    As for me, another day sober, yesterday and today. Hubby left, daughter left and I looked through the fridge and freezer and realized I had to go to the war zone along with a couple of other errands. It was hard. I got to that fateful aisle and there was a crowd there! I exaggerate. There were 4 old ladies there blocking the aisle looking over every bottle of wine trying to decide what to pick for Easter dinner. I got annoyed and just felt like going down the aisle, one by one, ask them what they are having, hand them a bottle and send them on their way. Light weights! I didn't. I circled back around got to that aisle last. Thoughts of bottle sure raced through my head and I decided that if I could think of one good reason to buy one then I would. Not one good reason came to me so I only picked up some baked cheddar crackers, pistachios, and granola. Lots of reasons came to mind, but none of them good.

    I got home and found that a couple of bills had not been paid due to the credit card thing. It was a pain in the neck to get on the phone and straighten that out. We do not have our new cards in yet so I will have to set those bills up when they do. Those points really add up at the end of the year and we pay as much by credit as we can. We always pay the card off each month.

    I also came home with a massive headache, due to that and major grass pollen here. I didn't think I was allergic to grass, but I have to change my mind on that. We have a different type of grass here so that is probably the reason. I took a handful of allergy medicine, fixed a quick dinner for daughter and I and I got a great big 'told you so' from daughter when she got home. I just looked at her and sprayed Flonase up my nose. She said I was gross. She had no idea what the day had been.

    So much for the next day being better after a hard day also.

    Today is a new day, a new sunrise, new possibilities for the day. I plan on making it a good one. Easter is around the corner and my Easter wreath on the house will have to come down next week. I have bought new flowers to make a summer wreath and that should take some time.

    Good day to all! Thank you for being here for me. You help to hold me accountable for my actions!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Morning nesters,New Sunrise you're doing great! Slo, wonderful news on your sister Ava,yep defo time for a Carl pic,as far as telling anyone about how terrible I drank I tell alot of people haha,I've opened up with some regular customers and was surprised at how many struggle or struggled in the past and formed a great bond with them over it,one lady used AA and has been sober 9 years,one still struggles and takes antabuse when he wants to keep dry, we'll always share where we're at and how it's going with each other, another went on a binge and his kidneys failed he's in rehab right now as his neighbor who's hair I also cut told me and there's a few more too who are doing fab I don't think it's a secret I need to keep,I'm not ashamed of who I am now,sure I'm ashamed of my past actions but I've gotten a helluva lot better and continue to yay! Waves to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day for us all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Slo - glad you're able to help your sister during this difficult time. I think heavy drinking probably masks LOTS of other issues, including other reasons for a big belly! I hope this experience provides her with a turning point. Hugs to you.

        Sunrise - even though you're having hard days you sound strong and solid. You've got a plan, and you're adjusting when you have to change the plan or tackle a challenge (e.g. head to the "war zone"). I hope you and your daughter have a lovely easter weekend together, however you decide to spend it.

        Byrdie - hooray for AC but boo for all the pollen etc that you now have to clean up. Sigh. When you figure out the whole magic wand thing, please do share with your friendly nest mates

        Ava - glad Carl is on the mend and I hope your heart is gradually mending as well. As you know from Rupey and probably other fur kids (or heck - people too), grieving takes its own sweet time and is a very individual (sometimes lonely) path. We're all here for you and we're there with you :heartbeat:

        Pav - sounds like a wonderful hike! So does the 13 miles basically take you all the way around the peak? That would be cool to both see the peak from all sides but also if you get views out at all, seeing the 360-degrees of surrounding land.

        Hellos and waves to everyone passing through the nest today. Happy Hump Days/Eves!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Just wanted to add that I only share with people cuz I know when I was drinking daily I was scared to stop,I read all about seizures and stuff and just didn't know how to take that first step,I only share with people cuz I wouldn't have been able to take that first step without the knowledge I learned from hearing other people's stories and advice and tips
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            Mr. G, that is EVERYTHING - to be able to reach that hand out and help a fellow traveler. I have a good friend who sent me a text two years plus ago, and in February she marked two years sober. It feels good to both reach ahead and ask for help, and reach behind and give it. I hope your friend is ok. Pauly, sounds like you have a similar situation/community. I hope your friend is ok with the kidney damage.

            Slo - Best to you and your sister. I think you sort of explained what was the matter before, but maybe not in such detail? Wow, that is unbelievable that they wouldn't find something that large for that long. I would imagine that despite the damage, it would feel a lot better to have that out.

            Sunrise - you crack me up. Good on you for navigating that aisle with the old ladies and the bottles. Flonase up the nose!

            Yes, Carl pictures are in order.

            Wags, the route is around one side and then up to the top, so the loop hangs over the top. I do get 360 views which are magnificent. I know you're a hiker, too. I am still going to work on a hut hike like you took (last year? year before?)

            The dinner was actually enlightening, interesting, and delicious. I can overly worry about things that turn out ok in the end. Just chill, Pav.

            Happy SOBER Hump Day.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone, have a great sober Wednesday.

              I am going out with my MIL, BIL and son for brunch today. It will be nice. Our election is over so now we can enjoy our life again. It was crazy.

              Sunrise, you are doing great. Have a great time with your daughter.

              G, that is so cool that someone is asking for your help. I think that makes us even stronger when we help other people (just like we do here).

              Ava, that sucks that Carl bit your lip. Puppies are cute but can be SO naughty.

              Pav, I hope your dinner goes well. I know what you are saying about just wanting to go home and relax after work. I am the same way. I just like to stay home and chill. When I was drinking I would always jump at the chance to go out because it was an opportunity to drink.

              Lav, good morning! Hope your not having any Tornado issues today. It is a blue sky day here and might even go up to 20C which is Amazing. I am going to have a great day.
              Byrdie, Hump day...its all better from here

              Pauly, it is amazing how many people struggle with AL. It is great that you can open up to some of your customers. That helps everyone I think.

              Have a great sober day everyone.
              Don't drink today.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good morning, nesters.
                New Sunrise, I still get a funny feeling in the wine aisle at the grocery 'Danger, Will Robinson!' My guard is up for sure. I cannot allow myself to entertain a thought. I believe that is what helped/helps me so much is to be able to push those thoughts out. I am a pusher, but many here are players. They play the scene out to the bitter end. I worry if I play it forward, I will get stuck in the 'getting there' part and won't think of the consequences awaiting at the end. So far, this is a strategy that has worked very well. Perhaps I am part dog...I am easily distracted! Ha. So I PUSH the thoughts out and think of something else. Of course, I COULD go down the wine aisle, but it brings back some memories that suck, so why? Who needs to be reminded of buying those 1/2 liter boxes (10 at a time) and trying to hide them in my purse, along with the grocery receipt, when I got home. Hiding those boxes in the back of my file drawers and stashing the empties in an ottoman in my office. Was that me? Yikes, now that I have a security camera in here, the jig would be up in a hurry! I'm glad I'm not that person today. I want it to stay that way!
                I hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nest! I’ve read and started posts a couple times… been running my butt off and lost a couple! So to catch up…

                  First of all: Narily… I want to wish you a spectacular congratulations on 5 years!! What a solid achievement! You should be so proud of yourself - and I hope you celebrated!

                  G - You sound really, really good. You forgot “Rock Star” in your list though. Truly. So glad you can be there for your friend!

                  Slo, glad to hear your sister is mending! I hope she chooses to live! Remember that you can only control you though, as you shower her with love and model a better life.

                  LAV, I’m sorry for your husband’s health issue. I have to say that you are a great reminder to me for choosing to take care of myself now - even if I get criticism about what I eat and drink. Our lifestyles catch up with us at some point, and these critics in my life may think differently someday - why give up what I know is right for me now? Your husband is a lucky guy to have your stability and reason - and so are we

                  New Sunrise… I’m having similar neck problems. Have you said how yours started? You may have mentioned it… Way to navigate the wine section! You’re really using your tools - your rational brain… way to be an example! Great work. It’s wonderful to hear your success stories - you sound really good!

                  Ava, naughty puppies… good thing they’re so cute!

                  2 days ago, I was cooking with the last inch of red wine in a bottle that’s been in my pantry for months. I have been able to cook with wine, as long as I don’t have to look at it every day. I smelled it - and it actually brought back a flood of nostalgia - most of it being a feeling of nausea. It didn’t smell good - it reminded me of feeling sick. Great!

                  I do have to be extra careful now though, because work is getting really busy again and I’m feeling that familiar feeling of overwhelm. I used to cope by drinking every night, and working late many nights a week, once the family went to bed. Once I got serious about quitting drinking, I stopped working late nights, and gave myself a break with my workload. My career is taking off now - 3 new builds at the same time - and I have the opportunity to cope differently. No project is worth my health or sobriety. Having loads of fun with my new partner though!!! Cool new adventure.

                  Best wishes for everyone today. Be a warrior for your best life!

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Thanks friend Kensho!

                    Yep, we have to be mindful and careful. At a new bands rehearsal for a couple of shows i was presented with a glass of iced wine, then when i said no thanks, i was brought a It was a normal thing to do for a guest in rock music circles. i asked for a water, and was given one with no fuss or raised eyebrows. i was offered a refill of water then throughout the session. No fuss, no questions, no stress. Mainly cause these folk have seen people go under in this game and understand. When talk bizarrely turned to decluttering and M. Kondo, that's when i really craved a drink! lol.

                    Hope sis is ok Slo.

                    Ava, a mates pet baby crocodile bit him on the lip also. I think he required stitches. Baby croc teeth are razor razor sharp, like a piranha.

                    Take care out there

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening, Nesters:

                      Hi, LC! So happy to see that you’re back reading.

                      G-man, are you saying that the conversation in your rock music milieu turned to Marie Kondo & decluttering?!
                      I thought you only had to put up with that here!

                      New Sun, good job on your first “field trip” to the restaurant! And, good that you’re being vigilant in the “war zone”. I wish that our grocery stores had just one wine aisle, or would tuck the liquor section into a corner. In one of our local chains, as soon as you enter the door you walk smack into a giant wall of wine. And ever since Kroger took over another local chain, the center aisles are all beer, wine, & liquor. The groceries are pushed off to the side! I’m oblivious to it now though, as you once were and will be again.

                      Ava, I remember when our dog was a puppy then I learned a technique where you say “kisses” in an approving voice whenever they lick you, then when they start biting you say “kisses!”, and they switch back over to licks.

                      I feel for all of you dealing with the pollen and allergies. An article in People magazine said the pollen is really bad this year due to all the crazy weather swings we’ve been having. My daughter in Texas is in a high pollen area and is really struggling with her asthma because of it.

                      Pav, glad your dinner turned out well after all. It can be hard to do that stuff after a long day with people, and with no wine to blur the edges. Sometimes going in with low expectations helps too!

                      Yes, my sister feels a LOT better after getting that tumor and all its associated fluids out! She now has a normal flat abdomen instead of a “50 weeks pregnant” one -as the surgeon described it.

                      [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION], well now I’m curious: scalloped pineapples? That’s a new one to me!

                      Have a safe & sober night all.
                      Last edited by Slo; April 17, 2019, 08:49 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Great posts from everyone

                        Can’t hang around, expecting my son & grandsons any minute. They just got home from their trip & have to pick up a dog & a couple of lizards. I’m done pet sitting for a while, haha!

                        Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All!

                          Woohoo, week 3! Thank you all for the compliments and the support. I could not do it without you! There are times that it feels like a long 3 weeks, but I am doing it. I don't want to go back to where I was. I was sober for 2 years and then drank very little till very little became very much. Byrd, I don't want to hide bottles anymore either or make sure that they get out to road on garbage day. No more hiding receipts or drinking out of range of our security cameras. We have had them a long time because of the way hubby travels and that was always a concern.

                          Pauly it is great that you have others that you can share with. I only had 1 non AA friend back home that I could share with. She drank a lot too and we would occasionally have a glass of wine together. Neither one of us knew the extent of the other ones problem. When I quit and started losing weight and not drinking with her, she realized and told me how much she was drinking. She quit by herself and I don't know how she did it. I can't just do it on my own. We had soooo many AA meetings in the city I was in that just going across town was no problem and the chances of running into someone I knew was slim. We really had some great groups and I had a wonderful sponsor.

                          Kenso- My neck started out 5 long years ago. First it was just a stiff neck, then I started to lose the ability to turn my neck and then great pain set in. Ex-rays showed I had arthritis on both sides but not really bad. The left side just started progressing really fast and lots of doctors and tests later I finally found the answer.

                          On with the day now. It will be a pretty one here and then rain will move in. I am looking forward to rain so it will knock the pollen down for a bit. I hope everyone has a great AF day.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi, All:

                            Not much to report - the week is going fine.

                            NoSugar - Yes, I forgot to ask that myself. Scalloped pineapple? Do share...

                            Happy SOBER Thursday,


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Congrats on 3 weeks New Sunrise!! I had no idea peeps could get arthritis in their neck! Now I'm paranoid cuz mine hurts every morning but I could just need a new pillow again haha,Slo,you noticed too that Kroger's alcohol aisle is right in front and huge! It's too where as before it was more hidden,I rarely bought my booze at grocery stores anyways,just the gas station sometimes it's still triggery but just depends on the day and which one I go to,this week has flown! Happy it'll be Easter this weekend cuz I love ham and chocolate,last year I was so drunk all weekend I didn't enjoy any of it, stupid! Waves to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                There are many variations but this seems similar to mine. It works just fine with gluten free bread: Scalloped Pineapple Recipe 2 | Just A Pinch Recipes

                                scalloped pineappleadded by Katheryn Williams
                                This recipe has been in my family for as long as i can remember. We always called it "pineapple stuff" and it always made an appearance at family dinners. It is slightly sweet but we always had it as a side dish. I hope you all enjoy!
                                Cook time: 40 Min Prep time: 15 Min Serves: 8-10
                                Ingredients4 c bread cut into cubes
                                1/2 c butter, softened
                                2 1/4 c sugar
                                4 eggs, beaten
                                1 c milk
                                1 can(s) pineapple, crushed with juice 20 oz can
                                Directions1. Mix butter, sugar, eggs and milk together in a large bowl
                                2. Add large can of crushed pineapple and juice to mixture in bowl. Mix well.
                                3. Fold in bread cubes untill all bread is coated.
                                4. Pour mixture in buttered caserole dish. Slightly packing mixture inot dish
                                5. Bake at 350 degrees 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.
                                Last Step: Don't forget to share!
                                Make all your friends drool by posting a picture of your finished recipe on your favorite social network. And don't forget to tag Just A Pinch and include #justapinchrecipes so we can see it too!
                                Last edited by NoSugar; April 18, 2019, 04:03 PM.

